Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Wisdom of Glenn Geissinger on AM Radio

Last week, Northampton County Council member was on right wing talk radio to "rally the troops" to speak on behalf of the "taxpayer" against the County worker. He managed to rally one person. Yesterday, he was on again, this time to try to justify balancing a budget with a line of credit. Because he's a Republican, the radio host gave him a pass.

Don't Worry, The $20 MM LOC is Just a Plug Number

Geissinger minimized the $20 million line of credit, stating Brown won't need it as all the cuts he's put into place begin to take effect, i.e. result in diminished services. As his sole example, he points to a new per diem pool at Gracedale, designed to reduce overtime there, as though that is the source of all of the County's financial woes. It might save about $143.62.

"Actual expenditures are going to come in less than projected," predicts Geissinger, who's been in office less than a year, and has no idea what is going to happen.

He claims the LOC is just "a plug number to make the budget balance."

He then goes on to misrepresent it as a rainy day fund for emergencies. No, it is there for operational expenses. It is there because, as both Brown and Geissinger know, the County is going to run out of cash without it.

He brags that the budget has been reduced to $334.4 million, a decrease of 16.2 million.

"He's managed to make some cuts!" salivated the radio host. Actually, most of those cuts are the result of declining state and federal monies.

We Don't Need No Steenkin' Tax Hike

Geissinger actually asked, "Why should we go to the taxpayer and ask for a tax increase based on mistakes made in the past or costs that have been incurred, without really being able to know what it is that we're into?"


Basically, he just said no tax hike never. And as you see, he'll even borrow money to try to pretend he's not spending.

Employees Need to Control Consumption

Geissinger goes on to claim that that county employees need to control their "consumption" and "usage" of health care. His right wing hosts asks whether the workers have had classes like he did.

Maybe the County can start offering free funerals.


  1. Glenn Gasbag should be a Guber Walsh favorite. They both are way out out there in fantasy land.

  2. I think taxes are way too low and should be increased dramatically. My family comes second to county employees. It's time for us to make sacrifices because it's widely known that government doesn't waste a dime and more tax revenue will fix all of the many problems. It's time for more taxes. There's no need to lower spending.

  3. Bernie, would you ever accept an invitation to appear on the BGW show? If you do, give us plenty of warning. I'm not a listener anymore --- too many commercials.

  4. 6:36, I totally agree, except I would add one more thought. Free healthcare for all county employees and their families

  5. I am now retired from Northampton County. A college graduate I was employed as a caseworker for 30 years. At retirement my salary was around $44 thousand. After 25 years we were given dental. Raises were negotiated by union contract usually in the range of 2-4% a year. Particularly aggrevating are the "real world" remarks. The human service department investigates abuse and neglect of children, MH counsels and oversees medication of the depressed and responds to emergencies, aging services are self explanatory. Many of us chose this profession with helping motivation. Additionally ask yourself "Do you want the Gracedale workers placed in a situation where they skimp on their health care before attending to our disabled parents?

  6. This whole right wing concept of needing to "control usage" of healthcare is insulting. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

  7. I think taxes are way too low and should be increased dramatically

    I know you are being sarcastic but taxes from the county really are not that high. I am so tired of seeing my community fall to pieces because no one wants to chip in and be a society any more. Thanks Fox News.

  8. 8:42 - These idiots conflate "real world" with selling widgets and profit over people. They have no idea what the real world is because they pass it in their closed cars and see it only through their suburban windows. To them, the people in need are all "takers" and you are a "taker" for helping them. These are vile people who only care about themselves. John Brown is the ringleader, apparently.

  9. I agree. The only people with a true grasp of the real world are public employees. Private industry should exist to serve public employees. I'm tired of paying low taxes and want to put AFSCME ahead of my family. Can't these widget makers understand where their priorities should be? Tax increases are needed badly. Spending is not our problem. It's widget makers' sense of entitlement to keep what they earn that is.

  10. Controlling health care usage may be code for death panels.

  11. "Bernie, would you ever accept an invitation to appear on the BGW show? If you do, give us plenty of warning. I'm not a listener anymore --- too many commercials."

    I did his show a few times about 14 years ago. i would never do it now. First, though he has some listeners, most of them are gone. AM radio is not even close to FM.

    Second, I consider him a snale as a person. I don't think he really cares about anything but himself, and will throw people under the bus if it suits his purposes.

    Third, his decision to host the Blog Mentor and allow a series of defamatory blasts aimed at LC DA Jim Martin. He had been repeatedly warned, ignored everyone and went ahead. He participated in the smear. I have absolutely no respect for him or that station right now, and would not spend my precious time there so they could make money.

  12. @8:55

    "Control Usage" is one of the pillars of the affordable care act and more specifically the cadillac plans.

    The basic theory is if a plan is so good, the people will use it with no determination of cost efficiency. IE, going to the emergency room where an out patient clinic would suffice.

    If people had skin in the game via higher deductibles and copays, they would be more judicious in their health care choices and keep the costs down.

    1. That whole line of thinking is BS. There are no facts that say people go to the ER for things like colds. The only fact behind this is the uninsured would use the ER cause that was the only way they could get health care. I dont know any working inividuals who like to hang out in doctors offices.

  13. "Do you want the Gracedale workers placed in a situation where they skimp on their health care before attending to our disabled parents?"

    No but the cost of their health and benefit plan and contribution should be comparable to nursing homes in the private and non-profit nursing home industry.

  14. 8:42 - should have chosen a better profession. your plight is self imposed. but I am sure moaning about it solves all your problems.

  15. 10:47 So that is a Yes.

  16. 8:42 should have gone to school for widget making.

  17. Gunther has helped raise thousands of dollars for the Easton Children's Home, NC Center for Animal Health & Welfare, Allentown Rescue Mission, Wounded Warriors and more. Give him some credit. He has done more to serve our community than you will ever do, BO.

  18. Gubber Walsh also slapped around his daughter. his high up friends talked to her and his ex-wife and the charges were dropped but not the bruises that were still visible on her.

  19. Gunther has never done anything in which he has not been the center of attention.he is primarily a huckster and self-promoter and I have no respect for him as a person.

  20. Normally I try not to comment in a negative fashion on this forum. By drumming up controversy on this radio program Councilman Glenn is creating more problems than he is solving... Work with people for cripes sake.

  21. Bernie, you are terrified of being on Gunther's show because he would kick your butt in a debate. He is radical, but no dummy.

  22. Whatever you say. The reality is that he never hosts anyone who disagrees with him about anything. You won't see anyone there but those who kiss his ass.

    I would appear, but he'd have to pay me for my time.

  23. " Councilman Glenn is creating more problems than he is solving... Work with people for cripes sake."

    Bingo., First he tried to get all the tea party nuts to invade a Council meeting so he could pit them against the worker. Now he is misrepresenting a LOC as a rainy day fund when he knows damn well it will be used to pay operational expenses. He claimed to know nothing at all abouit the LOC on Thursday, but by Monday morning, he is suddenly an expert.

  24. To not my problem: I felt we were compensated fairly and was able to protect my family, I am happy for this and do not regret my profession choice. Teabaggers, Geissinger and BGWalsh foment contempt for public workers using what little they know about our jobs. I have no respect for this. The "real world" attacks are frankly stupid. The attacks on our compensation are made by people who make no effort to find out what it really is. The salary range for county jobs is posted in the Courthouse.

  25. LOL, better health consumers! What does that mean? I got cancer but I don't want the treatment because it will cost the county?

  26. Gunther's goofy. But he's done more for his fellow man than Bernie has or could in several lifetimes. The references to his relationship with his daughter (with whom he shares a strong, loving relationship) are disgusting, but typical of the crowd that regularly demands tolerance.

  27. 2:28,

    Get off the blogs and try working for your compensation. You're the reason public employees are held in contempt. You're a time thief and you want empathy from your victims. Get the F back to work you lazy, dishonest goldbrick.

  28. By your response Bernie you are afraid to verbally spare with Walsh. Did they pay you to appear on "Business Matters" several times with Ianelli? Don't you know that Tony gets along great with Gunther and has even guest-hosted his radio show several times? Does that make you respect Tony less? If you believe strongly that Walsh is a right-wing kook that needs a come-uppance, why don't you provide it?

  29. "spar" not "spare."

  30. The last tax increase, I believe, was in 2006. The budget then was $316 million. Proposed 2015 budget is $334.4 million. Only a 5.5% increase (plus a $20 LOC debt, which fudges the % a bit). Yet the inflation rate, using CPI, between 2006-2014 as 18%. Clearly the County, as many municipal governments have, has been able to hold the line on taxes by cutting through attrition and scaling back. Commendable. However, you reach a point that fat gives way to bone. You can't keep living on the same millage rate forever, as the cost of government continues to increase. How many GOP on Council are living in 2014 on the same pay-scale they had in 2006?

    It speaks volumes of the GOP base, that "read my lips, no new taxes" is paramount, even if we have to go into debt to do so (LOC). Come-on Brown and Council. Show real leadership. If anything, THIS was the year you could have done the responsible thing and implemented a moderate tax increase (and played whatever political games you wanted by playing the blame game on the previous admin/Council--voters would not know any better). Instead you'll dig all of us deeper into a hole. Piper has to get paid eventually. By next year and beyond, it WILL be your problem and your fault.

    On a related front, I find it sad the bashing our public servants are taking on here. As someone said, they deal on a daily basis with more of the "real world" issues, than the Rand fans complaining about all the "moochers."

  31. to 3:19 I'm retired. None of you Baggers can read.

  32. 3:19 Is that the best you could do? You are a useless sack of shit

  33. All county employees are essentially retired. Try visiting unannounced. It's an adult daycare.

  34. 2:44you should go to crazy Glenn's discount cancer care center.

  35. 4:17you moron I made thousands of unannounced visits including night visits.

    Where were you?

  36. "You're the reason public employees are held in contempt"

    Not really. It is stupid teabaggers who believe everything they are told by right-wing extremist corporate Fox TV that are held in low esteem because they are so damn dumb!

  37. Agree 3:36. With all the bullshit and voodoo economics Stoffa and gang pulled, it would have been easy for Brown to justify a tax increase. He could have made the claim as a real leader it is necessary. Unlike Stoffa who offered two budgets and said you should probably vote for the tax increase if you want. He still offered them an out. The man was as weak a leader as you can get. Brown could easily play on that and it wouldn't be devious to do.

  38. 4:24, my guess would be that if you come in calling other people morons there is little wonder you're ignored.

  39. Stoffa could never secure the 5 votes to raise taxes. The Gracedale goons convinced people that Stoffa was a liar and there was no need to raise taxes. Does anyone see 5 or 6 (to over ride a veto) votes on this council to raise taxes?

  40. Bernie,

    Unannounced is not ignored.

  41. "The Gracedale goons convinced people that Stoffa was a liar"

    Based on the evidence and his record it didn't take much convincing.

  42. Hey anonymous 10:47 . Why do you just mention nursing homes? This problem is county wide!stop bitch slapping gracedale employees! They are the ONLY ones that gave back to help the county out!!

  43. Get off the blogs and try working for your compensation. You're the reason public employees are held in contempt. You're a time thief and you want empathy from your victims. Get the F back to work you lazy, dishonest goldbrick.

    The person is RETIRED and you are a piece of shit who has obviously not provided anything useful to society except complaints.


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