Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ferraro Sole No Vote On Retiree COLAs

For those of you who think Peg Ferraro is a bleeding heart, or that she is unable to vote alone on an issue, think again.

Before the election, Northampton County Council member Peg Ferraro was one of the few Republicans at a luncheon for NorCo government retirees. But last week, at a retirement board meeting, she was the sole No vote on a cost of living adjustment for county retirees. There was no press coverage, so few people would know this until now.

Her rationale was that nobody else is getting a COLA.

The County's pension fund, which has doubled since 2008, is why they are getting a COLA. It is one of the top performing funds in the state.

Ferraro also lobbied to have the pension fund manager replaced with someone more to her own liking, even though he refuses to execute a County contract. That bothers me more than her No vote. You'll recall she also refused to give up the transportation contract with Nazareth Ambulance at Gracedale

Ferraro is in line to be Northampton County Council's next President.

Correction: Peg wants to replace the investment manager for the Hugh Moore Trust, not the Retirement Fund


  1. Thank You Bernie. This is a good catch. Ferraro was once again kissing employee and retiree ass before the election.

    Now people can see the truth. Also this is just the beginning. I have it on some authority that the new county council plans on taking no prisoners. Peg will go along with it because that is part of the price for the presidency.

    I would say both county employees and retirees should stay tuned for the new administration and county council. Hope you enjoyed the ride, especially you retiree healthcare recipients.

    The times they are a changing. Bernie, I guess the best way to sum this up is to remind lazy employees and retirees that elections have consequences. The new county order will make Glenn
    Reibman and John Stoffa look like Santa Claus.

    Welcome to Northampton County tea party government 2.1!

  2. I must admit I am somewhat shocked by her vote. She has been wiling to hike the wages of "some" county staff, a swell as increase the number of employees. She does a backdoor removal of a staff person and now says a big FU to the retiree's.

    Interesting, very interesting.

    Could we be seeing the coming of a meaner, crueler county council. The sad thing is Mr. O'Hare she has the most experience as of January 2014 in all of county government legislative and Executive. I don't county McClure.

    That is a reason I voted for Jerry and Ron, for some balance, experience, knowledge and common sense. Even if only one of them made it, I think it would have had a moderating and stabilizing impact on county government.

    This is going to be interesting to watch.

  3. Say it ain't so Peg. You didn't use us then abandon us. Please reply to this article. Are you a camelion that changes color to hide your true being. I voted for you because you gave the appearance you were a fair person. Your vote certainly doesn't show it.

  4. Her long career is about personal taking and public spending. She's never been responsible, from the dilapidated trailer to the ambulance vote.

  5. Thank you Peg for being a lone voice for fiscal responsibility. Despite the good returns on investments, the county pension fund is not fully funded. You did not put this in your post but it should have been mentioned during that retirement board meeting. What was the percentage? Also note that the 2014 budget requires an additional $14 million contribution from taxpayers, a 12% increase from 2013. That's on top of the employee contribution. Pension funding is a state and national problem. Unfortunately the "spineless amoeba" in Harrisburg are unable to pass Sen. Pat Browne's pension reform proposal to move new employees to 401K's to put us all (public and private)in the same boat.

  6. If you are in "the same boat" why on earth would anyone work in public service? You want to pull the last shred of anything compelling for these people.

  7. Yo idiot.....8:31.....
    you forgot to mention that we as employees had to put 10 % of our gross earnings into the Pension fund. Then when the pension fund was performing well our leaders used what they called the excess interest to offset tax increases and pay for other programs. Get your facts straight and state both sides of the story you moron. Now the County has to pay back some of those dollars, Had they not used our dollars much like the Congress used our Social Security dollars, we would never have to worry as retirees. Peg ferraro latched onto the public teat many years ago. She is still milking the system. They fiscally raped the taxpayer while we as County employees were always told if you work for less wages now we will take care of you in your golden years. The republicans seem to forget those little things.

  8. "nfortunately the "spineless amoeba" in Harrisburg are unable to pass Sen. Pat Browne's pension reform proposal"

    The same guy who drafted the NIZ? Whose wife works as a lobbyist? Who now pushes for payday loans? I would not trust him on anything.

  9. 9:07. Do you have the written Proof of this? Stoffa took pension returns and siphoned them off to the general fund. I would like to know about this if it is true

  10. 9:07, and that is 10% gross, too. Imagine that! Who these days saves 10% of his gross income? These workers were entitled to a COLA and the $ is there for one.

  11. 9:44, I realize you want to blame Stoffa for everything bc of your irrational hatred. He has not siphoned money off and the fund doubled under him.

  12. Did the tea party impose a nasty commuter tax on county employees who choose to avoid living amid Easton's violence and the highest tax and fee structure in the Lehigh Valley? No. That was Sal Panto. You didn't elect him, but just like a resourceful urban thief, he traveled to the suburbs and he's in your wallet anyway. Does Sal even drink tea?

  13. Bernie, no one is blaming Stoffa for anything the guy at 9:07 did that, I just asked for his proof. How does that change into blaming Stoffa for everything?
    Mr 9:44

  14. The guy at 9:07 did not finger Stoffa. That was you.

  15. Ok he only said administration, and who was the administration for the last 8 years asshole?

  16. So you are saying it was Stoffa, and you are wrong. Stoffa made a commitment to pay the ARC, and did so. That is why the County's pension fund is one of the best in the state. Prior admins. did not pay the ARC. Other municipalities dipped into their finds and that is why they are in trouble. I suspect Brown will attempt to balance the budget on the backs of county employees, too.

  17. Don't cry now employees. You should have got off your asses and voted. Oh I forgot maybe you didn't like some of the candidates or maybe you didn't have the time to vote.

    You guys got exactly what you deserve.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. If you want to post that kind of filth, sign your name and take responsibility. I know who you are, but my readers should know, too.

  20. The residents of Northampton Cty better put on their seat belts because you are in for a ride for the next at least, 4 years of total un-certainty and total un-rest...

  21. Consigliere de GreggyDecember 11, 2013 at 3:29 PM

    With Brown as Gregory's pawn NorCo will be run from the fortified palace of SCI Camp Hill in a manner that will transform this two party county into a plutocracy comprised of the ManSlab's inner circle (DelGrosso, Loupos, Calvo, Croslis).

    RINO's like Pegasus Ferrai will be endangered much like their relative on the island of Java. The reigns of the blogosphere will be ripped away from BOH, MM, CC, and delivered to those that cannot be spoken here.

    Gregory has taken up crocheting and works in the sausage factory so expect his 15 month sentence in Kangaroo court to be reduced enough for him to run in the upcoming primary (for whatever he wants). He will be back to holding court at Billy's Diner over a man sized vegan platter along side a skinny soy mochachino.

  22. Ferraro made the only intelligent vote on that board. Every COLA increase drops the bottom line of the Pension that was earned. This is why public pensions are going broke. You can't keep getting more for something you did not earn. When the actuarial model is based on a 7.5% ROI it is only a matter of time until you ruin what little people earned. If you knew anything about pension funding you would be praising Peg as the only true voice of reason on this board. Now if they where deep in the green as per govt. tables, we'll then maybe you can give a modest increase, but this plan is barley out of the yellow zone and it clearly shows the board is not thinking clearly here. Keep up your hit pieces Ohary, one day you will get something right

  23. Did you say that Gregory has taken up the crotch? Spartacus Maximus will be tickled pink.

  24. 4:13,

    Let's see. I reported accurately that Ferraro was the sole No vote against a COLA for retirees. I reported accurately that she was one of few Rs at a luncheon for retirees, right before the election. I reported accurately that NC's pension fund is one of the top performing funds and had doubled since 23008. That's greater than 7.5%, incidentally. If you are suggesting that the ACR is flawed, as you seem to be, then I'd like to see your data. The problem did not arise because ACRs were too low, but bc they were being ignored completely. I might also add that your rationale against a COLA is not what Peg advanced. She simply thought the County retiree should not get it bc no one else is.

    Had the COLA been denied, that would give Brown more money to raid next year. Now I don't want to ascribe a plan to him without knowing it for a fact, but that is a possibility.

    I understand the need to be conservative with the people's money, but the dangers that concern you do not seem to exist.

    Finally, let me assure you this story is no hit piece. She is a public official and we the public have a right to know how she votes. You can say she was prudent, and i can say it is somewhat hypocritical.

  25. Peg is a hypocrite that rides the political winds. During the campaign she was telling some folks the tea party is crazy and then with other folks she was buying tea party sweatshirts.

    She will do whatever her handlers through John Brown tell her to do. It is her record an dhow she has always been.

    As to the other elected officials, I am glad that we finally have fiscal
    The spendthrift days of John Stoffa are over. However, in order to pay Stoffa's bill, John Brown will have to work some miracles.

    The county sloths will be cut as they should be. A lot of fat in the building. Go to any office especially Human Resources and you will see then having gab fests all day long.

    Mr. Brown is aware of this as well. he is also aware of all the "special" friends that have been deposited throughout the county workforce.

  26. Peg is lost and always has been. She can't be trusted ask Ron Angle.(and a dew others she broke promises to)..
    Sorry, not my cup of tea.

  27. Anyone working in government is stupid for ever retiring. Might as well milk the job until they tell you to retire. Otherwise this is what happens. The pension system is broke and will go away at some point just like the Steel. Retirement of a government worker is going to be something of a distant memory and dream.

  28. I hope Peg does the right thing and puts up Geissenger for council president. She cannot handle the job. I like her but I see her shortcomings. Council will be a mess with her at the helm. She needs to put her ego and sense of it is owed to her aside. She simply is not a take charge person and the time it involves to do it right she also can't keep up with. This will not be pretty.....not everyone can lead but that doesn't demean the positions of the others. It takes a team. Many of us hope she does the right thing here.

  29. Geissenger is new. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know yet. One thing is clear as of now. His ego will be lucky if it fits through the council chambers door.

  30. He is new but he can handle it......and yes the victimized haters are at it as always.

  31. Why not make Phillips President. he has more experience at leadership than Geissenger or nayone else.

    The hate never left, it just evolved.

  32. Hate does not evolve. It devolves. But thanks for letting us know that Team Hate backs Hayden Phillips.


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