Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Northampton County's Easter Egg Grinch?

Though the Grinch only comes out at Christmas, there must be a Grinch on Northampton County Council coming out to ruin Easter. At their last meeting, Northampton County Council unanimously approved either $800 or $900 for the annual Easter Egg hunt on put on for 300 children by the Deputy Sheriffs. In addition to an egg hunt at Tuskes Park, there's pony rides, a special appearance by the Easter Bunny and all kinds of treats. It's a great family outing. But I've been told that one member of Council has submitted a resolution to take the money back, after it's already been approved. It would also be a Council member who thought there was nothing wrong with an $84,000 no-bid contract for propaganda.

I expect to have more information about this today. If this is true, it's insane.

I would counter with a resolution adding $100.

Updated 9:15 am. Folks, I misunderstood a joke as reality. Looks like I'm today's April Fool. There is a resolution, but only because the funds were already appropriated in the budget. I got my facts wrong. Mea culpa.


  1. Please this is the April Fools Joke right?

  2. No joke, but I'm short on details. I have not seen the resolution and understand the council solicitor is reviewing it. I also have no idea who proposed it, except that it is an R. It's a good way to make them all look bad.

  3. Screw you O'Hare, right back at you. Why must the taxpayers underwrite every little party county employee groups want to do? Now cry about the children. Look, if these folks think this is a great idea, take up a collection like private people do.

    What next, every little county group comes in and wants money for a party for their "kids"?

    Finally, an elected official who gest it. I want to know the brave soul who would do this. Bravoo!!

    You libtards and Rino's will play the child card. I play the taxpayer card. If this little "party" is so important. Chip in and do it yourselves.

  4. If Council voted *unanimously* to approve it, what really really good reason would there be to make a motion to reverse course, and over $800-900? There has to be more to this story. This is 0.3 cents (point three cents) per NorCo citizen. Heck, I'll throw in an entire penny for a dark chocolate upgrade.

    @12:47 - you may have some anger issues. Would you say "screw you" to your mother?

  5. This is an annual tradition supported by a large number of private donations. The County contributes because, just like any good business, it wants a happy workforce. This came to Council a month ago, and two weeks ago, all nine members voted for it. Now one of them wants to go back on his own word and re-vote a matter that has been decided. It is assinine. The fact that you don't identify yourself reveals you know it is assinine. But the libtard comment gives you away, Mezzacappa.

  6. Many of us that voted last November were not one crazy woman. We did however vote to end the constant waste of taxpayer money for "feel good" and vote getting schemes.

    Libtard is a common word used to describe the loony left leaning way the progressives like to feel good by spending taxpayer money on non-essential things, such as a county employee party.

    The county is finally broke due to this nonsense going on for years. Time to get serious and elected officials to grow up.

    If the county deputies and employees want to have a nice party for the kids and elected officials want to go to sang votes, that is great. Just be sure to use your own money and ask for donations. You are forcing taxpayers to donate to a non core function.

    Why not call Gracedale a nice thing for seniors that the county has always done.

    The election was for a reason. If the Republicans are actually rino's, others will surface to run. In the meantime we want an end to this "feel good" government nonsense.

    Do your jobs and stop pandering.

    Real Republicans

  7. "The county is finally broke due to this nonsense going on for years"

    no...the county is broke because of bullshit like no-bid 86k contracts for public relations consultants- not because of 900 dollars for employee health and welfare.

    your cognitive dissonance is staggering.

  8. whose children benefit?

  9. I like kids, Easter, and deputies. I don't think one dime should go to something like this. This county can't take care of basic needs and spends money on stuff like this. Ridiculous and insulting to taxpayers.

  10. "The county is finally broke due to this nonsense going on for years"

    Does this nonsense include things like hanging on to Gracedale and no bid contracts?

  11. Waste is waste. You want to like the ones Bernie likes that is your business

  12. what is wrong with everybody ! having an easter egg hunt that brings family and friends together is wonderful for everyone ...just seeing the joy on the childrens faces should be enough reason to have it ...seriously , how selfish can you be ? I for one am pleased to see my tax dollars going toward something that brings so much happiness to the children .... if donations are needed i'm in !

  13. You libtards and Rino's will play the child card. I play the taxpayer card. If this little "party" is so important. Chip in and do it yourselves.

    We ARE chipping in, asshat. Each taxpayer is chipping in a fraction of a cent to have an Easter Egg hunt. Get a clue, fucknut.

  14. what is wrong with everybody ! having an easter egg hunt that brings family and friends together is wonderful for everyone ...just seeing the joy on the childrens faces should be enough reason to have it ...seriously , how selfish can you be ? I for one am pleased to see my tax dollars going toward something that brings so much happiness to the children .... if donations are needed i'm in !

    If it was up to these people who vehemently oppose "feeling good", the country workforce would be working for minimum wage. But they'd also be the first old bastards complaining when the government service or handout THEY rely on was delayed or reduced.

  15. Folks, I got my story wrong here.

  16. Now, that's funny!

  17. Methinks Bernie got played.

  18. Nah, I played myself. My source misunderstood what was happening and I did not look at the matter closely enough.

  19. I wish one of the county council members would put an end to this nonsense. Or we could say look at the smile on the faces of the Gracedale seniors and employees. How could you ever sell it.

    You are not against government waste, just the waste you don't like.

    You are the clowns!

  20. People can argue either way about spending money for the hunt. Most of the deputies volunteer their time to put on this event. Where the line is drawn is when you have two members of the department soliciting donations on County time and then receiving overtime compensation to complete the duties assigned to them. Quartermaster duties are being compensated to the tune of 3 hours each day for these two individuals. A right to know request will show who the culprits are and Brown should demand answers for this behavior from whoever is now in charge of this department.

  21. I'm not interested. It's hard for me to get excited about seeing two deputies get paid to make life bright for 300 kids, even if it is wrong. I'd prefer to see it completely volunteer, but big business does things like this for the workforce, too.

  22. Feel good politics. It doesn't matter who you elect, Republican or Democrat. they all get in office and just play along with the game. The new Republicans are a big disappointment to many of us who voted for them.

    Throw away more tax dollars on more cute little unneeded projects. What harm can it do?


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