Local Government TV

Monday, September 22, 2014

Face of the County v. Asshole of the County

In 2011, Northampton County voters spoke. By a 73-27% margin, they rejected any attempt to sell or lease the county's nursing hone, Gracedale, for the next five years. The County responded by privatizing the administration in an effort to reduce the annual County contribution, which this year should be over $8 million.

Millard "D" Freeman is the Premier Healthcare administrator in supposed command at Gracedale. He's trying to change what he calls the "culture".

I'd call it employee abuse.

Get this. Freeman has had to change the time clock to prevent workers from punching in any earlier than seven minutes before their shift starts. Before that happened, some employees would regularly check in 1 1/2 hours early and  collect the overtime. There are some who would even decide to report in on their day off and get paid.

"It is unbelievable," Freeman stated in a report to Council's Human Services Committee last week. He added this waste had been going on for 20 years.

It is wrong for Executive John Brown to arbitrarily impose health plan increases on an already beleaguered and poorly paid workforce.  But those few Gracedale employees who steal from the County deserve no consideration and disgrace the entire workforce.

Brown calls the County worker the face of the County. These thieves must be the asshole.

Any other County employee caught doing this would be fired on the spot.


  1. You and Angle and Stoffa can whine and whine and whine. the voters heard it all over and over again. They even heard the newspapers regurgitate your scam bullshit.

    They voted overwhelmingly to keep the county asset. Now go back to attacking Nazareth cops.

  2. Sell Gracedale no tax increase needed then.

  3. Privatize the prsion. Dump the meaningless treatment contract costing millions.

    Problem solved.

  4. This is utterly ridiculous. If this was being done, the boss's (administrators/supervisors) are to blame, not the employees. Just because you punch in early doesn't mean you get paid overtime. I had a time clock where I worked and I had to relieve on a shift 20 minutes early. I never got overtime and neither did anyone else. That would have meant my boss didn't do her job. Overtime was always paid and approved by my boss. Where were the bosses and Administrators? Don't blame the employees for what is a management responsibility.
    What about at the prison? Is every hour of overtime approved by a supervisor? It should be and I am sure it is done that way.

  5. health care is not a right. all employees should pay their fair share. the rates go up then your share goes up. that's life and reality.

  6. Yeah and they told us in 5 years they could turn around the finances. Instead the contribution continues to increase. AFSCME's "concessions" did little to improve the bottom line. Time to privatize food service, laundry, and housekeeping.

    Meanwhile Pat Browne continues to divert millions to his cronies as Gracedale and Cedarbrook increasingly burden property taxpayers.

  7. Bernie no one is punching in early and getting paid and I mean no one. overtime must be preapproved by management I am a 31 year employee and have never ever seen this. I will ask D about this and let you know his response. We have problems no doubt but is not one of them. Thanks for your time. Chris

  8. After winning the referendum vote, and then being forced into give backs as an in kind campaign donation to Peg Ferraro (via Nazareth Ambulance), it's not surprising that Gracedale employees feel bitter and emboldened at the same time.

  9. "Bernie no one is punching in early and getting paid and I mean no one. overtime must be preapproved by management I am a 31 year employee and have never ever seen this. I will ask D about this and let you know his response. We have problems no doubt but is not one of them. Thanks for your time. Chris"

    It was reported at the last Human Services Committee. I am happy to know that you did not participate. Any worker who did should be fired, along with any supervisor who allowed this. It is theft, and there should be zero tolerance for theft. If the employee wants to file a grievance, then criminal charges should be filed.

  10. " If this was being done, the boss's (administrators/supervisors) are to blame, not the employees.?"

    Those who participated - boss and employee - are to blame. This is how public sector employees get a bad reputation.

  11. The allegation is ridiculous. The employer not the employee determines when over time is authorized.

    It is a nice story to put out there for all the public employee haters out there. It also gives incentive to republicans to privatize services. pay off their supporters and destroy family sustaining jobs. Love me I'm a republican.

  12. The allegation is ridiculous. The employer not the employee determines when over time is authorized.

    It is a nice story to put out there for all the public employee haters out there. It also gives incentive to republicans to privatize services. pay off their supporters and destroy family sustaining jobs. Love me I'm a republican.

  13. I am reporting exactly what D Freeman told Council's Human Services Committee last week. According to him, some employees were coming in and working OT without authorization, and were being paid. He claimed it had been going on for decades.

    You can fault the employer for not having controls in place to prevent this abuse, bnut you must also fault the employees who were stealing.

    You can see Freeman make these statemenbts here.


  14. Shouldn't the county controller investigate? Oh wait, he's a time thief as well; a kindred spirit if you will.

  15. "What about at the prison? Is every hour of overtime approved by a supervisor? It should be and I am sure it is done that way."

    There is no report of similar abuse going on at the jail.

  16. Just to help focus this discussion...from a labor law standpoint, any worked hours MUST be paid, even if they are unauthorized. Any entity that failed to do so would be subject to severe DOL penalties and fines.

    However, organizations are legally permitted to require that OT be authorized. If they have that policy and a person works unauthorized OT, they still must be paid for it, but it would be treated by most organizations as a disciplinary matter that might lead to termination of employment.

    I'm guessing in the case, union rules might block that from happening or make it so difficult that they felt it was easier to "fix" the timeclock. The situation is either because of bad union rules or poor management.

  17. Barron Von Footinmouth will get right on it. He will prove that the employee did no wrong, is entitle to overtime, and should sue the county for defamation of character. Barron is a champion of the people!

  18. The payroll clerk may have naively payed the OT without checking with management. That is a mistake but an honest mistake. Unfortunately a small percentage of employees always find a way to get over. As for the prison the union was lied to by the previous director (Myers) who said ALL prison employees will use the clocks when they put them in. The union didn't object even though our time is confirmed when we check in at the start of our shift and collect our radios/ keys. We realized that the person who does payroll would hopefully have a more efficient tool to utilize. But she doesn't. Payroll must be a nightmare for her and I feel sorry for her. She doesn't make crap, never complains, and somehow manages to do her job flawlessly despite these clocks not working. Officers can punch in their ID # and another officer will show up on the screen. These clocks never operated at max efficiency and yet she figures it out. As for the previous mentioned lie, the officers are the only ones who use these clocks. Brown always says "An honest day's pay for an honest day's work." If he only knew how many workers nickel and dime him by showing up a few minutes late, and leave a few minutes early, on a daily basis. This adds up, we have officers posted at all entrances and they see it every day. We become resentful but we deal with it. After all, we are just "Puke Union" members, which by the way is about the only substance I have not had tossed on me if you catch my drift. Just living the dream here at NCP.

  19. 1:12, Appreciate your insight from the jail.

  20. One question Bernie...Why all the blowback and negative comments towards county employees, union or not? The bloggers who rail against us are just like us. We are hard working middle class people who just want a fair and decent living, nothing more. We are the drivers of 70% of this natjon's economy but living check to shrinking check hinders our ability to do so. The only constant is how we turn on each other during times of adversity. I will never understand this. I never begrudge anyone making a decent living. I know who I am and the only good that may come of this is we are starting to push back. Enough is enough and maybe that scares some people. Our property taxes get jacked up every year and hardly anyone flinches. If a sixty dollar tax increase fixes things then sign me up. It is clear to me that Brown will eventually admit that he will have to do so, and then it will be clear that he lied to the Norco voters as well.

  21. "We are the drivers of 70% of this natjon's economy .."

    What? What a ridiculous statement with no basis in fact. That's why people don't like government and government types. Government is a necessary drag on the economy. It's a cost. It's an impediment. It doesn't drive anything except unproductive use of capital.

  22. 2:06, I share your frustration, but have an obligation to point out employee abuse when I see it, just as I have an obligation to point to what Brown is doing and how damaging it will be for you. If I don't so that, I'm not being honest.

  23. 70% of the national economy is driven by middle class dollars. That was the point and it was in reference to articles cited in various news publications. If you can prove otherwise go for it. You know, things like homes, cars, food, clothing. The so called American dream? A fair wage encourages spending, which makes for a healthy economy. What is so ridiculous about that?

  24. Why all the blowback and negative comments towards county employees, union or not?

    You have job security, pensions, and health benefits that don't exist in the private sector. It used to be that you were paid a lot less but that is no longer the case. Private sector workers have been forced to do more with less and expect government to do the same. Public sector unions play a role in choosing their bosses, in the private sector we don't. Unlike roads and schools, County services in particular are either invisible (911/courts) or undesirable (going to jail or nursing home) to most citizens.

  25. Public sector unions play a role in choosing their bosses, in the private sector we don't.

    Quit talking out your ass. It stinks.
    I'm in a public sector union and don't have a say in who my boss is. Management hires management - not the union.

  26. anon 2:52,

    "Government is a necessary drag on the economy. It's a cost. It's an impediment. It doesn't drive anything except unproductive use of capital."

    Yes by all means. Let us not inspect food, let us not make sure water is clean. Let us not have research on illnesses that result in treatments. Let us shit in the street and breath crap. The modern "know nothing" Party, known to day as teabaggers are at work again.

    When your kid is sick and you are sitting in rubble after a tornado, please do not bother the government with your concerns. Text Sean Hannity for some inspiration.

    1830 is calling you!

  27. Yes by all means lets throw the old and disabled in the street and please no more jails. I can hit them with my cane.
    Dude, you want to know what a douchebag is? Look in a mirror.

  28. Bernie, first oc all, time clocks were installed only a few years back, so it could not have gone on for decades! All ot had to bd aproved by supervisors. I don't know when anyond has been paid ot for punching in early!

  29. That's not true. It could have been going on, just not via time clock. According to D Freeman, it was going on, and for two decades.

  30. Bernie,

    Just wanted to back up the individual that commented on the prison. The officers must punch in, check in with the supervisor, and stand for a roll call.

    A lot, not all, but a lot of the non correctional staff do take advantage of not being held to such measures. They show up late for work, leave early for lunch, return late from lunch, and leave early. All the officers hear is that they must be held accountable if late. But it seems not so with the administrative staff.

    You really need to have a chat with some of the officers to see what the real problems at the prison are and how money is being wasted.

  31. Wasn't there a song about John Brown back in the Civil War?

  32. 11:58, Feel free to contact me at BOHare5948@aol.com

  33. Anon 4:59pm...are you really so clueless as to not understand the comment that you are replying to? Public sector unions are made up of voters, and very much influence elections. Elections determine who is running the government (your "bosses") and who sets the tone for the government entity.

    I agree 100% with Anon 4:53pm. To those who ask why should anyone begrudge these workers what they get there's a simple answer - unlike private sector employees, the demands (and often, greed) of public sector unions is OUR business as taxpayers because WE are the ones paying for it. I'm 100% for reasonable wages and benefits for all, but public sector unions have pushed well beyond that in most cases.

  34. "According to D Freeman, it was going on, and for two decades."

    Who is he,God? He is mistaken.

  35. " I'm 100% for reasonable wages and benefits for all, but public sector unions have pushed well beyond that in most cases."

    Just want to throw this out there. Having walked the earth for many decades. Is it that the public employees are asking for too much, or is it that since the rest of us have lost so much, it only appears they have too much?

    Since the Reagan years the American worker has taken a beating. We no longer make things, corporations take jobs elsewhere. Real wages and benefits have declined greatly. Concentrated wealth is the greatest it has ever been in our history.

    Just a thought. Maybe instead of attacking some people for still holding on,we should question why we tolerate being turned into a second class nation.

    Not a public employee and totally self reliant commenter.

  36. 2:26, I am sure that, among 700 employees, there were some who took advantage of things.

  37. Anon 2:36 - an interesting point and well presented. I actually wouldn't have a problem with it if it was presented as logic for demands by a private sector union where people can decide whether to deal with the company involved or not. However, a public sector union is supported by taxpayers, and should reflect the working conditions (i.e. wages, benefits, etc.) of those who pay taxes. Right now, this is NOT the case with most public sector unions who enjoy benefits unheard of in the private sector, all of which drives up taxes for everyone.

  38. There were many times I worked past the end of my shift d/t things that had to be done...I was not paid. So I dont understand where this is coming from. And at later dates we were informed all overtime had to be approved prior or you wouldn't be paid. And most of the time it is the NURSES that get overtime approved at Gracedale.


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