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Hello! My name is Mr. Ed! |
Dear Members of Northampton County Council,
I have been following the media (Express Times and Morning Call and WFMZ) reports of the recent uproar regarding medical benefits for county employees. If not for the uproar, I would never have known that the County employees were enjoying the long extinct 100-0 medical plans. Now knowing that, I applaud Mr. Brown for bringing Northampton County into the 21st century, and suggesting a civilized way to run a multi-million dollar government operation. If Mr. Brown refuses to make the medical plan negotiable , good for him. Why?
I moved here in 1999. The last time I had an employer-sponsored medical plan was 2000. The last time I had a steady paycheck was 2004. The fact is, that employer sponsored medical plans are actually extinct too, in the private sector, and sometimes, even in the public sector. This is because the traditional "full time job" has been wiped out, in favor of part-time and per-diem work. Don't get me started on the "jobs" situation as it is today. I see temporary staffing agencies taking over with $9.00/hr jobs, no benefits. I recently applied for a nursing job, and was told that they received over 3,000 applications.
I have never seen a job with a pension plan in the private sector, in which the employer contributes to the employee.
Having mentioned those facts, the only "galling" thing I see, is the behavior of the spoiled and coddled county employees. There were a number of them in courtroom one. Blowing up plastic dolls, booing and hissing is no way to make your point. I have a better idea...since the employees insist they live in the "real world", lets give them a front row seat. Usher them off to healthcare.gov where they will find $6,000 deductibles and premiums based on income.
Taxpayers are not ATM machines. If the employees refuse to understand that, then they are welcome to leave.
Let me tell you a little story about Tricia Mezzacappa, R.N., of the private sector. (May God have mercy on whomever gets stuck with her).
In 2011. Mezzacappa worked in the public sector. At Gracedale. She lasted 1 1/2 days and walked off the job when someone dared tell her she was late.
She's pretty much a full blown liar about pretty much everything.
Her epistle is being exposed so that workers know what she's like when she runs again.
Gregory & Mezzacappa exposed you on WGPA , you were invited to debate them both but chose to sit in your hovel and blog about the broadcast. Everytime you try to slag off on her matey it shows how desperate a man you've become, did the whole Rosie thing not work out for ya? Your a disgrace to the entire Irish nation and need to be muzzled
Yes, they do, but not to her. I just want her insults to the workforce out there, for all to see.
" Your a disgrace "
If you were truly Irish, you'd be able to distinguish between "Your" and "You're".
How do you know she wrote it. You are obsessed with her and claim she writes everything you don't like.
"I have never seen a job with a pension plan in the private sector, in which the employer contributes to the employee."
Translation - my education cost over $200,000, but I was never able to find a decent job like everyone else. Pity me.
"The last time I had a steady paycheck was 2004. The fact is, that employer sponsored medical plans are actually extinct too, in the private sector"
Translation - I actually have no idea what takes place today, because I'm a washed up unemployable loser.
"I recently applied for a nursing job, and was told that they received over 3,000 applications."
Translation - They found my legal troubles on Google, and made up an obviously exaggerated excuse to get rid of me.
"Usher them off to healthcare.gov where they will find $6,000 deductibles and premiums based on income."
Translation - I'm so stupid, I don't value a low cost insurance plan that would limit my bills to $6000 but not bankrupt me.
"the only "galling" thing I see, is the behavior of the spoiled and coddled county employees."
Translation - It galls me that everyone else appears to be successful, while I'm hiding from people attempting to collect a debt I owe for libeling someone.
"lets give them a front row seat"
Translation - my education isn't all I make it out to be.
"How do you know she wrote it. You are obsessed with her and claim she writes everything you don't like."
It was written under her name, her email address and her street address. Unless someone has hijacked her email account and is impersonating her, she wrote it. It is also consistent with the filth she writes elsewhere.
Ah, the "how much space does this woman rent in your head" comment - we haven't seen that one in a few weeks. Oh, and "she dumped your ass". Repeat, repeat, repeat. Try something new, sweetie, it will be refreshing for you too.
Next will be the "poor young woman" fiction, when we know she's an old bag. You're poor because you ruined her reputation, and in court documents even complain employers will see your rap sheet.
Obsessed yada yada. Here's a reality check honey - you just had a judgment levied against you for libeling O'Hare this year - so stop making up a lie that you dumped him years ago, he's obsessed, etc. Why don't you pay him? You created thousands of dollars in legal fees for him to sue your butt. He didn't ask for you to libel him.
"Her epistle is being exposed so that workers know what she's like when she runs again."
If this woman has the gall to run for public office, she'll have to stare her record in the face, including libeling a reporter and her disgraceful treatment of municipal workers. Telling tales of baking them cookies and then berating and threatening them with her mouth isn't going to be a winning formula.
"It was all made up. The judges made mistakes in all those cases. They wouldn't let me introduce the 1986 opinion!"
You deserve credit for exposing this tyrant to us, and that is a cross you bear.
T.M. needs to research her material, before making her comments. Granted the county employees may have some advantages over the private sector with regards to benefits, but there was a time when the private sector had much better benefits than the public sector. Public sector employees can't help that the business moguls found a way to strip hard working private sector employees of what I believe were well deserved perks. It will only be a matter of time until public sector employees will suffer the same fate as private sector workers. I grew up during a different era than TM. But I saw the writing on the wall back then and prepared myself for it. I worked in many jobs that no longer exist. And several of them had great pension plans and health benefits. I chose public sector work in part for that reason. I realized in my youth, that this was the goal of the business mogul. Once every one has been stripped of entitlements that citizens of other countries enjoy, then we will see how the business model survives. I remember how the casinos had lofty ideas about generating revenue from middle and low income citizens. And now like dominoes they begin to fall. Hard work, honesty and dedication to both individuals and the community are the true way to go for fairness in the workplace. The economy has taken a hard hit over the past 40 years. And in my experience in working with younger workers, I have found that patience,hard work and a desire to do the very best work possible are a rarity with many of them. I remember a time when people would struggle to come into work no matter how sick they were; and missed children's activities, just to keep the boss happy. Or, worked on a project until it was 100% perfect. As a senior citizen, I fear for my well-being because as I come to rely on others for my care, I don't know if there will be anyone there for me without it coming at a heavy price. TM, it's time for you to come down from the clouds and face facts. This is a dirty world. And people like yourself have to realize that one day you will need help from the very people you are always condemning. Ultimately, you may find yourself eating your own words.
So, what should she do? Blow up a plastic doll at the entrance to her employer and "BOOO" her boss when he walks in?
No, she should continue calling employees spoiled, coddled and tell them to quit, as she's done herself so many times. The reality is that she lasted exactly 1 1/2 days as a Gracedale employee. It's important that people know all about her when she decides she wants to represent them again.
truth is misery loves company tm is looking for some!
1. There are no more full time jobs
2. There are no more 100% paid medical benefits
3. There are no more pensions
You need to get out more and meet actual people with jobs and not barflies and lowlifes. If this is what you believe is going on in the entire private sector, you are truly in the dark. I feel bad for you carrying around so much anger and cynicism.
Love the caption on this picture, Bernie.
This woman has a nerve to ruminate over what it is like to be responsible and have a job. Hypocrite. She isn't responsible with her words, either, clearly shown through her conviction record. She's a menace. Public office? I don't think so, unless they need a dog catcher.
The poison posse is a cyber bullying gang that has targeted the likes of Dolan, Gregory, RMM, Benol, DelBacco, and many more. The ringleader of this revolting troupe is a little balding man with a penchant for vendettas and character assassination for sport. Regarding TM's position in the NorCo GOP one only needs to ask it's luminaries; Campione, DelBacco, Carroll, and Simao they will tell you about her value.
Yeah but you haven't worked since 2004 so you are talking out of your ass when speaking about what happens in the private or public workplace. Pay your Posse leader his money or give him your house and move on with your empty life.
Speaking from experience, I found the letter to be spot on correct. Part time and per diems dont get steady paychecks...and thats about all there is left in the pathetic "workforce."
Vacation, sick, personal??? What are those/
The poison posse is a cyber bullying gang that has targeted the likes of Dolan, Gregory, RMM, Benol, DelBacco, and many more. The ringleader of this revolting troupe is a little balding man with a penchant for vendettas and character assassination for sport. Regarding TM's position in the NorCo GOP one only needs to ask it's luminaries; Campione, DelBacco, Carroll, and Simao they will tell you about her value.
This is a well done list of local nut jobs. Thanks
Thts really alot coming from a disbarred loser who lost his license for forgery, deceit, misrepresentation, illegal conduct and fraud.
Is it some sort of mental condition you have, to insist that everyone you hate is a liar?
Is this some kind of persecution complex?
Your entire blog is a rolling manifesto of a sociopath.
Since Mr O'Hare feels the need to print outright lies, I feel its my duty to correct them.
First, I did author the letter, but gave no permission for it to be forwarded to anyone but its intended recipients. But I thank whomever did this, because as Mr. O'hare proclaims, he gets over 5000 daily readers. The more the merrier.
Second, as Mr. O'Hare, Mr. Stoffa, Mr. Angle were already informed (at tic toc diner in 2011) my departure from Gracedale after 3 days was for one reason.
I was hired as a part time RN 3-11. When I arrived on my first day, no one would produce an ID badge for me, because they had no record of my hiring, and didnt know who I was. Later, I was informed that my work duties were for 1 shift per week, were an LPN/ RN combination, and required 3 weeks of continuous training full time on day shift.
Since I already had another part time day shift job, this was impossible. On top of that, I was troubled to learn in the 8 hour orientation, that Gracedale has , on average, 400 monthly abuse investigations, and has a nurse dedicated exclusively for that task.
Not sure where he gets the idea that I walked off the job after being marked late, though I am well aware that Mr. O'Hare is famous for one part fact and fifty parts fiction.
If the county employees are offended by my letter, they can at least be safe in knowing that I have no intention of running for a county seat at any time in the near or distant future. This is another lie that Mr. O'Hare has told his readers.
Though I am sure that this comment section will accumulate a collection of hideous comments , as they always do (anonymously) please know that I am unfazed, for the most part.
When the sword of personal degredation is the first to be raised, I know I am onto something important.
Did the psycho bitch take her gun to work?
She says exactly what Republicans think. She just doesn't have the controls to keep her mouth shut.
Will you be picking up Greggy from SCI Pitts?
Leave this poor young woman alone. You attack and attack with your obsession with her. No wonder she keep taking you to court. You haven't seen a dime from you so-called award.
Also the MC 's great article on Karen Dolan shed new light on her situation. You don't ant people to know about that either.
Your attacks on these young women are getting old. Almost as old as you. You are irrelevant.
Tricia Mezzacappa specifically told me she walked off the job after 1 1/2 days. She did not like being told she was late.
As for her demand of privacy, any letter sent to the Executive and all members of Council is information the public has a right to know. She ought to know this bc she files enough RTK requests.
Repeating the same lies over and over, does not convert them to the truth.
Seeing that you have had a lapse in memory, it is not surprising at all. While all 4 of us were breaking bread at tic toc diner, when I told this story, I noticed how pre-occupied all three of you were, gobbling food, and launching personal attacks at all members of the COAF and AFSCME.
You O'Hare, seemed to be more interested in flashing your thick wads of cash at the table when the bill came, to cover my .95 cent cup of coffee.
So you can keep repeating the same lies as you always do. Its your occupation.
I agree that repeating the same lies over and over do not make them true. That's why there's a defamation judgment against you. You are a nonstop liar and everyone knows it.
Ms Mezzacappa, your strength and courage throughout this ordeal has been an inspiration to me someone also falsely accused, convicted and stigmatized because someones inability to move on.
All of NorCo lost out when the electorate failed to elect you to county council, we are headed in the right direction with Mr. Brown who has put a lid on the proverbial trough to force some discipline upon the sows that infest our workforce.
Look forward to seeing you at the next 9-12 meeting where we have always connected well.
Paul from Palmer
Mezzacappa,quit while you're behind. People are on to you and your penchant for posting anonymously and made up names like Paul, who does not exist. You are a dishonest person as you yourself just established.
your never ending obsession and character assault demonstrates that you are an obsessed whacko.
who cares what the hell she wrote to council...does she have any say in this with a budget vote? No.
Is she a public figure? No.
your blog is an overwhelming reason she needs to conceal carry. you are literally a ticking time bomb waiting to detonnate.
O'Hare, maybe its time for you to get off your bandwagon as the AFSCME spokesperson, which is a sharp contrast to your AFCSME bashing that hapenned during the Gracedale petition drive.
If any employee actually believes that you are on their side, they are sadly mistaken. Dont bother pretending to be the courthouse crier either. Everyone knows that you would not recognize a W-2, if you fell over it. You havent worked a day in the last 30 years. You are a bad example just trying to exploit great employees.
deliberately not identified AFSCME member and county employee.
"O'Hare, maybe its time for you to get off your bandwagon as the AFSCME spokesperson, which is a sharp contrast to your AFCSME bashing that hapenned during the Gracedale petition drive."
Amen to that. Some folks are just polite because they know how unhinged he gets. Some are just naïve and don't know the story. However, most of the employees know and remember he and Angles attacks on the county employees and their unions.
He is not trusted by the vast majority of county employees.
No not that Mezzacappa woman and yes an employee.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend.
Very true anon 3:45. O'Hare is like that. Brown cut off his special privileges at the courthouse he enjoyed through Stoffa and Angle. So now he hates Brown which means he loves the employees who also hate Brown. Even though O'Hare hated the employees and their public unions two years ago.
don't try to follow any logic trail. It is all based on raw emotion.
Wow, she looks HOT!!!! I can see why you could be a little upset, losing such a hot looking girl. Is that you in the background of her picture? Black hat, Black T-shirt, grey shorts and tan slippers?
Blog Mentor, no that is Bobby Gunther Walsh.
Most of the comments here defending Mezzacappa are posted by Mezzacappa herself, or the Blog Mentor. It's just another form of the dishonesty they both practice, and is designed to create the impression that she actually has support for her views.
Is she a public figure? Most definitely. She maintains a blog that is highly critical of West Easton, has written unbalanced LTEs like the one defending a mass murderer in Ross Township, has run for West Easton Borough Council twice, has run for Northampton County Council one, has run for GOP Delegate and has already announced she is running again for Borough Council next year. She has sued the DA, has sued me, and has sued West Easton. There is no doubt she is a public figure, and a court has already ruled twice that she is a public figure.
She is also a dangerous person. Under her own name, she posted on three separate occasions about how nice it would be to put hollow point bullets thru my skull.
On her blog, she has written:
"Is it only me, or are their [sic] other people who would like to see his [my] head prominently displayed on a target bale at a rifle range?”
"Why can't some 18-wheeler cut O'Hare and his bike in half? Oopsie. “
“Please stay safe, and watch out for O'Hare....he's about to snap. If confronted with a situation at my home where I am forced to discharge my weapon, it goes like this: Deep breath, aim, shoot, one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hits the ground, kersplat, PERFECT! “
“His head would be blown off instantly, ricocheting at least 400 feet into the air, and landing in one piece, at least 400 ft from his body.
“The greatest scenario of all would be if this happenned [sic] by chance on the Norco/ Lehigh county border. His fat ass lands in Norco, but his head is found somewhere in the Bethlehem area of Lehigh County. Now we have two prosecutors dueling for a capital murder case. Who gets it??? Its based upon where the death occurred."
She was convicted of disorderly following a trial in which two or three people heard her say she wanted to drag Kelly Gross to the river and drown her. She threatened to kill an elected official. When I reported this accurately, she sued me.
She was convicted of harassment following a trial in which they evidence was that she heaped abouse upon abuse on a West Easton Borough Clerk.
If a male is critical of her, she will start criticizing the size of his penis. In my ace, she falsely accused me of some pretty horrific things.
She is a dishonest and a mentally ill person who should not be allowed near government or guns.
As one elected official told me in 2011, "She is pure evil."
Ask her about her video about guns accompanied by Pumped Up Kiccks lyrics about mass murder, followed by a coffin and then the W Easton Boro webpage.
She is sick.
She is dishonest.
Her inner ugliness shines through, and I know very few people who find her attractive in any way.
That would be an interesting run for West Easton Borough Council since she lives in Easton
If she has moved, she still used her West Easton address in her letter to Council and has not changed her address in her numerous pending cases.
"Wow, she looks HOT!!!!"
Please, by all means, if you are interested I'm sure she would take any offer. By the looks of her posts at 2:00 am here, she isn't doing any bow legged walking. This picture is very flattering. Up close she looks like a Mack truck ran into her. If you want proof, go find the picture of her tending to her pig. Her prime was decades ago, and she has turned rancid.
But if you really want to experience how ugly she is, just look at her words.
Bernie when you came get her stuff that pistol is a Smith and Wesson M&P -ever have one before?
Ms. Mezzacappa’s letter to the County Executive and County Council was filled with inaccuracies. Apparently she does not truck in facts.
1) Northampton County does not have a “100-0” medical plan. We have always had premiums, deductibles, and co-pays. Last year, I paid out $ 4900 in the aforementioned areas, for a family of two; and we weren’t even sick! Mr. Brown plans to implement a 10% co-insurance, in addition to the premiums, deductibles and co-pays, plus eliminate paying for some medications completely.
2) Employer sponsored medical plans are not extinct. Employer-sponsored insurance covers about 149 million people.
3) Traditional full-time jobs are not “wiped out”. In September, 120 million people were employed full-time.
4) The “jobs situation” reflects an unemployment rate of 6.1% (per Forbes) and employment increased in the following: professional services, business services, retail trade, health care.
5) Yes, there are jobs with defined benefit pensions in the private sector; 18% of private industry workers are covered.
And from this rant she agrees that those changes in working condirions are good? Sounds to me like she is just as angry as the county employees and makes a good case for why we need unions now more than we have since the first workers decided to form them! We never would have had a middle class if we waited for employers to treat workers fairly.
Blog Mentor,
Your website is an absolute disgrace, as are you.
No one is emailing WAEB requesting your return to the air waves and you damn well know it, too.
Moscow also knows you will never "shut down O'Hare's blog", so any time your Facebook buddy Dour Buttinsky wants to stop tossing the name "Sprague & Sprague" around, that will be fine.
In your face, as always.
so let me get this straight... she hasn't had full-time employment in ten years, thereby not paying much if anything in payroll taxes, she transferred ownership of her house, thereby not paying any school, local, or COUNTY taxes, tried working for the county that lasted only hours, and has the gall to bash county employees... now that's the problem with America today... people having their yap open with no skin in the game!
Anon 7;24 --- you are extremely bright! I don't work for the county ,but have friends that do that I care about, like you care! Great contribution to Mr. Brown's derailment of lesser pay scales.
@7:24 Yes, it was obvious she has all those facts wrong. I didn't bother checking because Mezzacappa has a well known history of making up anything and everything in an attempt to fashion a story that favors her view. Just one of these comments such as there aren't any full time jobs discredits her completely. But in her twisted mind she has made a Mezza-point. 6 Mezza-points can be traded in for a pile of shit.
Sparticus is an idiot, and he is obsessed with penises just like Mezzacappa. The post on Mezzacappa's barren bog is more unhinged than most of Jimbo's ravings.
It's pretty sad that you have to post a link here, because nobody gives a damn about Mezzacappa's useless website.
Whoops, the link to MezzaCrazyLand and insane ravings has been removed. Thanks for playing.
I deleted the link. I will not allow her blog to be linked from here. If he can't ignore me from the confines of a state prison, where he has no internet access, he's got a problem.
Agree completely, Bernie. Your very existence can't be tolerated by these two midget brains.
Greggo says you drive him crazy. Why? First of all, he's eating slop and pissing in a steel toilet. Second, all you do is report news. Poor guy, he needs a visit from the large strapping hunk in the next cell over, but that isn't allowed by the rules.
When Gregory gets out and Jolly Joe hands him the keys to the studio lehigh valley commuters will be thrust into a new era, a brave new world full of tales from the darkest place in our states penal system.
While Bernie has been gallivanting with the young rebels from Naz Jim has been doing sets of 50 push ups and hour long sumo squat sessions. Jaws will drop as he walks to the podium for the first time to deliver a rousing soliloquy that will surely inject machismo and swagger into the castrated chambers of council
Think Mr. Brown knows of this TM person?
Jokingly...Why didn't she list your blog as her media sources?
Dude, you really have a sick obsession with this woman. It is over. You guys tried to hook up in the past and it went sour. Give it a rest already. Jim Gregory will be free soon and you will have him to debate.
He is not happy that you helped his ex-girlfriend send him to prison.
Word is he is buff and tuff and ready to restart his broadcasting career.
According to a report today, 31% of Americans say this is a great time to be looking for a job - the best since the Great Recession.
Contrast to this bleak outlook of this poor old never was, who doesn't have a job and can't find one because she ruined her reputation. She made her bed - sleep well, unless you are concerned a tow truck will haul away your car in lieu of an unpaid debt.
"Dude, you really have a sick obsession with this woman. It is over. You guys tried to hook up in the past and it went sour. Give it a rest already. Jim Gregory... "
Follow your own advice - give it a rest. Bernie exposed this nasty vindictive stalker and we can be very thankful. She will never hold an office in NorCo. You're talking about an alleged incident in the past, while current events are her harassment and libel against O'Hare convictions. So you are the one who needs to face reality and realize who is stalking whom, and can't give it a rest.
You can try to twist reality, but it will only work for you. We know the truth.
Oops - I forgot, because who cares about Jim Gregory? He's a convict in State Prison. There is nothing for Bernie and Jim to debate about.
What's it say when an ugly old man let's a woman get the best of him? Trying to save face or dignity doesn't work when you publicly announce how you won a lawsuit on an ex-girlfriend. Makes you look more of fool than you already are. Evidently you liked it because you're still ranting and raving about her. But then again, a pathetic move to gain attention by posting as anonymous and yourself.
"The most hysterical part of this nonsense is seeing TM use false identities to corroborate her points made by other false identities."
At the Express Times, she posts under the following made up names: Sparticus, tictactoe, Matteodefault, blueberries, PorcinePrincess, TruthSeeker, quicksilver, Dour buttinsky, concerned18042, plasticsjhc, duck m16, sledfast, jawbreaker25, tranttrack2016 and others I am unable to recall.
Mezzacappa at 9:28,
Though she likes to claim it, she is not nor was she ever a "girlfriend." That's part of her lunacy. Also the only comments you'll see here or anywhere that come from me have my name attached to them. I believe that, for bloggers, it is extremely dishonest to post anonymously or under made up names, especially on their own blogs. It's what you do. It's what your Blog Mentor does. It is dishonest behavior, and you both like to accuse others of doing what you do without thinking about it.
In fact, I am getting all those records from the ET, so we can file a few more lawsuits.
isnt it kinds strange that actually none of the other blogs on this sidebar get even more than one or two comments, and almost no comments at all.
But yet, your viscious screeds get 100s.....is that because the blog author hasnt had a job in 30 years? And has nothing to do?
I think, yes.
The reason this blog gets comments is because: 1) I have been blogging since 2006; 2) I post regularly; 3) I try to be original, even with my reporting; 4) I encourage comments, making it easy for people, even people who want to disagree; 5) I stand up to the blog hijackers and trolls like you, instead of running away.
Other blogs that follow similar patterns get comments. LVWL gets comments. MM gets comments and his blog is moderated. He actually discourages comment and he still gets comments. LVCI gets no comments bc he is thin-skinned, unoriginal, anonymous and a coward. But at least he is honest.
I do not post anonymously or under made up names.
People like Mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor have no room for anyone's opinion than their own. The result is no comments. They shut down comments because they actually fear what people might say. While claiming to be First Amendment advocates, they are only advocates for their own rights to tell people what to think, and regularly taunt and insult others. I believe that both of them shut down comments bc they are afraid of truth.
Yet they both dishonestly attempt to create the impression that there are others out there who think like them, and will post comments under names they make up themselves. They also do that on news sites like Lehigh Valley Live.
Because they lie to their readers, they think I must do so as well.
But I don't. I am honest with my readers and the result is that, over the years, some of them have grown to respect and even defend me from the trollish attacks.
I sometimes delete with a heavy hand, but I do not post fake comments. That is dishonest. I respect my readers enough to try my best to be honest with them, unlike Mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor.
Are you kidding me? You being honest? You report without facts. You are so conceeded that you think you do no wrong. ick up the bottle and start drinking again, because that is what you sound like. You are the worst blogger in the land and you really think you are honest and write the truth. One sick dude. I am sure your father has flipped over many tmes in his grave with all the harm you have done. He was a good person, you on the other hand...........
I think I knew my father a little better than you. There is no question i let him down when my license was suspended. I am also sure that he would be very proud of what I am doing now.
And it is "conceited," not "conceeded".
Maybe you should apply for a PT position in Nazareth's PD. I hear they hire illiterates.
Incidentally, my father took down a few bad cops, so i'm following in his footsteps.
In reference to 9:05 a.m. I don't think anyone does care about J.G. His harassment, contempt charges, and intimidation of his victims caused him to be sentenced to state prison. If the posted letters on the W.E. blog are from him they would clearly prove he has learned nothing. Would he be delusional enough to think that he could possibly go back into politics and retain the same friendships he once had. Time will tell. The only thing that matters is that his victims stay protected from him once he is released. I hope that if he violates anything ordered from the court he goes right back in to state prison. No more excuses.
I 'm purely disgusted at the fact the DA, the judges in Norco, and your other sadistic posse members have allowed this bullshit to continue. Anyone else in this world would be fully prosecuted for a three year hate spree which has crossed the line of free speech, to stalking, harassment, and even threats. In fact others have been prosecuted for FAR LESS>
You have libeled this woman every day for the last several years, and you need to be bitchslapped with a tremendous verdict not in your favor. Good luck to Tricia Mezzacappa...the only lunatic in this mix is Bernie O'Hare III, disbarred sadist.
The above comment is brought to you by Tricia Mezzacappa, who shows her dishonesty yet again. The three year hate spree that has crossed the line of free speech has come from you. That's why a major defamation award was entered against you. That's why have have two summary convictions. You are mentally ill, and are unable to deal with someone who actually stands up to you and points you out for what you are.
The populace begs to know...are you in the know? How do you deflect multiple attempts by the locals to arrest you? How do you get help from the DA and judges to act in a lawless fashion?
Do you know for a fact that a Judge signed a blank arrest warrant, and that one was spotted at an Asain massage parlor?
"the only lunatic in this mix is Bernie O'Hare III,"
If that is true, explain why you are the one with the libel conviction against you, you are the one with a harassment conviction against you for terrorizing your town's employee.
You're a menace, is what you are. You post anonymously, then under your name, and then again anonymously as if you are another person. Do you honestly believe anyone reading would not see this? You just can't accept the truth about yourself. You're sick.
This is exactly how much of a hypocrite Mezzacappa is:
"hate spree which has crossed the line of free speech, to stalking, harassment, and even threats."
This is precisely what she purveys on a continuous basis, and has a conviction for it. Read em and weep, "dude". You're showing your age with that one.
"This is bullshit! Bullshit!!!"
Michael McDonald, MADTV
"The populace begs to know...are you in the know? How do you deflect multiple attempts by the locals to arrest you? How do you get help from the DA and judges to act in a lawless fashion?
Do you know for a fact that a Judge signed a blank arrest warrant, and that one was spotted at an Asain massage parlor? "
I don't deflect these attempts, which come entirely from Mezzacappa. They are false reports and police refrain from arresting her only bc they know she is insane. She is getting worse, too.
Insofar as judges signing blank arrest warrants are concerned, it is Mezzacappa who once falsely claimed to have a "pre-approved" criminal complaint. I am unaware of any illegality on the part of our courts, but you should come forth with your lies. Making false reports about me is bad enough, but now you are accusing judges. Please copntact the PSP and make your accusations known to them. I'd love to see you finally get arrrested for your constant false reports.
People like Mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor have no room for anyone's opinion than their own. "The result is no comments. They shut down comments because they actually fear what people might say. While claiming to be First Amendment advocates, they are only advocates for their own rights to tell people what to think, and regularly taunt and insult others. I believe that both of them shut down comments bc they are afraid of truth."
Dude are you serious? Hypocrisy much?
Pots meet kettle.
This comment, if addressed to either Mezzacappa's or the Blog Mentor's blog, would never make it. I know that. So do you. Both of you are dishonest.
You are absolutely correct in your observation, Bernie. But these days nobody posts on MezzaLoony's bog except Loony anyway, so it doesn't matter. These days it is a barren landscape, with no comments at all. She puts text in her posts as if she is speaking to an audience, but it is nonexistent. This is why when she wants people to see something, she comes here and attempts to lure people to her bog. Quite pathetic. She occasionally carries on replies to herself under multiple names, but she locked it down so nobody else can post even if they wanted to.
Contrast to you blog, where you allow anyone to post, even people who libeled you and owe you a ton of money. Now that is an open door policy.
"How do you deflect multiple attempts by the locals to arrest you?"
You are known quite well for making up stories about Bernie - all over the court house, people talk about you and share their stories. You do realize this, correct? You are a running joke.
Stalking someone and trying to get them arrested in a vendetta has no bearing on if they did something wrong. For example making up lies in a fraudulent PFA filing. Unfortunately you appear to be convincing yourself that your poorly crafted stories are true, more and more. Step carefully - you are near the edge.
Cannot say I am surprised to see Mezz post another letter from Gregory. If she was a true friend she would see and let him know he needs mental health treatment. Instead she is enabling and encouraging his self indulging and self destructing behavior.
His latest letter is really off the wall - he was doing somewhat well for a time. Maybe he is off his meds or TM is a bad influence, or both.
In reference to 12:27 a.m. I read the letter. If this is an actual letter from him I am confused as to what his excuse is for being in prison. First it was that he was a political prisoner, then he was a warehoused prisoner, now he is a framed prisoner. Uh, how about the fact he is a guilty prisoner. Looking back I am sure the major mistake he made was associating with the person who owns the West Easton Blog. Things got worse and worse for him after that. He refused to listen to his friends/family and get the help he truly needed. Instead he started associating himself with the owner of the blog thinking they could both continue to harass the victims without any penalty. Problem is he ended up in State Prison and if he doesn't make some serious changes in his life he will probably be in and out of State Prison for the rest of his life. Very sad indeed. The only thing that does matter is that his victims stay safe from him. No one should have ever been forced to endure what they did. Also, let us never forget the Facebook and blog postings as well as the radio show. If he does get out the minute he violates anything he needs to be put back in. There is no doubt about that. No more excuses.
I deleted your OT comment, If you'd like to know, email me and ID yourself.
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