Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Tales of Trachta: Chief Covers Cop's Affair

Nazareth only has two full-time officers, besides Chief Thomas Trachta. The rest are part-timers. One of them, Dan Troxell, does the Chief's masonry work at his home in Bushkill Township. He's the arresting officer in Stickergate. Maybe he got a few extra hours. But that's not the dirty, little secret I mentioned yesterday.

This secret, which is not really so secret, involves another part-time police officer. A married man with kids, he began carrying on an affair with a woman in town. He fooled her into thinking he cares about her. Now I'm no prude, and if he wants to ride to Space Mountain with twenty different women or even a few chipmunks, that's his business. But he was doin' the dirty while on duty. That makes it our business, Instead of stopping it, Chief Trachta covered it up. What's worse, he retaliated against those who complained.

I have not named this officer because I have no desire to hurt his family. But I really should. Chances are they know, even if they don't know exactly. Wives, in particular, have a sixth sense about cheating husbands. The reason I should name him is because he's still working in Nazareth. He's one of Trachta's pets, and the Chief has done damage control for him.

Some of this damage control is the Stickergate prosecution. That's payback. Trevor Gehret, one of the three named defendants in Stickergate, saw this officer leave this woman's apartment on numerous occasions, while on duty, in full uniform. He repeatedly called Trachta to complain, but was always brushed off.

"Nothing to see here, Gehret, please disperse."

Gehret was by no means alone. Several downtown residents, the ones Trachta derisively calls townies, often saw this woman hop into this officer's cruiser, while he was on duty. The two would drive off, and then she would return, a few hours later, a little worse for the wear. They called Trachta, too, and were brushed off.

"Nothing to see here, townies, move along."

Although I have not seen them, several residents tell me they have seen the text messages this officer sent to his lover while he was on duty. Those messages are maintained by phone companies, even if deleted by the customer.

Other police officers actually found used condoms in the cruiser from time to time.

" This is nothing out of the unusual. Maybe it came that way."

This is a theft of services. Instead of protecting the citizens of Nazareth, this cop was going on rides to Space Mountain. The Indian Tower, too. He stole from the Nazareth taxpayers, something far more serious than a few 2" x 2" stickers.

Those who complained to Trachta found that they themselves were being followed, and in some cases, charged with some petty traffic offense

This officer even carried out a vendetta his lover had against another woman. He began following her in his cruiser, making her a nervous wreck. Then one day, he pulled her over for running a stop sign. Though she came to a complete stop, who would believe her? She paid the fine.

Some of Gehret's attackers contend he should have complained to Borough Council instead of making stickers. Well , last June, that's exactly what he did. They sat there, afraid to do anything. The Chief denied it all, and after the hearing, told Trevor he had just made a serious mistake

Now most people are intimidated by cops. But Trevor, unlike others who shut up and go away, refuses to be bullied.

Tomorrow, I'll explain why Borough Council is afraid of Trachta.

Blogger's note: In addition to the cheating officer, I know the identities of several people involved here,including the jilted lover, the woman who was being followed, other townies who complained and officers who saw the willy wrappers. 

Updated 10 pm: West Easton's common scold, Tricia Mezzacappa, has launched yet another spam attack, until her meds kick in. This is who supports Trachta, which alone should be enough to make him resign. She is trying to prevent others from speaking out because she thinks hers is the only voice that matters. In the meantime, my defamation verdict, on the left sidebar, is growing larger. I am deleting as time permits.


  1. Great stuff, Bernie. Keep your nose stuck up people's asses - it's shoving the truth out.

  2. Hey 12:33, great comment. Keep shoving your nose up Bernie's ass. Good job!

  3. Deja vu? Didn't a similar situation play out in Hellertown borough a few years back? I am...I said, to no one there.

    1. Nazareth and Moore Township now. He worked at Palmerton, Slatington, Hellertown, and Fountain Hill before getting fired, accusations of inappropriate conducted with females. He also rented his house in Bushkill Twp. to a great Hellertown police officer. You know the kind when it's a private sale (RENT WITH THE OPTION TO PURCHASE). That was before the Northampton county Sheriff's department came to the house evicted the house evicted me, because the current same Nazareth and Moore Township police officer lied about the current status of not paying his mortgage! But hey somehow he passed the financial background to his civil service testing. That's probably because Trachta does all the background checks, and this office is one of the "his boys". This cop is the arresting officer! He LOST HIS HOUSE BECAUSE HE WAS HARD UP FOR MONEY! This is why he should NOT still be eligible for the civil service testing! He is at high risk to steal money or drugs or both. It's all public record! However I was recently informed that he is number 3 on the current Nazareth Borough civil service hiring list. I have also been told, that a civil service hearing is being held in July because Trachta eliminated one of the top 2 guys for having less then desirable credit score. Yet he "over looks" his masonry boy, who lost his house and still owes people money, as acceptable Financial Background?

  4. Bernie O'Hare have you no shame? You try and destroy a person's marriage because of your hate filled vendetta against the man's employer? Well why stop there, if the truth is your objective. Numerous Northampton County employees told you about some hanky panky between a top administrator and a subordinate in the last county administration. You felt that was horrible to comment on and were incensed. Even though you knew it happened.

    You have a double standard and will do anything when in one of your alky rages.

    Shame on you. Many hope you trip up on this latest character assassination and get sued. Of course you have always worked off the premises that you don't own anything, not even the bucket you crap in so who would sue you and for what? Of course you get fronted by Angle and Stoffa who do have things to lose, don't you? One day the dots will be connected and then your "friends" will fade away like every other sane person.

    Hang out with the check stealer and the druggies, they are model citizens.

  5. You have gone way over the top on this one Bernie. I don't know your connection to this Rosie woman and/or your anger with this police chief but this is really some crazy stuff.

    Working to destroy peoples lives that are around the guy is way out there.

    You really need to take a breath

  6. What about doing a story on the Corrupt DA in Northampton County?

  7. FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta
    FT = Fire Trachta

    And the dirty cop who is cheating on his wife on taxpayer time!

  8. National Enquirer a la BO.

  9. Great reveal. Sounds like Trachta is bringing NYC style policing to the country.
    But will the Naz residents demand the changes be made, that are needed?

  10. If I were Tracta I being looking over My shoulder 24/7 but the real problem is that everyone is afraid of this coward with a gun...council needs to grow a set and fire this ass..there are plenty of good Retired Police Chiefs looking to work out there..mot like this bobble head,,,

  11. Alex Hertzog and Floyd Michaels (two honest and well respected Nazareth Councilmen) along with Mayor Frye, would never have tolerated such conduct. These dudes would be suspended and an investigation conducted on these allegations. Where there is smoke there is fire. Too many coincidences here to neglect Council's attention. Nothing worse than a dishonest and incompetent cop. As taxpayers we must demand conduct far above that of below average citizen.
    Does this also involve the two officers who were at the Stockertown firing range while on duty in Nazareth? I hope not.

  12. All these random accusations Bernie, you should be corrupt and take hush money, you'd be a rich(er) man with that other 60 something k$$ coming your way!

  13. The cop's name is probably Eric. He just got hired in Nazareth last fall. He was fired from Barrett Township, Pa. For the same thing. He also has a small box of different colored condoms in his police duty bag! I recently witnessed him at a house in Nazareth drinking alcohol in his Nazareth P.D. uniform. When I called to tell Chief Trachta, and told me that I had to come in to give a written statement. Then badgered me about if I was sure or unsure if Eric had his entire uniform on or just his uniform pants. I told him the guy just came to my neighbors house and arrested her mom's boyfriend, then came back a few hours later and drank beer until 5am with her. The Chief said are you sure he wasn't wearing pants with Gold stripes, because Eric also works in Stockertown Borough. He could have been wearing their uniform? If that's the case then you need to call Stockertown P.D. because there is nothing that I can do.

  14. Wow Bernie! Interesting stuff. I would agree with one of your posters that Nazareth council needs to grow a set and fire this clown and do what's right. Let him sue or whatever. Sounds like they have more than enough legal reasons to can him. Only way to deal with a bully is to stand up and take action. The people will support them and the costs associated with litigation. Just do it!

  15. 2:12: it it similar, but not the same. In Hellertown, I believe it was the chief who was covering up his own crimes. I know I got incensed after he called my wife a c#nt. There was much more going on in the Hellertown situation and the inept council and mayor refused to do anything about it. However, now that that Hellertown chief is gone, those council members will sing a different tune ad to what went down, how it went down, and why.

  16. Bangor fired their police chief.. Kerrigan..he slunk off..as there is no defense when you know you have been found out.

  17. Actually, I'm referring to another officer. Your Eric story floors me. So Trachta hired a guy who has screwing women on duty, but blackballed an Iraq war vet who has lived in Nazareth his entire life, and even lied about his mental health.

    Council, Mayor, you have grounds to remove this guy. Please do so.

  18. " Bernie, you might want to check your rear view mirror more often"

    Because I know this guy's vindictive nature, I am aware I am taking a risk. But what kind of bottom-feeding blogger would I be if I let this guy walk all over people?

  19. "Does this also involve the two officers who were at the Stockertown firing range while on duty in Nazareth? I hope not."

    That's different and does not bother me. I believe that was resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

  20. "You felt that was horrible to comment on and were incensed. Even though you knew it happened."

    Actually I don't, and that is why the comments are deleted. It is just gossip. In this case, I have several people who have seen her pop into a cruiser while he is on duty. He has been seen exiting her apartment while on duty. In other words, there is a basis for one story, but no basis for the other. Also, I believe an office romance is far less consequential than a cop taking advantage of some woman on duty. People could get killed while he is getting his jollies.

  21. "Hang out with the check stealer and the druggies"

    Incidentally, not one of these defendants has a drug conviction.

  22. " I told him the guy just came to my neighbors house and arrested her mom's boyfriend, then came back a few hours later and drank beer until 5am with her. The Chief said are you sure he wasn't wearing pants"

    It should not matter what uniform he was wearing or whether he was wearing one at all. You don't arrest some woman's boyfriend and then come back to her Nazareth home and drink with her until 5 am. This is extremely unprofessional, and this officer probably should be asked to leave.

    When did this occur? What is the name of this woman?

  23. This all is unbelievable, but I believe it. I have enjoyed your blog for some time. Local politics is crazy and I use your blog to keep up with what good and crazy stuff is going on out there. So thank you Bernie for your service, sincerely. Most mornings I cant wait to see what crazy stuff is going on in the county. Between Trachta and Messacrappa I have been entirely flabbergasted. I dont find what is happening to you/Naz borough to be funny, just strangely entertaining , especially the way you report on it. If I lived in the borough I would be marching on the Mayors office and demanding action. Wake up Nazareth Borough! Get fired up and demand some action!

  24. One more thing. You may call yourself a bottom feeding blogger, but in my opinion your what we used to call a reporter. That definition has changed in the last 20 years.

  25. Wait until Nazareth gets its Brew Works. They'll have to increase the number of holding cells to accommodate all the visiting patrons who'll be arrested. It'll also provide lots of cute waitresses to be romanced by the irresistible guys of the Naz PD. Good times.

  26. When egos are involved, all bets are off. Anything is possible, most of it bad.

    Fred Windish

  27. This will not end good

  28. Bernie: First off, I think you are scum and hit an all time low with this story. basically, you are a cunt. However, for some insane reason, I will give you advice. I am not defending you by any means, but I know "therapy" and what the "experts" in the Lehigh valley preach, therefore...

    re: your 9:05a response to the 2:45a comment, you do not have to justify your actions. Instead, give the treatment trends/confront response to poster 2:05am and write: "I am 'picking my battles' and if you have a problem with that, then 'that's on you'".

    Again, Bernie, you are disgusting as evidenced by today's blog, but let's not let the therapists of the world dictate how, why and what you do.

    leave that for fletch, asshole!

  29. Anon 6:28, brought to you by 'Druggies United' and their affiliates worldwide.

    Yeah man!

  30. Nazareth was a nice town. It is now filling up with scummy lowlifes. The drugs and littering and other petty crimes lead to big crimes. The Chief is cleaning up the mess. WE the home owning taxpayers thank him for that.

    O'Hare has a hard on for the guy because he enforced the law regarding a woman who harassed a local business owner. O'Hare wants to have her since due to her condition she might take him. Her family is trying to help her, O'Hare is just horny.

    So now we have O'Hare and the other inmates trying to ruin the town. The taxpayers do not want you and your criminal element to ruin Nazareth.

    Why not move to Bath. There is a place called Old Forge were it is so loaded with check stealers and drug users the police no longer bother with it. You will all be right at home.
    Then decent law abiding citizens can have our town back.

  31. I bet this is all lies just like the majority of stuff you post it's either all made up or you gave it your own "twist" that's probably the true reason you won't post names because you don't have names or actual facts. Even if a cop is having an affair with a local how is that your business or anyone else's because I know for a fact you don't have actual proof they did anything while he was on duty, hear say from a bunch of no body's who have no life except to pry in others business doesn't count let's see pictures of her getting into his patrol car. Don't have any do you, because it never happened while he was on duty. Why don't you give the full story that your info is coming from Trevor and his friends and that Trevor also tried getting with this girl but she turned him down so he is just trying to get revenge for a broken heart. There is no cover up here because there is nothing to be covered up.

  32. Cunt

    says 4 days from now.

  33. 3:12, Perhaps you have not read the comments. I suggest you do so. Thisa is another officer involved inappropriatekly,m and I have since learned it was the victim who was sexually abused by the fake Plainfield copp. I'd also like to know more about the circumstances of Troxell's departure from Slatington. Under Trachta, this department is a mess. The woman who was harassed by the officer Gehret mentions was no love interest. No are other downtown residents who saw exactly what Gehret saw. This information is very solid, and two other officers have similar problems.

  34. "Why don't you give the full story that your info is coming from Trevor and his friends"

    If you bothered reading the comments, you'd see that some of the information is coming from officers in other police departments, including a Hellertown police officer who was screwed by Dan Troxell.

    It is very dsamning information.

    Also the information concerning Scwab, who was drinking with a sexual assault victim after arresting her boyfriend, is highly disturbing. Even more disturbing is that Trachta blew off the Nazareth citizen who complained.

  35. Bring everything you got bernie! Bring it stoffa! Bring it angle! You guys (minus stoffa) should hang your heads in shame.


  36. Unfortunately, I've only scratched the surface. But I am going to keep going and expose this Chief and his mis-steps.

  37. Seems like you are mixing in a lot of stories let's keep to the article not the comments who is the article about

  38. This story is about a police chief who covered up for an officer engaged in an on-duty affair, and who abused his office by following and citing a woman feuding with his love interest. The comments reveal another officer doing the same thing, and who I learned today was instructed by the chief on how to answer questions if there is an investigation. The comments reveal a third officer, a Trachta favorite, who screwed a Hellertown cop renting from him or someone he knows. This is all related. It reveals a police department out of control bc it is poorly led. And the genesis of all this is a person who was perp walked for making a sticker.

  39. It's great to come on here and read most of these comments and compare them to the other comments on the news blogs. I love when people can sit there and say something about a person yet disguise who they are. I've known Trevor for quite awhile, he's always been nice and sweet. Just because a person makes a few bad choices or uses his right to flirt (which he does on occasion) doesn't mean he's a bad person.

    @3:19 what proof do you have to back up your statements? Last time I checked it was a mutual thing and I've seen them hanging out together so this be far from revenge even if there's not a well liking between them. I'm sure if you read there text messages it would show a different story.

    As for this blog posting.... Most of what is posted here is true and some may be the writers opinion but he's entitled to that. It still doesn't cover up the fact that our cops in this town are corrupt and the Chief is right there with them. So hate away if you like.... the truth is only what you perceive it to be.

  40. Its funny how a lot of you people believe MR. O'Hare. A person who couldnt hack it as an atorney and was DISBARRED by the PA Supreme Court. Since he can no longer lie in court he lies in his blog. Shame on you Bernie.

  41. Once again just get your facts correct, as being one of the women you are accusing of having an affair with an on duty officer you are totally wrong, never once did anything happen while he was on duty!

  42. My facts are accurate. Your judgment is unsound. Not only do several unbiased eyewitnesses impeach your claim, but so do your own comments, made elsewhere.

  43. 5:52, you forgot to mention that I'm a drink.

  44. Made elsewhere? I think you have me mistaken for someone else all I have to say is maybe if this was an actual story you would have more details but you dont so how about you stop making up stories and stop believing criminals. Did you also know that Trevor has surved time check that one out or that Jeremy had drug paraphernalia but go ahead believe them just goes to show how low of a human being you actually are-lies thats all this is is lies!

  45. Madame, and the word seems to fit, what I could have done is name you and the officer. I spared your family the embarrassment, though your poor judgment here indicates it is a wasted effort. Yes, I am aware that Trevor spent time in jail and why. I am aware that you cheated another woman and her children out of a husband. I can go on, if you wish.

  46. Name me go ahead I honestly dont care..... because all you have are lies.

  47. seems like alot of people saying alot of stuff, where is the proof?

  48. Thank you 6:55 seriously where is the proof?

  49. Bernie - Dig deeper...I heard through a VERY reliable source that Det. Frederick Lahovski who was fired under questionable terms a few years ago was just awarded his job back with 22 months of back pay!! I'm sure the chief and mayor are fuming over this one!

  50. Where's the proof?His mistress was stupid enough to come on here and admit it, though she denied it was on duty. That was seen by Gehret and numerous others. It has been confirmed by police officers. Plenty of proof. In fact, there are text messages.

    This has been a damning day for Trachta.

  51. I should, but don't wish to embarrass her family, especially her two children.

  52. 7;46. Again "hearsay", you might want to look up the definition. You state a "fact" that had someone else witnessed and told you about it. You know very well that people will say anything when they dont get their way. And she admitted to the afair, so what? She specificaly stated that it was not while he was on duty. That came from the woman involved. Once again it makes the statements you have posted and heard from someone else NOT TRUE. Mr. O'Hare it is baffling to know that you were once a lawyer...

  53. It's "affair," not "afair." It is not hearsay but eyewitness testimony, and this is not a courtroom, but a blog.

  54. Well she was giving you a first hand testimony

  55. Yes she was, and that first hand testimony was an admission.

  56. hahah you are right, it is not a court room however you have no problem throwing legal mumbo jumbo about 1st amendment and other legality. It is a blog, im not attacking you, im attacking the statements you have made. You make statements that can potentially ruin someone's life and career, im just showing the people that they should not take anything to heart from a liar until you can prove to us it is all true. The person told you they saw them, why would we believe him or her? I can tell you that its snowing outside, you can either believe me or not but its my statement. But how would you know if its snowing outside if you don’t get off your ass and actually go outside and look? In this situation you have heard statements and never witnessed anything for yourself. Unfortunately your track record precedes you and i will go back to my original statement, once a liar always a liar.

  57. 8:08. Again she stated that it was not while the Officer was on duty. You wrote that this happened while the Officer was on duty. So we should believe your witness but not the person actually involved. Give it up Mr. O'Hare, you have no leg to stand on.

  58. The first amendment is not legal mumbo jumbo. It is a basic right. That is why it is first. You can bray away. All I need do now is name the cop, his mistress, etc. I've explained my reasons why I won't do so on a blog. But I will with Council next week.

  59. Admission to an affair, but she told you it never happened on duty. People have affairs all the time do we attack everyone who has an affair?

  60. "Again she stated that it was not while the Officer was on duty."

    That is bc she is a liar. She established her dishonesty by cheating with a married man. Her claim is rebutted by the eyewitness testimony of several people.

  61. So everyone believe Mr. O'Hare and his people because they are all honest people. She cheated so she is a liar..hahaha.. You were disbarred for being a liar. I rather believe a person who cheated than a person who lied in court and took advantage of innocent people.

  62. That's likely bc you are the mistress.

  63. There you go assuming again. See that is what you do when you have nothing else to say. You know what they say" throw as much shit at the wall and eventually some will stick. It’s exactly what you are doing. And no Im not the mistress but i am an individual who in couple brief comments exposed the fraud that you are..oh wait fraud was the other reason for you being disbarred...no pun intended!

  64. What you exposed is that you don't know the difference between hearsay and eyewitness testimony and engage in ad hominems instead of logic, the tactic of a losing party. The simple reality is that one officer was exposed in my post and two other bad officers were exposed in the comments.

  65. What better eyewitness than the person involved? And why should we believe you and not her? You have been a proven liar!
    Hear-say : information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate.
    You took a statement from someone and without seeing it yourself you post on your blog. Furthermore you try to discredit the woman involved because she is not singing to your tune. You are the biggest moron i have ever had the displeasure of speak to.

  66. Look, you are just saying the same thing over and over. I have explained I don't believe her and why. You have responded with personal attacks, and now are just being repetitive. Now I start deleting you.

  67. If the financial benefits aren't enough...There is no better argument for professional regional police forces then this kind of small town PD nonsense.

  68. Agreed. Time for professionalism, not some mistress anonymously arguing for her ex-lover.

  69. As you'll answer it, take heed
    This Slave commit no Violence upon
    Himself. I've been deceiv'd. The Publick Safety
    Requires he should be more confin'd; and none,
    No not the Princes self, permitted to
    Confer with him. I'll quit you to the King.
    Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent
    The base Injustice thou hast done my Love:
    Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
    And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
    Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
    Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman from Nazareth burned.

  70. Hang out with the check stealer and the druggies, they are model citizens.

    Screw you cops. You call people out as "druggies" when you are drunk off your ass half the time. Newsflash - alcohol is a drug. You are a druggie.

  71. Good cops are what make therse stories possible. The bad apples make sweeping remarks. Don't become like them.

  72. Made elsewhere? I think you have me mistaken for someone else all I have to say is maybe if this was an actual story you would have more details but you dont so how about you stop making up stories and stop believing criminals. Did you also know that Trevor has surved time check that one out or that Jeremy had drug paraphernalia but go ahead believe them just goes to show how low of a human being you actually are-lies thats all this is is lies!

    My god, don't you people in Nazareth use punctuation? Now I know why I stay away from that podunk town, it's all full of toothless illiterates screwing cops.

  73. Well she was giving you a first hand testimony

    Sounds like that wasn't the only thing she was doing with her hands. [rimshot]


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.