Local Government TV

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Sister

My sister had a double mastectomy a few days ago. I am a mean brother who ignores his sisters, but I visited her today. I told her not to touch me because I don't want to get cancer.

That's the way we joke.

My sister-in-law was there, and said she has prayed for my sister every day for years.

"You mean you've been praying for my sister for years and she still got cancer?" I asked.  "Better change your prayer."

Now you know why I'm a mean brother.

My sister said that, next year, when she's recovered, we'll have a big Boob-B-Que. 

If you are the praying kind, please say a few words for my sister this weekend. She's much nicer than I.


  1. Bernie, although you are mean and also ugly, I'm sure your sister is a lovely lady and Bev and I are wishing her well. With this being breast cancer awareness year we hope many others have her in their thoughts also. Positive thoughts have positive results.

  2. You are an ass but we all pray for your sisters recovery. Sisters can't pick the assholes who end up being their brothers.

  3. Prayers and thoughts of your sister and you

  4. Bernie:

    Good thoughts to your sister.

    Untouched Takeaway
    (who for some reason is having trouble logging in on Google)

  5. Without a doubt, the most dumb, nasty, insensitive post ever. God Bless your sister. Shame on her brother,

  6. "You mean you've been praying for my sister (daughter) for years and she still got cancer?" "Better change your prayer."

    I can see your father wryly saying this exact same thing; that's right out of his playbook.

  7. Last night, at 3 AM, i was awakened with a severe allergy attack. I am allergic to dairy, but had none. I will spare you all the details but it was terrible, and ended with me getting light headed and keeling over. Maybe my sister-in-law's prayers are more powerful than I thought.

  8. "I can see your father wryly saying this exact same thing; that's right out of his playbook."

    Yeah, I think he would have liked that one. I think he would have laughed when my sister saud we'd have a Boob-B-Que.

  9. Bernie. You are a bigger ass than what I originally thought you were. I had some respect for you, now I have none.

  10. Haters gonna hate. Bernie, I hope your sister enjoys a quick recovery. It's not an easy process to recover from what she's been though, but she will heal. Maybe she'll even heal what seems to be a bit of a family rift. My advice is to start being real with her and quit hiding behind your hilarity. You are funny, but expressing vulnerability and love to family is much more beneficial and rewarding. My best wishes to all.


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