Local Government TV

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Republican Dollars Say Ott Otter Quit

I meant to get to this a few days ago, but suggest you take a look at Tom Muller's campaign finance reports. Sure, you're going to find a lot of money coming in from the usual cast of lawyers, engineers and businesses who obviously want something. But you're going to find something else, too. A lot of Republican support.

Scott Ott's pre-election report includes 59 individual donors, every man jack of them a Republican, too. Muller's report is much different. There are nearly twice as many individual contributors. And Muller's supporters are much more bipartisan than those in the Cult of Ott. Form conservative Elmer Gates to liberal Dan McCarthy, they choose Muller over the politics of division.

According to The Morning Call, 60 of Muller's individual contributors are Republicans, a sign that many are disgusted by the governing they've seen from Team Ott, which seems very much like the very brinksmanship we condemn in Washington.  


  1. You can scream all day long. Maybe a legitimate candidate could have beat Ott but not Musty Muller.

    The democrats had a shot but put all their money on this old country club Republican. He is arrogant and out of touch. His mean treatment of people over the past eight years will be his undoing. Taxpayers are not going to pump up his pension any more than they have. He can drive his old corvette and not buy a new one.

    On election night, a 60-40 Scott Ott win. Finally common sense and honesty come back to Lehigh county.

  2. AS MM pointed out yesterday on his blog O'Hare has lost all credibility basically because he has given up his objectivity. In addition it appears that he made anti jewish accusations and comments.

    one must believe that his own self loathing causes him to be so hateful and to twist every item to fit his personal demented vision of the truth.

    one could also ponder if there is a monetary motivation involved. money can plug the many holes in the perverted version of the so called truth

  3. Word on the street is that you and Fleck were seen with legs dangling from the same dumpster in Lower Nazareth, yesterday.

    Ott's going to win with nearly 60%. You and Fleck better legally dispose of Muller's campaign flyers. I'm watching both of your fat asses, You're both known liars and lawbreakers. Watch your dumpster habits.

  4. Bernie,

    Thanks again for taking time to keep us informed as to what's really behind the scenes. Many of us don't have an opportunity to read these reports like you do.

    Scott does not appear to be what he presents in his political ads. That's all there is to it.


  5. Ott's going to win with nearly 60%

    I don't think so.

  6. It's the donor list relationship between Scott and a married couple currently considered leaders of a particular political party that raises red flags.

  7. @4:43, i've been critical of bernie's spin for muller, but as a disclaimer, i support ott. i questioned bernie's objectivity about this election, but not his general credibility. although i think the 30 pieces of silver was an inappropriate literary vehicle for bernie to use, he regularly guards against promoting prejudice. you're improperly attempting to weave me into your personal attack on bernie. finally, i have been very clear that i do not believe that bernie's political enthusiasms are based on monetary gain on his behalf.

  8. MM, if I offended you - I apologize

  9. Let me point out that I have not now nor have i ever claimed to be objective. I will be truthful and i will be fair, but i am calling things as i see them. You can start your own blog or lodge a complaint with MM or even here. but if you continue making anonymous attacks aimed at me, you better ID yourself.

  10. Other than bottom feeding bloggers, there are few that believe that Muller still has a chance I n this race.

    Of course Fleck is doing his best to make people think otherwise so he can keep raking in his consulting fees.

  11. Other than bottom feeding bloggers, few think Muller has a chance in this race.

    Of course Fleck is trying to make people believe the opposite, so he can keep raking in the cash.

  12. We can vote for a nut case or a creep. I'm going with the creep,I'm voting Muller.

  13. Ott is a wholely owned subsideary.


  14. Bernie – who happens to be one of those Republicans that contributed to Muller????

    Jane Ervin…Yes that’s right…69% former County Executive & tax hiker Jane Ervin. She probably gave money to Muller so he can raise our taxes just like she did 10 years ago.

  15. Do you want me to list them? I'm sure the Wizard of Ott has already sent out his flying monkeys.

  16. Word on the street is that Muller will put old 69% taxer Jane Ervin in his cabinet. Probably as Director of Admisntration.

    How about another Muller tax increase??


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