Local Government TV

Monday, March 31, 2014

Is Jim Gregory Harassing Woman In the Can?

If anyone belongs in Bill White's Mount Rushmore Hall of Fame, it's got to be ex-cop, ex-Councilman, ex-County worker, ex-shock jock and ex-con Jim Gregory. How someone can end up with a 15 month state prison sentence for non-violent violations of Protection From Abuse Act (PFA) Orders is nothing short of a miracle. He managed to do it, and may very well be earning himself some extra time.

According to Friday's Bethlehem police blotter, police are investigating an unidentified state prison inmate male, who is sending letters to someone at the Sands Casino after being told to stay away from her by Pennsylvania State Police. The matter is marked "open," indicating no charges have been filed ... yet.

Is this Jim Gregory? Here's what I know.

The Beauty Queen

Back in August, before Jim Gregory was sent to Graterford, Camp Hill and Pittsburgh State Correctional Institutes for multiple violations of a Protection From Abuse Act (PFA) Order, he had his eyes set on yet another beauty. 

But the newspapers never gave him a chance.

On WGPA-AM, he discussed a blossoming one-sided romance with a Sands waitress who was a Miss Pennsylvania contestant. "I just looked into her eyes, like I did when I met [my ex]. ... Not only was she beautiful inside, but she was beautiful outside."

There you go. Kinda' like me.

On his show, he named her, and even showed her picture on the live-stream. I'm sure she was delighted. 

He said he gave her a $600 gold and diamond chain and set up sponsors to help her in her beauty pageant. But for some reason, this attractive 20-something with a boyfriend wanted nothing to do with a guy in his 60s.

Go figure.

State police had to tell him to back off, according to what Gregory himself said

On his short-lived and libelous radio show, Gregory blames it all on bad publicity from The Express Times. 

He was hoping to have her on his show as a guest, but got popped right after one of his broadcasts. 

Docket sheets do not list any new charges against Gregory. But it's hard to believe there could be another person out there like him. I'll be watching this.

Mezzacappa Falling Out

In other Jim Gregory news, he's had a falling out with his moll, Tricia Mezzacappa. She described him in Court as her "significant other", but now she's speculating publicly that he's involved in smuggling contraband.

At least she hasn't accused him of rape.

This fight is over material things.

He asked her to return his iPod and other items that he either gave or loaned her, but she ignored his letter.

She has a habit of ignoring letters, like she did with the certified mail notice of her nonjury trail.

Gregory wrote again.

"I'd like to remain friends," he tells her. "Please don't make me involve the police. Just do as I ask." So she published his letter, even though it contains the phone numbers of innocent people, one of whom seems to be his wife. 

And she wonders why people get upset with her. 

Mezzacappa denies having anything that belongs to Gregory, except a birdcage, and she refuses to return it. 

He'll have to file a replevin action, I guess. 

Who's telling the truth? Mezzacappa or Gregory? How'd you like to have to make that call?


  1. "Please don't make me involve the police"

    No that is funny, coming from Jim Gregory sitting in a state can. I thought he was suing the police, as well as the Mayor, etc......

    You summed it up in your first paragraph, the guy has come completely unhinged. Rumor has it his paid vacation on the taxpayers dime has taught him nothing. People around Bedlum are actually nervous about his release. An even crazier Jim Gregory is a sobering thought.

    The deal with the waitress, now the Mezzalooney spat, he is still crazier than a shithouse rat. I think Bill White can get a paid trip to sunny Pittsburg for an exclusive interview on this deal.

    I would not doubt it one bit if he is still trying to harass these women through other inmates.

    The big question is what did he get in return for the Ipad that he owes his "lifer" prison pal.

    Your picture has to be one of the creepiest you have ever used. The guy looks spookier than Hannibal Lector.

    Another question is are they a couple?

  2. In open court, she called Gregory her "significant other". On WGPA, Gregory said they were just friends.

  3. She not only published someone's phone number, she published the address of the associate of a "lifer" that Gregory is sharing soap with. She has the awareness of a burnt out light bulb.

    Gregory and Mezzacappa would make a potent couple - two people as crazy as frigging loons.

    12:49 is correct about the picture, but I have seen that one before. You never forget something like that, much as a war vet doesn't forget seeing a body cut in half.

  4. Bernie, I have two questions.

    Didn't this whacko go after you on his ill-fated radio show. and
    Did he ever get the balance of his money from Timer for the unused time?

  5. Yes, he did, and Timmer has been sued. Whether Gregory got any money back is unknown by me, but I doubt it.

  6. Just when you think it can't get any crazier, it goes so far into left field you're in the picnic area. These two are the most entertaining duo since Abbott and Costello but unfortunately the situations they create aren't funny. They both should be institutionalized in either a mental or penal institution before they cause physical harm in addition to the mental anguish they have caused.

  7. Bernie, I heard through the grapevine that Mezzacappa had been granted indigent status, in forma pauperis, by the court. Do you know if that's true?

  8. She was granted in forma pauperis status for one appeal to the Superior Court of a summary harassment conviction. She does not have that status across the board.

  9. Mezz is a candidate for going "Rockne" hope you give her a wide berth

  10. In order to qualify for "in forma pauperis," isn't she required to file a sworn statement listing employment, income, assets and liabilities? Is she really so broke that she can't even pay the court filing fees? How did she manage to hire a Philadelphia lawyer for her harassment trial?

  11. She is required to do so and did so. I think you have to be careful and not unfairly deny people access to the courts. But if her petition is fraudulent, she will hear about it, and not from me.

  12. There is no question that both Jim Gregory and Ron Angle should be on Bill Whites Hall of Fame Mount Rushmore. they both deserve it due to a lifetime of achievements spanning decades.

  13. Let's be honest some of this Gregory bashing is jealousy. he is one sexy man and some of you old dudes just can't handle it.

  14. I've heard that Bernie does take to handsome devils like Jimmy. The whole Mezza situation solidified his taste buds (pun intended).

  15. O'hare is suing a dying senile old man in Jolly Joe Timmer, not to mention a pillar of the community and polka superstar/impresario of unequaled proportion.

    Besides greed his major motivation is to avenge his patron Ron Angle who was cast off by Jolly Joe for flagging ratings and hateful content which still chaps both of their respective Keisters to this very day.

    Instead of suing Timmer you should go visit him in the assisted living facility where he spends his final days.

  16. Anon 6;03 and 6;10 YOU ARE BOTH full of potatoes ! If you want a shot at Bernie, do it intellectually .I would bet my pay check that neater one of you can or could hang with him,with you brain. POST YOUR NAME, he is probably resting now and you come in under his radar.

  17. Joe Timmer, knowing full well that Gregory was nuts and had in fact been imprisoned, took his money after being warned by me that I would sue if i was defamed. Not only was I defamed by Gregory, but he brought mezzacappa and some fake Irishman on to tell more lies. I contacted Timmer, asking him to stop, and he refused. He was even more outrageous to the mother of Gregory's ex-girlfriend. She is a private person, and Gregory did everything he could to destroy her ion the air. he went into her disability and made fun of her. When she called Timmer and said she wanted it to stop, he asked for $300. When she said she didn't have it, he said, "Then you're nothing."

    Part of the reason Tiommer wanted Gregory on was to get at me bc I refused to do his show after Angle left.

    He is facing a major damages claim, not just from me, but from Gregory's ex and her mother. They'll be suing Timmer's assistant Budd, Mezzacappa and Gregory, too.

    Timmer has always lived for the almighty buck, cares nothing about other people and will be forced to pay. That suit has been filed, and now we can focus on that.

    And you.

  18. Well ,no reaction to my typo's of my last. Well, Were All Dying! When the Obama administration gets done with us helping the non-productive ,we will be in such disarray in this land that not only will no reasonable man or woman will even have ADMITTED to have voting for his mess, BUT the clean up will be 15 years later.All the little groupies at Lafayette College will feel their daddies company closing and the BMW's will go away,more each year.

  19. Bernie ,you are awake now. If you were me ,you would not take prisoners. I would do a mass burial of all the ANON's that try to screw you on your own AWARD WINNING MEDIA.This site is apparently viewed by everyone that wants to know what goes on in the court house plus you do other articles about civil plain folk activities . Good for you .OLD PETER

  20. All in fun as Bernie is man enough to dish it out as well as taking it from us anon's...

  21. Jolly Joe should be pursued until he gasps his last breath. His having to pay damages for enabling slander will set the kind of positive example he's been unable to set to this point in his life.

    His and Mezzy's are cautionary tales. If her homeless fallback plan is to live at his disgraceful, dilapidated, eyesore of an infested campground, she better find a plan B unless she wants to rent from Bernie.

    I'll enjoy seeing his kingdom attached for judgement; almost as much as I'll enjoy the sheriff's sale of the witch's lair in West Easton.

    Bernie, you are a county treasure who has done all of us a favor; at great personal cost. Congratulations.

  22. Thanks. The thing about Timmer that bothered me was the way he treated the mother of Gregory's ex, simply bc she had no money.

  23. Weird coincidence as the curtain is pulled back on the mysterious LVR correctional affairs correspondent, Clinton D. Oxford ...


  24. Holy canoli! And people thought he was me.

  25. After spending so much time on his high horse about Gregory's PFA affair, turns out he was a creep too.

  26. Yes, he did dwell on that a bot, and I was accused of using that name to comment myself. Those accusations came from Mezzacappa, Gregory and the Blog Mentor. Now they know what I knew all along, that Clinton is a real person. Do you think they will apologize?

  27. No. They will not

  28. Bernie,

    I am fairly certain I read today that a one Clinton Oxford was accused of some crimes today. Isn't he a frequent poster on your blog? I look forward to the story on this.


  29. At 7:55, this link was posted. I have a story ready to go.

  30. Ha ha creepy Clinton the stalker....go figure.

  31. I'll take Clinton, who signs his name, over you. Ha ha.

  32. Wow, someone had to bring Obama into this. What the Hell is that about. Anon 6:53, is really off the wall. What the Hell does Obama have to do with Gregory or Mezza?

    Come people lets at least try and keep a little sanity, even if this is a blog.

  33. I would not be surprised if this is him; why would anyone? If this is at all true I hope she files a PFA against him. I am starting to wonder if he is getting used to being in prison and if this is where he wants to be. After all he writes letters to the newspaper which state his name and prison he is serving time in. Is he proud of his behavior which caused him to be there? I hope you continue to report on this story. We must always defend the victims. None of them deserved any of what he put them through.

  34. That picture of Mr. Gregory only confirms what a hot piece of manmeat he is.

  35. Mr. Gregory will be out of prison soon and will be running for office next year. Any suit you file against him has no merit.


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