Local Government TV

Friday, November 01, 2013

NorCo GOP Council Candidates Getting Last-Minute Contributions

Instead of blowing money on after-Council meetings at the Blue Grillhouse, as Democrat Christen Borso has been doing with her warchest, Republican candidates have been keeping their powder dry. Now, in the waning days of the campaign, they are injecting money into their campaigns. The most recent last-minute contributions reflect a lot of activity.

Hayden Phillips has spent $840.30 for weekend robocalls. Seth Vaughn made a large contribution of his own money, $8,800, for a mailer he has sent. He also received $983.55 from the Pa. Republican party. So did Glenn Geissinger, who also gave $264 to Mat Benol.


  1. We will see. Probably too little too late.

    Possible winners? Ferraro and Phillips.

  2. Word on the street is the latest poll shows the Republicans wining, hence the last minute push!

  3. Everything after "word on the street" is bullshit.

  4. You only have to look at national politics to see the kind of people we are dealing with. While we are talking locally these democrats are the same people who support all of most of what is going on. Can they bring any of this down to a local level. Sure if there are enough of them. We have Peg the retired teacher, union. Ken and maybe Hunter. Union again. That right there is a problem for the rest of us. Winner who is very liberal. Lamont the lawyer. Enough said there. Scott who is probably the most moderate. His girlfriend is a Republican so she keeps him in check. Boroso who became a D to rebel against her parents. ODonnell who is shaky. The R's are married men who prefer woman. Have children and yes care about kids. Seth I don't care for as he lives too different from what he speaks. Hayden may be extreme but alone can't act on it. He will have good ideas though.he is smart. The other guys are normal level headed good people. So I see much more hope if there can be any, with the R's. They will toss out their bad seeds while the D's surround theirs. Guess they relate too well. Hunter goes to meetings and can barely stay awake. Wether or not we can afford things like same sex bennies Hunter and others along with Callahan will want it for the rest of us. So when our taxes go up and they will that will have to be considered too. I now know why I never got past Hunter's look. Sure she cares about kids, she makes a good living, works part time, summers off, and will be rewarded with a pension and bennies we can only dream about. And we will pay for every dime of it. Typical union lib.....don't they surround Barron at every turn???? Renters should have no say...

  5. 9:02 am
    Have you ever been able to express yourself in writing without getting confused?

  6. $8,800 of his own money to come in last shows commitment to himself. Wonder if he will now go away and stop this pursuit of county level office and run for something local. He is a nice kid, but is lacking in any experience at any level of public service. Bernie, has he shown up at any meeting yet? 100% absentee rate is deplorable when your own campaign website says you are committed to the cause and attendance is extremely important. Sounds a bit "do as I say, not as I do"

  7. BO, what do you see as the Republicans finishing order on Tuesday?

    Also if forced to chose between Phillips and O'Donnell who would you pick?

  8. I believe Peg will finish first among Rs and possibly first overall. There is no doubt in my mind that Phillips will also finish string.

    If I had to choose between O'Donnell and Phillips, I would go with Phillips. No contest. I disagree with every single one of his views, but consider him honest and sane. I can't say either of those things about O'Donnell.


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