Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Who Won Wolf-Corbett Debate?

Because I was at a Upper Mount Bethel Township Supervisors' meeting with Ron Angle and Mark "the bastard" Thatcher, I missed last night's gubernatorial debate between Democrat Tom Wolf and Republican Tom Corbett. Who came across better?

According to Democratic State Rep. Peter Daley, front-runner Wolf was "terrible." But Chris Borick, who is paid by newspapers to furnish polls, huffs that little things like debates have only a "modest impact" on elections.

I guess little things like seeing how candidates interact with each other, and how their ideas hold up, is meaningless to the poll man.

They will debate again on October 1 and October 8.


  1. I was not impressed by Wolf's performance. He sidestepped too many questions and gave short responses that sounded like platitudes.

    Corbett was asked some difficult questions and was adroit at throwing the kitchen sink at them but not providing a rational answer - for example when he was asked about an extraction tax, he pulled Obamacare and Medicaid into the nonanswer.

    Who "won"? I don't know. I would say neither. It was like kicking a can down the road.

  2. The debates won't change anyone's mind on which way they will vote unless there is some type of major gaffe.
    Wolf seemed uncomfortable, but Corbett didn't persuade me to change my mind in removing him from office.

  3. Wolf came off as a guy with a comfortable lead and no idea how he got it. He seemed slightly mentally retarded at times and looked like he just wanted it to be over before he really screwed things up. He didn't have any answers. He should vacation out of state until election day. His lead will hold as long as nobody actually listens to him. Corbett's a dope. But Wolf made Corbett look like presidential material, in contrast.

  4. Wolf has his lead because of dissatisfaction with Corbett. Including from people in Corbetts own party. Lots of Republicans will sit on the sidelines. And I'm talking main-stream Republicans.

    What we have now is Wolf, who did nothing to earn his lead. . Basically outlining nothing about his platform and he will coast to victory.

    It's a dangerous combination if you ask me...

  5. A vote for Wolf is really a vote against another term for Corbett, sort of like Obama's first election was really a vote against Republicans after 8 years of Bush.

    Im a republican/libertarian and i just do not see myself being able to vote for Corbett

  6. I'm a conservative who plans on voting against Corbett as well. With Republican majorities in the state house and senate he has failed to enact pension reform, privatize the state stores, eliminate school property taxes, or enact a sensible severance tax. Of course, he did raise our gas taxes rather than take on costly prevailing wage laws.

  7. Anon 9:59 is absolutely correct. The parallel between this election and the 2008 Presidential election is perfect. As much as I can't stand Corbett, Wolf will be 10 times worse for the state, much as Obama has me looking back to the good 'ole days of George W. Bush (something I never thought I'd say!).

    I'll be holding my nose and voting Corbett this Fall. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

  8. Wolf.

    Because he's the Tax Man.

    And The Rich just are not paying their Fair Share.

    Time to level the playing field.

    A rising tide to lift all boats.

    Yes we can!

  9. Neither is a good choice. The responsibilities will over burden the candidate and the incumbent is a stubborn know it all. So many others would offer more.

  10. 9:54 - "Mainstream Republicans" no longer exist.

  11. The Central ScrutinizerSeptember 23, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    President Obama won in 2008 by ten million votes in an Electoral blowout. That was a bit more than dissatisfaction with the Republicans. Nice try at revising history to belittle a two term President who actually accomplished something other than conflict and war.

    11:09 - Wolf IS "the rich" not paying their share. And clowns like you - you know, Repubs who eat Swanson TV dinners and drive around in 20 year old Chryslers - should approve of an actual business man running the state and not a career lawyer politician. But that would require some semblance of consistency.

  12. People see Corbett as a dusebag. He polls terribly. In order for Wolf to "lose" anything he needs to really screw up. He didn't do anything offensive or great the debate was a push.
    In fact Corbett came across as somewhat arrogant and his usual twisting of facts.

    He is disliked and will need more than debates to win.

  13. "slightly mentally retarded"

    As do you using that term.

  14. I know this is off topic but I just filled up the tank in Phillipsburg --- $2.95 for unleaded regular. Thank you Mario Scavello for helping to increase the PA gas tax. The roads should be gold plated with this type of price differential (or perhaps someone's pocket).

  15. Bernie ,OFF CONTENT if I may; The attack on the former Marine and Pa.State Trooper is national news. I have, on your blog given our Infantry tactic predictions on your web site.Now -- WE say this character is 'jerking them off 'He is not in this area they think he is hiding in. The only reason I feel this content is appropriate is because politicians 'jerk us off ' in effect. Place and compare the news accounts to my'CONLECTIVE" posts ,posted 2 and 3 days earlier on your blog , and you can document the day we stated it.It's almost as if we wrote the scrip!! They need help .I only wish I could have,along with other experienced vets gone down there to find this wackjob.God bless his family.

  16. Otherwise,we need to fix bridges ,and roadways, The people that drive vehicles are the ones that should pay .N.J. behind now but they will pay later.Fuel taxes should be used, as a lot of the traffic is unnecessary entertainment by people that don't pay an taxes at all.

  17. Conservatives don't like Corbett because Rs in the legislature wouldn't pass privatization bills? OK. So you're going to stay home or vote for a guy two miles left of, and nearly as ethically grimy as Ed Rendell? His extraction tax will kill the only thing in PA's economy that's going right. Private trades unions demonstrated against Wolf and Democrats who are looking to kill those jobs. Wolf is promising the money to the PSEA. PA spends well above its per capita income ranking on per child education spending. The PSEA delivers a 41st ranking in SAT scores and the most teachers strikes in the country. Corbett said he'd shrink the state vehicle fleet and did so by 20%. I'm not sure why conservatives have a problem with him to the point where they'll commit economic suicide with Wolf (who knows better, by the way, than to pay ridiculously high PA corporate taxes). I suspect those calling themselves conservative are not really. From a conservative standpoint, it's not even a lesser of two assholes vote. Wolf is radically left. The only hope in elected him is that he's lying about what he'll do. That may be the case. He lies a lot.

  18. Anon 5;52 you are well informed. Your well stated comment is fact of life here. As an R I don't just vote for R's --in fact I voted for Rep. Bob Freeman every time so far.I don't agree with his politics always but he does not tell fibs . So I vote INTEGRITY not party.

  19. Math ,science,biology ,literature ,music and then computer - they should add' how to be a good citizen' and not COST the tax payers money because your are a bum coarse. The rest would be filled with fluff and they know it . Fix the agenda!

  20. Thank you Peter and anonymous 5:52.Very informed.
    I kept asking whats your plan everytime Wolf spoke. Corbett now has almost 4 years of experience and understands the states problems, hurddles, and workings to get more things done. How long will Wolf be in position till he comes up with a plan? Hes says he's going to do this do that? Whats the plan?

  21. Buh Bye, Corbett. I'm sure a job is waiting for you as a lobbyist for your oil & gas friends.
    4 years, too many.

  22. why all the hype on Wolf? he clearly exposed himself as a tax and spend liberal. While Corbett is not Mr .Congeniality he clearly established himself as deserving four more years.He answered what he could with specifics. No one is talking about the Obama factor ?
    R's, Independants and moderate Dems are pissed with Hope and Change and there is a price to pay at the Polls for that. Pollsters have not taken that HUGE variable into account. If Corbett loses it will be less than 5%. If Wolf is elected the Republican controlled House and Senate will laugh in the face of Wolf's Fresh Start bullshit.

  23. "R's, Independants and moderate Dems are pissed with Hope and Change"

    Not really. R's never voted for it anyway, since Fox told them not to.

  24. Vote with your brains not your emotions!

  25. I am a moderate Dem and I am not pissed with Hope and Change. I am pissed with fear mongering. You look at the 1956 Republican platform with Eisenhower at the helm who warned of "the military industrial complex"; The platform was 10 times more liberal then the Dems in 2012.

  26. I should have added Chemistry . The new materials and applications in electronic devices are on a new horizon. Opportunities for the smart, young and creative are going to appear in chemistry at the shore line in the next 36- 48 months. Take this to the bank. Grapheen- spelling may not be correct, Graphite that is the base after chemical re-due.

  27. From Pocono Record

    Letter: Don't be fooled by Rendell's tax collector

    September 24, 2014 - 12:00 AMEditor, the Record:Fool me twice, shame on me. Back in 2004, residents of Monroe County held their noses as they voted for casino gambling. The promise by Ed Rendell was that casino money would solve our school tax problem. Today, the average savings on our school tax from casino money is only $187. Now, Tom Wolf, who was Rendell's tax collector, is promising to add $1 billion to school funding by taxing the natural gas industry. This is not going to happen, according to the financial experts. All the tax will do is raise the price of gas-related products to the public.We have been down this road of phony promises before. Let's learn from our mistakes and not be fooled again.TOM GEFFERSCANADENSIS

  28. By the way, the first year the state received casino money my school taxes still increases over $60.00 that year.

  29. "... since Fox news told them not to."


    Democrats have done nothing but march in lockstep with Obama and his bogus Hope & Change junk.

    By the way, are those "Shovel Ready Jobs" ready yet?

    And don't forget, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period."

  30. Both of these clowns don't deserve my or anyone else's vote. This state and it's voters need to send a message and elect an independent or strong write in candidate. Corbett has spoken and done enough damage past 4 years and Wolf is slimy business/politico who is also full of BS policies. I will not vote for either come Novmeber. And other races I will vote the same. I'm done with the two party gang system and do nothings. Wake up people and get educated and vote these politicians out.

  31. Bad politicians are elected by Good citizens who don't vote.

  32. Democrats seem to have no problem getting people to vote.

    It is a true wonder how they are able to do it so consistently.


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