Local Government TV

Thursday, October 10, 2013

LC Comm'rs: We Don't Need No Steenkin IT

Lehigh County was able to reduce its workforce under Executive Don Cunningham by making big use of its IT department. Just about everything is online. But last night, Commissioners decided it's time to get rid of IT, too. They slashed $380,000 from IT personnel despite protests by the Court Administrator, DA Jim Martin, and Whitehall Township's Police Chief, Linda Kulp.

Troy Stone tried to explain why this is a stupid idea. But he speaks Geek, not English, and lost me about thirty seconds into an explanation describing servers, the cloud, CIOs, software updates, etc. DA Jim Martin was a bit more clear. His office depends on it. So do the courts. So do the police. And Comm'r Dan McCarthy pointed out that use of technology reduces the need for warm bidies.

But Tom Creighton thinks one IT person for every 60 workers is one too many. Going along with his cut were Percy Dougherty, Lisa Scheller, Mike Schware and Vic Mazziotti.

Those IT guys are probably all gay, anyway.

Time to break out the duct tape.

Updated 10/11, 3:35 PM: In my original story, I reported that Scott Ott voted for this cut. He voted against it.


  1. LC is officially teabagged. Best of luck folks. Everyo9ne for themselves.


    If Jesus wanted a Christian nation to have computers, he would have made them himself. You heathen socialist pigs!

  2. Good for Ott and company

  3. Government is bloated. It is time that it is being examined as it is in Lehigh County. The IT Department should be disbanded and consultants utilized on an as needed basis. Other areas of government can be handled by consultants too on an as needed basis. Good for the Commissioners.

  4. "As needed" is every day - get the teabags out of your ears. It's 2013.

  5. "Lehigh County is for teabagger's"

  6. Hiring more consultants is simply opening opportunities for political cronies to score big on county contracts. Don't be naive - hiring more consultants is just another opportunity to get new campaign contributions for those commissioners who voted to gut the IT department.

  7. They are not hiring more consultants. They are slashing the personnel budget of people who can't and don't contribute to anyone. They are taking the technology heart of the Lehigh County and ripping it out. It is completely moronic.

  8. If Percy votes with the reformers then it probably is waste. Percy usually votes against anything the slate proposes. Percy is a RINO who 95% votes with Democrats.

  9. Creighton suggestion of formula based budgeting is nothing more than irresponsible and reckless.

    The County’s IT functions are a little more comprehensive than keeping printers working. Just ask the Departments, Courts, Public Defenders, Prison, Attorneys, and State Agencies that depend upon their services and information exchange day-in and day-out. Many of the efficiencies gained in County government are direct result of IT functions and none of this would have been accomplished with as-needed-consultants. However, it is election time and this is good political theater for Creighton campaign.

    I truly expected better from Percy Dougherty.

    Good for DA Martin in stating how reckless this proposal is.

  10. Don't know if you actually bothered to read this blog, but Percy went with the tea party on two of these three votes.

  11. 1103 Good point. Once you gut and realize it is not sustainable, all the easier to divert those tax dollars to special interests which will be very costly to the taxpayers. Creighton should know.

  12. Missed your point, 11:03. You were observing this will lead to more consultants and are right.

  13. Percy Flauntoroy is one nervous Nellie. He fears losing because he has in the past been quite liberal. He also knows a future bagger may well take his Republican nomination.

    So it is election time and Percy needs to let the Republicans know he leans teabag!

  14. One point of correction. Commissioner Ott actually voted with Commissioner Jones and McCarthy against the amendment.

    Anon 11:23AM - I couldn't agree more.

  15. I will check my notes and if you are correct , make the change. Will check tonight. Thank you.

  16. How many IT employees does Northampton County have compared to the number of It employees in Lehigh County?

  17. Did they look at the IT budget by who is served? The legal system is a major user. I suspect a lot of IT budget is related to mandatory judicial reporting.

    All the ideas of cutting costs need to be done in context of what is mandated by the state. DA Martin understands more of the budget workings than most of the comm.

  18. 8:25, I do not know but will try to find out.

  19. Bernie - Regarding your response to Anon 3:26PM - Thank you.

    Also, regarding your post at 11:07AM: I agree wholeheartedly with sentences 1, 3 & 4 but don't understand the 2nd sentence in that context. The Commissioners do need to control spending but targeting offices that contribute significantly across the board - public safety / public order and those that support the same such as IT - is perplexing. They are in fact reducing budgets where the funding is needed most and doing so without sound reasoning.

    Thanks again.

  20. You are correct, incidentally. I just checked my notes and read them wrong. Will correct.


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