Local Government TV

Monday, September 22, 2014

Should Foreskins' Chris Baker Be Suspended?

Because I have no desire to offend Native Americans, I'll join those who call Washington's football team the Foreskins. That name seems apt after the cheap shot that defensive lineman Chris Baker laid on Eagles QB Nick Foles yesterday.

Incredibly, Baker is saying he'd do it again.

Check this, from The Washington Post:
According to Rule 12, article 9.7 of the NFL rulebook, “it is a foul if a player initiates unnecessary contact against a player in a defenseless posture,” including “a quarterback at any time after a change of possession.”
“I did not even really hit him hard,” Baker said of Foles. “I just happened to hit him on this shoulder, and he happened to fall. He’s the quarterback, and I guess that’s why there was an ejection.”
No shit, Sherlock. He clearly violated NFL rules, and if the league has any regard at all for its players, Baker should be suspended.


  1. Chief Wahoo From ClevelandSeptember 22, 2014 at 6:47 AM

    QB is a potential tackler on that play. Clean hit. I enjoyed it.

  2. I'm just glad that Foles didn't get hurt (not that he doesn't hurt today from it) and that he finished the game and the Eagles won.

  3. In the words of the greatest player on the greatest team:
    "they should just put a skirt on the quarterback"

  4. "QB is a potential tackler on that play. Clean hit. I enjoyed it."

    No he wasn't. The play was over and Foles was interest in seeing if it really was an interception. He was blind-sided, a clear violation of the rules.

  5. Chief Knockahoma From AtlantaSeptember 22, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Fighting Irish is a slur.

  6. QB is a potential tackler on that play. Clean hit. I enjoyed it.

    Look at this ass clown. He gets off on making racist statements. Must be a Slater Belter.

  7. Fighting Irish is a slur.

    And the ass clown continues with bullshit claims of reverse racism. (Here's a hint, Gomer. Let me know when the Irish have been victims of American genocide OR slavery.) Now run along and buy a comic and leave the conversation to adults.



  9. What is up with the use of the vulgar term "ass clown"?

    And yet the same joker is demanding the conversation be limited to "adults".


  10. A league full of felons and a team that rewarded a dog torturer with millions of dollars cannot claim moral high ground on anything. Karma.

  11. Chief Wahoo...How them Brownies doing in Cleveland ?YOUR CITY and YOUR TEAM SUCKS !

  12. Trachta for Mayor!!!

  13. The NFL should discontinue its War On Women immediately and THEN it can go back to harassing the Redskins.

  14. Calling you an "ass clown" (vulgar?) is what racist idiots like you deserve to be called. You are the worst kind of racist, one who doesn't even know he's racist because he hides behind some form of deluded false equivalency to justify his racism. Ass clown.

  15. Whatever you say, "Adult".

  16. Take your medication 9:11.

  17. This latest attempt to manufacture phony outrage over the Washington Redskins name has failed again.

    Just like it did the last time.

    And the time before that.

    And the time before that.

    Progressive Liberals never learn from history and are, thus, condemned to repeat it.

  18. Progressive Liberals never learn from history and are, thus, condemned to repeat it.

    Yes, because dimwits like you revel in victories based in bigotry and complete ignorance of your own stupidity. Go Team Fox!

  19. This is obviously John Stoffa's and Ron Angle's doing. Their sphere of evil extends in ways mere mortals fail to comprehend.

    Now that that's out of the way, 2 game suspension.

    The Banker

  20. "Fighting Irish" is not a racial slur in this country, but other terms for the Irish were such as "Rags and tags, shanty Irish". The Irish were subjected to hate and discrimination in this country.it is easier to over come this when you can blend in to the population some thing more difficult for non whites to do. Some one mentioned Atlanta. We could name them for a slur aimed at the south. How about "Poor White Trash". The Atlanta "Trash" for short

  21. Fighting Irish is a slur. Assuming an entire ethnic group is predisposed to violence is pure bigotry. Locally, the Notre Dame High School Crusaders moniker is an affront to Islam.

  22. So are the Green Knights. An obvious attempt to glamorize the Crusades.

  23. Suspension is coming. Too bad. Today's QBs should wear frilly skirts and heels. They really don't need pads, as they're not permitted to be hit.

  24. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/why-hit-nick-foles-absolutely-140808380.html

    Here is a better break down of the rule and the play. Never knew this was a rule.

  25. Hey 10:06 the Irish aren't predisposed to fighting. They found that it was necessary to fight to improve their own position here or in the UK. You obviously are a racist.

    11:29 your a pussy.

  26. "Suspension is coming. Too bad. Today's QBs should wear frilly skirts and heels. They really don't need pads, as they're not permitted to be hit."

    Actually, it makes no difference whether he was the QB. He was blind-sided, and I'm sure Baker as a professional knows that is illegal.

    At a time when former players are beginning to suffer the long-term effects of repeated concussions, I find your statement completely insensitive. It exhibits a total lack of concern for safety.

  27. Go Team Fox?

    Go Team Time Magazine!



    Sorry that the Race Card has failed miserably - again.

  28. That was not a "football" play. It was a dirty hit, the play was over. I say $50K fine and 2 game suspension.

  29. If the Washington redskins is an offensive name, what about the Florida Seminoles

  30. Do the actual Seminoles ( If any are still alive) object?

    It is an actual tribal name, not a slur.

  31. The NFL employs murderers, rapists, child and wife beaters and dog torturers. And this gets people upset? Wow.

  32. We live in the world in which we cause division through loss concerns.

    A rose by any other name is still a rose.

    The Redskins by any other name are still the Redskins

    And despite the fact that the NCAA stripped many victories from Joe Paterno we still regard him as having the most victories in Division 1 of any coach there.

    Let's go Steagles and the Brooklyn Dodgers

    Dennis Pearson alias Dennis Pearson

  33. Easton "Red" Rovers is code. It's an anti-Lenni Lenape dog whistle; a call to slaughter Easton's first inhabitants. Have you ever seen the Red Rover and a Lenni Lenape together? I didn't think so. Neither have I.

  34. The word "Foreskins'" in the headline of an article that starts off by saying, "I have no desire to offend Native Americans ..."

    Any wonder, then, why Washington Redskins cheater Chris Baker has become an afterthought here?

    Textbook cheap shot --- $ 50,000 and two-game suspension sounds about right.


  36. Sports are not about sports anymore --- sports are now only for the purpose of promoting and pushing The Progressive Liberal Agenda at every opportunity.

    Thanks, ESPN!

    Really surprised the heroic President Obama has not issued an Executive Order forcing the Washington NFL franchise to change its "offensive" name.

  37. It's Obama's fault!

  38. No, no --- like everything else, it is George Bush's fault!!!

    Obama is just cleaning up the unprecedented mess he inherited.

  39. No No No it is all stoffa`s fault !

  40. I must have missed reading the Conservative Liberal agenda.

    Face it, it's all Obama's fault

  41. "No No No it is all stoffa`s fault !"

    That's probably true.

  42. Blog Mentor is the pussy.

  43. Sports are not about sports anymore --- sports are now only for the purpose of promoting and pushing The Progressive Liberal Agenda at every opportunity.

    Where "Progressive Liberal Agenda" means "common sense" and on this issue where most of America resides. You think racist innuendo is fine - keep it to yourself because you look like a horse's ass incapable of seeing something so obvious.

  44. "racist innuendo"


    Whatever you say.

  45. The real horse's asses are the disgraceful and disgusting Race Card Players.

  46. He was hit before the whistle. Clean hit. Keep your head on a swivel.

  47. If you take this position after the rules have been linked and described, the only conclusion I can make is that you yourself have suffered from one too many illegal hits.

  48. ignorance combined with arrogance is just bad. It is the bedrock of the tea party.

    They can even bring their goofiness into a football discussion.

  49. Then he, like you, has rec'd one too many illegal hits.

  50. Bernie,

    He's the man that interprets the rules for the NFL. You might as well argue against a Supreme Court ruling. Certainly within your rights to do so, but....

  51. And as I stated, Vincent is insane to make that kind of statement, which is completely contrary to the plain language of the rules. The only conclusion I can reach is stupidity or an unwillingness to apply the rules evenly. I doubt very much that aker is going to skate.


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