Local Government TV

Friday, April 25, 2014

Brown's Decisions Have Spawned Three Lawsuits

If nothing else, Northampton County Executive John Brown has made some lawyers very happy. His decisions have resulted in three lawsuit over the past three months.

The first of these was filed in February by Jill Mancini, a former Assistant Solicitor who claims she was a career service employee who was entitled to due process before being fired. The second, a declaratory judgment action, was filed by the Controller over the Executive's award of an $84,000 no-bid contract to a public relations firm. Now he's facing a third suit, filed by former Sheriff Randy Miller. Like Mancini, Miller claims he was a career service employee who was fired without cause..

Miller, Bethlehem's former Police Commissioner, is represented by Attorney Jason Schiffer, another former Bethlehem police chief.


  1. Miller is doing this as a prelude for a big push for an elected Sheriff. By all rights he was legally dismissed, end of story.

  2. Another person in addition to the solicitor who hasn't bothered to read the Home Rule Charter. Not end of story. Rather beginning of large justified awards for damages.

  3. brown should run away and join the circus

  4. I think Brown is clearly not up to the task of governing.

    That being said, both Miller's and Mancini's positions are, or should be, exempt and not career service.

  5. oh great ! just what we need more lawsuits ...if brown doesn't get his act together soon there will surely be more to follow!

    Miller will lose this lawsuit. He is a great guy, a qualified employee, and a good sheriff, however the Home Rule Charter is the tool that will do him in. He is using this very tool for his defense but inappropriately. He or His lawyer is misreading the Home Rule Charter and someone is giving him questionable advice. You can take this to the bank.

  7. Unfortunately, there is a little thing called "stare decisis". Sheriff Alfred Diomedo claimed the same provisions applied to him, as Mr. Miller is implying, and lost his appeal. I suspect Mr. Miller will lose his lawsuit.

  8. If Miller is such the class act as you claim Bernie, he should accept what happened and move on. But because of his arrogance and "me first" attitude, he decides to sue.
    Miller spent the last two months of his tenure hounding the Council Clerk for info to prepare his lawsuit since he knew he was done. He even begged the president judge for help on several occasions. Even dilizio won't give him back his job as dog catcher for the city. Miller must need the money to pay off his victory trip to France.

  9. Sour grapes from an "entitled attitude" member of the Callahan clan.


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