Local Government TV

Friday, June 06, 2014

NorCo's FT Controller Steve Barron, Hard at Work

Controller Steve Barron at the job ... at Menchie's
Northampton County's full-time Controller, Steve Barron, was spotted today at 3 pm, apparently auditing Menchie's forzen yogurt shop in Bethlehem, about seven miles west of the courthouse. Just last October, this $65,000 per year elected official was caught sneaking away in the middle of the work day to teach two classes at Northampton Community College. He eventually resigned the teaching job.

When he first ran for office, it is Barron himself who stressed the importance of having a full-time controller.

"I don't think the [county] budget can be managed effectively part time," he told a Morning Call reporter. "When I say full time, I will be there full time."

Now he's managing the full-time budget from Menchie's.

Who will run against Barron next year? I was with Ron Angle today, and asked him. He just smiled.


  1. He should switch to the low fat version, like in the Seinfeld episode.

  2. Listen...it's an elected officail thing to do...work part time and get full pay. Why don't you look at some of the MDJ's in the county...you would be very surprised how many work just "part time".

  3. Leave fat boy alone, his kid had a half day today as it's their last day of school till August.

  4. So far as I know, MDJs are not required to be FT. But the Controller is, and made that a very specific part of his campaign. He spent the earlier part of the afternoon at Judge Smith's ceremony, glad handing. He did not leave to pick up his daughter. Nor was his daughter with him in that 3 pm photo. The simple truth is he is a hypocrite.

  5. So Barron can't glad hand as any other politician would at an event at the courthouse! There were a lot of well wishers for Smith and Barron was one.

    Mr. Barron's life as a public servant is 24/7. You acknowledge he was at the courthouse earlier in the afternoon. You don't like Mr. Barron because he burned you over the Gracedale issue. This is really just your relentless pursuit of a person you needlessly feel you must knock down because he exploded Stoffa and Angle for the frauds they truly are.

  6. I don't care much for Barron bc he is a liar who does not keep his word. It is he who said, "Full time means full time." But there he is at the yogurt shop, getting paid $65000 per year. On a Friday afternoon. Long before quitting time. This is the same guy who said he meets with union agents over proposed contracts. He does not represent the taxpayer.

  7. Barron will be re-elected if he runs again.He is well liked works hard and your half-truths and twisted facts won't fool the masses.

    Dems love him, some R's admire him for standing up to Angle and he is the last line of defense against Brown. He sued to save the taxpayers money and is fighting for them. He and his staff save millions and by all measures he is one of the best controllers the county has ever had and I you just hate it.

    He's made mistakes as we all do, but you can't take away the excellent record he's built. Drop the BS O'Hare.

  8. You know very well that Barron is an exempt employee and that he is not required to work 9-5 or any other 8 hour shift in any day. He may work 10 hours one day and 6 the next. Or any combination of hours required for his to do his FT job. He may have taken earned leave off as well. You know nothing of the circumstances and yet lob more of your pathetic allegations against him. Who was the snitch who took the picture anyway? One of your stooges, BO?

  9. I know of no one who likes Barron, except whack jobs like MezzacRaZY and the Fake Rev. I know of no one who actually respects him. He stood up to Angle? Please. Angle took him apart so often that he ran away with his tail between his legs and refused to return to Council until Angle was gone. And he has good reason to hide.

    1) Barron actually marched on T-mobile some years ago, demanding that a VP meet him without an appointment to discuss forming a union. When the VP refused and he was asked to remove his ample ass, Barron Von Footinmouth actually threatened official retaliation in a blatant act of extortion.

    2) Barron, along with McClure, created the myth that the county is rolling in money and have drawn the fund balance down to dangerously low levels.

    3) Barron brought state inspectors in over asbestos concerns that were being actively re mediated, solely for the purpose of gaining an edge in union negotiations.

    4) Barron reviews union contracts and gives union agents tips on how to squeeze more money out of the county.

    5) Barron, as controller, never blew the whistle on the rising swAption.

    6) Barron interjected himself in the ArtsQuest attempt to obtain an exemption.

    7) Barron is a puppet for McClure, and is more interested in damaging Brown than serving the best interests of the County. He supports McClure on everything.

    8) Barron endorsed McClure and his dirty campaign against Callahan. When McClure finished last, Barron tried to pretend he had been neutral.

    9) he even injected himself into criminal cases until a judge decided he's no expert and has no right to discuss financial red flags when he himself lacks the qualifications to do an audit.

    10) Barron lied about being FT. He got caught. Now he got caught again.

  10. You want me to disclose the snitch when you can't identify yourself? Typical cowardice. But I'll tell you. I took the picture.

  11. You are right on target Bernie.

  12. You are a joke. You are really pitching the Ron Angle for Controller rumor. Everyone who likes Barron hopes Angle runs. Ronnie boy will get destroyed. The slate Belt is sick of him and the rest of the county has his number.

    Angle is a shameless self-promoter and a clown car of a politician. His crappy reputation as the phony populist precedes him.

    So Mr. Barron is in great shape and even better shape if that shady money maker Angle runs. I doubt Angle wants the additional humiliation.
    Too bad Bernie. Maybe you can unearth Stoffa to run. Just have an oxygen tank at the ready.

  13. Maybe "summer hours" have started for the Controller's office? ;)

  14. Barron is held in poor esteem by his own party. Angle scares the corrupt. Better get the body bags ready. He's back.

  15. Word on the street is that Lamont McClure and Steve Barron are the early picks for the Dem county Executive candidate. There are no other Dem's that even come close to them. Please don't mention Panto again. With his taxers, temper and now his illegal alien driver licenses the guy is liberal tax and spend dead weight.

    So cry all you want O'Hare. Your buddy Angle, the county Chihuahua, has more baggage then a Hollywood starlet and he couldn't get elected dog catcher if there was such a job.

  16. Bernie is really reaching. Barron is an independently elected official and like Morganelli and others can make his own schedule.

    This is just a smear piece and a crass and classless move by O'Hare on behalf of his patron
    Ron Angle.

  17. Wow, now I have to reconsider mezzacappa's position that ohare is unstable, delusional and a stalker.


  18. As a long time, full time county employee, I regularly (legally) left early on friday afternoons becuase I regularly had meetings, home visits, etc...before and after assigned work hours in order to accommodate client/citizen/vendor schedules. The county would not pay overtime, but allowed comp time. Twice, I took a week's vacation using comp time. Before any criticism arises, if you have to assess a parent's home and s/he works 3 jobs (and stonewalling)...or you have to schedule a wraparound meeting involving several family members, school officials, family therapist, guardian ad litem, and others to help stabilize a family, the county worker's schedule is thee least important and the worker must be flexible to meet the needs of others. Btw, good luck getting a teacher to attend after 3:00pm or in the summer.

  19. Stoffa and Angle were right about the financial future of Gracedale as it is now on pace to lose over $9 million this year. That being said, Angle has no shot in a general county wide election.

  20. Bernie,

    How is this any different than when John Morganelli was running all over the state for his numerous AG campaigns?

  21. Who can defend this guy???? If he were a republican he'd get plenty of crap from the other side. Here they do thier best to circle the wagons as always with theirs....

  22. Word in the closet is that Steve will be coming out soon!

  23. word on the street is Glen Geisinger will run against Barron....

  24. Glen Geisinger who defends the insane PR contract Barron sued over. Well that should go over well with the taxpayer. Barron beats him handily as well.

  25. Why would anyone throw in barrons private lifestyle? Makes no sense especially when pols like schlossberg are pushing for more equal gay rights legislation?

  26. It appears from the photo that Barron should lay off the Menchies...Just saying.

  27. I'll bet he darn near pooped when he saw you taking his picture. Good for you Bernie. You are a master.

  28. "As a long time, full time county employee, I regularly (legally) left early on friday afternoons becuase I regularly had meetings, home visits, etc...before and after assigned work hours in order to accommodate client/citizen/vendor schedules. "

    Good for you. Barron is a shirker. He regularly comes in late and makes up for it by leaving early. He simply is a lazy person. I'll bet I can catch him at least ten more times this summer. He'snot meeting with citizens. He's screwing off.

  29. "How is this any different than when John Morganelli was running all over the state for his numerous AG campaigns?"

    Lots of differences. I do think there should be some sort of resign to run law. I do think FT elected officials who are seeking another elected office, unless running for re-election, should resign to run. But that's not the law. I also understand you have some kind of hot nut for Morganelli. But let me explain the difference between Morganelli and Barron.

    First and foremost, Morganelli actually works. He is in the courthouse evenings, especially during trial weeks. He is there early in the morning,before most workers. Unlike Barron, he has a tremendous work ethic. He sets and example. Barron, on the other hand, is an embarrassment. He is rarely in his office, "works from home," and is an embarrassment to his office.

    He has tried over 25 capital murder cases to verdict, which is something few DAs can say or do. In contrast, Barron is incompetent to perform an audit.

  30. "That being said, Angle has no shot in a general county wide election."

    Keep telling yourself that. Angle is more popular than you think. He calls things as they are, and is more than willing to tell a Republican or a Democrat that he is wasting taxpayer dollars. I've seen him do that.

    But despite my wishes, Angle probably will not run. He is enjoying himself in the private sector, and is literally stirring up shit.

    Glenn Geissinger makes no sense to me as Controller at this stage. He is not seasoned enough, and is too firmly entrenched as a Brown "Yes" man. He never goes against the Executive, even when it is painfully obvious that the Exec is wrong. He needs to have more experience and demonstrate more independence.

    John Cusick would be a good candidate for this office. I can think of any number of good candidates from both parties who would actually be a Controller instead of union organizer.

  31. You should run Bernie

  32. "Mr. Barron is in great shape"

    Perhaps if watermelon is a shape.

  33. This is strange behavior

  34. Where is Menchies in Bethlehem? I'm hungry.

  35. It's at Taylor Court, near Elias, on Linden. I was on my way to a meeting and saw Barron while waiting at a light.

  36. "You should run Bernie"

    Why would I run when I already occupy the highest office rank in the county? Citizen. I take an active interest in my government and have had a greater impact as a citizen and blogger than I probably would as an elected official, and don't cost you anything.

  37. Edgar, nice detective/surveillance work, you're the county's #1 dick.

  38. Perhaps he is lazy and leaves early...certainly the NCC thing was not appropriate. However Bernie you are well aware that there was a reception for Judge Smith at the Steel Stacks at 330 yesterday. Isn't it entirely possible that when you saw Barron he was in between (time and geographically) traveling from the courthouse (swearing in) to the reception? Certainly the timing and his location would support that hypothesis. Additionally, a full time position doesn't mean that you never have any time off....how do you know that it wasn't a vacation or personal day for Barron. Clearly you have a vendetta against the guy. As i said earlier you were right about NCC, but stopping to possibly buy frozen yogurt is not remotely the same. Frankly you appear as more of a stalker with an axe to grind (yes i know you came upon him by sheer luck) than a "news gatherer".

  39. I would have no problem had Barron stopped there on his way to Judge Smith's reception. But guess what? That was one of my destinations. Barron was not there. In fact, I am appalled at the poor showing of Northampton County Democrats. I did not see one Democratic Council member at the swearing in or reception. I did not see Barron at the reception, and I looked.

  40. Bernie... There were tons of people at the reception and I did see Barron there and did not see you? How long did you stay? Anon 4:34 is right on the money.

    Barron was wrong on the NCC thing and people can judge him on that, but this is you and Angle "running a play" to test the interest of the public with a Barron vs. Angle grudge match.

    This really starts to make people this MezzaCrazy might not be wrong about the stalking claims!

  41. I don't know who you are. Unless you identify yourself, what you say has no credibility and could just be another lie to excuse Barron. Incidentally, at the time I criticize Barron over NCC, I came under heavy criticism. At the time I called him out on threatening T-Mobile, I was heavily criticized. If you want to ally yourself with Tricia Mezzacappa and be like Jim Gregory or Ronnie DelBacco, I am not surprised. Anyone who uses her as an arguing point immediately loses all credibility. But that's what i expect from people like you, who defend a bad elected official. I did not see him there. I was there twice. If he did stop by, I withdraw my criticism. But i did not see him, and i made an effort at that point.

    Like I said, this is no shocker. If i really were following Barron - and maybe I should - I could have caught him numerous times far from the courthouse or his job in the middle of the work day. He is never there.

  42. You made the same claims against judges and tip staff and said they are never around either and we don't need 9 judges and servants for them. Barron is a full-time exempt employee period. He does not get paid leave or vacation that accrues. No elected official does for that matter. Their schedule is based on the needs of the people.

    Barron is the kindest, most approachable elected official. He regularly walks people to places then they are lost in the courthouse and is just a nice guy. I'm sure the fact he won't talk to you makes you mad because you crave access and acceptance.

    The Barron in Bernie's world is far from what is the truth.

  43. The Steve Barron known by the County workforce is a shirker with a high opinion of himself. The Barron known by the courts is a man who went after one of Easton's leading black citizens. The citizen was acquitted and the court barred Barron from testifying as an expert. The Barron known to the arts community is one who tried to stop ArtsQuest. The Barron known most Dems is one who participated in vicious personal attacks against John Callahan. The Barron known to me is a fake, a fraud and a phony.

    And you got it backwards. It is I who do not speak to him, unless someone is there to transcribe him.

  44. Ron Angle Slate, google it

  45. Your assessments of Barron are jaded and just flat wrong.

  46. MDJ should be a full time job at $86k plus.

  47. "MDJ should be a full time job at $86k plus."

    Agreed. Most treat it that way, too.

  48. "CSF said...
    Ron Angle Slate, google it"

    Looks like the Ron Angle slate won, and the Tricia Mezzacappa, Tony Simao, Ronnie DelWacko slate fizzled.

    Despite two vicious mailers, a slimy web page and bizarre robo calls, Angle won. Tells you something.

  49. "CSF said...
    Ron Angle Slate, google it"

    Looks like the Ron Angle slate won, and the Tricia Mezzacappa, Tony Simao, Ronnie DelWacko slate fizzled.

    Despite two vicious mailers, a slimy web page and bizarre robo calls, Angle won. Tells you something.

  50. Barron is a mess and most Dem's find him a joke. he has the support of his buddies Kraft and McClure but the guy is fresh meat for a real good Republican. After their big win last year they would be crazy not to get a top notch candidate against him.

    However, Ron Angle is not the one. Angle is damaged goods and he just has too much baggage and ill will amongst the general electorate. The old timers know his history and its not good.
    So is Barron beatable, absolutely. Is Angle the one, nope.

  51. Ron is detested and admired. It is always a mistake to take him lightly. One that has been made many times. If he runs, he wins. Barron is a joke, and nobody will do a better job of pointing that out than Angle. But if you know of good people who want the job, I encourage them to run. In fact, it would be nice to see a Dem take Barron on as well.

  52. No Dem is going to take Barron on. This is a pipe dream O' Hare. Also Barron will not take anyone lightly. He ran hard in 2007 and beat a three term incumbant. He was riding the Gracedale wave in his re-election, but took nothing got granted against Salvesen. I think you dangerously under estimate Barron's popularity and his campaign skills. He has done something Angle, Callahan, McHale, Panto and others have not done... WIN COUNTYWIDE in a General Election. As a matter of fact only Barron has accomplished that in a competitive race since Stoffa did it in 2005.

  53. Barron barely won his first race bc people were upset about an embezzlement and he promised to be there full time. He won the second time against an underfunded opponent. He will not win again, and may have dug his own grave by supporting McClure and his nasty campaign against Reibman and Callahan. My bet is he gets primaried.

  54. Barron likes to brag that he exposed Stoffa and Angle and their lies about Gracedale and other contracts. He likes to say he saved Gracedale.
    He has told folks he is the most electable Democrat in the county.

    The only reason he won in 2007 was the embezzlement scandal. Without that Schimmel would have won. A strong Republican, possibly Geisinger, takes him out in 2015.

  55. Geissinger would probably beat Barron, but i'd like him to gain more experience on Council. I thought you Rs are full of accountants and business types. Why do you allow a pandering moron like barron in county office. It's time to send him back to the group home industry.

  56. Geissinger voted for the Communications contract with Sahl and the pay raise for the daughter of the council president. Geissinger with that record is a tough sell to the voters.

    The accountants in the Republican Party are too busy helping big business rip off the middle class and the workers who is getting screwed by mangement. The salary for controller is low. What CPA will leave a practice to devote full-time to a job that pays peanuts and you have to deal with the likes of you. Plus Geissinger will certainly take a pay cut to be the controller.

    Barron is tough to beat no matter who runs. Especially after John Brown and this council's (of which Geissinger is a member) budget moves in the coming months that will not be popular among the majority of county voters.

  57. Another way of putting this is that the $65,000 salary paid for a controller is designed to discourage CPAs or CFOs from running. It is designed to guarantee party hacks like Barron.

    Insofar as the pay raise for the daughter of the Council President is concerned, I'd like to see Barron make that an issue and put his name out there. That daughter is ten times more qualified than he, and he knows it. In fact, she's uncovered poor financial controls that he's completely missed. Thanks for reminding me.

    I look forward to seeing Barron challenged from within his own party. He is an embarrassment to Democrats.

  58. Come on Bernie. Barron has been complaining about policies and internal controls for years. The lead accountant is doing what Barron and his staff have been screaming about for years. Ask Barron. He holds Mary Alice in high regard. His office invites her to conferences and training sessions. They work well together. I am sure Barron would agree Mary Alice has a job to do as does he. They work well together from what I see.

    I think of you would ask they get along and respect one another. Don't pretend you know things you have no idea about...

    NorCo Accountant (who like Barron and thinks Mary Alice deserved her raise!)

  59. You just slammed her and now are claiming that Barron and she work well together. This is precisely why nobody respects you. You talk out of both sides of your both, and do it poorly.

  60. I only left one comment Bernie. Don't I did not slam Mary Alice and respect bother her and Barron.

    NorCo Accountant

  61. Oops... Both her and Barron.

    NorCo Accountant

  62. Steve, I am sure Mary Alice is very civil. I know nobody respects you.

  63. Wasn`t it like a year ago that Barron and Mc Clure were arguing that the County had like 60 million in the reserve account despite what Doran and Stoffa were saying?

  64. Yeah, and as recently as Thursday night, McClure was denying that the County is deficit spending.

  65. There is no Norco accountant that has any use for Barron. You nailed it Bernie. Barron is a joke in his own department.

    The guy got lucky in an election because of a scandal. Any legitimate hardworking Dem or
    Republican can beat him. He has an ego that is bigger than his belly. However, he may have a lot of political party friends but he is just not that swift.

  66. I have no idea who this guy is but working "full time" in a job does not necessarily mean working 9-5 behind a desk all day. Just saying'.


  67. You know very well that Barron is an exempt employee and that he is not required to work 9-5 or any other 8 hour shift in any day. He may work 10 hours one day and 6 the next. Or any combination of hours required for his to do his FT job. He may have taken earned leave off as well. You know nothing of the circumstances and yet lob more of your pathetic allegations against him. Who was the snitch who took the picture anyway? One of your stooges, BO?

    Evidently, the author of the blog has never worked a salaried job in his life. It's very difficult to write with context when you have none.

  68. So Barron is a bum for stopping at a store and all democrats are bums for not taking off from work to go to a swearing inn and reception.


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