Local Government TV

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Could This Happen Here?

The Patriot News has published, "Terrorized town declares alleged 'rogue' cop a 'public menace': Could it happen in your town?" It's about a Georgia Cop who terrorized a small community for ten years before something was done. The last straw was his decision to tase some poor bastard for loitering outside a convenience store.

The Patriot News asks, "Could this happen in your community?"

I think you know my answer. I will say that, for the most part, I find officers to be very courteous, especially now that I'm an old fart. Even in Nazareth. Especially in Bethlehem, where they are often more like good-will ambassadors. What are things like for you?


  1. I also believe the majority of cops are decent people who try to be respectful, though cautious, when dealing with the public.

    However, there is an element within the blue that looks down on those who don't wear a badge, or legally challenge any unlawful order they may give. High school bullies that somehow got themselves hired on a local police force.

    There is abuse of the badge. From testifying about traffic citations, or cause of search, to beating the shit out of somebody, while yelling "stop resisting." (The standard phrase that a cop will use as he beats somebody unconscious.)

    If the good cops would reign in the bad and hold them accountable the risk of a rogue would be negligible, but that "brotherhood" prevents them from policing themselves, so obvious cases of unjustified beatings, tasings, and killings is determined, "justified."

    Then they wonder why people don't trust any of them.

  2. Some jerks deserve to be beaten unconcious. I can think of a fat tinkerbell on South Main St in Naz.

  3. 11:40 i JUST WISH yOUR BIG ENOUGH TO COME OUT AND GET UR ASS KICKED WITHOUT yOUR Little badge to protect You......

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I cannot allow a commenbt that slams people bc of their ethnicity.

  6. I'm glad I live in Nazareth. We are safe here.

  7. Citizen of AllentownJuly 11, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    I know it could happen in Allentown. Although no physical harassment or arrest took place, I have been threatened with arrest with false charges by a captain and have been asked to go downtown by a detective who then admitted that he knew my accusers were lying. If you are in the way of appeasing an element of the population the mayor and Guridy wish to keep happy, your rights will be trod over with little recourse against the local APD.
    Is it any wonder most police (and politicians and lawyers for that matter) hate recording devices?

    A little off topic (but related to police enforcement): I was thinking of calling the police to ask if the APD ever plans to enforce the pedestrian crossing law. Several times over the last 2 weeks I almost got rear ended because I was foolish enough to stop for someone crossing in the designated areas. At least 10 cars flew around me. Last time I almost got rear ended on my motorcycle with someone crossing at the most obvious posted sight right at the Parkettes Dance school. In Bethlehem they made an example of quite a few scofflaws and made sure the papers advertised the fining.

  8. As a law abiding citizen most of the time and when abiding the driving laws, I feel like I'm getting a dirty look from some cops because I'm being a good driver!


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