Local Government TV

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shutdown Definitely Hurting the GOP

According to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the GOP is getting the blame for the federal shutdown, by a 53-21 margin. Only 24 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, and just 21 view of the Tea Party in a good light.

Locally, this is bad news for LC Exec candidate Scott Ott and for NorCo Council Republicans running for at-large seats.


  1. Of course it is.

    Didn't think much of Romney, but he had the 47% nailed. He shouldn't have run from what he said. He should have called them, to their faces, what they are.

    If you keep telling a drunk he ain't one, and he keeps telling himself he ain't one, the drinking never stops.


  2. Clem, It sounds like its time for you to put down the bottle oldtimer.

  3. You aren't very bright, are you?


  4. Bright enough to know the whacko teabaggers are the best thing to happen to the Democratic party since Bill Clinton.

    Keep on swinging!

  5. Amazing to me how so many can accept the emerging single-party America. Blind faith is dangerous. Be VERY careful.

    Fred Windish

  6. Never trust Poles.

  7. I LOVE Poles....they gave us Kielbasa!
    It's the polls I don't trust!

  8. I just saw a poll that showed that 95% of the voters don't like higher taxes.

    This is bad news for LC Executive candidate Tom Muller, who was the architect behind the county's recent 16% tax hike. It also won't help the Dem Commissioner candidates who have aligned themselves with Muller.

  9. Are you referrin to he tax hike they ran Dean Browning out of town on a rain on? The tax that promised to repeal last year? The one they said they'd be repealing in phases a few months ago? The one they say nothing about now?

    Looks like that tax was not only necessary, ut might have been a tad low.

    But you go ahead and try to balance the budget on the backs of your workforce.

  10. Good day for Democrats!

    The House has just officially surrendered. It has rendered its position meaningless. It will take YEARS to regain an effective voice.

    A single-party America IS now here. Good luck to all.

    I've already notified the GOP I'm changing registration, after the next Primary.

    Fred Windish

  11. That's a winning slogan for Muller -
    The Last Tax Hike I Gave You Was Too Low!

    How refreshingly honest. Can't wait to see it on Muller's next mailer.

  12. I am a teabagger and proud of it!

  13. The Republican Party has to decide if it is going to be taken over by the "Tealibans" or if they will throw them out for the extremist bandits they are, and return to their normal functioning conservative roots, pre-Hannity, Limbaugh, Faux Noise and the Crock Brothers.

    Only time will tell


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