Local Government TV

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Beware of the Ott!


  1. Hey Bernie,

    Who paid for this?

  2. Nice post, except Ott has proposed none of the three things you cite.

    Can't wait to see the convoluted logic that comes next

  3. very clever bernie, and put together like a real flyer. considering how negative muller's flyers have been, i could almost see him sending something like that, if he totally abandoned all morals of fair play.

  4. O”Hare why are you promoting this ad?
    I thought this was everything you claim to hate about negative ads
    Unattributed accusations and statements that can’t be proven - complete with the grainy rendering of the opponent’s face.
    Classic mudslinging.
    This smacks of desperation to me.
    And yet you are promoting it.
    Go figure!

  5. This is part of an email blast going out as we speak. It is being paid for by the Muller campaign, and the necessary disclosures are contained in the email blast. I am not being paid anything by anyone, and decide what I want to post.

  6. Rumor has it there will be an opportunistic endorsement.

  7. Anon 10:58

    You are correct that Ott hasn't specifically cut the items listed. However, when asked what he would cut, he rather emphatically said "everything I legally can". That statement covers all the items on the list and many, many more.

  8. Sleazy is Sleazy no matter what day it is.

  9. Former head of UnityPAC and Lehigh County Exec Matt Croslis has endorsed Scott Ott in the race crossing party lines in a brave move that would make his dear friend Jim Gregory proud.

  10. If this is what Muller is reduced to doing at this late hour, this race is all but over.

  11. Anon 1103am here - I thought this was a parody. If it's real, my opinion of Muller, already low, just dropped another notch.

    Unfortunately my opinion of Ott remains lower.

    This election sucks.

  12. Muller hasnt pressed Ott enough on farmland preservation. Ott has in public forums stated he was against the growing greener referendums. He also in general doesn't support referendums as a tool at all. . .

    Muller has missed alot of opportunities. Hopefully voters are smart enough to connect dots themselves.

    There are some areas farmland preservation has supermajority support. Muller should have tried to reign it in by taking a clear position in favor.

  13. 1:14

    It's all he's done for the whole campaign

  14. from an artistic standpoint, excellent work

  15. Still neg with five days to go. Not a good sign for Muller. What a missed opportunity. Has Fleck been involved from the beginning? This winnable campaign seems a disaster. How does Fleck continue to get work?

  16. 1:36, remember Muller is not really a politician. He's done a remarkable job for someone who has never run a campaign before, and may very well pull off an upset of the Wizard of Ott.

  17. Well then his "handlers" are doing a piss poor job. In an exec race you have consultants, handlers, campaign staff. They may still lost a very winnable campaign.

  18. " He's done a remarkable job"

    No he hasn't, he has done a piss poor job. He is losing a race against an insane person. Muller has all the old Cunningham hacks and money at his disposal and he still isn't more likable than an angry teabagger. That is hard to do.

    You give him credit were no credit is due. He is as he has always been, a clueless arrogant ass.


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