Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Turnout Very High in 'Burbs

Hanover 3 is at 33% at 3 pm, with reports of high turnouts elsewhere in the 'burbs. This could be bad news for Dems unless turnout is high in urban centers, too.


  1. I voted about 9:30 AM in Lower Saucon. I was number 121 (or therabouts). I was met outside by poll workers. One, handing out Beyer cards, challenged me to put my 'Teabagger' feelings aside. I was shocked.

    Is this what we have become? A name-calling, bully effort at the polls?

    Let me say this. "Hey, Clown, I will NOT be intimidated." I was on my way IN to the polls. Now, why would I even consider voting for one of your choices?


    I don't know what the results here will be. But, I will say, most people hate bullies. So, put this 'where the Sun don't shine, Clown."

    So, I'm here. Real name, fully informed. Don't like it?

    Come up and see me sometime.

    Fred Windish

  2. Hey Fred, a teabagger by any other name is still a ....

  3. I voted (republican) in a small borough that is probably like 75% democrats. I was the only voter there at 7:30am. Same time of the day in 2012, the line was out the door.

  4. Fred,

    I'm told New Jersey doesn't allow campaigning of any type within 500 feet of a polling place. Jersey is an armpit, but they got rid of that type of stink at the polls.

    PA needs to make similar changes.

  5. How did they know you were a tea bagger? Did you have a sign?

  6. 6:03-

    I have no idea. Give me your name and number and I'll phone you tonight with my thoughts.

    Fred Windish

  7. Many R's aren't happy with Corbett, so he shouldn't count on the type of dominance he had in the last election. I'm a D and crossed party lines to vote for Corbett last time, but not again. R's may be crossing over this time.

  8. 6:03-

    Should you prefer, email me at f419w@rcn.com. I always enjoy an exchange of ideas. Anyone else?

    Fred Windish

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, Bill.

    Put up, or shut up is what I always say.

    Have a good night (and one for me).


  11. You have a right to be a Teabagger! You have a right to be one , like Mr. Wolf has a right to be a COMMUNIST that he is. The sock may be on the other foot shortly. Responsibility is the issue. How can DOJ,at expense to the taxpayer, have a right to monitor states that carried this President to "make sure no prejudice occurs at the poles"? AND-amnesty for violators of the laws of this land that cross our boarders ,POST ELECTION DAY -this is absurd use of government funds.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I was asked if I wanted information about "Corbett and Scavello and those guys" by someone outside a voting location. I told her I wasn't voting for any of them, so I didn't need more information. Was number 220 at my rural location at 2pm - they said turnout was good.

  14. How dare someone call that rich businessman Wolf a Communist!

  15. Old stuff about It it walks like a Duck! It is a Duck .They get into the fabric like termites.Very smart ,educated man, Harvard - people shaker. He them will run your taxes up with SOCIAL PROGRAMS for the nincompoops, that work the system .

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. It's going to be a big night for teabaggers and liberals love to be teabagged. Win - win!

  18. I voted for John Callahan. Tonight was the night, right?

  19. One term Tom is out of here! Thank God

  20. I agree it looks like Corbett might be looking for work. John Brown may have room for him. The county has plenty of vacancies. They need to put up more boards to hang the job postings.

  21. C'mon. Nobody really "works" for the county.

    1. Ha ha you are funny. You and JB should do stand up.

  22. 7:12, Though I agree with your comment, i had to delete it bc it referred to someone whose name shall not be mentioned here.

  23. A year ago we moved to South Carolina from Nazareth. We voted for the first time here (we were supervoters in PA) and were amazed by the turnout. Fifty to sixty percent is normal. A very pleasant surprise. Despite the north's negative views of southerns they care. As a result taxes are low and services better. We get more bang for our buck.

  24. Bill, you would be proud of the Yankees tonight. My poll was over 50%.

  25. Bernie,

    Frankly I'm amazed. Even in the most contested elections, the norm in PA was 25 to 30 percent. Glad to see the turnout. Maybe you guys will wise up on taxes somewhere along the line. That constant increase mentality has to stop somewhere.

  26. "As a result taxes are low and services better"

    I'll give you taxes but please, services?? I personally know of two older couples who moved back to PA after having lived in S. Carolina for a few years. Their big complaint was poor infrastructure of series. Few doctors and just a very lazy attitude to getting work done.

  27. Teabaggers won big tonight. The Party is on.

  28. The Central ScrutinizerNovember 5, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Bad news how? The only race that mattered was Corbett and he went down in flames. months ago. Dent had no opponent, Cartwright virtually had no opponent, the state seats are all gerrymandered and guaranteed reelections. Yawn - and you wonder why young people are apathetic.

  29. Obama got stomped and THAT matters.

  30. Obama is still President and holds the ultimate veto power. Corbett got stomped, thats for sure, though.

  31. What's the first national legislation to fly to the senate, Repeal ACA or Impeachment papers.

  32. Word on the street is the Leslie Alteri race for the statehouse in 2916 has started operations.

  33. Corbett was trounced by Wolf...an old fashioned ass whoopin' for sure. How is it that no one is commenting about that?

  34. anon 11:17..haha..good one.

    I can se it now, "Alteri 2016, being beaten two to one sends a message of grassroots support"

  35. 2;48 -anon 6;24 had the answer before you posed that question. I ,the common man stated here on this blog that the GOP would show well and they did. Now they have to go to work . The next Governor's people will be out to lunch at least the first two years of Wolf's administration ,NOTHING WILL GET GET DONE unless Wolf is moderate- so that's it.Expect indictments in the first year.

  36. Anon 3;37 She is probably a nice person that got forced into a arena that she can't support. Have mercy- they will more in likely have a short sale and move to S.C.

  37. "What's the first national legislation to fly to the senate, Repeal ACA or Impeachment papers."

    Neither one will happen, so you can forget about them. Even Mitch "Tree Stump" McConnell is now saying the ACA won't be repealed (he sang a different tune just a few weeks ago). Impeachment? There are no grounds for it. The backlash in 2016 would be far reaching. Look what happened in the Clinton case.


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