Local Government TV

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jim Gregory PFA Contempt Hearing Continued

I believe that the hearing was postponed because the video equipment for Gregory was being used on another matter. When there is a new date, I'll let you know.


  1. It would have been delicious to see Greggy standing in a jump suit in prison, speaking to a judge via video link.

  2. He needs to be released as Musikfest is right around the corner. Greggyplatz 2014!

  3. I miss Jimbo. Him and Mezzanutz made for great laughs working as a team.

  4. Does Jim prefer white or dark meat?

    Top or bottom?

    Wearing it or swallowing it?

  5. While a "legal dream team" represents check stealers and druggies who are charged with defiling public property, what of Jim Gregory? The ring leader of "stickergate", has quite the rap sheet. Yet he benefits from some legal deal, while Jim Gregory languishes in prison. Who do you fear more?

    Jim Gregory has been imprisoned for months being shipped around the state like a piece of meat. What of his "dream team"? When will someone stand up for him?

    Something to think about?

  6. Ji8m Gregory, free Greggy for Greggy platz 2014. Sign the petition.

  7. @1:14
    Thought about it.

    2" stickers and free speech vs. a woman abusing, PFA violating scumbag who created a bogus PAC in an attempt to support himself.

    Dream Team goes to the Sticker Gang.

  8. In reference to 1:14 a.m.; I am sure his victims still live in fear of him getting out of prison. Do not forget that he had more than one PFA filed against him; one from his own sister. He constantly violated the PFA's and appears to still be doing so. He bullies and harasses women and I will never forget the intimidation tactics, his Facebook postings, the blog postings, the radio show... No one should have ever gone through what he put his victims through. It seems pretty apparent that he has made no attempt to take responsibility for his actions or try to get help while he is in prison. He will never convince me that he is a political prisoner, that's for sure. He beats, bullies, and harasses women and is in prison for violations of PFA's and contempt of court charges. Period.

  9. "Who do you fear more?"

    Indisputably, Gregory. Also, people are more afraid of the Nazareth police than the Sticker gang.

    Mezzacappa, why do you insist on commenting here, at all hours of the day and night? If nobody reads this blog, as you claim, or you are in fear of your life by my stalking, as you claim, why are you always here? According to you, your own blog is as well read as mine, so why don't you bray away there?

  10. When is this Jim Gregory getting out ? I would hope the public is notified.

  11. He should have been out by now, but it looks like he could end up serving 15 months more.

  12. If Greggy is not out in a few weeks, then who headlines Greggyplatz?

    Ain't no sunshine when he's gone

  13. Greggyplatz may be run from a remote cam from prison. The host is hinted to be Schlner. Funding is through the UNITY PAC. A collection will be held fro the political prisoner fund.

    Word on the street.

  14. "Jim Gregory has been imprisoned for months being shipped around the state like a piece of meat. What of his "dream team"? When will someone stand up for him?

    Something to think about?"

    Who the hell cares about Jim Gregory, who might stand up for him, or if he is languishing in prison? He's where he belongs for if nothing else stupidity, and he's doing his best to earn more time for proving himself a menace.

    This is like asking who is going to stand up for Mezzacappa - lol. If you're a basket case, why should anyone come to your aid? Survival of the fittest dictates there will be winners and LOSERS. That's a Republican ideal surely she can appreciate.

  15. Free Greggy

    Support UNITY_PAC now!

  16. Is Jim Gregory the most well known political prisoner for the Lehigh Valley? Really, is that the claim?

  17. Jimmy is my companion. We are close, so treat him with respect! He is an exceptionally sweet and lithe man with beautiful musculature.

    Buford Cletus!!

  18. what was the outcome of his postponed contempt hearing back in July? Did the rescheduled date happen yet?

  19. Bernie, what was the outcome of his postponed hearing, has it been rescheduled? Has it been held? If so what was the outcome?

  20. It was dismissed. It was based on letters to Gregory's mother, but she was not there to testify. Also Gregory claims that his religious beliefs bar him now from taking an oath. So he never testified and I'm sure that helped him

  21. Bernie, I heard that his sentence was extended. Do you know why or the circumstances behind that? When is he now expected to be released to the public?


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