Local Government TV

Friday, April 11, 2014

Crackpot Radio

Bobby Gunther Walsh's WAEB radio show is well-known as a local conservative stronghold. For that reason alone, it is despised and loved. It is a place where Scott Ott, Glenn Eckhart, Hayden Phillips and other right wing officials can get some free advertising. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I've listened to a few over the years, and sometimes find myself in agreement. But in recent weeks, Gunther has logged interviews with a trifecta of nutbags. People who are so far out there that they ruin whatever conservative or good government message he is trying to convey. Let me give you some of the details.

Heidi Markow. - I first saw her in action outside the Northampton County Courthouse, where she convened a news conference and pep rally to condemn a plea agreement for a wife beater. Along the way, she falsely accused Pennsylvania state troopers of indifference and inaction. As a supposed victim advocate, she substituted her own inexperienced judgment for that of professional prosecutors whose job is to achieve justice, not vengeance.

Ron Shegda. - This dude is so nutty that even the local tea party dumped him. I first became aware of him in 2006, when I saw his "Ron Shegda For Public Office" web page. He has a mentally challenged adult sister who was taken from him, and has lashed out at everyone in Northampton County, from caseworkers to John Stoffa. He also befriended other local whack jobs. When you see all the hate comments directed at Stoffa and former Human Services Director Ross Marcus, you know where some of them are coming from.

The Blog Mentor.- This fellow, whose name can't and won't be mentioned here, believes there's a massive conspiracy against him that includes bloggers, newspapers, TV stations, attorneys, the DA, judges, college professors and a Catholic priest. He actually wishes death on people.

With these three stooges, I have to ask what is wrong with Gunther. What does he have against Human Services and DA Jim Martin? Is he still bitter over his own experience?

What's truly sad is that, despite what Gunther says about being willing to listen to the other side, he knows that Human Services and the DA are unable to discuss cases that are still active. So my conclusion is that he is pursuing a vendetta of his own, just like these guests.

I'm sure it attracts lots of listeners.

But maybe he should get them on Coast to Coast. They'd fit right in with the aliens and anal probes. 


  1. "Is he still bitter over his own experience"

    Yes, yes he is. Years ago he interviewed a former Dir.of HS, you know and spent the entire time raging against CYF and their evil purposes.

    I won't mention the guys name as I don't know if he wants me to and he is retired but I know you know him. I remember the radio interview and it had nothing to do with Human Services but Gubber went all mental on the guy.

    He has by now gone totally tea party over the edge whacked. The guy comes off as a Mezzacappa/Gregory with a radio gig. A dime store Rush Limbaugh.

  2. It's called radio entertainment, sir. Besides. it's more entertaining than listening to Jolly Joe's stuff. Maybe he doesn't toe your line but he sure helps places like The Children's Home, Center for Animal Health and Welfare, Allentown Rescue Mission, and others he doesn't even mention. I dislike some of the people you mentioned too, but hey, they're no worse or better than you.

  3. He also mentions a lot of people who slip him free tickets and stuff he hands out as perks. Also what about those sponsors he hits up to sponsor his pathetic racing he sucks at. To Sir with Love!

  4. He raised more moolah in a week for the damn animals then youll ever get by sellig mezzacrappapa's house and greg's camaro combined

  5. ESPN Radio.

    don't even listen to the tool.

  6. booby grunter wacko

  7. bernie, i cannot address your statements concerning markow or shegda, having no knowledge of either of them.
    as for gunther's motivation, i don't think he knows that much about them either, and puts them on intending to entertain his audience with provocative radio. in the case of the blog mentor he clearly made a mistake.
    the blog mentor maintains a list of over 70 people that he harasses on a regular basis. he stated yesterday that he send close to "1000 polite emails" to someone. needless to say nothing is polite about that many emails, it's pure harassment. in addition to offending the 70 victims on the list, hundreds of others who recognize the blog mentor for the predator that he is, also were offended by gunther's poor decision.

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  9. Worth repeating departmentApril 11, 2014 at 8:02 AM

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  10. Bernie, you left out his other regular guest...Whack job John Brinson.

  11. Wow - You really hurting this bad for stuff to write about?

    How about that.

  12. I don't agree with BGW most of the time, but his show is the only one on radio discussing local news and issues. His radio show is entertainment and he's had his share of lefty wacko interviews as well. On a professional level, he's a very nice man and a fundraising dynamo and Godsend to two animal shelters and an annual Christmas party for kids at The Childrens Home of Easton, that can melt the heart of the most hard hearted. The personal attacks are likely made by zeroes who never donate a penny or lift a finger to help anyone but themselves. While they sit and steam, BGW works tirelessly for defenseless animals and kids who were treated as such before coming to CHE.

  13. That's bc you probably said it, Blig Mentor.

    He raises money primarily for himself, and is one of the biggest huckstersI'ce seen.

    He has hated human services and the DA sine his own arrest some years ago. It is irrational bc they were doing their job. That is the sole reason why he hosted Shegda and Blog Mentor, neither of whom was very interesting or, for that matter, accurate.

    Rather than riveting, it is tiresome.

  14. Wow!

    You are REALLY, REALLY hurting for stuff to write about today, BO.

    Bottom-feeding blogging just ain't easy sometimes, say?

  15. "He raises money primarily for himself,"

    You have proof? We know your ethics and humanitarian leanings (i.e. none). You've cheated others of their money and make false charges like this. Got it. Those with a conscience always make the conscienceless uncomfortable. That's why you lash out and throw turds from your cage.

  16. I've never cheated anyone of their money. That is just another of the many false statements made about me. The proof that Gunther raises money primarily for himself is his own damn show, an endless series of commercials. Not sure his sponsors would be too crazy to learn that they are paying for him to host one person who has publicly wished that the LC DA die.

  17. This is a brainwashed network with no chance for intelligent talk or opposing views. The rant about anything. If Obama said anything positive about a republican idea, they puppets would rally against it. They probably oppose the alphabet because it contains the letters O B A M.


    Bernie's revealed that Walsh is paid to be on radio. Please continue with your groundbreaking work. And try not to defraud anymore innocent souls and blame it on drinking. As long as you blame fire water, you haven't taken responsibility for anything. You're still in denial.

  19. @1217...sorry for that comment. I should not stoop to that level. I once thought it was impossible to politicize the weather. I thought wrong. I trust most of his listeners are good, well intended people.

  20. According to Hank Aaron, all Rs are KKK, despite the KKK's long association with the Democratic Party. Hank was never strong on history. As LBJ said after signing the Civil Rights act, "I'll have those uppity niggers voting Democrat for the next 20 years." LBJ had Aaron pegged!

  21. Source on LBJ please. These are the "nice" p0eople who listen to gubber. He is a full on whack job. he puts on a lot of people who say what he likes, if he doesn't agree with you he is insulting and rude as Hell.

    By the way, find out how many of the radio sponsors also feel compelled to fund his multiple race cars.

    The guy is an explosive egomaniac. A bush league Sean Hannity.

  22. Thanx again bernie,

    I have one question, is this one of the notorioushamiltonstreetgangothugs
    back room analitical crew that does the title serch too? Or the soul sale sector of this entity with LLC attached at the end? All entities created as such are under the rule of The Great Allentown Hospital Circus now acting under some colur of law for the midicade subzideez?

    Than again it just may be one of my freinds from over on the hill?

    patent pending

  23. I looked up asshole in the dictionary and Walsh's picture was there. He's a jerk pure and simple.

  24. Liar! Just checked it and Bernie's there.

  25. Bernie,

    While I have grave concerns regarding his recent interview the BGW show discusses local issues. It is in a sense an on the air blog where the host and concerned and yes sometimes frustrated people vent. It may be viewed as a necessary outlet. Because Gunther expresses his own views freely he is a target of those who disagree. The visceral impugning that results is why more people don't dare speak their minds in public. That is the real shame in America today. That we can't respect disagreement. Disagreement should be celebrated in a democracy. Sad so few understand that.

    Scott Armstrong

  26. Scott, I believe you are one of his occasional guests. I'm sure you and other conservative guests enjoy the opportunity for three minutes over three hours to say something in the middle of all those commercials. But Gunther is a bitter man. he hates the DA. He hates human services. I know this, and he knows I know this. So now, he is bringing on real whack jobs to unfairly tarnish both DA Jim Martin and human services. I have heard the entire Northampton County Human Services Department called corrupt by Ron Shegda.

    When he does this, it operates to diminish the credibility of guests like you. Also, I don't know why anyone should pay to buy ads on a radio station where the host is laughing it up with a twisted guest who has publicly wished that Jim martin would die, and even taunts Catholic priests.

    Would you pay to sponsor that kind of shit?

  27. Bernie,

    long day but here goes. I agree when he facilitates the lunacies of you know who the entire show is undermined. That said, Gunther has the stones to say what he believes on air and takes the heat for saying it. Disagree with whether he should entertain a lunatic, but don't condemn the format or even the host for one indiscretion.

    Scott Armstrong

  28. There have been three in the past two weeks.

  29. How many on MSNBC? Look I am not defending him having a lunatic on his show. But let us not throw the baby out with the bath. More talk is better. We need to hash out our disagreements verbally. The alternative is even more unattractive.

    Scott Armstrong

  30. AM radio, where the ratings are dying about as fast as the target demographics. Because old and crazy are all that is left on the AM dial.

    BTW, love the ham fest pic. I'm a ham radio operator. And at 34 years of age--I'm one of the kids in ham radio. Another form of broadcasting loaded with old men. lol

  31. BTW, this is my favorite BGW pic. Dialing for dollars. Sounds like he is back on that gimmick of sorts.

  32. He can say whatever. But, he and his buddies-Rush, Sean, etc- are not spokespersons for the Republican party. Want to represent a party, put your name on the ballot. Otherwise you are nothing more than an overpaid entertainer-like PT Barnum, you know " a sucker is born every minute

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  34. Walsh and his cronies love open discussion when the discussion is what they want. Otherwise they are the first to condemn it.

    Gubber is a fraud. he should have stuck to spinning records on the morning zoo. He sounds like an angry ignoramus on the air.

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  36. Dont forget Wacko Delbacco a gunther favorite

  37. You picked at the wrong pimple this time, stud (??). Not only is BGW uglier than you, but it don't matter for radio, he is wiser, more compassionate, and can hold a real job working for a huge company (Clear Channel)while you slump around in public owned buildings looking for estate records and dirt to pay your rent

  38. Look Bernie never beat up his kid. Yeah that is right. Maybe Dad and daughter are tight now but it does not change the fact it did happen and he was arrested. Powerful friends and money helps and the girl dropped the charges. No problem but the marks were there and he admitted "discipling" her. Children's services were right to intercede. If the guy didn't' have so much clout, he would have been in real trouble.
    Good they are all ok today but don't put sainthood on this clown, while attacking Bernie.

    The guy is known to have at least had an explosive temper and all the "community service" in the world won't change that.

    By the way all those wonderful thing she does are paid for either with outright gifts, perks or sponsorships to his stupid racing hobby that he has had for thirty years. Never won a race.
    Don't throw stones at Bernie if you are a Bobber fan.

  39. In fairness, the claim that Gunther beat up his child is inaccurate. he was charged with some kind of altercation involving her, and those charges were eventually dismissed. So in the eyes of the law and in my own eyes, he is innocent. He and his daughter get along great and he is a doting grandfather.

    That incident twisted him. Children and Youth were called in to investigate, which any rational person would agree is necessary after allegations of abuse, even if proven to be unfounded. Gunther somehow reached the conclusion that John Stoffa was out to get him.

    And obviously, the DA's opffice, which ultimately nolle prossed the case, became the enemy. So Gunther became an enemy of martin, even though his office was just doing its job.

    Being a radio jock does not give you immunity from scrutiny.

    So he has had three recent guests that will pursue that agenda.

    According to Ron Shegda, everyone in NC is corrupt except Steve Barron.

    According to the Blog Mentor, everyone in LC is corrupt except Gunther. He has publicly wished for the dath of the lehigh County DA. He attacked a Maronite Catholic priest on the day of his ordination, and threatened to disrupt services at Our Lady of Lebanon in Easton. He makes has attacked an Allentown City Council member, then went after his wife and children.

    The only reason to have people like this as guests is if you are sick yourself.

  40. He did hit her hard enough to leave marks. That is accurate. In the eyes of the law even O.J. was innocent.

  41. Look, unless you were physically there, you're not competent to discuss this. You only know what you've read. If you want to continue this, I insist you identify yourself. I am willing to put my name out there and take responsibility. if you're unwilling to do this, then don't make these statements you can't possibly know.

  42. Those interviews were obviously ill-advised. Gunther invited that criticism, fair enough. You wouldn't interview Timothy McVeigh to make the point that government sucks, and one only needs to read this blog to know you don't have to.

    But, he is correct in his assessments of the feeders. They didn't proceed against Gunther because they couldn't. Overreaching incompentents who look to score points when the target is rich (literally and figuratively) and regularly return kids to fucked up situations when there is no way the County can milk them, at least in Norco, according to a Norco attorney I know who used to work with them. The LCDA, from what I can see, is a careerist whose R label has no more value than my Congressman's or State Rep's. If he could have hung Gunther, he would have done so and soaked up the glory and headlines along the way.

    As for he who shall not be named, no sympathy here, as innocents have been targeted and suffered.
    But his beef (not the deathwish) with the DA appears more than legit. If it was my kid, no DA would have had a say in the matter. Only government can find more rights for perps than for victims.


  43. Confused here.

    How were Stoffa and Martin both targets of Walsh? Aren't they in different counties?

  44. At the time of Gunther's run-in, John Stoffa headed up Human Services in Lehigh County.

  45. In fairness Bernie, while I am no longer there, some of the county people are still working there.

    Let us just put it this way. I can understand why some of the folks can be upset. When this incident occurred they were harangued publically and still are. They were threatened on-air with lawsuits. Behind the scenes pressure was put to bear.

    These were people just doing their jobs and they know what happened and saw what they saw. They also were made aware of the enormous pressure to back off.

    So some are still around and don't want to be known as they know the guy still has some potent friends especially with the politics in the county today.

    I was there but have long since retired. If you knew who I was one would figure out the others.

    Let us just say that many people are angry when CYF is pulled in but few have the kind of clout and long time grudge of some individuals. Do they think that they could still pay a price, you bet!

    Just some perspective from the inside.

  46. Since you are anonymous, I question whether you are on the inside. I also question the claim that any of you were threatened on-air with lawsuits. My recollection is that Gunther never discussed the matter publicly. I believe he has an anti-Martin and anti-CYF agenda, but to my knowledge, never said a word publicly about this matter.

    Instead, he is bringing on others with similar agendas and trying to exact revenge that way.

  47. Fact bombs are hard to swallow, but Dr. Bill on WAEBV continues to prescribe the medicine Lehigh County needs to recover from the crooked and incompetent DA.

  48. Those were not fact bombs, just hate.

  49. BGW is in an elete club known locally as the four XXXXXXX's. yes, BGW, Gawlick, Gregory, and Severson make up that quartet. They all hate DA's for obvious reasons.

  50. Mezzacappa has radio experience and looks like Ann coulter, BGW's show would benefit from her appearing regularly.

  51. Did they make hallucinogenics legal in PA? 4:31 ate a bad mushroom.

  52. You know you have to identify yourself when you make a personal attack.

  53. So now we know why the claimed "democrat" spouts GOP talking points on a regular basis. He sits transfixed in his vehicle listening to WAEB stooges like Walsh, Hannity, and Limbaugh.

  54. According to Hank Aaron, all Rs are KKK, despite the KKK's long association with the Democratic Party. Hank was never strong on history. As LBJ said after signing the Civil Rights act, "I'll have those uppity niggers voting Democrat for the next 20 years." LBJ had Aaron pegged!

    Only an ignoramus would equate the Democratic party before CRA to the Democratic party after CRA. Talk about needing a history lesson.

    You sure have some brain surgeons here.

  55. West easton council is tonight, come for the spectacle

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  57. I have told you that you need to ID yourself.

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  59. If you are not willing to ID yourself, and can't even send me a private email, I refuse to allow you to post what could just as easily Beca lie from a jealous competitor or disgruntled worker.

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  61. When you keep reposting this garbage anonymously, you are a troll.

  62. I have always been critical of BGW. Simply put he is awful. Allowing a goofball like Ron Shegda to appear on his show further solidifies this fact.

  63. Where can I find Shegda?
    He still owes WGPA money from years back when he was run off...

  64. Federal records reveal that Mr. Shegda has not worked in 9 years. His chapter 13 bankruptcy petition was dismissed. He owes taxes and is in default on his mortgage which is now in foreclosure. What a freaking hypocrite. He is a freak.

  65. Thirty years ago I was working third shift and got out of work at 6:30 AM. No smart phones back then and I was hungry for news/weather/sports.AS soon as i got in my car I put on WAEB and listened to Walsh's show. WAEB was a staple for me. I had it on my home radio also.AS the years passed and Walsh's show became a place for right-wing nuts I stopped listening to WAEB.Now I am on day shift and I get on the road at 5:15 AM. I sampled Walsh's show twice this past week between 5;15 and 5;30 AM and all it was was hate and anger.I switched back to music for the ride in.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.