Local Government TV

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Geissinger to Propose Council Member Pay Cut

Glenn Geissinger can pander, too! At tonight's meeting, he plans to introduce an ordinance giving all Council members a pay cut. In a preamble that really should be accompanied by violin music, Geissinger states that "the families of Northampton County, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the United States of America are all facing a difficult economic time. ... [T]hese families cannot continue to sustain public sector wages and benefits that cause the elderly, the hard working middle class, and others to support a system that drives up taxes without regard for these economic conditions." In other words, it's time to balance budgets on the backs of the County worker, who are facing a difficult economic time themselves. To show the workers that he's willing to share in the pain, he's willing to knock $1,000 off the salary of all Council members. Geissinger is obviously playing to the tea party crowd he hopes will be there tonight. But his ordinance is illegal.

Under the Home Rule Charter, Council has no power to reduce or increase the salary of any elected official during his term of office. But his pay cut goes into effect in 2016. Five Council members, including Geissinger himself, will still be serving their term of office and can't be impacted. Yet the Ordinance applies to all members of Council.

This is why Council members should refrain from drafting legislation during their first year in office.

Geissinger's move, even if it were legal, would only save the County $4,000, and not until 2016. The County will likely waste more money than that in advertising and distributing this fool's errand.

If Geissinger really wanted to set an example, he'd do it now and just return his entire salary. But he's playing to the tea party.


  1. Instead of then a cut, how about the Council members donate back a $1,000 of their salary to the food banks to help feed the workers?

  2. The first poster is right; there is nothing stopping council from passing a resolution suggesting that all members voluntarily give back some of their salary. I think that it is obvious that council will probably back the health care reductions. Rendell became a hero because he was not afraid of Philly and Pennnsylvania workers as he cut pension and wages to those groups. Brown may not be liked by the employees, but who does he serve: the employees or the taxpayer.

  3. the first two posters want to enable the so called poor union workers. Time to make them pay their fair share - at least 50% of the health care costs

  4. Does this guy actually believe anyone other than Gunther Walsh and the Teabag clan of NorCo believes what he is saying?

    Yeah 4000 dollars into a 14 million dollar deficit is how much?

    Let's start as taxpayers to demand council do the right things for both the workforce and the citizens!

    It's time to figure what can be done in NorCo out to help both not sling party propaganda.

    This guy thinks thinks he will have support there? Well hopefully he does and these Teabaggers show their face but they will be grossly outnumbered tonight and every night.

    The public is becoming aware that their quality of service is at stake for their loved ones. It will only be a matter of time they will stand hand in hand as not only taxpayers but consumers to stand up for the workforce that helps them and their loved ones!

  5. This nothing but a political ploy for attention. What a douche....He can hand over hos paycheck every month...

  6. "The public is becoming aware that their quality of service is at stake for their loved ones. It will only be a matter of time they will stand hand in hand as not only taxpayers but consumers to stand up for the workforce that helps them and their loved ones!"

    ok, stop. you're killing me. that's HILARIOUS

  7. Glenn. Stop! You're embarassing yourself now. You have just driven off the road and are in whacko territory. This wins you no points in the conversation. Work the problems and stop firing bullets at the work force of the county. You are biting the hands that feed you.

  8. "But he's playing to the tea party."
    I need proof. I just checked with someone who attends monthly meetings and he's never seen Geissinger there. So what gives?

  9. Symbolic nonsense.

  10. "Instead of then a cut, how about the Council members donate back a $1,000 of their salary to the food banks to help feed the workers"

    They don't need a resolution to return a portion of their salary. They can just do it. Nothing is stopping them. The ordinance or resolution are simply the marks of phonies who are pandering.

  11. EXACTLY, Bernie! One of our council members donates his salary back to the town. You hit the target dead center on this one. Freshman mistake.

  12. He could announce it publicly and take a few bows, maybe right during prayer.

  13. Man, if that guy doesn't look like a Republican jackass, I don't know who does.

  14. Who is O'Hare pandering to?

  15. I thought Ron Angle returned his pay to the county?

  16. Giving back $1000.00 is a red herring. They can do that and then vote to harm employees while making themselves look like they sacrificed. The employees need their jobs and our depending on the income. Council members don't need the $1000,00. Contributions are tax deductible. Politicians can also look at it as an investment towards the possibility of higher office.

  17. Who is O'Hare pandering to?

  18. "I thought Ron Angle returned his pay to the county? "

    He did not. He had it deposited in a separate account, where it is earning interest. He has not quite decided how to spend it, but it will be for the benefit of the county. I told him to give it to me, but I think he wants to set up a scholarship for the kids of county workers.

  19. If he does Brown and the gang will make further compensation cuts figuring county workers can apply for the scholarships.

  20. He should give you the 12 years pay.
    You carried his water 90% of the time. The way i see it, he owes you!

  21. "He has not quite decided how to spend it, but it will be for the benefit of the county."

    Yeah, he will use it for his next political campaign that will be for the county's benefit.


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