Local Government TV

Friday, November 01, 2013

Other Than Solicitor Wannabe Croslis, Dems Support Muller

The Muller camp has released statements from some of the Democrats who support Tom Muller for Lehigh County Exec

United States Senator Robert P. Casey: “I endorse Tom Muller's campaign for Lehigh County Executive,” said Casey. “Tom will work hard to create jobs and strengthen Lehigh County's middle class. Tom's strong management and leadership experience, both in the public and private sectors, give him the background to serve the residents of Lehigh County with honor and distinction.”

Former Governor Ed Rendell: "Tom's success in both the public and private sectors provides a clear contrast for the voters of Lehigh County. As a former District Attorney, Mayor and Governor, I fully understand the challenges of successfully running a government. Tom Muller's experience and record of job creation, superior fiscal management and public safety as Director of Administration for Lehigh County speaks for itself. He is the most qualified candidate for the job and I am proud to support him in this vital election."

Retired Admiral and former Congressman Joe Sestak: "As a retired Admiral and former Congressman, I understand what it takes to be successful in public office. Tom's accomplishments in both the public and private sectors are a testament to his intelligence, character and ability to lead. I believe he will be an extraordinary County Executive and it is my honor to offer him my full support and endorsement.”

State Rep. Dan McNeill: “He’s the most qualified candidate, by far. With his years in the corporate business world, Tom is the right person to run Lehigh County. He’s been helping to run it efficiently for the past seven years as Director of Administration. I’ve known Tom a long time, and he’s an honest, proven leader, and he will do what’s right for the families in Lehigh County.”

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg: "I wholeheartedly support Tom Muller for County Executive. Tom's qualifications for the job are beyond reproach. His accomplishments in both the public and private sector -- job creation, economic development and strong fiscal management -- are exactly what Lehigh County needs. Tom is a people-first, results-oriented leader who will make Lehigh County a better place to live, work and raise a family. I am proud to call Tom my friend and honored to offer him my full support and endorsement."


  1. best man for the job

  2. Musty Muller should give O'Hara a rusty trombone for these propaganda pieces, somebody fetch the tweezers...

  3. Let the elderly starving the cold. Vote Scott Ott

  4. Glad to know he is endorsed by the cold fish Bob Casey and fast Eddie Rendell. I will vote for Ott

  5. I can tell you what a few of those people have said about Muller before doing the Party a favor. Lets say it was far from an endorsement.

  6. The same old gang that backed turncoat country cluber Arlen Spector. Remember how well that went?

  7. Pure genius by the Muller team to release this late on a Friday afternoon.

    What a campaign team Muller has assembled.

  8. Ott got some endorsements as well;

    Bill O,Reilly and Rush Limbaugh..

    We both support Ott. we like the fact that someone who pays no taxes should represent the county taxpayers. we like the fact that he resides in his parents house and leaches off of his spouses healthcare. that's the way to show the tax man.....don't pay!

  9. How f&@king pathetic is it in Lehigh County that Muller is actually the clear choice?
    MM purports to be independent but he is willing to hold his nose and promote that cartoon Scott Ott. I don't get it.
    How bleak can ya' get?

  10. how pathetic is the ott commercial I heard on the radio this morning. "I drive an old car, I bought a used couch, I am a real poor citizen who cant afford to buy anything because I pay too much tax. That's pathetic. Get a job!!! a real one. not sitting in your basement in front of a green screen talking about the constitution "PJTV.com"

  11. Scott speaks to the real people not the country club set!

  12. Real people like multigazillilnares Wsyne Woodman and Lisa Scheller, who could buy every country club in the LV.

  13. "MM purports to be independent but he is willing to hold his nose and promote that cartoon Scott Ott. I don't get it."

    While I'd agree that Scott Ott is a bad joke, MM is a fairly independent thinker who thinks I'm wrong. I have called the Wizard of Ott out for a complete lack of transparency, dishonesty in campaigning, back-room dealing and a desire to destroy worthwhile human services based upon the national debt. MM's arguments have been unpersuasive to me. But he gets to cast a vote in LC, and I don't. I consider Ott the worst local candidate I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot. It will boil down to turn out. If enough people come out and insist on an Executive who is actually willing to speak to the press, and who refuses to make back room deals who does not lie on the campaign trail or insult the citizens of Allentown, Muller will be elected. People call Muller an arrogant asshole. Well, he's no politician. He has never tried to please people. he has just tried to do his job. He does not do TV shows. He is an executive. Lehigh County needs administration, not some talking head.

  14. Because of that gorgeous flavor saver mustache', I'm enthusiastically backing Muller!

    1970s Porn

  15. these endorsements show me that Ott is going to win - muller is running scared

  16. Captain Kangaroo called. He wants his mustache back.

  17. "Bernie O'Hare said...
    I consider Ott the worst local candidate I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot"

    So, both the incarcerated fence jumper and his disorderly Bernie-hatin' soulmate, are better local candidates that Ott?

    Ott, dishonest? At worst, he embellishes his achievements and doesn't give ammo to the opposition. Why now, is that wrong in your world? You've supported, and support now, bigger liars and deceivers than that. He's done nothing near the crap smilin' Joe pulled, crap you excused for so many years until he nearly killed his wife in front of his kids.

    Dishonest? You mean like covering up the drunk driving, and the resultant destruction of very expensive public property, of in-laws?

    You hate the fact that the guy knows government is inherently wasteful and evil, and that more and more people are listening, because you are a government-is-the-solution guy. Oppose him on the issues, fine. But to call him the worst local candidate ever, and your attacks on him, in light of the type of shit we've had in, or have run for elected office around here, is really beneath you.

    Ott is pulling back the rug, under which those who have "governed" so pitifully have swept their malfeasance. He won't solve the problem on his own, but at least he is not like the cowards who have never tried.

    Wish I could vote for him.


  18. Clem:

    I love your logic that there is nothing wrong with politicians "embellishing" their achievements. I guess your view is that holding them accountable for their statements is too much. I guess you also give President Obama a pass for saying, "if you like your insurance, you can keep it". After all he was just "embellishing" things a bit.

  19. Clem, I have to admit, I forgot about Gregory and Mezzacapppa. They are much worse.

  20. Is this embellished?:

    Tom Muller has:
    • Gone from Eagle Scout to Chief Executive Officer
    • Worked his way to two degrees from Syracuse University with an on-campus kitchen job and summer work as a longshoreman and then an MBA while working full-time
    • Managed brands and companies ranging up to $2 billion in size in a wide variety of businesses
    • Merged divisions and brands
    • Introduced ground-breaking new products
    • Directed strategic planning for a $5 billion international operation
    • Consulted for investment banks and companies ranging from Fortune 500 to single proprietor in size
    • Served on numerous trade association, non-profit and corporate boards
    • Owned two small businesses
    • Served as Director of Administration for Lehigh County for the past 7+ years
     Successfully reduced the size of government while earning two bond rating increases
     Focused on public safety and justice and infrastructure restoration
     Optimized the drawdown of State and Federal funding to enhance the quality of life for residents

  21. He does have stache burn.

  22. 11:13 a.m. -

    You, obviously, stopped reading at the word "achievements".


  23. as they say GOP--get old people out! vote scott ott OUT!!!!


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