Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Former Chief Kessler: Libtard Videos Were Put Up For Feds

Remember former Chief Mark Kessler, whose libtard videos got him fired? He is now telling The Alan Colmes Show that it was all a put up. He didn't even know what a Sovereign Citizen was, but was recruited by the feds to attract extremists and nutbags by posing as one himself. "It worked," claims Kessler. He states he took down some extremists and saved "a lot of lives."

Alrighty then.


  1. In a world where Al Sharpton was leveraged to snitch on black folks, Kessler's story is believable. Although, he may have been leveraged for some misdeeds himself.

  2. As the onion,, o'-reilly, Hannity and rush wish you to believe and act. Dumb to the core.

  3. maybe hell hire troxell since hes not working anymore

  4. Yeah, sure OK.. Cuckoo!!!

  5. Sadly, by teabagger and conservative standards, this guy is not only legitimate, he's a genius....

  6. Oh please. In your pea-sized brain, you thought the rest of the country was behind your sort of lunatic ravings. When you found out you ostracized yourself from thinking society, you run to Alan Colmes and come up with a ridiculous cover story. Screw you, douche-tard.

  7. We will disavow any contact with you..this tape will self distruct in 10..9..8..

  8. I am calling shenanigans


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