Local Government TV

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Taxpayer-Funded PR Consultant Promotes Political Agenda

Northampton County Council member appeared on a right wing radio show on Wednesday. Although he was supposed to be talking about the budget, he instead used his on-air time to rally the troops and ask for "taxpayers" to attend tonight's Council meeting. Two weeks ago, over 200 County workers crowded into Courtroom #1 to complain about Executive John Brown's healthcare changes, and Geissinger wants to balance that out with people like him, who are willing to allow county employees to be "adversely affected" by these changes.

I have no problem with Geissinger sounding the tea party bugle. Everyone has a right to be heard.

What bothers me is to see Kim Plyler, who owns County PR firm Sahl Communications, start posting his partisan comments on Facebook.

She is getting $76,500 in public money to promote a partisan agenda, and one that may be contrary to the wishes of at least five members of Northampton County Council.

This is the use pf public dollars for political purposes, is illegal, and needs to stop. There have been enough incidents like this over the past year. Brown refuses to do the right thing. But in the Budget for next year, Council should refuse to give her firm a dime.

From Facebook:

via Kim Plyler   (Remove)


  1. Evidently..Stahl could care less what we the public think about their overt political pandering. Thumbing their nose at us. What recourse do we have? Where do we go for relief? Who do we petition for assistance in this matter?

  2. DA Morganelli,
    Where u at?

  3. tough call. technically, she's promoting JB's agenda, which is kind of what she's paid for. Passes the smell test, but barely...

  4. I'm confused.

    Is it her personal FaceBook page or the county's?

  5. What makes anyone think he's sounding the "tea party bugle?" Has he ever attended any of their meetings or functions?

  6. I have, and that is why I would say it, too, and believe i did. He went on a radio show that is pretty much listened to only by the tea party types.

  7. "Is it her personal FaceBook page or the county's?"

    There is no county Facebook page. This is her page. She is Sahl communications, and has been sharing that link. She should not be interjecting herself in a matter that may very well be opposed by a Council majority. She is pursuing the agenda of Brown and possibly four members of Council. Public money is being used improperly.

  8. Bernie, what is a "tea party type?" Should I be frightened by this? I listen to that radio show to hear the weather guy from Penn State and the traffic so that I can avoid problems on the roads on my way to work. I did not hear the Geissinger interview yesterday because no radios are allowed at work. Now I am sorry I missed it. He was on again this morning and I did catch some of it. I did not hear anything out of sort. The bottom line is that the county can't afford anymore. I ask you, where is the money going to come from?

  9. A tea-party type is what i would call a far right conservative. People like Hayden Phillips. The people who regularly listen to WAEB. As for what the county can and cannot afford, the county tax bill is your lowest bill. You have not seen a tax increase in 8 years. Many of these workers have gone without a raise for 4 years. They are not asking for health plan increases. They simply want the status quo. They propably would even agree to some reductions if it were done more gradually.

    If you listened today, you know that Geissinger is playing a dangerous game by tryingto pit two groups against each other.He's made it pretty clear that he does not give a shit for the worker. Seth Vaughn may have called them a gang. And I know what Bibby Gunther Walsh calls them. But you're just there for the weather.


  10. Weather and traffic on the eight's, what's "tea party" about that? So if I don't like the pop music on the other stations I'm labeled far right? Part of being a conservative is self-reliance, not relying on gov't and the tax payers to take care of you. People are out of work by the millions! I want to know what makes county workers a special class when the rest of us are having our benefits, hours, and/or wages cut on a daily basis? I have not had a raise in 5 years and am taxed enough already. Aren't you? I'm vilified because I'm just scraping by trying to keep a roof over my family's head, a little food on the table, and listen to traffic and weather? There's something wrong with this picture, Bernie.

  11. Two pronged attack. Sahl on Facebook and Geissinger on WAEB.

  12. Plus they are here on your blog watching and posting behind the veil..

  13. So a private citizen can't post what she wants on her own FaceBook page?

    This is still America, isn't it?

    Or has Putin annexed Northampton County recently, and the Morning Call buried it behind who was playing the new arena that day?

  14. She's not just posing it on her page and YES, I think it is improper for a private citizen who gets paid $76,500 in public funds to do PR, to take any public sides in a debate about health plans. It was inbcredibly foolish.

  15. 10:29, Look, I don't care what you listen to, but trying to pretend that station is NOT a tea party sounding board is akin to claiming it's not hot in the summer.

  16. Anyone that pretended that the majority for Republicans elected this past fall were not tea party, just were not paying attention. You guys are really clueless.

    Check out the parable about the frog and the scorpion. It will tell you all you need to know about the new county government you elected.

  17. Since you think it's improper for her to comment on her own FaceBook page about this, I'm sure you'll want all county employees to also be silent.


  18. If they were piad $76,500 to do PR, I would want their silence on what has turned out to be a minority view.


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