Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Brown's Transition Lacks Transparency

Northampton County Executive-elect John Brown is making the rounds, with a notebook in hand, asking some people what they think he should be doing over the next four years. Although I'm sure this is great for their egos, that's about all it us. In contrast to Bob Donchez' very transparent transition team, Brown is keeping everyone in the dark. That's a very bad sign.

Because he has failed to be transparent about his transition team, rumors are circulating. Nasty rumors. One is that car dealer Andy Daub is calling the shots. Another is that it's LV Congressman Charlie Dent. Yet another is that  the NIZ kid, J.B. Reilly, has started mining Northampton County. Worst of all are stories that the LV Partnership, our very own unelected aristocracy, is making its presences known.

I hope these rumors are untrue.  

I see no reason why Daub or Dent would want to get involved in internal County matters. Dent does not live here, and Daub's chief interest has always been pretty much limited to the preservation of the County's history. Neither has seemed to care much about the day-to-day affairs.

The possibility that J.B Reilly is involved worries me. His only interest in government is how much money it can make for him.

Finally, the people did not elect the LV Partnership. They elected Brown.

Like Donchez, Brown needs to be much more open about his transition.


  1. Bernie, just because he fails to respond to e-mails or leak information to you does not mean he is failing to be transparent. Just because Stoffa gave you unfettered access and you obviously cut a deal to get that from Callahan does not mean Brown has been operating with some evil intent.

    I am sure he will make decisions and announce his team in due time.

    I think everyone is shocked that he won and I'm sure Brow was not promising people jobs like Callahan was doing (even on Election Day).

    Let the man get organized. You will have to find out like the rest of us now. No inside information for you anymore from NorCo.

    Thank God!

  2. When the votes were in and Brown won, he like everybody else said holy fuck!

    Now everything is in a state of holy fuck and positions need to be filled, but by who, nobody knows?!@#

    He'll follow the money, guaranteed!

  3. Very little of the information I posted here has ever come from Stoffa. My criticism has nothing to do with access. My criticism has everything to do with transparency. Bob Donchez announced the formation of a transition committee. He has publicly named two of his picks. That is transparency. Brown has not announced who is advising him, which in turn fuels rumors. This is a bad start. It was the way he acted in Bangor, too. You can't have good government unless you also have transparency.

  4. Stop the bullshit Bernie. I am a Democrat and will defend John Brown. Your boy lost as he should have, and now you are already on Brown's ass. No doubt to take the heat off of Dnechez for his dictated pre-planned picks. Let us be honest, the Donchez transition team 'IS' Moerganelli and Boscloa. His two picks so far have been Boscola's former chief of Staff and Morganellis close friend Lesson. In fairness to Lesson, he is a qualified and a great guy. Still, the potions were locked in. Hell Karner was on the transition team. That was like Cheney helping to pick 'W's' VP, surprise it was Cheney.

    Pretending to be transparent is no different than not being transparent. You know what? Everyone also knows who will head public works in Bethlehem and so do you. So pleas enough with the bullshit.

    Brown is doing his homework and wants input form many people. Just as Benol and Geissinger found out, there are knowledgeable and good people who are Democrats. There are numerous rumors to that end, and I would not be surprised if a Democratic name or two surfaced. Brown is learning the price of victory. All of a sudden everyone is his buddy and "got" him elected. He has to wade through the BS. Even from those in his own Party.

    Donchez was a lock for over a year. Other than the last minute nod to Karner for Lisa,his picks have pretty much been wired.

    So how about a little less feigned outrage and more reality as this plays out.

    If I were Brown, I would make my picks after I have considered all possibilities and on my own schedule and not yours. Hell, Stoffa didn't know what the Hell he was doing or all of who he was hiring until months after his inauguration.

    Stop the bullshit.

  5. Don't be rushed Mr. Brown. Unlike Stoffa, you are not obligated to please Bernie O'Hare. Take as long as you feel necessary. You were elected not O'Hare and his camp followers.

    He is just pissed his boy Johnny Casino got dumped. There are quite a few Dem's that support you.

  6. I don't blame him for staying quiet. If he were to release a short list of candidates he would catch shit from a variety of bloggers. This way he only catches shit from you.

  7. I have heard a rumor about one name. If true it would be great. Will be quiet for now but the person knows specific county operations inside and out and the players involved and if interested could help the executive-elect in a few very problematic areas were costs are high.

    However, I agree this is Mayor Browns call to make and he should take his time and get as much information as possible.

  8. not so casual observerNovember 27, 2013 at 4:35 AM

    If Brown were to list all the names of people he is talking to, they would only become useless fodder for bloggers. He has every right to this method and his applicants and possibles have ever right to their privacy. If not selected it would be humiliating to them and could be a problem for their futures.

  9. Bernie's feelings are hurt. Go blow Callahan and you'll feel better. So will he.

  10. Leaking to ethically slippery bloggers = transparency?

    Welcome to Bernie's Bizzaro World.

  11. The Republicans won. Everyone should get over it. New faces and new ways of thinking seem to be coming to NORCO. The voters have spoken. A newcomer with new people. God forbid.

  12. Just think what good thing can happen if we elect our next president as someone not jaded, not worried about owing people and who does not have things leaked that get people killed, like our seals. He is taking note and names. So be it. He will appoint good dems also as he knows they supported him but more importantly will agree with his vision. Two weeks before the election he told me he absolutely knew he would win. He'd been hearing too many complaints about what is happening to our country and our county. He also said to keep it to myself as he preferred it stay under the radar. So he was not surprised that he won. Let him figure it out in his own time. We all know what picking the wrong people can do. Not to say that won't happen but at least he is giving it all great consideration. If he was as Bernie says then I too would let him know he is a disappointment. Unlike those who support their party to their our peril.

  13. These comments sounds like they were made by all the same person. They are all glowing and unlike yesterday's comments on a post which were all negative. It is clear that politics is driving the opinion of the anon posters, and not objective views of the average constituent. If you are a Republican, you are good and smart. If you are a Democrat, you are evil and incompetent. What a shame and what a clear indictation of the viciousness of the conservatives who read this blog. Get a life.

  14. what is transparent is that donchez is being handled. typical of him, can't make a decision on his own. enter the puppets

  15. Mr. Brown should be looking at two transition teams not one. One team should be meeting with Stoffa and Cabinet members to gather as much information as possible about what lies ahead. The other should be interviewing prospective Cabinet heads as part of his new government team. He certaintly doesn't want to keep the Stoffa cronies I.E. the director of Court Services.
    He needs a to hire lawyers for his legal department. He has new appointments coming up for Boards and Commissions. He may want to meet with former County Exec's for imput, including Brackbill. Their thoughts and errors made during their transitions may help him avoid the same mistakes and there were mistakes made.
    He shouldn't wait until the last minute to let people know that they won't be retained. They also have families, lives, and careers.
    Brown is the Executive. Wouldn't it be nice to finally see a County Executive who crosses over party lines and forms a transition team that will work for all of us in Northampton County.

  16. Voters elected an outsider. It's not surprising that information isn't traveling along established insider lines. Good.

  17. @1:02 exactly right. Donchez had all summer to think about his picks for a smaller area. Brown has had 3 weeks. I fully expect John Brown to take a measured approach to the filling the posts and make announcements when he is ready.

  18. Where in the law does it say that one must have a transition team? Transition teams are window dressings to hide already made choices for key positions. I like the fact that the elect is interviewing people on his own and getting a feel for who is needed. He probably already has a handle on key personnel. The mayor elect of Bethlehem had months to choose his people. In his case the transition team is inappropriate, unless he could not make these decisions on his own. If so, he should not be in this position.

  19. Your right, it is disturbing, Andy Daubb as his main source of guidance ? OMG WTF ROFL

  20. Yes, voters elected an outsider. And we've seen how well that works...(Stoffa, Brackbill).

    Welcome to you one and only term, Mr. Brown.

  21. Good stuff. I think a bipartisan approach will be followed as to appointments by John Brown. I'm also sure he is very busy working on his teams and talking to everyone he can. He is a good judge of character and will be ready to go when the bell rings. That is the way he rolls. Told you access would be limited for those who have minds that hate.

  22. Gasp! You mean a tea party Republican is creating a Republican aristocracy government? I'm shocked.

    But these rich people are what the tea partiers are aspiring to become! They will help all of them achieve it!

  23. Brown probably did post here and BOH deleted it. He's all about deleting posts which disagree with him on almost any issue. And he leaves no indication the post was deleted - it just goes "poof". This is now the ultimate poof blog.

  24. John Brown is and was a terrible mayor. Bangor will take years to recover. God help NorCo!

  25. I agree, get rid of that lame duck hall walker

  26. The sour grapes parade is in full march. Team Callahan had already measured for drapes and Bernie was licking prospective Callahan cabinet boots well ahead of the disappointing election night. Bernie was in like Flynn with the slate of amiable retread pension pilers. Now, he's reduced to starting rumors about possible rumors. Being forced to retire as the unofficial spokesman for Stoffa, and being disappointed at not getting the same job for Callahan, Bernie will have to write about old grudges and pot belly pigs and the mesmerizing details of zoning decisions.

  27. "Voters elected an outsider. It's not surprising that information isn't traveling along established insider lines. Good."

    No problem there. As I said, I do not depend on access for stories. That's just a way to become somebody's bitch. And there is no need to talk to bloggers. But there is a need to be very open and transparent. Brown should announce where he is getting his advice from and when he expects to make his picks. He was secretive in bangor and I do not consider that a good quality in an elected official. Sorry.

  28. " New faces and new ways of thinking "

    No problem there, it is the lack of transparency that bothers me.

  29. John Brown is and was a great mayor. Bangor will benefit for years to come.eatewat 745 God has blessed NorCo.

  30. "Leaking to ethically slippery bloggers = transparency?"

    It does not have to be me. Maybe it should not be me. But brown should do what Donchez did. It's called transparent government. He is not heading a Fortune 500 company. This is government, and there are difference.

  31. "does not have things leaked that get people killed, "

    I had no idea county government was so dangerous.


  32. Secretive? About what I may ask? He didn't speak to you? He didn't answer your emails? Get over it.

  33. "what is transparent is that donchez is being handled."

    You can make that argument, but only bc Donchez is open about what is happening.

    This is a small criticism of Brown. I just hope it does not become a pattern of secrecy and a lack of transparency.

  34. I don't think Brown is being"shady" or secretive,I think he just likes to make informed decisions. Based on what we've seen so far he has been asking for many points of view so he can make his decisions based on what's best for the County as opposed to political payback appointments. John Brown is a bright leader and I know the County will do well under his leadership.

  35. It's early, and I am being tough on him, but there's a reason. It's precisely bc he had a reputation in Bangor as someone who played hius cards too close to the vest, to the point where he is viewed by some as shady. i will make up my own mind on that point, based on what i see. So far, he has impressed. But I wish he were more open about his transition.

  36. he still won't tell us how much is being paid to Police Cheif Kerrigan. Its rumored around $300,000.00. this was for Brown illegially firing a good cheif. Secrets from Brown, you betcha! Good Mayor? Nope, he's a dope.

  37. 10:57..try spell check..it really does work otherwise you appear to be a complete moron.

  38. The Chief Kerrigan story is quite interesting. I intend to write about it once my own research is done.

    It is true he never sued, and so far as I know, never even made a claim. But it is also true that he had a very distinguished record as a police officer, and comes from a law enforcement family. It's in his blood.

    The so-called just cause has something to do with Kerrigan allowing firearms certifications to lapse. This did happen, although the Chief may have been under the misimpression that things were being done correctly. I understand there was miscommunication.

    But the chief took full responsibility and disclosed everything. No action was taken against him for six months. Then, at budget time, the Chief was asked to cut ten per cent. He said he could not do that w/o cutting staff.

    This is when Kerrigan was fired. He read about it in the newspaper.

    After his departure, Bangor went from a 9-man force to a 6-man force, at least for a time.

    At the same time, Brown refused to take action against a cop on workers comp for a bad back. That officer was caught hauling a deer out of the woods.

    This is all very troubling, but I need to get my facts right before I post about it definitively.

    Suffice it to say there are two and maybe three sides to the Kerrigan story, and in some of these accounts, Brown looks pretty bad.

  39. Here you are , trashing the soon to be County Exec because your prom date Callahan got his clock cleaned, and you no longer have the ability to extract information, illegally, on the sneak, or through others at the courthouse. You are officially on 'pay no mind' status and its really getting to you. Bye bye Stofffa.

    Your just pissed off because Brown has the good sense to ignore you completely, because he sees you for exactly what you are...a seething lunatic /liar with an axe to grind, and one with a terrible undercurrent rage, directed at society, due to your own multitude of failures in life.

    Thank God Brown ignores you. Thumbs up John!

  40. This is about the fourth time you said the same thing. It is as silly now as the first time. Like I said, this has nothing to do with me and i do not rely on access for stories.

  41. Rumor has it that it is Daub, Dent and a member of the judiciary calling the shots.

    Heard Tim Tenges was going to be Dir. of Adm.

  42. Sure you're going to do a Kerrigan story. Good luck but I'll bet right now you never write anything of substance about a personnel issue you have no business asking about in the first place and you will get nothing more than what is already floating in the air. You know nothing or little of Kerrigan except what you have been told by his allies. The council vote was 8-0. Nobody wanted him around anymore. End of story.

  43. Excuse me? You are not interested in protecting Kerrigan. You are interested in protecting Brown and your own anonymous ass. I'm interested in getting to the vbottom of why Bangor lost 3 cops, 1/3 its force, under Brown.

  44. Do your race thing on him Bernie. He ignores you at his own peril. Show him who he's not dealing with.

  45. For the fifth time, this is not about access, which is overrated. That is not how you get good stories . That is how you get the spin. I do not rely on access for stories.

    What this is about is transparent government, it is a minor criticism in this context, but could become major down the road.

    I just heard the name Timm Tenges. His own comments on this blog should disqualify him.

  46. Brown is a lot of things but an "outsider" ain't one of 'em. He was handpicked by Dent, Kilbanks (COS to state Rep. Joe Emerick), and the NorCo GOP blue bloods.

    Callahan -might- have been the worse choice but Brown isn't a good choice. Stoffa will be missed.

  47. The 8-0 vote that Browns brown-noser refers to: One of those votes was Harry Wyantt, who hated Kerrigan. Why? Wyantt was a Pen Argyl officer fired from his job for acts "unbecoming an officer. Caught on camera at the park. wink, wink, fucking wink. Another vote was Browns mouth piece (of shit) Dave Houser. Houser is covering his ass. And half these comments are his.

    And Kerrigan was fired while Houser broke personel privacy by blogging as sbfan. Kerrigan called him out on that.

    Votes 3&4 Marino Saveri and his puppet Kathy Allen Allen is so far up Saveri's ass, she eats what he eats. A day later.

    Vote 5 Bonnie Labar. Head up her own ass.
    Vote 6 Mark Brown Boro Authority employee up Saveri's ass . See above.

  48. "One team should be meeting with Stoffa and Cabinet members to gather as much information as possible about what lies ahead."

    HaHa111 Yes do that. I think Mr. Brown's best option is to ignore Stoffa and his hacks since he will be cleaning up the messes Stoffa left him for years to come.

    Hey Mayor Brown, wait till you see your structural deficit and the ever increasing rent on the new Stoffa palace in Bethlehem Twp.

  49. What or whom is a "Timm Tenges"?

  50. He's Tp Manager in Lower Nazareth. He has a Google identity called "FULibs." Ge goes on fishing trips with developer Lou Pektor and John Callahan.

  51. Hopefully John isn't fooled by Uliana. this smells of his involvement. He helped bankroll his pal Callahan but will now try and cut some deals with John Brown.

    If Brown trusts him that is a mistake.

  52. Mayor Brown first thing you should do is cleanout that menopausal viper pit in the personnel Department.

    That place is a nightmare.

  53. Not a sexist, are we?

  54. anon 12:11 may be a sexist but HR is overloaded with former patronage picks and former Director's girlfriends. Time to make it a more professional place.

  55. What a ridiculous and completely false statement! It obviously comes from someone with an ax to grind. The current HR director is female, and so was her predecessor. Prior to that, we had Danny Polanski, who would never engage in office romances. Before that've a Pete Regina, who was 90 years old in the 70s.

    You make these bald accusations, slurring everyone who works there, and don't sign your name. And you talk about professionalism?

  56. Longtime courthouse employees know what 11:27 is talking about. Was quite a while ago. Those hookups are nothing new at Norco.

  57. Bernie , it is too early to make judgement. This amounts to a rumor mill! I would expect that because Bangor ,Pa. may be like things were in 1967, and I don't criticize them but envy them- yet that things will move a bit slower than you may accuse him of .

  58. Bernie, if you are looking into false workman comp payouts, asked Stoffa why he has allowed a deputy sheriff to remain out of work despite his doctor clearing him for duty. Tape of the incident shows this minister of god falling over a rug and never being in a physical altercation with a juvenile as he claims. When his doctor cleared him for duty, he made a personal call to Stoffa and now everything is a personell matter. Never mind this ass is collecting 66% of his salary for nothing. Brown will put an end to this once he gets in office. This deputy kissed Judge Beltanny ass and Stoffa will never go against the judiciary. One thing not transparent is that Sheriff Miller is done. Maybe Donchez will give him his old job back as animal control officer for Bethlehem - that's right, Miller was paid $45 a call to pick up strays when he was Commissioner. Brown knows Miller was a Callahan suck up and come January he will be beggin Donchez for this job back.

  59. This appears to be the rant of a former deputy.

  60. Come on Bernie you know that the leaking mentioned was directed at Obama and his outing Seal team six. It wasn't long until the helicopter with seal team 6 members were shot out of the air in Afghanistan. That is how leaks kill....then the doctor whose name was publicized got arrested. Probably tortured.

  61. No one person "ALLOWS" anyone to be on workers comp at 66 and 2/3erds % of salary and that's tax free ,plus,he might even get "heart and lung to make full pay based on a 52 week average . Third party administrator is ether not doing a real job ,OR the story about this issue is not complete . See, worker's compensation fraud is a criminal act not civil. Even failure to provide w/c for employees from an employer is a 3rd degree felony in Pennsylvania additionally.

  62. anal rules in Norco! If you want to get ahead!

  63. Ask Stoffa why he took a phone call from this deputy who said he was not able to work despite the doctor clearing him and he still remains out of work on workman's comp. The entire department knows this including Miller. He should be terminated for refusing to return to work. Ask Stoffa Bernie and I am sure he will tell you to mind your own business.

  64. Bernie has ignored the insider Stoffa scandals for eight years. Why would he start looking into them now?

  65. You anonymous cowards are all for delving into the private affairs of someone else. That is a personnel matter. I have no right to ask Stoffa about it, and he would never answer me. I hate to break it to you, but I think Brown will also follow the law.

  66. Boy has this posting deteriorated! From Brown's "lack of transparency" to a grudge against a former deputy. See what happens Bernie when you have no new material in four days?

  67. Yeah, I guess I shouldn't take a Thanksgiving break.

  68. I like the part about the Directors girlfriend.

  69. I read in the paper he is taking advice form Stoffa and his cabinet. God help John Brown!


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