Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Makes You Thankful?

I do most of my writing at night, but as you can see, you've got slim pickins today. That's because I spent the night in darkness and cold. I had bought a space heater for my estate, and when I turned it on, I blew everything out. I had to wait until this morning for one of my servants to find and flip the circuit breaker.

My self-inflicted predicament was annoying, but nothing compared to last year, when Hurricane Sandy struck. Many of you who spent day after day in the cold. For the homeless, this is a daily routine.

So I am thankful for electricity. ... and an interesting world.


  1. Well said.

    I'm thankful for family, friends, and people I can trust.

    Happy Thanksgiving Bernie!

    The Banker

  2. I'm thankful I get to keep my health insurance policy and doctor. Period.

    Actually, I'm thankful to live in a country where we fight rhetorically over MRIs and not for real over MREs.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. The fact that you allow at least some rebuttal. As opposed to say, Mr MM.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  4. Can't say anything nice , can you? Over the years, MM has rec'd 3000 ugly comments from the Blog Mentor. Some just vulgar to others that even attack his religion. People can be ugly, and MM has better taste than I .

  5. I'm thankful the franzia filled turkey baster I found in my hubby's rectum could be salvaged in time for my cooking today.

  6. I am thankful to be living in a country that elected president Obama as opposed to Rick Santorum.

  7. Glad to still be alive and kickin' in 2013...

    Alfonso Todd

  8. The year which is coming to a close has seen many blessings for many Americans and also many challenges.

    In regard to these bounties, extraordinary blessings I ask, might we be prone to forget the source from which they come, the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.

    I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in Allentown, the Lehigh Valley region, Pennsylvania every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are in outer space and who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe this day, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

    And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable world strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of this nation and other nations in the Middle East and in other states where strife has occurred, to restore them as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

    I further say that what I invite you to do is not of my own creation but is found in the traditions of the American experience...And may I remind you that we are still a nation under God despite the fact that some men seek to place our own will over God's will.

    On this special day let us all thank God in his or her special way for what blessings we have received... And let us all pray that in the coming year that those citizens who are in true need be comforted and receive respite and relief from their burdens.

  9. After watching dozens of volunteer firefighters work for hours on a Bushkill Township fire this AM, I'm truly thankful for those who would get out of bed at 5:00 AM on Thanksgiving, leave their safe and warm homes and families, and work in 25-degree temperatures to save another's person and property. Wow.

  10. Am thankful for the blessing of good health, just enough money to pay the bills and despite a hostile political scene optimistic for the future. Wish all the best and a Happy Thanksgiving

  11. As every year, and every single moment:

    My beautiful wife and kids. The privilege of sharing in their successes, the opportunity to help them cope and learn from their challenges and defeats, and the blessing of having them here to do the same for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  12. I am thankful that people are finLly catching onto Obama and his kind. His approval is finally where it should be. The haters and the scammers who take what they do not deserve and may some union members are now his 37%.

  13. I disagree. The scammers, as you call them, are a very small group of people who abuse the system. I doubt they even vote. This is human nature, and I believe you will find the same proportion of what you call scammers n every demographic. It could be someone lying to get some form of cash assistance. It could also be a broker who engages in a Ponzi scheme. Don't cut the safety net bc of those who abuse our system; just make it harder to abuse.

    I believe Obama's core of supporters comes mostly from young, self-important, middle and upper middle class kids. The Jonathan Geeting types. They view every attack on an Obama policy as a sign of stupidity, or worst, racist.

    He also can count on blacks, whose support is in the high 70%. I see nothing wring with that. Obama is the first black president, just as JFK, who commanded a similar kind of Catholic support, was our first Catholic president.

  14. Yet, you're race-baiting tactic used against Scott Ott is worse than anything Geeting's put out. Few who are opposed to the Obamacare disaster are racist, despite charges from race-baiters like Geeting. Few who are opposed to the politics of the NAACP are racists despite charges from race-baiters like Bernie O'Hare. Anyone who knows Scott Ott knows he hasn't a racist bone in his body, just as Bernie doesn't despite his hateful statements about the Obamacare roll-out. Race-baiting is worse than racism, a lot worse. Racists hate themselves. Race-baiters hate themselves and all future generations who would try to live more peacefully.

  15. I beg to differ Bernie. Someday I'll talk to you about my large extended family and how they take advantage of the tax payer. Add to that all of those for work for cash and make 400.00 to maybe $1500.00 aweek and claim next to nothing. Then my son who meets families who are on disability and most if not all should not be. The numbers are growing. Some would rather be poor then work. Others are doing quite well and not doing their share. We have never found a way to fix these problems. What % age are these groups and others? If we could only help the true needy it would be much less then we are paying for now. Some of these people live much better then you. I am not a racist or I surely would have mentioned the blacks who voted for Obama. I agree that that was to be expected, you are right.

    37% does not equal young jaded Berkley types. They are now being hit in their pockets and some have woke up. Never mind that we have a president who we now can not believe a word he utters...or his administration .
    If the majority believes there should be no success for anyone except the few this president carves out for then everyone will live poorly. This new direction is full of nightmares for people who wanted their children to do bettert they they did.

    The 37% approval also comes fromthe gays, the Elf type people, the liberals who believe in something for us but not for them, some of the young and others.

    While some have temper tantrums for changes thay believe in they too will suffer in the end along with the rest. What a tangled web we weave.

    Who wants to feel like this? I wish I didn't have to but there is less and less to be thankful for. I cherish what I have left.

    I am thankful for the military who gets so crapped on by the left. Not all of them but far too many. Send them to die for the president's reasons and treat them like the enemy when they come home. There are no jobs for them only the illegals they want to keep here.....

  16. 6:54, I simply covered a NAACP debate. He said what he said. He offended the people in the audience. You don't like the truth.

  17. All hail the military and the foreign adventures of our great Super Power.

  18. All the race baiting in the world won't get teabaggers like Rick Santorum elected President and I am thankful for that.

  19. " I am not a racist or I surely would have mentioned the blacks who voted for Obama."

    Ah, you just did. If I wanted to be mean, I would say your cut and paste rant is full of shit but I won't.

  20. I'll take a tea baggers any day over a hate filled AH. One lives in reality the other on a different planet...and BO mentioning blacks voted for Obama reminded me that I left them out of my list of those who are I. The 37% who still approve of him. They are the only ones who make sense in their support. The far left is destroying America so who not believe the far right could win....both extreme but at least the right are patriots. I don't know what the others are. The military by the way is probably a job you who hate them are too cowardly to be them. We do get it. Cowards, victims hate mongers are cut from the same cloth. You couldn't shine a spoilers shoes much less be one button left friends send them to die on foreign soil. You are disgusting and very small......

  21. There is no question that the right wing teabaggers are made up of sunshine patriots and chicken hawks. People who advocate a militarist America in the mold of ancient Rome. Of course most of the baggers will never go off to war. They will dress in their camo, wear their guns and wave flags. They just like to claim the flag as their coat of arms.

    Convenient patriotism is their credo. Tri-cornered hats, don't tread on me signs, the teabaggers are very theatrical but real fighters, not so much.

    The far right wing is destroying the greatest commodity the USA had for many decades and that is hope. With no future to aspire to our young are left to the whims of the 1% held up by the teabaggets who are too ideologically rigid to know they are being used.

    Maybe that is one reason why poor African-Americans support the President. Of course not to mention he is black.

    I am thankful a majority of Americans are still smart enough to resist the 30% of teabaggers trying to turn this nation into a third world dirt hole.

  22. Well many more are tea bagged types then they are liberal like. Conservatives 44% and climbing. Libs 20% and probably shrinking.

    The military is mostly on the right so you are the chicken dung. They die for your right to be.

    This administration is calling the shots and last I looked we still are in Afghanistan and have better people then you being killed there. Again for your right to be a chicken AH. If it were up to me our good fighting men and woman would be home and with their tea bag families. So who are the real war mongers??The good old boys you complain about would serve long before your type would and they do. You are a girly man type or just a chicken lib Ah and I will side with the right any day.. There isn't much choice.

  23. Tea Party FootsoldierDecember 1, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    This season I'm grateful Chief Kessler has taken the reins of our budding revolution firmly in his calloused manly hands. It is time to reject the ideologies of libtards like O'Hare and his ilk, brew a fresh cup of TEA!

  24. Damn straight! Tea Party footsoldier. We teabbagers are the future.

  25. It is certainly true that most of the chicken hawks are teabagers. Be thankful for that.


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