Local Government TV

Friday, October 17, 2014

Seth Vaughn Absences Beginning to Add Up

When Seth Vaughn was running for a seat on Northampton County Council last year, he promised he'd show up. "It’s an embarrassment when a public official skips committee meetings and does not show up for work ...," he pontificated. Then I learned, last September that Vaughn actually had a 0% attendance record at Lehigh Valley Planning Commission meetings. He blamed that on a "perfect storm" of unusual circumstances.

Well, that wind must still be blowin'. He's missed all but two of the monthly meetings for LVPC this year.

About a month ago, Vaughn referred to the large number of employees attending meetings as a "gang". He did apologize, and then skipped out on a Budget Hearing yesterday and a County Council meeting last night, attended by over 100 workers. .

His absence last night enabled Lamont McClure to paralyze Northampton County government.

It's time Vaughn considers resigning.


  1. Bernie, as I saw Vaughn's chair empty last night and tonight, I remembered what you wrote about his absences at the LVPC, and that you hoped his attendance would be better on council. So much for that. He's serving no purpose and not serving those who elected him, and should resign.

  2. Is he battling some sort of addiction?

  3. His absence tonight hurt his own party. I'll have more in a bit. Still writing.

  4. Shouldn't there be a minimum attendance requirement?

    If unable to serve, he should step down.

  5. Elections hive consequences and voter shave only themselves to blame. Non-voters s have the most blame on themselves.

    Vaughn's absences and when there he "abstains" on tough issues.

    I get the sense we may have a few not ready for promised time players on county council as well as in the Admisntration.

    By the by, despite finding Brown's actions to date abhorrent. I find the McClure tactic followed by his fellow Dem's as pure political pandering and give him no credit whatsoever. It is neither an effective policy weapon nor does it serve any purpose but personal politics. Stop playing to the crowd Lamont.

  6. Vaughn may be taking his cue from the federal Teabagging approach to government. Don't show up. The Congress from Late July to mid November are in session for 8 days.

  7. Disappointing since he ran hard twice for the office. Whatever but resignation is not an option. He needs to show up. You saw what a 4-4 deadlock looks like. But did the Council President know he wouldn't be there? Agenda items could have pulled if Peg new she didn't have the votes.

    Memo to Peg and the Republicans: Last year you were given the opportunity to govern. You are blowing it.

  8. Republicans have had the majority for the last 6 years. Stop fooling yourself and pretending that the democrats have any lead in what is going on in NORCO.

  9. Vaughn can not vote for St. Luke's plan. It is a conflict of interest. He works for them

  10. "I find the McClure tactic followed by his fellow Dem's as pure political pandering"

    Then you must have missed the memo that Geissinger joined them last night.

    I applaud the move McClure made, to get Brown to do something except prattle financial terms not even he seems to fully understand, ignore all attempts to discuss obvious issues, and sit there silent like a child demanding to get his way. We didn't vote for a king.

  11. What are council members paid?

  12. Vaughn has effectively checked out. He was always very quiet but at least made an effort to participate via his chair of the human services committee. But his absence from council meetings is disturbing. He probably regrets running for the position.

  13. Aunt Peg looks like a deer in the headlights. She is in way over her head. Council meetings have become train wrecks and she is the conductor. She needs to cultivate some consensus prior to the meetings rather than be a victim of one of McClure's parlor tricks.

  14. There are past council members who would take Seths place. He needs to go. I speak as one who voted for him. I am not going to defend him and I admit my mistake in voting for him.
    Council needs to purge him ASAP.

  15. Maybe a replay of 2009, with 4 Republicans & 4 Democrats replacing Wayne Grube. That vote took 15 rounds of deadlocked 4-4 ties. The "Ron Angle Show" is missed, he would make a great replacement.

  16. No one but Ron Angle wants Ron Angle back in county government!

  17. Maybe he called off FMLA

  18. "There are past council members who would take Seths place. He needs to go. I speak as one who voted for him. I am not going to defend him and I admit my mistake in voting for him.
    Council needs to purge him ASAP."

    Council has no power to dump him, but I am offended by his chronic abbsences at LVPC, especially after he claimed he would correct the problem. I think Seth needs to think about whether this is an ego thing or he really is making a positive contribution. He certainly needs to go from LVPC.

  19. "No one but Ron Angle wants Ron Angle back in county government!"

    I was surprised at the number of union people who asked me about Ron last night.

  20. Here's my thought on the attendance situation that is a good compromise
    to what Gessinger keeps pushing. You start with the base pay, divide it between the number of council meetings. For every meeting missed, you lose that amount. I don't get paid if I don't work beyond my 5 allotted paid days off.

  21. My understanding is that Seth has been consistent at Human Service Committee meetings.

    I don't know if he told Peg of his absence, but even so could he not have voted by phone? Or in advance?

    As far as McClure and the Dems, good for them. It's time to take out the bully dictator and show there is a check and balance system in NorCo.

    Hopefully soon they will vote on legislation that will change the HRC so a referendum vote can be made to vote out inept and oligarchic executives.

  22. From what I understand, Vaughn did want a phone brought in, but that was impossible. I can't recall his Council attendance being bad, but his attendance at LVPC is abysmal. He needs to resign from that position and if his schedule is too hectic, should consider resigning completely.

  23. Completely agree with you Bernie. People that either hold office from election or volunteer should at least be at the majority of meetings. I understand as do most that life happens and one cannot be present for 100% of the time. But at the rates you mention and especially for the LVPC Vaughn should step down. I'm sure they can find a viable replacement.


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