Local Government TV

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tea Party To Rally Against KidsPeace!

Break out the pitchforks!

Ronnie DelBacco, Dear Leader of the local tea party, has sent an "URGENT MESSAGE !!" to his fellow patriots and anyone else living in the Lehigh Valley demanding immediate action against KidsPeace.
We have learned that the Kids Peace facility at Fountain Hill may be receiving a bus or van full of "illegal Immigrant children" this weekend from the South West border area in cooperation with the federal government's plan to ship them all over the country. Though KidsPeace will not confirm this or give us ANY information, they did indicate that they do have staff in charge of this program. My call to the supervisor has gone unreturned. The group in Maryland who recently stopped their illegals there also could not confirm their information. Regardless, we do know that KidsPeace IS identified as a participant in this program and they actually started preparing for this infiltration program over a year ago as reported in the local press.
An "infiltration" of children! Oh my!

Del Whacko goes on to claim we don't want those damn children "rewarded" for "breaking our laws while We The People are stuck with the bill."

He does not say what he proposes to do, but I'm sure that this innovative thinker, who has advocated book bans in the past, can come up with a Final Solution.

Protesters will descend on Kids Peace in Fountain Hill on Sunday at 11 am. Ronnie wants everyone to bring flags.

Hope they are not American flags, because what he proposes has nothing to do with the princioles upon which this country was founded.

Matthew 19:13-15 - Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.


  1. Ronnie's a wing nut, but even Democrat governors and other Democrat politicians are upset at not being notified about ICE and HHS plans for relocating illegals. The Obama administration isn't communicating or coordinating, especially with local officials who are tasked with caring and educating these kids. Local school districts are throwing teachers overboard by the dozens or hundreds, in some cases. That the message is being trumpeted by Del Wacko should not distract from the seriousness of the issue and the Obama administration's failure to manage what they refuse to call a crisis.

  2. You appear to like little boys Bernie. Why don't you volunteer to take some of them in?

  3. 2:26, It's nonsense to rally against children or a social services agency over failed immigration policies. Thgis is just poure hate, completely contrary to everything upon which this nation is based. If he wants to rally, I could think of better people to go after than a bunch of kids, assuming there are any there.

  4. Isn't it wonderful that those who live to hate Obama so much have something to live for. What on Earth will they do with themselves when Hillary is elected?

  5. My understanding is that these children may be carrying a brain-eating disease that could be transmitted to our legal children, thereby introducing a cancer that will rot our future.

    Please stop the insanity!!! Do anything you can to turn these evil spawn around and catapult them across the border in their bus. Them shoulder an AK47 just in case some survive the fall.

    Thank God you told us about this Bernie. It's insane!

  6. "You appear to like little boys Bernie"

    Ah yes, the CRAZY woman chimes in were her familiar suggestion Bernie has some predisposition he shouldn't have. Wasn't she found guilty of libel for this very ugly and unsubstantiated allegation? Guess some people have trouble learning lessons.

    I find Bernie to like and appreciate all people young and old, which is rare and should be celebrated.

  7. @3:13 Exactly! Will they be like Palestinians, and dig in for a battle to the death?

    Look at MezzaFu$%nCrazy - she's all "moldy labia," and fighting until the last moving box is full. My guess is people like Rush, DelWhacko, etc will keep going like Energizer Bunnies.

  8. These beautiful children are future Democratic Party voters. After last November, we need all the help we can get. Let 'em in. Sign 'em up. More kids = more teachers and the layoffs madness and pay freezes will finally stop around here.

  9. Won't they be skipping Church for this? Just sayin'

  10. Matt M, The same person who snaps pictures of who is and is not paying attention at meeting prayers is going to crusade against children on the Lord's Day. What a guy!

  11. what a freaking dumbass! These are kids you idiot.

  12. I disagree Bernie, showing up at Kidspeace is a legit way to protest our failure to enforce our laws and the border. I agree that. There's the potential to make it look bad and for idiots to spout a hateful message, but this is where the media is paying attention and thus it's the place to petition.

  13. This is the Cloward Piven strategy in action

  14. Give it a rest. This is nothing more than the mindless act of xenophobes who think nothing of terrorizing children whose sole crime appears to be that they were born in the wrong country. These are not Americans, but monsters.

  15. My grandparents came through Ellis Island. They were subjected to strict medical screening, had to demonstrate they either had a job or people who would pay their way (note: in 1920s there wasn't anything remotely like welfare). There is NO REASON the immigrants crossing the border today should not face similar scrutiny.

    Should it take upwards of 8 years to legally immigrate to the US? Probably not; but those who have applied for legal immigration should get the benefit of a streamlined process LONG BEFORE those who rush the gate.

    Seal the border NOW. Then we can talk about improving the process

  16. These are kids, not adults. Do you have any decency left at all? And incidentally, when your grandparents immigrated, this place was called a melting pot.

  17. #1 Many kids came across ships to the US in those days, too. And many were sent back, too.

    #2 If they have no legal family here, they should be sent back.

    #3 We're still a melting pot; that claim is false and is meant to be a distraction. I simply state that medical exams must be given, and viable support must be arranged for prior to admittance.

    Stick to the issue, and don't try to spin the issue into something it isn't.

  18. Charlie, Don't post factual claims that are complete nonsense. It is only in recent years that we've tried to slam the doors shoot.

    No real American would turn his back on a child, as you are advocating. I have absolutely no respect for a person who can be that ugly.

  19. First of all, you are showing your ignorance. As an example, I invite you all to Google 'button-hook men' and tell me how 'ugly' that job was. Now I am not advocating that but what you're suggesting is quite the opposite.

    Secondly, let's send ships to North Korea, China, Africa and anywhere else there's extreme poverty -- we don't because we can't absorb that many people who are unable to care for themselves.

    The abuse of the law that permits chain migration will bankrupt our nation; we need to stop this now before we're unable to provide for those here.

    Case in point: why are people in Detroit nearly dying of thirst, but the President has the audacity to ask for $3.5B for illegal aliens??

  20. Those kids are here. We didn't send for them. Don't be ridiculous. The only excuse I can come up with for this kind of disgusting behavior is that some people are ugly on the inside.

    I hope you go to church on Sunday.

  21. Where does it stop?

    Why do we have immigration laws at all?

    We have illegal immigrants flying on planes across this country; tell me Bernie: can you board a plane without ID?

    We're a nation of laws. Or we were.

    Where does it stop?

  22. It doesn't stop with defenseless children. Don't ever call yourself an American unless you spell it with a k. And buy some jackboots and brownshirts.

  23. Hmmmm, I remember reading something... let me see, ah, here it is:

    I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion.

    But you'll probably exercise your ability to delete this comment, because you'll perceive what I say is a criticism of your policy (which, incidentally, it is), whereas your insulting me is perfectly acceptable.

  24. It is perfectly acceptable because you know who I am while you don't identify yourself. It also happens to be the truth. Anyone who advocates terrorizing defenseless children is a monster and I refuse to consider you an American.

  25. Whoa, I am terrorizing children? Who put them on top of trains? Who left them in the hands of gangsters?
    Who places a minor child in the hands of gang members who may well rape them?

    Let's see if there's any common ground: do you think the children coming across the border in droves should be subject to medical exams, and if they have communicable diseases, they should be turned away?

  26. Absolutely. A horde of toothless and barely literate extremists is descending upon them to scream and yell, as though they don't feel bad enough already. Then you'll all fgo to the local abortion clinic and pretend you care about life.



  27. You're incredible.

    Granted, you are correct on one hand that you do not know who I am, but on the other you make these grand assumptions about me. I am dealing with the facts on the ground, here and now, and you keep going off on tangents.

    If you want to change the law, there's a process for that, too, but you'd rather have laws ignored instead of changed or followed. The American's I know who fought for this nation have some definite opinions on that.

    I am all about enforcing existing laws, laws that predate you or I, and processes that exist in every civilized nation (and many less-than-civilized ones); but you continue to hurl unfounded claims and insults instead of debating me.

    Sounds like you haven't thought out this issue; I may have given you too much credit.

  28. Matthew 19:13-15 - Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.

  29. Now you've contradicted yourself at 8:33. I asked whether those who had communicable disease should be turned away, and you agreed, and now you say 'suffer the children.'

    I don't disagree we should do what we can for all who are in need. It just seems those who want to do the most always want to use other people's money.

    Meanwhile, reports of gang members coming into our country, reports of diseases long ago cured, and new out breaks at holding areas. Media and members of congress denied access to where these illegals are being held. Cities and towns being told 'you now have to pay for these new immigrants, for their social services, for their schools' where the local legislature have no say.

    When does it stop?

  30. It stops when hipsters stop listening to Jenny McCarthy and get their damn kids vaccinated,. Seriously, man get a grip!

    And matey, give it a break already. Christ, who is more fixated on the Mezz, you or O'Hare?

  31. I agree with Anon re:Jenny McCarthy. My kids are vaccinated, and my much-better-half and I get flu shots with them annually. But too many of these kids are coming in with TB, scabies, etc.

    I don't want these children harmed, but I cannot turn a blind eye to the abuse of their illegal immigration.

    Once again, where is the respect for the law, and for the law abiding citizens and legal immigrants?

  32. Matthew 19:13-15 - Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.

  33. Bernie,

    Most times I agree fully with you but bible verses don't cut it if you are not Christian. Facts are the laws (as you often quote in your arguments) are against these people. Whether they are kids or not is irrevelant. Bottom line is we can't just keep accepting illegals forever. They have contributed nothing (as opposed to our melting pot grandfathers) but are eligible to receive many freebies (again as opposed to our grandfathers).

    There is a legal way to immigrate, just as our grandfathers did. The melting pot can continue, just with some semblance of legality and order.

  34. By the way, after laying his hands on them (the children), Jesus left. Apparently someone else had to take care of them.

  35. This is Obama's America. Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity said that there is word that Obama operatives are getting the children up here for political reasons.

    What can we do. Hopefully Northampton County passes a resolution demanding that no illegals be sent anywhere in Northampton County.

  36. The tea party is really getting old. they are a bunch of xenophobic assholes. They claim they are about the "budget" but al they do is bitch about religion as well as people with skin tone darker then most of them. Make that all of them. The teabgger menace is a sad way for old people to spend their time.


  37. Putting up with King Obama is a sad way for young people to be forced to spend their time.

  38. These kids and their hangers on represent cheap labor for the next generation. 93 million, having dropped off the employment statistics, have driven wages way; improving corporate profits. A further injection of employment seekers will lop off another bunch of top wage earners and further improve corporate profits. It will also keep complaining blacks out of the workforce. The gap between rich and poor has never been greater and this will continue to widen the gulf between the Elizabeth Warrens of the world and the people who clean her pool. The fringe Tea Party aside, most GOP lawmakers and the US Chamber of Commerce agree with even liberal Democrats on a comprehensive immigration reform bill. After all, when did "profit" become a dirty word?

  39. These poor Mexican children crossing the border alone. Obama's children


  40. It's also really cool when right and left use children and Bible quotes to make political points. They like using body counts, too. It's powerful rhetorical stuff. Nice work, Bernie.

  41. I don't often agree with Delbacko but this time I must. First of all, stop with that verse. Our country is not the kingdom of heaven and we abandoned the Christian principles many years ago. They have no parents. What was that mother promised to separate from her children and put them on a train to another country. There's is no family for these kids so it leaves our broke down government to provide. These kids will make perfect little socialist which is why they're so welcome here. No parents,no U.S. history is perfect to direct their path. BUT they're going to kidspeace so they will be put on prescription meds for adhd and their employees will rape them. Must be your type of heaven but sure not mine.

  42. Bible or no bible, anyone who wants to dymp on kids whose only crime is being born, is a monster.

  43. Anyone with information on the group Pennsylvania Malitia (note: Militia misspelled) or the aliases "John Fish" and "Lady Patriot", please drop me a line at spelunking2000@gmail.com. Thank you

  44. You are so dramatic, Bernie. They are not protesting the kids. If these were adults coming across the border, they would still be protesting. How can you ignore the strain that this government continues to put on its citizens? It is an attack on multiple fronts by these people in power, both Democrats and Republicans and the average, hard working citizen is getting the beatdown. Tell me I am wrong. That is what is being protested here. You can only push people so far before they will take a stand. The silent majority is starting to speak.

  45. Rush Limbaugh for President, why not!

  46. Points have been made that immigration has to get under control. Majority of Americans agree on that issue.
    These poor children have been sent alone. This is not only cruel but inhumane. The people that did this need to be held accountable.
    Protect the innocent and punish the criminals!
    I agree that they need to be checked out throughly before placement.
    Our President and Congress have all failed on this issue for decades!
    Time is now for the people to vigilantly advocate for reform! But in the right way, not a protest in front of poor innocent children.

  47. Bernie, will you be covering the protest?

  48. Bernie,

    In your 6:54 post you said these kids were on their own. How did they get there? They didn't leave home and travel through several countries to get to the USA alone. You normally have an intelligent insight on things, what confuses you on this. Yes, they are innocent, but they are just as well off with no parents in their home country as here.

  49. These kids are of a darker complexion like our President, so they, must be bad. Good call!

  50. This protest is not against kids peace or children. Bernie is no better than the cowards who orchestrated this mess for misscharacterizing the tea party. Obviously he has an agenda against them and are using the children the same way as those who orchestrated this. Bernie sinks to a new low.

    I doubt most of these kids can read English and will understand what is going on. When they see all the American flags they will probably think they are being welcomed.

    Some are protesting the use of children as political pawns. Putting children's life at risk for Policatal strategy.

  51. "In your 6:54 post you said these kids were on their own. How did they get there? They didn't leave home and travel through several countries to get to the USA alone."

    Go after their contacts, not the kids. If I see a kid acting out at a store, and I feel I must say something, it is to that child's adult guardian, not the child.

    Going to where children are housed, or stopping buses, is the act of monsters.

  52. "This protest is not against kids peace or children"

    It most certainly is. You are meeting at KidsPeace, and are hoping to be able to terrorize them.

    1. Are you God? Do you know what is in people's hearts?

      Terrorize? Great Alinsky tactic.
      Demonize you opponant. You are the one holding the pitch fork.

  53. "Bernie, will you be covering the protest?"

    Probably not. I have given them far too much attention.

  54. Bernie, Why are you suggesting pitchforks? That will scare the children. AMERICAN FLAGS would be better. I think that is what is planned.

  55. 9:04, some tea party goofs are convinced that anyone who does not subscribe to their ideals has read a little known book by Saul Alinsky called "Rules for Radicals." So they have bought the book and practice those principles themselves.

    Now let's look at the facts. Your dear leader, with no knowledge whether children from other countries are even there, has scheduled a rally at KudsPeace, a children's home, He and others filled with hate in their hearts will protest children who have done nothing wrong, while ignoring the adults who made this possible. And if American kids are terrorized too, so be it.

    These are not the actions of anyone interested in reforming flawed immigration policies. They are the actions of a monster.

    1. There you go again making generalizations and assumptions. Resorting to name calling?
      You have no idea what your talking about.

  56. I predict the protest will be peaceable and won't get within eyeshot of any immigrant children. Because of the media attention, this is an appropriate way to petition our government's failures.

    Here's a cut an paste from a facebook friend with C.A. roots who runs a charity down there:

    "I have been on the phone with dozens of friends in Guatemala and Honduras trying to get a better handle on the issue on their side. First off more often than not of course the media is exaggerating their circumstances. The violence has not escalated and has been around as long as I have been alive. In Guatemala they say on their buses on the radio news and their newspapers say President Obama will allow automatic amnesty if they can just cross the border. They don't need family here or money. This is true for San Pedro Sula Honduras (news saying automatic amnesty) as they mention here in this article. I have been to San Pedro Sula many times and I feel more threatened driving in parts of Chicago than I do in that city. I have compassion for these poor kids that cross whom are desolate but where does it stop because the coyote train is just getting started according to my sources down in Guatemala."

  57. Failing to act and fix this problem will lead to the death and abuse of countless more children.

    Bernie's kneejerk reaction that this may scare some children could be correct. But, it's not evil to do everything you can, within reason, to stop the trafficking of children.

  58. "I predict the protest will be peaceable and won't get within eyeshot of any immigrant children. Because of the media attention, this is an appropriate way to petition our government's failures."

    I see. So long as you get media attention, it doesn't matter that you are staging a protest right outside a home for children. How compassionate of you!

  59. "Bernie's kneejerk reaction that this may scare some children could be correct."

    American children, too. But as long as you get your names in the paper, who cares, right?

  60. Sometimes when my children get shots, they cry. Doesn't make me a bad parent. On the contrary.

    But, this does take more than first derivative thinking.

  61. You are not giving the children a shot, although many of you tea party types oppose vaccines, too. You are going out there to protest these children for something over which they themselves have no control. What's next, a demonstration at the Children's Home for wasting our tax dollars? You are monsters and should be ashamed of yourselves. So much for Christianity.

    This is why I always say the most Christian people i know are Jews.

  62. How do we make sure their little brothers don't die making the trip or their little sisters don't get raped?

  63. Mr.O'Hare
    Once again you show you ability to adhere to the law(s) of the nation. These people, adults and children are committing a crime and they need to be stopped. If you want to have some fun check the laws pertaining to you going to Mexico for a family vacaation. Add to this that Kids Peace, a place that has its own sordided ways and you will see what is going on

  64. Bernie,
    My wife and I are starting the process to adopt 2 immigrant children and we're just about to take our 2 other boys to church. Your hyperbole is all wrong. If I were local I'd consider stopping by so long as the protest was peaceable and wasn't terrorizing children. Having worked with KidsPeace in the past, I'm sure the staff will do their best to keep the kids from even knowing there's people across the street.

  65. The opposition being presented by the LVTP is off-base and non intellectual. Their trying to insinuate something that isn't even occurring. These children aren't being admitted to the United States. They are being detained and processed. Protesting outside of KidsPeace because its one if the facilities being used to process these children is just dumb and shows how little those protesting grasp regarding this issue. Which makes it either a political stunt meant to stir up xenophobia or simply an exercise in ignorance.

  66. "the protest was peaceable and wasn't terrorizing children."

    How would you know that? You are referring to it in the past tense before it occurred. I was there. It was loud and raucous. They blocked the entrance to the facility and there were three police officers on hand. Just the message that kids inside that place, many of whom were abused and/or neglected, need to hear.

    I don't car what your stand on immigration might be. You lose any claim to legitimacy when you rally against children.

    1. Bernie, were there any pitch forks or swastiika?

  67. " These people, adults and children are committing a crime"

    Really? What crime are the children committing? Are you aware that, under out American, most children lack the capacity to commit a crime.

    You are propelled by nothing more than hate.

    1. HATE? There you go acting like God again making judgements when you don't even know this person.

  68. What motivates open border advocates when they know it means death trains and trafficking of human children?

  69. I am by no means an advocate of what they do. But this was disgusting. You actually had a protest AGAINST children. God help you when you die. Among those there was NorCo Council member Hayden Phillips and Tom "I wanna be a judge" Carroll.

    1. You keep using the children for your own vengence.

  70. Vengeance? I think you fell off the cuckoo tree. I have be reason to be be vengeful bc these wing nuts lose at everything. What I am doing is pointing to their pure hated of children who have done nothing wrong and their total willingness to terrorize American children who have done nothing wrong so these wannabes can read their names in the paper.

  71. The more you ramble the more you look like the one that feel out of the Cuckoo tree. Keep going, your really on a roll.

  72. Anonymous comments on a public forum aren't really all that impressive. Especially when they lack intellect and substance.

  73. Bernie, you are wasting your breath. The lunatic right in the tea party are handmaidens of the Koch brothers. they have been drinking the milk of paranoia and hate. They don't even see the silliness in their statements. They have been conditioned to give "bumper sticker" responses and claim they are very logical.

    A truly crazy person will never see that they are crazy, such is the tea party nuts. They are puppets in a grand political play and they are blissfully unaware, thinking they are acting in the fine tradition of patriots that never existed.
    They have pet terms like "Alinsky" because that is all they have. They have the least understanding of the American Dream of almost any group of people. They are rooted in hate and greed and sadly that is how they will continue to live, believing it is some American touchstone. They are truly disgusting and sad at the same time.

    1. You have no idea what you are telling about.

  74. Bernie, you're a liar. The Lehigh Valley Tea Party made no "demands" and Ronnie did not call anyone "damn children". Stop creating hatred and stop the name calling.

    It is Obama who is to blame. This guy, funded by George Soros is luring children away from their parents with a promise of amnesty, a promise that he is not authorized to deliver. The sick part is that he's doing it for democrat votes. Yes these children are risking their lives, enduring starvation, disease, abuse and rape, all to expand the despicable Democrat voter base. He and Soros are using these children as political pawns. And you are right there with them.

    You should be ashamed of your party's disgusting behavior. You make Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx proud. What a bunch of sad-sacks.... ha, ha, ha....

  75. Tom Campione. This has nothing to do with Obama or even the immigration issue. This has everything to do with children, who already feel shitty enough, being made to feel worse by assholes like you. You are phionies so filled with hate that you'll step all over children if it suits your agenda.

    If caring about children makes me Karl Marx, I'll take that.

    1. I'm sure they were shielded from this by Kids Peace and have no clue what was going on.
      Stop being a drama queen.

  76. Why the secrecy? Leaders from both parties are being kept in the dark about relocations. Some openness would go a long way in helping everyone, especially potentially impacted local officials. Again, why all the secrecy? That's not good for anyone.

  77. 1st of Bernie, kids peace has already confirmed they are participating in the program to house clothe and feed these illegals. When something is illegal it means "against the law" ... Now I know your a disbarred lawyer, so I know that you know that. So kids peace is knowingly participating in illegal activities. All using YOUR tax dollars!
    If you feel so bad for them, adopt one or two and YOU feed them and clothe them. I already am struggling feeding and clothing my own.
    You are right America is a melting pot, but there are laws for a reason. Yes, they are children. American children have been held accountable for breaking laws, what makes these kids so special? Let them come in to our country legally and they will be welcomed with open arms. These back door kids. Bathe them, feed them, then send them back to where they came.

  78. It's amazing how many women dismiss these children. So sad really.

  79. I agree, Maybe the first lady will set the example and have them stay with them on Marthas Vineyard next month. Plenty of room. That would really show everyone.

  80. Amend, you can see their hatred here pretty clearly.

  81. Interesting fact. Not a Fox fact, just a real everyday fact but still interesting.

    G.W. Bush signed the Trafficking victims Protection Re-authorization act, on December 23, 2008

    The Act mandates illegal alien children are transferred to refugee re-settlement within 24 hours of setting foot on U.S. soil.

    Apparently President Obama and Kidspeace are following the law. I realize this inconvenient truth is not as fun as the Obama bashing, immigrant(dark immigrant) hating Koch Brother facts but that is just the way it is.

    Everyone has to grow up and face facts some day. Just because Fox hires leggy blondes with big boobs for you old guys does not mean they know what the Hell they are talking about.

    So the law Bush signed is somehow all Obamas fault for doing his duty and following it.

    This is why you will never win the Presidency for the next twenty years. You just are to angry, bitter and yes, racist. You will always have the 30% you need to win many off year elections but the real majority including Independent see you are nuts and you scare them more than dark complexion children.

  82. Never have I seen such vicious hate for a president as I have seen over the past six years for this President. Clinton and Bush took hits but this is personal and very, very bitter.

    Just amazing to witness otherwise normal seeming people break into a frothing rage just mentioning the guys name.

  83. I remember the frothing rage at the mention of W Bush's name.

    And the bi-partisan sponsors of the Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization Act have stated that these are unanticipated consequences. Republicans currently control one half of the legislature and cannot fix this with an uncooperative president and Senate who like the open border.

    They apparently don't care that children are being trafficked and raped enough to put the national guard on the border to stop the madness and prevent future crossings. Really got to wonder about the ends-justify-the-means mentality of those who don't endorse commonsense solutions like this.

  84. "Let's talk. Let us do no harm."

    Here is the deal. Unfortunately, we have collectively let the country slide. The only way it can be changed is at the ballot box. These kids being shipped in are illegally here. That is a fact. However, the US Government has chosen to allow that. With that said, it is wrong and frankly I am pissed as some on this board are. HOWEVER, as BOH mentions, these are little kids. How they got here is no longer the issue. But the fact is that they have no one to watch out for them and WE must do something. WE will not let them go hungry or make them feel more frightened then they are. Many assume that these youngsters are knowingly gaming the system and are some how smart and have some big scheme. That just goes to the ignorance of some. Anyway, I will be doing what I can, if asked, to help these kids out and to provide aid. If the federal government wants to deport them, then that is what will happen and it is what it is. This situation reminds me of the line in the movie Full Metal Jacket... "In other words, it's a huge shit sandwich, and we're all gonna have to take a bite."

  85. That's a refreshing comment, and you captured how I feel better than I said it. Thank you. I don't care how one feels about immigration. I do care about how we treat children.

  86. And... BTW as the 10:17 anon poster... I am as conservative Republican as one can get and am in no way affiliated with the ilk that may have participated in that protest.

  87. I appreciate the comment made at 9:29. I had forgotten that this was in fact the law. The idea that somehow this is a political plan by Obama to get children into America illegally is nothing but crazy. there is a lot of that going around.

    I wonder how many folks will thank the President for following the law as signed by President Bush.

    I feel the only real slide in the country is the ever increasing disparity of wealth. History teaches us that has never ended well in any society. Add to that the pseudo-science and pseudo-history that is now becoming more and more common in America.

    Makes me fear for all the children.

  88. "Republicans currently control one half of the legislature and cannot fix this with an uncooperative president and Senate who like the open border."

    Keep telling yourselves that. Just like you do on healthcare and every other serious issue. You folks live in an echo chamber. Please keep telling us which are the good laws and the bad laws and which part of which laws were intended to be good(pushed by Republicans) and which parts are bad(pushed by Democrats)

    After that please tell us who Bobby is taking to the middle school dance and if she is a bad girl or a good girl. You know all the juicy gossip.

  89. I too fear for the future.

    I bet you didn’t know that Australia’s prime minister just called climate science, “Absolute Crap.”

    The co-founder of Greenpeace noted last week, Americans are too science illiterate to discern that they’re being lied to.


    Having an open border post 9/11 is not an acceptable solution. We can adsorb a lot of immigrants, but we have to know who is here.

  90. Get off the soapbox please. This is not about Obama or climate change. This is about how we treat children. Even our own children.

  91. How do we protect the children from making a dangerous trip north who are still in their parents' care?

  92. Bernie,
    Thank you for going to witness what went down (I know you didn't want to but we goaded you into it). Do you think children got terrorized from what you witnessed?

  93. Absolutely. You descended like a mob on the homes of abused and neglected children. You made them feel worse. And these are American children by the way. This is something you can take with you to your grave. It was a low moment and one of many little moments for Ronnie del Whacko.

  94. Thanks. I wasn't there. That's too bad it went down like that.

  95. At least del Whacko wore a mask to protect us from his frothing illness.

    By the way, who the Hell cares what the Australian Prime minster says? Not only off topic but weird!!!

  96. You should care. If you didn't know about the Australian PM or the founder of greenpeace, then you live in a liberal echo chamber. 11:46 is a pot calling the kettle black.

  97. You should care. If you didn't know about the Australian PM or the founder of greenpeace, then you live in a liberal echo chamber. 11:46 is a pot calling the kettle black.

  98. The Artic Ice melting is a hoax. Photo shopped! Who is the whacko??

  99. Did you know that the Founding Fathers had Classical liberal educations for their times.

    Oh MY!!

  100. I guess the founder of greenpeace is the wacko. Artic ice is melting is the best you got? You do know there is an Antarctic and its ice is...wait for it...growing. Go back to your MSNBC cocoon.

  101. The co-founder of Greenpeace was lamenting that Americans were too science illiterate to know that melting Artic ice doesn't necessarily mean global warming is what we think. He must have a lot of friends who watch MSNBC all day long.

  102. Those who are oblivious to the 99% of the scientific community that agrees the average mean temperature of the Earth is rising are just stupid. Hard to be polite about it. Will you politicize gravity next? If you chose to disregard the overwhelming scientific date to jump on the bandwagon of someo9ne here and there that claims it is a hoax, you are already to far gone.

    You are the folks that kept Europe in the Dark Ages for centuries before science and the enlightenment finally triumphed.
    It is sad that in this day and age we still have people who are so willing to be ignorant.

  103. It is amazing how the Fox network keep promoting these pseudo-science people. I like to think of it as the Flat Earth channel. All the science you feel comfortable with and non you don't. Remember the Earth is 6000 years old and Satan buried those dinosaur bones to deceive us.

    We are no longer the world leaders in anything important as we are now becoming dumber than any third world nation. And we are doing voluntarily. Sad!

  104. How dare you call the cofounder of Greenpeace stupid!

    Listen, 100% of scientists said carbohydrates were what made you healthy. How's that workin' out?

    Eugenics is another great example. Consensus isn't science.

    MSNBC doesn't report that the earth hasn't warmed for 18 years. But, you alarmists still foolishly carry water for the grant-makers and grant-takers.

    You're on the wrong side of history. I won't call you, "stupid," though. "Lazy," maybe "ignorant," but not, "stupid."


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