Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Naughty Emails?

Back in 2007, when Seamus McCaffery was running for the State Supreme Court, I met him at a fundraiser in Bethlehem. All the Micks were there. Cunningham. Callahan. Brennan. I loved the guy, an ex-cop who used to be the Judge of the Eagles Court. I even gave him money, though my check for $1,000,000,000,000,000 bounced. I thought he'd bring a different perspective to a court full of blue bloods who only shit once every four or five years.

Since ascending to the judicial heavens, he began acting like one of them. I became particularly concerned over referral fees being paid by law firms to his wife, who was also then employed as a court aide for him. So did the FBI.

But now Hizzoner has redeemed himself in my eyes. He's been suspended for something no blue blood would do - engage in naughty emails.

Ron Castille's horn-rimmed glasses must have steamed up and cracked when he found out that, over the years, Justice McCaffery has sent a few ... OK ... 234 emails from his personal account to his pals, most of them former cops.

Naughty emails.

If he investigates, Castille will probably learn that McCaffery pisses and farts every day and farts, too. He's a human being, not an automaton. As long as Seamus is not one of the models, I frankly think they are all over-reacting. They should have paid this much attention to kids for cash scandals, but the judges involved there were fellow blue bloods. For the ex-cop, a different standard is in place. The aristocratic preppies are simply shocked that a judge would act like a human being.

Give me a break.


  1. Bernie "nugget" porn is abhorrent and an indicator of severe depravity, this Seamus clown has a dirtier mind than Bob Guccione , it's time for him to repent

  2. I believe he should resign, Bernie. I have 200+ classic porn films, and view them often. But I never looked at porn on company time or sent or received it from anyone, let alone fellow employees.

    I especially don't like the alleged "you're going down with me" business in trying to manipulate another justice. That story does not sound made up, but rather a desperate move by someone afraid of losing his position.

  3. Agreed that the remark to Justice Eaken, if true, is bad. But I don't get as worked up about these naugthy emails as others, I suppose.

  4. After you left law, computers became prevalent in the office. Then this thing called the internet became popular. You just don't exchange stuff like that using office networks, computers or email accounts. It's a given, and I believe the state has a clear acceptable use policy.

    On the other hand, I can point you to some great retailers online, not the least of which is the Adult section of Ebay. It's kind of weird - hardcore porn is sponsored by Ebay. I think I'll go there right now - I'm on home equipment.

  5. I know quite a few people in the private sector who send porn. I know bc they send it to me. To me, it's no big deal. Usually it's more humor than porn. Just don't get worked up about it. As you seem to be some kind of porn fancier, perhaps we are talking about different things.

  6. Except regular public sector workers would get shit-canned if they were caught sending porn around in email.

  7. Yes, if their bosses had it on for them.

  8. Sorry. I do have a higher expectation of behavior for someone who is ruling on a variety of sexual harassment claims, and other gender-based claims coming before the court, and who is in a position that should be giving the impression that he is generally objective in his professional life. I don't care what he does on his own computer....as long as it doesn't violate the law. However, I do care that he uses his work computer, office and work time, to send pornography around to his buddies.

  9. Is this Ex-cop turned judge the same one who ruled that search warrants are unnecessary when police want to search a vehicle?

  10. I agree that there is no place on public computers for porn, and McCaffrey should have had more awareness. But Castille is not as pure as the driven snow. He has always been a political animal. It is too bad we can't replace the entire damn court at this point.

  11. Most employers have a zero tolerance on this type of material on work computers. Some may think it is a folksy and macho sort of thing but it exceeds any form of incidental use and is a violation of public trust. I suspect the majority of Pennsylvanians do as well.

  12. Looks like Seamus is calling it quits: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/10/the_fight_over_for_suspended_p.html


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