Local Government TV

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Tale of Two Nonprofits

One of the Lehigh Valley's more worthwhile nonprofits is New Bethany Ministries, whose simple goal is "to create opportunities for a secure future for the homeless, hungry, poor and mentally ill of the Lehigh Valley." One of their biggest fundraisers is Luminaria Night. Simple votive candles, inside a white bag, light up the Christmas City each December. More importantly, the money raised helps people with nowhere else to turn. You'd think Bethlehem would go out of its way to help this worthy effort. But Bethany, unlike the Fox Environmental Center (Illick's Mill), has no City Council person at the helm.

Last December, while City Council person Karen Dolan basked in a rent-free Mill, warming up with free heating oil supplied by Parks and Public Property Director Ralph Carp, it was freezing inside the pool house a stone's throw away along Illick's Mill Road. New Bethany's Debbie Delgrosso was shoveling the snow, which the City had not done. Eventually, she got help from some people who stopped by for their luminaries.

Carp also charged New Bethany for the use of the pool house to distribute luminaries.

The difference between these two nonprofits is that one of them is run by a City Council member and one is not.

This kind of favoritism is why Dolan should resign from City Council, where she just happens to chair the Parks Committee.


  1. Thank you Bernie. This is another story that should be told! It's about time. What I want to know is why the Express Times and Morning Call have decided a City Council person being accused of "mismanagement," to put it nicely,is not newsworthy? When will we see follow up,or at least a statement from the City?

  2. Bernie, I hope as you hear about and look into these stories you put all preconceived notions about Bedlum official aside. You are learning the darkside of the insider game that has existed in Bedlum for years.

    Yes it is a nice town and yes the people are good people and there are nice attractions but behind the curtain of power is pure uncut sleaze.

    The hubris of the insiders in this berg is as bad as anything in Harrisburg. If you have the juice you can get exempted form rules of all kinds. You can get perks of nay type.

    This is really a case of super power inbreeding that many in the town are use to and just see as a way of life in Bedlum.

    Of course come election time, the inbreeding goes on and on.

  3. callahan's chickens are coming home to roost - hope it takes down more council bozos than just doober dolan. there's plenty of guilt to go around on council, including past members. there is a terrible stink in bethlum and it originates at 10 e church street

    keep digging BO

  4. Dolan should resign.

  5. donchez needs to react now!!! don't take the time to form one of his infamous committees

  6. What other not-for-profits got free heating oil?
    Is this a common practice,giving free heating oil to worthy groups?
    I would be interested to hear what the recent past mayor has to say about this practice. Do you suppose he approved this?
    How much was spent on fuel oil at the Mill last year,anyone know? It sure was a cold winter,our little house used over twenty five hundred dollars worth. Twice we ran out.

  7. 7:10, I doubt either Mayor Callahan or Mayor Donchez knew anything about the free heating oil. But it sure explains why Dolan wanted a raise for Carp's staff last election cycle.

    She needs to resign.

  8. It could be worse for New Bethany re: Dolan. At least they're not despicable Catholics. We know how she feels about them.

    She should be criminally investigated. But Morganelli is a loyal and partisan Democrat who won't do a thing. Norco is the best county in the state to get away with a murder. It's also the best county in the state for sleazy Democrats who want to skirt the law with impunity.

  9. I see favoritism and mismanagement, not corruption.

  10. Of course you do. Now, go lick Morganelli's boots, you hack.

  11. There is corruption. But, you need to wear a wire, or video tape it, to prove it. Anecdotes do not count. My own story would become a "he said," "she said." That won't fly. There is corruption. Dolan's problem is naïveté. Her faux pas are recorded on the books.

  12. There are lots of unanswered questions.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am not worried. A year from now Jim Gregory will be back on Bethlehem city council. He was always good at turning over rocks and finding corruption. Also his name recognition is through the roof.

    He will help clean up this mess when he wins next year.

    Beth 1

  15. Bingo.



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