Local Government TV

Monday, October 20, 2014

If Your Neighbor Wants To Build a Fence, Shouldn't He Ask You?

Most of you know recognize names like Northampton County Executive John Brown, Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez or Easton Mayor Sal Panto. Few of you would recognize the name Mike Romig. But it is thanks to this 28-year veteran of Northampton County's bridge department that you can get from one side of a river to another without falling in. He has never asked you to thank him, either, and has no need to hire PR consultants to tell you what a swell guy he is.

I saw Mike on Saturday night, when Bethlehem Catholic's and Stroudsburg's undefeated football teams faced each other. During half time, he talked to me.

He told me that if he wanted to put a fence around his property, regardless whether he has the right to do it, he'd talk to his next door neighbor first. "That's just common courtesy and respect," he explained.

He expects the same courtesy and respect from Executive John Brown. before he imposes changes that could dangerously impact what he himself has called the County's most valuable asset, he owes it to those workers to talk to them.


  1. Bethlehem's Mayor is John Brown? When did we get rid of him?

  2. beating a dead horse, once again

  3. Elections have consequences. Brown ran on agenda of not raising property taxes (and so did Lamont McClure.) There is no surplus, so spending needs to be reduced. Towards that goal, he has put forth a reasonable healthcare contribution plan that mirrors what we see in most private, and many public sector benefit packages. He needs to stand firm on this otherwise the Council Dems and unions bosses will eat him up for the next 3 years.

  4. I have to disagree. When I put up my fence, it was to block out the view of his disgusting, blighted property, to keep his garbage and weeds from infiltrating my gardens and landscaping, and to keep his frequently loose dog from tearing up my yard and crapping all over the place. Dozens of calls to the city and police yielded zero results, since he's a cop himself, so I felt no obligation to discuss my fence with him at all. Could be that Mr. Brown feels the same way.

  5. Point well taken Brown has become a dead horse quicker than any local politician in recent memory.

  6. the next time you see a county worker be sure to thank them for paying for your no tax increase !

  7. the next time you see a county worker be sure to remind it that it's best attributes are blowing up dolls and have pity parties

  8. Maybe instead of blaming the county workers, why don't some of you place fault where it actually belongs. It's not the low level county employees who mismanaged several different funds. It's not these employees who created positions within the county, only to hire friends as political favors with plush salaries and benefits yet no responsibilities because the work for these positions is already done by someone else. However for the past several years it HAS BEEN these employees who have been giving up wages, days off, their payscales, increasing the amount they pay for benefits, etc...

  9. Slow weekend Bernie? What about the new Director of Corrections? The classified ad was in the paper over the weekend. So, Matos is leaving. What is going down at the prison?

  10. Brown has talked to his workers. He has commanded them of what they will do, what they won't do, and to STFU when someone asks them a question. He has commanded them what their budgets will be, instead of asking them what they need in their budgets. Then he turns around and says he consulted with them. That isn't consulting.

    OTOH, Brown has no problem paying for consultants on the taxpayer dime to consult with him privately.

  11. "Brown ran on agenda of not raising property taxes (and so did Lamont McClure.)"

    Yes, but only McClure is talking about raising taxes now. Brown won't. I respect someone who can see the writing on the wall.

  12. Lamont is another grandstanding blow hard who is barely better than "not ready for prime time" Brown. We need an adult in there who can govern.

  13. Those of us who can retire would like to know what this man intends to do with the benifits we have earned. All we hear are rumors. I for one do not trust this administration or those they have brought in. That is what I hear from those who have already made the decision. Those workers with 20+ years who are leaving not by choice but feel they are being forced out. I have been there for 27 years and can say while I have stayed for the no pay increases in the past, I have worked too long for my vacation and sick to just lose it. I can understand REASONABLE CHANGES to our Heath Care if that is what was being proposed, sadly that is not the case. Employees are angry that a select few are getting 10% raises at a time when they want the rest of us to lose more.

  14. 7:25 until you said your neighbor was a cop I thought you were talking about Brown.

  15. God Bless John Brown., he is a breath of responsible fresh air in Northampton County. Clean up the mess, sir.

  16. Benefits you have already earned cannot be taken away. However, they can be reduced or eliminated moving forward and certainly for new hires. Vacation days should be use it or lose it, not part of your retirement savings plan. Sick time should be sick time, but unused sick time saves payment of overtime in some departments. Short and long term disability plans can be purchased by anyone from that AFLAC duck.

  17. Replies
    1. You are correct. That is the problem with for profit health insurance. It also drives up administrative cost. Sorry but Canida has the right idea.

  18. I've been trying to get my head around the fence anaogy. If, under the terms of common curtesy, I talked to my neighbor before building my fence and he said NO, what would I do? Build it anyway? But then what's the point? Not build it? But I need a fence.

  19. That is a myth. In England they have both socialized and Private insurance. Guess who can afford the private? Sure some do travel to the US. Guess who can afford to do that. Not the majority of either country. Also those who can afford to in the US also travel to the best doctors, those who cannot go to the best tgeir health care plan covers.

  20. "I have to disagree. When I put up my fence, it was to block out the view of his disgusting, blighted property"

    You sound like just the kind of nasty person who would put upo a fence and then drill in peep holes so you can spy on your inferiors.

  21. Bernie ,Peggy and me had the only deck in Easton with no divider on a half double. We and the Lafayette Prof next door got along so well that if they was having company he could use my half for his over flow. No problems ,it was great.

  22. Good fences make good neighbors. Comments posted here by county employees indicate they're ungrateful and feel entitled. No amount of money will change this institutional mindset.

    1. Ungrateful. I feel the same amount of gratitude you do when you pick up your check! We work for compensation just like you.

  23. If Canada and European health care plans, aka "social medicine" were so good, then why do patients travel to the USA

    You may think a lot about yourself but you obviously don't have facts on your side, regardless of what you think. The teabggaer myth is just that another teabagger myth supplied to the ever gullible Americans.

    Fact is by any survey done at any time people in Canada and England prefer their medicine to the US by a vast majority.

    Like anything else in life those with the means can and do come to the US for some procedures. Since the American health system is top heavy with specialists there is no question people of wealth will go for the top and quick. They already do that in this country. If you don't have the money you are just shit out of luck. Since our US system has no preventive medicine model anymore, it is all about treating the end results of bad dies5t, lifestyles and all else at very high cost win -win for Big health and their supplicants, big loss for the US population.



    1. Teabagger mentality "Let them eat cake!" Fools who follow "Its the government's fault I can't get mine."

  24. Fences or no fences people do not see the problem here. There is a huge problem with Northampton County and the problem is not its employees. Joe public can think what you will. The majority of county employees are in their career. They are well educated and experienced. They have worked hard to get just where they are. Why bash them for their careers? Would you, Joe Public, like to go into homes to tell abusive parents that you are taking their kids to protect the child as you carry the screaming child away?, would like to go into the prison and get shit thrown at your head?, how would you feel about changing the diapers of the elderly in Gracedale, or trying to talk with someone with mental illness who wants to kill themselves and you are the only person between that person and the bridge? How would Joe Public like to go out to serve bench warrant in Marvine Village when there is a possibility of getting your head blown off or being at the desk of the PFA dept. with a guy yelling at you who just got a PFA after beating up his girlfriend leaving her bloody and bruised. Before Mr. Brown and his big blame game on county employees you did not hear of employees asking for pay increases and striking every year like teachers do, despite the fact that we are grossly underpaid for the education and experience we have. So, we have decent benefits? Why are people so angry about this? Our pay sucks, we work very hard and we don't strike at the drop of a hat. The problem here is the fact that this administration and the public has used the county workers as pawns and scapegoats. Do not blame the employees for the financial problems of this county. We, as tax payers, should be looking at this Administration-past and present, county council members who voted on a building we didn't need and cannot afford, poor investments, high salaries to the top positions in the county offices, paying for consultants instead of doing the job the exec said he would do. The employees are angry and are scared. We do not make enough to cover the costs of a major medical issue with the 10% coinsurance; which by the way Mr. Brown made a choice to cap at the HIGHEST allowable max that is allowable by the federal government. And, did you know that while 'middle management' (career services) have gotten hardly any raises and have seen insurance costs rise; some in 'higher' positions are seeing hefty wage increases behind closed doors? If the tax payers don't realize yet; they are the recipients of county services. When you allow an upside down government you will get screwed eventually as well. Do you really think that screwing the workforce will prevent a tax hike? If so, you are not living in the "real world" at all. Perhaps Joe Public should be asking Mr. Brown what they can expect to happen in the next few years; my bet is you will get what the employees have gotten over the past 2 months...a cold shoulder, no answers and a no compassion or regard to your well-being. And about the fence...I would put the fence around anyone who is blinded by the truth. The problem is not the employees of the county. God Bless anyone who really believes we are.

  25. Hoping Bernie that you did not put this fellow's job in jeopardy by calling him out in a nice way. Locally, these Republicans have become very vindictive to employees that speak out. Look at what has gone on in some of these Townships lately.

  26. 8:46, If he were in trouble, that would have happened when he spoke his mind at a public meeting a few weeks ago. His suggestion to me is fairly benign and it would be next to impossible to ascribe some evil motive.

  27. "I've been trying to get my head around the fence anaogy"

    I can only do so much.

  28. Maybe John Brown needs to take a pay cut ,give up his vacation, unpaid lunch, no sick days,and pay thousands of dollars for his health care. But he would get that paid with our tax dollars!

  29. "I have a good friend who is English (from England) and lost both his parents while they waited for rationed medical care. It is not a myth, but a reality. Of course, if you are rich, or royalty, you can go to the best hospitals because you have American-style private insurance, to cover what the social plan will not."

    This is classic. Just about every conservative and teabagger pundit "knows a guy" who lost a father, mother,briother,sister,etc.,etc...in Canada or England due to its health care system.

    If nay of this were true the population of England and Canada would be double that of China.

    You guys need to give it a rest.
    Here's my friendly teabagger neighbors story, he had a friend from England that needed a new hip so they gave him a cane. You guys are wild.

    You do realize we already have rationed healthcare. In our case it is rationed by who has money and who doesn't.

    You are all living in 1950 and the world is moving on. As a boomer, I had more hope for my generation as we aged. I was wrong, we are worse than the last generation.

  30. Things John Brown is responsible for:

    1) the death of every county employee
    2) ebola
    3) Bernie's drinking
    4) The Cubs
    5) The Centralia mine fire
    6) Kids' discomfort with nines
    7) Global Warming
    8) Straight to DVD movies
    9) Barron's lisp
    10) Mezzacappa's bad hair

    1. Sorry I get that there needs to be humor in things and jokes are fine, but like it or not the budget plan as it stands is flawed at best. The potential financial devastation that this will cause to county employees and their families will be horrible. Doom is the best way I can describe as a career service employee. I love my job and won't leave it. I can only hope and pray that Brown ends his power trip and wakes up to see what the implications of his plans will do to the work force. I know I'm delusional to even think he would ever understand the harm he is about to cause not only to his employees but also all residents who reside in the county. It's really no joking matter.

  31. Don't forget he's also responsible for the formation of Unity PAC. Greggy is his right hand man.

  32. Thank you John Brown form many., many taxpayers!

  33. you know I feel real sorry for you ignorant bastards who keep bashing county employees. Yes times are tough, but look at the facts many of these people are not in a position to literally waste our tax dollars. They provide services in appalling conditions. Lead paint, asbestos, mold to name a few. Some of these employees have the unnerving job of dealing mentally ill, physically abusive, or just plain criminal element. Not to mention getting to know elderly patients at Gracedale only to suffer the heartbreak of having them pass on. And yet we have a few people saying how spoiled they are....yes I suppose lead paint, asbestos, and mold spoils people. One woman on the council video stated she makes $17,000 a year as a full time file clerk....look it up online and you will see the average salary for a file clerk is $27,000. She makes almost %40 less then her private sector counterpart.....yes the county employees sure sound spoiled to me (yes that's sarcasm).

  34. So.. you buy your property and have to ask???? Freedom does that mean anything anymore??? You really don't own your home because if you don't pay the draconian way of taxing you will lose it.. So sick of people thinking they have a right to tell someone how to live.It's a chance you take in life when you move closely by others. People don't need new regulation they need manners and respect. I say leave small Gov out of it.. You know most county workers got there because they were losers and had family members get them in.. Power trip they know nothing.


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