Governor Corbett tours Bethlehem Steel Machine Shop No. 2 |
Governor Tom Corbett visited South Side Bethlehem on Friday. It was no social call. He was there to see for himself the former Bethlehem Steel No. 2 Machine Shop. Plans to transform this decaying and rusting hulk into a Bass Pro Shop are underway, thanks in large part to Corbett's designation of Bethlehem as not just a Christmas City, but a CRIZ City.
Machine Shop No. 2 will be transformed into a Bass Pro Shop |
Late last year, Corbett designated both both Bethlehem and Lancaster as CRIZ cities. Technically called a City Revitalization and Improvement Zone, it's an economic tool for up to 130 acres in cities with a population of at least 30,000. Unlike Allentown's controversial NIZ, only new taxes generated from a CRIZ parcel can be used to fund development. It rewards only new development, not an existing business poached from another municipality.
State Senator Lisa Boscola enthusiastically thanked Governor Corbett |
Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez, who introduced Corbett to a crowd of at least forty elected officials and business leaders, said the Bass Pro project will give "new life to old steel." State Senator Lisa Boscola was enthusiastic. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed, noting her father would be proud of her because he was a life long steelworker.
Corbett expects to see 4,000 permanent and 3,000 construction jobs |
For Corbett, it's all about the jobs. He told the audience that, on his way to Bethlehem, he learned that the state unemployment rate had just dropped another 0.2%, bringing it down to 6.2%. That's below the 6.7% national average, and is as low as unemployment has been in Pennsylvania since 2008,
Although Corbett spoke of the steel beams that weighed 550 lbs that are currently inside the Empire State Building, he made clear that he's more interested in Bethlehem's future. He called the CRIZ the "beginning of a voyage", and one that brings 3,000 construction jobs and 4,000 permanent jobs, along with $1 billion in investment. He called the CRIZ the "spark to unleash new development."
He also made clear that he'll be watching closely, and won't decide on additional CRIZ designations until he sees how things work in Bethlehem.
Corbett with lobbyist Joe Uliana and Beth Sands Interim President Doug Niethold |
Aside from Mayor Donchez, two of Bethlehem's former Mayors, John Callahan and Don Cunningham, were present. So were the Lehigh and Northampton County Executives, Tom Muller and John Brown. Northampton County Council president Peg Ferraro also donned a hard hat as Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem interim President Doug Niethold led the tour.
Tony Hanna, whose vision for South Side Bethlehem is becoming reality. |
The Executives: John Brown (Northampton) and Tom Muller (Lehigh) |
all the mukety mucks toasting each other by spending the taxpayers money on their little ego show.
Were there any actual taxpaying civilians there?
Please detail the taxpayer money spent here. This is all private investment. No grants. There will be an ability to use new taxes to find development, but that's based on new business and business not poached from another part of the Lehigh Valley, a la J.B. Reilly. If you want to condemn it then, knock yourself out. But you're premature and misinformed now, as is the case with most weekend trolls.
The next governor will also want 4000 more jobs in Bethlehem. So long, Corbett.
Glad you got a picture of Tony Hanna there. He's one guy who quietly, behind the scenes, has helped guide all the economic development efforts at the site. Thru the terms of 3 very good mayors, Tony has consistently been the back-office guy making it happen.
and a great picture of former State Senator Joe Uliana, who is smiling primarily because he's a FORMER state senator...
Looks like there were a lot of people there who have quietly made this happen. We will see more events like this now that Callahan is no longer the ring leader in his top had and tails taking credit every time a company slows down to drive by the site. Events involving all the people who actually helped and not just him and his cronies.
I'm not sure what came first, the puke in my mouth or the shit in my pants after seeing those individuals first thing in the morning.
Taxpayer money spent was for the gov and his cronies who wasted gas on the drive in for the dog and pony show!
I have no problems with this kind of use of tax dollars. These dollars will come from revenues that do not ALREADY exist, unlike what was slammed through in Allentown. It's somewhat telling the original NIZ concept has been 'slimmed' down. The NIZ is overly generous, even outrageous, hopefully never to be duplicated elsewhere.
State legislators were clearly asleep at the wheel by allowing the taxpayer goose to lay such a large golden egg down on Allentown. Oh, well. Good thing Pennsylvania was so flush with money at the time!
Fred Windish
Did John Brown have his mouth piece at his side to answer any questions?
Good to see all the praise and glory jock sniffing people surrounding the Governor for our 4,000 minimum wage jobs. Why not put FedEx down there?
I would have preferred this story if all of the pictures of Corbett were defaced with squigglies, mustaches, devil's ears, snot coming out his nose, etc. Same for that empty suit Brown.
Otherwise it was an informative story, and thanks for researching and posting it. Be sure to disinfect your elbows.
Weekend troll
11:47, actually, someone from the PR was there to take pics of him .
12:55, I'm sure Bethlehem would love to have FedEx. It's set up for it quire well on the South Side near 78.
7:08, Callahan was more than willing to share the spotlight and credit when he was Mayor, and I saw him speak eloquently and heap praises on the people who would work on different projects. So let's be honest, shall we?
Not a great pic of the former state Senator bc I cut off half his face. I'm not very good.
Did anyone see the leerjet jb sent to pick up the governor? Not this was just another slapp in the face of allentowns Brown Hole Administration for there blatent theft of services as public servants? Allentown has and will always be second best to the ReNue the Brown Hole of the valley? I personally loved the Green tie great touch for the true boss of PA?
patent pending
Let's be factual. I'm pretty sure the Guv' drove here.
Uliana's smile is because all of the money he gets his hands on by getting a piece of the action from all of his old and new cronies.
Like a convention of bad pennies. I actually felt bad for John Brown. He is new to that collection of sharks.
Hana is sweating because he got away with murder with Callahan. Hope someone is keeping an eye on him. I doubt Donchez t4rusts him very much.
It's Hanna, not Hana. I hope you have reported your murder allegations to the DA, but he'd want you to say who you are, troll.
O'Hare you are not only a drama queen but also have no sense of humor.
You call people out on being trolls, yet look in the mirror and see the vicious little troll looking back. No wonder people want to remain anonymous and you "pretend" to allow anonymous commnets on your blog.
Bernie isn't a troll. This is his blog, and he posts his expectations for participation in it right above the edit box.
Freedom of speech doesn't apply here though. Bernie doesn't say that he may challenge you if you post a suspect accusation anonymously, but honestly, is that a surprise? I would count that as part of "I love to argue". Questioning a phrase such as "he got away with murder" isn't trolling, it is challenging that anonymous poster to say what they really mean and not use a euphemism. That could mean anything depending on context.
6:14, you choose to remain anonymous bc you are a coward. You refuse to accept responsibility for what you write. Perhaps you are afraid that I might expose you and embarrass you for your lies, as I would. More likely, you realize that identifying yourself would damage your reputation in the community, making you look like the jerk you really are. In either case, you are a coward.
"O'Hare you are not only a drama queen but also have no sense of humor."
I've put up with assholes like this asa clown for years. That takes a sense of humor, and it takes something else that you don't have, courage.
A Lear jet. Maybe for Obama's dog...
What a great thing for this area. Even Senator Boscola knows when to thank a republican.
The haters always show up when they can puke on their sour grapes or crap in their pants.
They won't all be minimum waged jobs and for those who work for minimum wage, at least there is a work ethic there. Also it is up to the workers to find advancement. Some will and some won't.
Thanks for the article Bernie. You are fair which is something you don't see enough of here.
Even though the construction jobs are union, the union agents, and others see nothing here to like.
The first thing Corbett did was to get rid of 40 government cars saving the taxpayer millions. What a waste that was of our money.....
Informative post re: CRIZ vs. NIZ. Thank you.
Reporting something to the lehighcounty DA does not meen anything will be done about the report? The money train of the Brown Hole Law and its articulators covers any and all matter of such actors of the Great Allentown Hospital Circus/Fair for there soul sale aqusition to continue? This all for the circus back midway freakshow to play out and bring the true freaks out in the light of day?
patent peding
"The first thing Corbett did was to get rid of 40 government cars saving the taxpayer"
No, actually the first thing he did was give his staffers huge raises that cost more than getting rid of those vehicles did....
Facts are your friend, give one a try sometime....
Aren't you always complaining government workers don't make enough? What a hypocrite....
The cars were a true waste.
Cuts to spend are something you do not get...
If legislators get per diem and mileage for their commute over 50 miles. The average Joe should be able to deduct mileage for commutes over 50 miles. Per diems can be quite lucrative.
4:59 and you 5:18 this must be the Hanna Hotspot Hook-up that 4:59 is speaking of, cause they send there imps to do there dirty work? 4:59 I feel your pain as mine are alive and dabling with the soul sale circus because I am less than according to there standards and theres are LOW?
You must breif him tort, stipes and liens and such legal mombojumbo are for the civil division and now they are all working under the covers of a higher authority under colur of law for his close personal freind? Just another one of the many subcontractors that are on payroll for the Notorious Hamilton Street Gang o Slugs?
Are freind MM has another story of there soul sale sector and there underhanded endevors? It is all civil though because we are not equally worth only one humans worth? ie cancer, cure, SNOT
Now that the boss is here and hopfully ms Kane some work can begin? Just food for thought in the third world city Allentown pa?
Good luck on your PSSAs.
anon 10:09, interpreter please. Don't speak Klingon.
that was the iwas when dinosaurs like us were in school?
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