Local Government TV

Monday, March 24, 2014

Philly DA Blasts AG Kane

When the Philadelphia District Attorney rips the state Attorney General, a fellow Democrat, over her decision to dismiss bribery allegations against four state representatives and a District Judge, she's got a problem.


  1. Bernie can We have more details...

  2. Details are found at the link in highlights. She lied about her courtroom experience and has shown herself to be highly political. She's running for governor and doesn't need Philly' black Deems upset with her. PA law is what she determines it to be. The Democrat criticizing her will be brought into line shortly. She'll likely have him investigated. He better be spotless.

  3. How in the hell has this become a race thing again? This card has no place in political corruption because political parasites in America today are of all races? Just guessing but that were the comment about an Irish ladd came from on another post?

    patent pending

  4. She is 100% political. No care for the AG position except as a weapon in her future political ambitions.

    I don't believe it's a racist issue. Around the country there are numerous political hacks extracting financial gain by their positions.

    Just because the big cities have a lot of minority office holders is the issue. Cities tend to be corrupt and the just happen to have higher numbers of minorities in office.

  5. With the ass kissing you gave guv corbett, and now more demo hit pieces, it appears OHare has now become a shill for the repos. Expect more Fox-like coverage of area races. O'hare isthe LV version of O'rielly, the shorter, fatter, less-attractive, disbarred, version. LOL

  6. Tea Party FootsoldierMarch 24, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    I didn't realize they released Jim Greggy(12:55)welcome back!

  7. Beholden to the party before principle. That is why I would never make a good pol. Somebody always owns your soul.

    Thanks for your coverage Bernie. Equal, honest and balanced coverage is all your readers ask. The personal snipes are backbiters who can't see the forest through the trees.

  8. No, Jimbo is writing LTTE of the ET from the comfort of his bunk at SCI, as you can see in today's paper. 12:55 could be Pigmayhemalia, his jock strap-like support system.

    Bernie has as usual provided us with a news item that may have gone overlooked. The Philly thing looks suspicious and I hope there isn't any "there" there.

  9. She's done the gay thing and is now doing the black thing. She's just another Democrat running for office. Nothing to see here.

  10. So all the lockstep attacks on democrats mean you are truly independent and have principles. Good to know.

  11. 12:55

    No, Bernie is doing what the ET has failed to so far, which is point out Democrat corruption. They have numerous audio and video of these pols taking bribes and gifts to oppose Voter ID. Which is probably why the ET is ignoring it. I appreciate Bernie posting it. It's certainly newsworthy.

    You on the other hand show yourself to be nothing more than a partisan hack who is willing to ignore corruption in your own party. People like you and Kane are the problem, not Bernie or Fox News.

  12. I voted for Kathleen Kane when she ran for AG, and posted one or two blogs supporting her. When the Philadelphia DA, a fellow Dem, questions her judgment, we all need to pay attention.

  13. Paranoia must be a wonderful thing. Why else would all the teabagges stay there so long.

  14. Kane is establishing long overdue new rules of evidence and new standards for prosecution of non-whites in the state of Pennsylvania. You racists have had your own rules for 200 years. It's time to balance the scales. Kane for Governor.

  15. How much does it cost to buy a blog?

  16. Show me a city of size that doesn't have big problems. Corruption, welfare galore, food stamps, no jobs, thugs and poor people who are stuck in all of this....the educated with jobs move out. Why?

    I had my car stolen in Philly while visiting. I have 2 female family members, one raped by 3 minorities while they held a knife over her sleeping husband and infant, and one robbed and stabbed repeatedly.

    People on this blog, some are fill of BS. They have all of the answers. Just label people racist and yet they live in areas where they are removed from such horror.

    Life experience molds many of us so isn't it just so nice that some on here can be so righteous. Bet they all avoided the military too. Just not safe enough for them I guess. Let others do it for them.....

    Did they ever step up? Maybe one or two.....

  17. Kathleen Kane is a joke. I knew that after she made some ludicrous statement about marijuana being a "gateway drug" - the reason she opposes legalization.

  18. And many people even past drug users agree about weed being a gateway drug.

    Only people who smoke dope disagree with this....

    And you?

    So your opinion is someone who drinks beer or wine won't drink hard liquor?

    Or someone who takes a pain pill for pain won't get hooked and then take many times more the they started with? Right,,,,

  19. Seth has much bigger plans the being Philly's DA. He's positioning himself for a bid for something. Kane just happens to be a good target for him.

    The shame is he has been an amazing DA and would be a great public servant at a higher level except for one thing: Check into the last time the Philadelphia DA's office has hired a caucasian; Not once since he was elected 5-6 years ago.

  20. Wow! A basically black city hiring black DAs! Who'd have thunk it?


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