Local Government TV

Monday, September 15, 2014

Trachta Suspended Park Police Detail Before Alleged Abduction

A search for a missing 7 year old girl, who was possibly abducted at Nazareth Borough Park right around sunset, has been called off, after an unsuccessful search by numerous law enforcement agencies including the state police and FBI. At 1 am, Nazareth Police Chief Thomas Trachta told The Express Times that no one has reported a missing child.

So ends a night of Nazareth in lockdown mode, with sirens wailing after Subarus on Mauch Chunk Street, suspicious guys in hoodies leaving the Valero gas station to walk to the circle and helicopters whirling overhead

Nazareth's budget this year called for a special detail officer to be stationed at the park on weekends, from 4 pm until sunset, until the bathrooms are closed for the winter.

Those bathrooms are still open, but on September 1, Chief Trachta issued a memo stopping this previously approved detail It might have been a cost saving measure. It might also have been retaliation aimed at two full-time officers who regularly filled those shifts.

Whatever the reason, this seems like another stupid decision.

Had an officer been at the park, there'd be no need for a massive police search because nothing would have happened.


  1. I hope this is correct. I havent found any other news source with this information... what is your source?

  2. Is there a missing child?

  3. Bernie you really shouldn't be commenting on something you have no idea what your talking about!!!

  4. Speediduke and 6:49,

    Police obviously took things seriously enough to engage in a search involving several departments, the PSP and even the FBI. But we have no report of a missing child and no amber alert was ever issued. This tells me that police were reacting to what someone or perhaps their own cameras saw at the park.

    My sources are the news accounts, the radio chatter and several police officers whom I decline to name.

  5. 7:06, It's you're, not your. Someone must be embarrassed that I am pointing out that whatever incident occurred at or near the park would never have happened had the detail officer been there as provided for in the approved budget. Trachta ended that detail on 9/1.

  6. Your in idiot !! I seen you coming out of the liquor store Friday night!!!!

  7. 7:19. How dare you. There is no room for unsubstantiated rumors in this blog. Off topic too. Another violation.

  8. Interesting that there's no details of this kid. What she was wearing, hair color, anything. Starting to wonder if there really was an abduction.

  9. 7:19, Once again, it's you're, not your. If you saw me in a liquor store on Friday or any other night, you must be drunk yourself bc you're (not your) seeing things.

  10. "Interesting that there's no details of this kid. What she was wearing, hair color, anything. Starting to wonder if there really was an abduction."

    I'm hoping they got it wrong. They should have had an officer at the park.

  11. this is a real stretch, bo - even for you. your hate is showing

  12. There's no stretchat all. Nazareth is supposed to have a special detail officer at the Borough Park on weekends, from 4 pm until sunset, until the day they lock the bathrooms. This officer should have been on duty in the park, but Trachta stopped it by memo dated September 1. Had the officer been there, he would have seen what was going on and could have reacted before seven different enforcement agencies and helicopters had to be called in to look for a missing child. This is just the way it is.

  13. Wouldn't doubt that you and your crew are behind this already trying to use this to push an agenda

  14. seems pretty logical to me...police put every effort into the search. how can they be at the park every second of daylight. the responders should be commended for their efforts and taking it seriously

  15. funny how I saw trevor walking towards the park too....hmmm

  16. the good people of this town are fed up with this nonsense

  17. "funny how I saw trevor walking towards the park too....hmmm"

    Oh, I see. It must be the Sticker Gang that arranged the whole thing.


  18. Trachta a.k.a. Lucy you have some explaining to do! Why are you costing us tax payers so much money? Can't you just do what you are paid $74,000 a year for? Ha! So sorry for a moment I thought I was referring to a professional who is actually able to perform the job he was hired for.



  19. its pretty obvious that theres no room for logic here.. when is the next council meeting...ill see u there cupcake

  20. eo=evict ohare
    eo=evict ohare

  21. first amendment baby

  22. is there any word on who called it in?

  23. So some busy body saw something that they interpreted as an abduction and the police initiated a search for someone not missing. Talk about cuckoo.

  24. Wow Bernie. You file a bonafide article based on facts, and the CraZY posse pops up with its illiterate comments. It could be a posse of one - there is one person who has a well documented pattern of not having spelling and grammar skills, despite a reported $200,000 education.

    Good post!

  25. It is most certainly not who you are thinking of. Maybe some of us are appalled that this incident is being used to further an agenda. Less than 12 hours after the incident!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Good job Chief Trachta !! Any child's life is worth more than the budget !! I have and idea? Lets let the chief of Nazareth do his job and everyone but out !! Thanks to Chief Trachta Nazareth is staying a nice clean drug free town that it should be !! I SAY KEEP CHIEF TRACHTA !!! He is doing a great job. Open your eyes people thugs are trying to ruin our town. We need people like Chief Trachta to keep it clean !!!

  27. Congrats on the great photo. How do you and MM manage to find such perfect, highly entertaining photos to accompany your stories?

  28. Trachta is lucky the report turned out to be false. How would he explain away his removing an officer from a post that was approved in the budget?
    If the council approved it they must have thought it necessary to protect citizens and property. When will they ask for their balls back from Trachta's purse?

  29. Funny how nicely this fits into the smear Trachta campaign. This taxpayer supports the chief.

  30. "Any child's life is worth more than the budget"

    If that is so, then why did Cupcake Trachta pull the police detail out of the park early? And that was approved in the budget. Had he simply provided coverage there between 4 pm and sunset, as he was supposed to do, none of this valuable manpower would have been wasted. If there had been an abduction, it would have been averted.

  31. "Funny how nicely this fits into the smear Trachta campaign. This taxpayer supports the chief."

    Maybe the taxpayers of West Easton, but not the ones i know in Nazareth. And I love the insinuation that someone would cook something like this up for the express purpose of making Trachta look bad. He does that all by himself. I can only think of two persons screwed up in the head enough to even think that way. One lives in West Easton and the other in Allentown. Both specialize in rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  32. "It is most certainly not who you are thinking of. Maybe some of us are appalled that this incident is being used to further an agenda. Less than 12 hours after the incident!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    This story went up less than three hours after the search was called off, and recited the facts. Those facts are that Trachta could have avoided an incredible expenditure of manpower had he simply stuck to the approved budget, and staffed the park, instead of playing games with officers he dislikes. The PSP in particular is trying to solve the murder of one of their own, and should not be sidetracked by what increasingly appears to have been a false report. I agree the search had to be undertaken, but it all would be unnecessary had Trachta simply manned the park like he is supposed to do. He is the Chief, isn't he?

  33. I've never lived in west Easton. And apparently you don't know too many of the taxpayers. You are a troublemaker plain and simple. U can spew your venom unchecked but the second someone says something to you...don't worry at least you have caused some of us to want to become more involved in our community. just not in the way you would like

  34. And perhaps now that summer is over it seemed wasteful to have an officer stationed exclusively at the park. Especially with all the other issues in this town.

  35. "You stay off my lawn, you, you, you trouble maker!!!"

  36. Being more involved in your community means taking responsibility for what you say. It's pretty hard to be an anonymous community activist. The only persons here I know who might back the chief are Troxell's daddy Rich, who wants his son to have a FT job, and Ben Miller, who does not live in Nazareth but has a hot nut for me and apparently hates skateboarders.

  37. "And perhaps now that summer is over it seemed wasteful to have an officer stationed exclusively at the park. Especially with all the other issues in this town."

    Obviously, it wasn't. An officer is supposed to be there on weekends from 4 'till sunset until the day the bathrooms are locked, and for good reason. A lot of the vandalism and drug activity starts right there. Everyone knows that, but you can make excuses. The fact is that Trachta stopped this detail early because he did not want the only two cops who would take the detail to get paid. It was pure vindictiveness. And now 7 departments, the PSP and the FBI have paid the price for one petty man's style of management.

  38. Bernie you are nothing but a piece of **** who has nothing better to do then try to start trouble with a police force that is trying to do a good job!! Two police officers , Lahovsky and his sidekick are feeding you false information to stir the pot! Trachta has come down on them because they are less then sub par and now they want him gone! You are just a pawn on their chess board. Sad part is your to stupid to realize it!!!!!! Trachta is a great person and trying to be a leader to a police department he took over with problems !! Stay out of it! If anybody wanted you to be involved in law you would still be practicing!! That's right cant stay off the bottle long enough!!!

  39. If Trachta were a great person, he never would have chained and shackled and perp walked three innocent people over a petty offense. If he were a great person, he would not have had an idiot(is that you?) conduct the investigation. If he were a great person, he would have had a cop on duty at the park between 4 pm and sunset on weekends, instead of playing games. Instead, he has officers detailed on goofy things like counting burnt out street lights, which really should be done by someone else. But you will defend him because you want something from him, like the next full-time job.

    Trachta is the problem, not his officers. The problem started while he was there. The problem is him.

    Did you know Bushkill police arrived at the park before he did?

    That's some leadership.

  40. And it's you're, not your. As for my drinking, my last drink was in '85. But as you established in your prosecution of the Sticker Gang, you're a shitty investigator. That is why no other police department will allow you to work for them anymore. Your (not you're) troubles are just beginning.

  41. Yes, you did see Trevor walking towards the park, he was there around 10:30-11:00 in the morning while he was out in town. You may have later seen him out walking the block and at 7/11 say around 1 am. I know who did see Trevor. How about it Troxell, Trachta and that fed that was following you, oh I can't forget Ben either, he was driving the green monster. ;) good work detective, good work! Funny how he noticed you as well.

  42. you people have no clue. why didn't u come to my house with your stupid petition. I would have told u right where to go

  43. Gee, tell me your name and I'll stop by with a new one.

  44. maybe try the houses on main st. you will know when u find me

  45. Maybe this was just a screw-up but knowing that we have these people who were willing to search and probably would and will do it again deserves a thank you!

  46. I would certainly thank them and have said i agree this needed to be done. But if Trachta had the park manned as he was supposed to do, this would not have happened. He allowed his vindictive actions to get in the way of sound police practice, and would rather cancel the detail than see it used by officers he disdains. And yes, it is a screw up.

  47. maybe try the houses on main st. you will know when u find me

    Ah, an internet tough guy. He asked where you live.

  48. Maybe a prank, who knows. You and your irrational hate attack officials for being safe rather than sorry. You and your sticker goons are misfits and deserve each other.

    Thank you to officials for taking such things seriously. It is the same reason voters won't be elected a check forger for town council.

    On this one you and the sticker goons are alone. Most normal people think you are now overreaching in your vendetta against the chief. People support his actions. Also the idea that your new best friends the sticker goons would try to "set up" the police is not that far fetched.

  49. No you didn't. You demonstrated that you are a coward unwilling to take responsibilioty for your words, even with a bottom-feeding blogger. You'd give me a name and address if you had anything resembling a spine.

  50. "You and your irrational hate attack officials for being safe rather than sorry."

    Nobody attacked Trachta for being safe rather than sorry. He was criticized bc he suspended the police dtail at the park, which what have made this whole exercise unnecessary.

    "Most normal people think you are now overreaching in your vendetta against the chief."

    I doubt verey much that you qualify as a normal person. Most normal persons, especially those who actually live in Nazarethm would agree that a police detail at the park curbs a great deal of criminal activity, from drugs on the basketball court to vandalism.

  51. Someone dares to challenge your opinion and u need a name and address? I'd rather not. But u said u knew everyone in this town agreed with you. Wrong. And its pretty obvious that i'm not alone today.

  52. well after a few phone calls here I am. I have looked at this blog for the first time I think and surely the last as I don't read Blogs.
    So you know what you said may be right (not that it matters) I do support Chief Trachta as you said only not for the reason you state. If you had history from your resources you would know I supported Nazareth keeping their own police dept publicly when the good old boys club on council wanted to bring in an outside dept to provide protection. Trachta stood up to them. In most cases he did do as he was told to do by council and the then mayor.
    As for wanting my son to be fulltime. Of course I did. Had you been involved 3 years ago and asked me that question I would have said yes. I want him to be fulltime. Now however,not so much. For reasons I'll keep for a public meeting in due time.
    I don't know you Bernie nor do I have an opinion but I will say this. In some cases you need to get more than one side of a story

    1. Your son has been let go by Palmerton, Slatington, Hellertown and Fountain Hill police departments. Moore Twp. Police department only uses him once in a great while. The only reason why he still has a job with Nazareth is because of Chief Trachta. Even former Mayor Keller said to "vaporizer" him after he found out of your son in the Slatington's "C.I." incident. However it is Chief Trachta who just can't seem to let him go. (He must be the "Ham sandwich" boy!)

  53. Notice how O'Hare's sources are always unnamed police. Yet you slam other who are "unnamed. Why not be honest and have these brave men in blue come forward with their complaints. It would help your cause if they did.

  54. Reading the comments in this blog are almost the same as being in high school. Almost.

  55. Sorry to say Bern but this new obsession is making you look crazier than a west Easton pig.

  56. Seems to me this was a staged event involving Bernie, the sticker gang, and two unnamed Nazareth police officers!! How perfect of a scenario to try to get Trachta in trouble!! However this time Bernie it blew up in your face! I think in the beginning of your persecution of Chief Trachta you had many borough residents on your side now everybody sees it is just a personal vendetta!! This vendetta I believe is being fueled by two unnamed Nazareth police officers in an effort to remove chief Trachta! I can assure you it is not going to work!! When the investigation is complete on who made the false claim last not i hope it leads right to your ghetto ass place you call a home and they chain you the sticker gang and the two cops in to court on national TV!!!!!!!!!!

    Concerned Nazareth Resident

  57. I doubt you are concerned or a Nazareth resident. From your penchant for making false accusations of criminal behavior, I'd say you're someone against whom there's a defation verdict.

  58. 5:02. Facts are facts. The park was supposed to have a special detail on duty last night. It did not bc Chief Trachta stopped it on 9/1.

  59. 3:07, you are more concerned about these sources than you are about another poor management decision by Trachta. It is that kind of attitude that leads to goofy charges that get laughed out of court.

  60. You're right on with the games issue. Trachta has been playing them for years. Crying that he needed officers but when presented with candidates that the hiring committee recommended, none were "dirty" enough for his liking. Case in point, Adam Shimer. All of his choices had baggage of some sort. He had no issues with regionalization because he knew that he would have been taken care of. He would have been hired by Colonial Regional and assumed he would be Chief if things would have happened with Upper Nazareth. He played games with his men "acting" concerned about them by bad mouthing Council and Mayor Daugherty, but in reality he only cared about himself. When I presented him with a schedule to fill in coverage gaps, put together by an honorable and highly respected retired PSP sergeant, all he could say that was obviously I knew nothing about police scheduling! He used this same tactic to place the blame on the Council. When my wife asked why she was terminated, all he could state was "I don't know, you'll have to go to the police committee meeting." Again placing the blame on Council. Police committee members stated that their decisions were based on information provided by Cupcake and Sneakers. The chair, Carl Fischl stated that he "doesn't know what he is doing" that he has only been chair for 2 months. Sneakers has yet to return her call for answers. All Paul Kokolus, Secretary and Human Resources Manager could say is that here is "nothing he could do down there", yet perpetuates Cupcake's and Sneakers lies. Cupcake has played Council against his officers since he became Chief. Therein lies the greatest problem with the force. The scumbag never takes responsibility for any of his dirty deeds and thrives on creating animosity amongst his men as well with his men and Council. He is the first Chief not to go out on patrol, show his presence at Borough events and refuses to give an extra second of his time to the community. After meeting nights, he'll show up to the office later the next day based on how long the meeting went the night before. Wonder why Bushkill Twp. got to the park before him! I'm surprised that he even showed up at all, but I guess when the big boys got involved, he had no choice. He was to be fired last August, but Council lost there balls when he lawyered up. In October, Sneakers convinced Council that he could handle Cupcake and that he should get a new contract to stabilize the force. Worked to perfection! Previously he was on a month to month contract due to a lack of confidence in his abilities. Not only did they give him a new contract, but one of the 2 new police cars budgeted went to him instead of the men work actually do the work. I wouldn't be surprised if he got a raise to boot! The first decision he made when appointed Chief was to eliminated the community policing policies that Chief Sinclair put in place, crime watch meetings, park officers and bank and business checks. No hate here, just the truth! Try it once boys, it'll set you free!

  61. Mr. Troxell, I am well aware that you opposed a regionalized professional police department. Your son would never be hired. After seeing him in a courtroom, I doubt he could read the application. Also, I know the pseudonym you use on LVL. Not smart to try to pretend you don't read blogs.

  62. Apparently there was never an abduction Who's the bitch now?

  63. Apparently there was never an abduction Who's the bitch now?

  64. Like I said, I do not fault him for the search. I do fault him for lacking the sense to have an officer there. I think it's likely that whoever gave police this information thought there was an abduction.

  65. Bernie....will they release the 911 tape?

  66. There is something that is known about Bernie O'Hare. Lawyers, employees and people who even knew his dad will tell you. Not the Angle types because they are users but the honest and real people will tell you that Bernie is like many sober alcoholics. His sobriety is a veneer that covers a deep raging anger and guilt that eats away at him. Without real help these folks never truly recover. So emotional roller coasters are their way.

    With that in mind, Bernie has a very basic life philosophy; The friend of his enemy is his friend and the enemy of his friend is his enemy. Logic and common sense be damned. He will use his lawyerly education to avoid facts and fight for his philosophy and nothing will change his mind.


  68. 7:39, Your anonymous personal attack has no bearing at all on the validity of the points I make. It only reinforces them.

  69. @7:39 - What drug did you take an overdose of before you came here and puked your dinner?

    You're attempting to discredit someone with a completely off topic comment. So it can't work. Hatred is not the basis of an argument.

  70. anon 8:25,

    That was the entire point of 7:39's comment, azzclown.

  71. And you were told that you defeat yourself when posting that kind of ad hominem.

  72. You are a dog with a bone. Police were dispatched and on location within a minute. Regardless it would have still required a search especially when it is turning out to be a false report. Pretty hard to find someone that isn't actually missing. I commend everyone involved for their efforts. You should pick your battles Bernie especially when you obviously don't know all your facts.

  73. Yes, I am a dog with a bone. I refer you to former council member Jack Herbst's comments. He appears to have some insight into this matter, especially since he chaired the Police Committee.

  74. Former council member key word being former. He has no knowledge of this specific incident. I'm not defending Trachta, but you have no argument here. The Police response time was awesome and that's all you're complaining about, that and the use of resources that would've been utilized regardless. Seems the people that irritate you the most are featured in your blog constantly. Keep it up and you'll lose all credibility. P.S. Trachta was on location before Bushkill PD perhaps you should recheck your facts.



  77. "Former council member key word being former. He has no knowledge of this specific incident. I'm not defending Trachta, but you have no argument here. The Police response time was awesome and that's all you're complaining about, that and the use of resources that would've been utilized regardless. Seems the people that irritate you the most are featured in your blog constantly. Keep it up and you'll lose all credibility. P.S. Trachta was on location before Bushkill PD perhaps you should recheck your facts."

    My facts are accurate. He was seen by citizens in the park arriving AFTER Bushkill PD had been there. Also, Herbst is a 12-year Council member who chaired the police committee and knows all about Trachta. It does not mattter how "awesome" the response time was bc this is an incident that need not have happened at all if Trachta had just done his job and assigned an officer to the park.

  78. It's their, not there.

    I hate to break this to you, but I live in Nazareth and am a citizen. The mismanagement of its police force, as well as the use of semi-literate officers like you, is very much my business. It also appears that the police department under Trachta wants no involvement from the community whatsoever. I get my information from numerous sources, and many of them are law enforcement sources outside of Nazareth. The general consensus is that you are in very bad shape, and very much in need of increased scrutiny. In fact, I am remiss for not paying attention sooner and trying to keep my head down and not notice. Those days are over.

  79. Trachta and professional are two words you'll rarely see in the same sentence. Over the course of this summer, partly as a result of the stories here, it's become abundantly clear that he's a disaster. This search is just the latest example. He demonstrated how thin-skinned he is when he arrested and perp-walked three innocent people who dared to criticize him. Now you want to have me arrested bc I am criticizing the Chief. Do it, asshole. I'm home all night tonight so come and lock me up.
    That's the only way you're going to stop me from casting a spotlight on thugs like you. You are a disgrace to your uniform, which I suspect you won't be wearing much longer. I'm home, pussy. Come and get me.

  80. The investigation is under way................. Stay tuned!!! I am sure you'll have a front row seat!!!!!!! Better get your story straight!

  81. Don't give me your clap trap. If You think I'm somehow responsible, come and get me. I'm home all night, bully. This is a nation of laws, not thugs. That's why no police department wants anything to do with you.

  82. In a nutshell, Bernard V. O'Hare III was purposefully further devastating already traumatized and suffering families, by kicking them, real hard, when they were down.

  83. It's safe to say you kmow all about nutshells.

  84. I would like to know how you have any room to throw stones at Trachta after what I learned about you today...

  85. Going down fast Bernie! Everybody is getting tired of you.You tend to get your info from low lifes an bad cops.You need to hang out with better people.

  86. Anon 1120

    Last we checked Trachta and Troxell don't talk to Bernie, so how does he get his information from the bad cops?

  87. how does the StickerGang tie into this? Shouldn't nazareth be steering clear of them? I know if someone was suing me I'd think twice before accusing them especially without evidence.

  88. Notice no response from Bernie on this topic!!! Scared everybody will find out he's a piece of shit!!!

  89. I have no idea what this person is suggesting.

  90. Perhaps Bernie Anon 2:25 is referring to the burnt bagged shit, from Chief Trachta's front porch. You know the one that Bushkill Twp. Police department refused to send to PSP's crime lab, so Chief Trachta decided to send it himself under Nazareth Borough's ORI#. Which is illegal to do. Only right now Trachta is claiming Sinclair told him to send it. ????????? I think if you go back to the records and check. Sinclair had already left Nazareth Borough police department for the second time. Sorry Chief Trachta. ....maybe the next lie will work out for you. (Probably not!) But hey give it the old NBPD try!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.