Local Government TV

Monday, October 13, 2014

Banned Bob Condemns Brown's Secretive Government

NorCo Council member Bob Werner
In a way, it's an honor to be banned. That's what I've always told myself, and I've been thrown out of many places over the years.

Last week, Northampton County Council member Bob Werner and Controller Steve Barron were accorded that honor. NorCo Executive John Brown banned these two elected officials from a news conference that only included two people, a WFMZ reporter and yours truly. They were stopped at the door even though they said they were only there to listen. The Express Times had already decided against covering the news conference itself, but it did later report the toss. Things like that don't help Brown or his claim to be transparent.

After the news conference, these guys were still sitting in the hallway. Handing them tissues, I asked them both if they could tell me what's on their mind.

In Werner's case, it's transparency. He is disturbed at Brown's increasing reluctance to provide executive reports during Council meetings, though that has been used to ambush the Exec on other matters.

"I was told to make an appointment with him," stated Werner. "It's an insult." Werner also complained that several employees are under the impression they are unable to speak with him directly. He added that Budget Administrator Doran J. Hamann, who knows more about the County's finances than anyone, was never even told about brown's news conference, announcing his new budget. Nor was the new Fiscal Affairs Director, until he got an email from Director of Administration Luis Campos, suggesting that they carpool.

Getting to specifics, Werner made these points:

Gutted Open Space: "I think that's ridiculous. It's going the wrong way."

Brown's $3 Million Table Games Slush Fund: "We have to see what we can do about moving it somewhere else." Though Werner represents the Easton District, he states he was never informed about the trolley grant for Easton Mayor Sal Panto.

Public Relations Consultant: "We will cut it out of the budget."

Reduced health benefits: "We're going to have to use the budget as a tool to make him listen to us. ... You don't have to hurt your employees."

Budget: Brown wanted to have just two budget hearings, to minimize discussion. Werner credits Council President Peg Ferraro for insisting on the usual budget hearings. He rejects the notion of a $20 million line of credit. "It's not good government. What you have to do is work with what you have." He stated he would support a small tax hike if necessary.

What about Barron? I'll report on that tomorrow. He has concerns about the contract with costs consultant C3, the outfit that recommended reduced health benefits. I have filed a Right-to-Know for email exchanges.


  1. Another county executive wannabe. No substance.

  2. a strong leader trying to fix problems left behind by a gutless administration

  3. If Gracedale wasn't running a $7.7 million deficit next year their would probably be enough money to pay for all these goodies. Anyway there is an amendment process that Mr. Werner should use if he doesn't like the budget. He can propose restoring open space funding and health benefit levels along with his "small tax increase." He can propose specific ways to spend the table games money. Maybe it can be used for farmland preservation which he could argue is economic development. He is right to cut the PR consultant and the LOC. Stop complaining and get to work!

  4. john brown has tunnel vision or needs new glasses ! he shows disrespect to everyone yet expects to receive it ! shame on him!

  5. 7:49, I believe that's what he said he'd be doing.

  6. For someone who has the services of a "professional" PR firm, Brown has done a horrendous job communicating with his employees and the public. He has pretty much alienated everyone in less than a year in office. He will be a one termer whose only portrait in the courthouse will be his face in the middle of a dart board.

  7. "Brown wanted to have just two budget hearings, to minimize discussion."

    Wonder how he got that idea? This was how Ron Angle did it when he was Council President. It was a mess. Did you complain back then?

  8. Actually, Angle had no budget hearings because he was able to work things out to make them unnecessary. There was no tax hike. The reserve remained healthy. No fuss, no muss. When the Exec is proposing all kinds of nonsense in a controversial budget, you need hearings.

  9. Angle rushed a budget thru that eliminated jobs (since restored) in the sheriff's office and failed to include the sale of the nursing home. Cost to the taxpayers $60 million and counting.

  10. The nursing home was never sold and thus there would be no reason to include it in the budget. His decision was sound. As for the cuts in the Sheriff's Office, those should not have occurred.

  11. Brown is holding a brown bag lunch meeting at the Human Services Building next week. Werner should come join us for lunch.

  12. Leave Angle out of this. He is no longer a factor. You have every right to beat up elected officials so have at them. Deal with the reality of today.

  13. JB is a cold blooded leader. He will justify any and all means to achieve his goals. What you see is what you get. He will not flinch or back up very much at all if pressured. Unless Peg breaks rank..he will drive the county to austerity levels unimagined. Wake up Peg! The county needs you to be the voice of reason!

  14. Oh please. Ron Angle as county council emperor decreed no budget hearings. The weak sisters on county council were afraid of him and let it go. How is that different than Brown's request.

    You are very selective in your outrage.

    This will be an issue in Angles run for Controller next year. the worst kept secret in the county.

  15. When Brown is at the new multi-million dollar Human Services building, he should point out that the building isn't free. The million dollar a year lease will be 2.5% higher in 2015 and is raised every year after that.

    The employees demanded a brand new building and they got a palace. Now they need to learn that every decision has consequences.

  16. This is a lie, repeated over and over in the hope it is believed. I am going to start deleting this disinformation if you continue to post it. The new HS building is essentially revenue neutral. The County has avoided the costly capital improvements that needed to be made at Governor Wolf and Bechtel, as well as the costly utilities expense at both buildings.The County had=s gained the proceeds of sale of both buildings, which sold for more money than projected. Services are being provided more efficiently to 18,000 county residents who need them, and that saves money as well.Plus the County is actually doing something for the large number of people who need human services - abused children, incapacitated seniors, people in mental distress and more. Next time you spread disinformation, it will be deleted.

  17. Werner should go have lunch at the HS bldg next Tuesday. Good idea. He can see and listen for himself the low morale and workers concerns.


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