Local Government TV

Friday, October 18, 2013

How the Tea Party Bargains


  1. A follow-up video needs to be made showing the fire out in a damaged room and the baby kicking the shin of a fireman. She will yell at the fireman, "Turncoat! If you had let it burn, I wouldn't have had to eat my peas!"

    Wait another 3 months. The Tea Party crazies will toss another match. They are playing a game of chicken and one day nobody will blink.

  2. A liberal would demand organic, free trade peas with a huge government subsidy and special prices for gays and guys who chopped their dicks off. Then, they'd complain about the peas and hire a scum sucking lawyer to steal every dime he can. Eventually, a foundation will be established to provide free peas to illegal immigrants, paid for by a tax on medical devices with special dispensation given to failed law breaking lawyers who stole indigent client's money and blamed it on not being able to handle booze (<-- still a huge lie). And so it goes ....

    Let's get back to personal attacks in lieu of political discussion you stupid coveting fuck.

  3. One thing I tend to like about conservatives is that their sense of humor seems to be better than most. Tea party conservatives appear to be the exception to that rule.

  4. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 18, 2013 at 5:32 PM

    Ted Cruz has captivated the nation and dared to stand up for his constituency for that he should be applauded. We need more brave legislators like Senator Cruz who aren't beholden to the medias scorn and fight for freedom

  5. I will never forget that Toomey voted to burn the house down.

  6. You know 0-bama got everything he wanted, right?

    He'll get everything he wants next time, too ... so don't sweat it.

    Back to Gregory and his lunatic chick, please ... it probably IS what you do best.

  7. And you probably did not vote for Toomey so no loss there. It is time for new blood in congress and the senate. At least they aren't corrupted yet. It's about time we see a few of them stick to their promises. Do you really think Obamacare is the way to go???? Either you are living at home and content with nothing or you are on the dole. Hard working and yes working 2 jobs if need be place a little more value on a dollar and are tired of giving it away... What can any sane person who make responsibility a priority can possible go along with this administration and it's ilk? How much more has to happen? We never had so many Americans killed here and abroad by terrorist. And he knows how to keep his hands clean and too many let him.....at least the partiers work and take care of their own. Is it really too much to expect that of others???? This culture has gone to the dogs....

  8. Between the Tea Party/CSF our countries conservative base is mobilizing at unseen rates. Chief Kessler just appeared on WFMZ's business matters and talks about it in his Oct 18th show, it's worth a listen as he utterly destroys the PA Progtard Mike Morril for your listening enjoyment! http://www.spreaker.com/show/the_chief_kessler_show_1

  9. The CSF is an anti-government group and should be seen for what it is, a domestic terrorist organization. I hope the FBI infiltrates and keeps these loons under close watch.

  10. Proud militia memberOctober 18, 2013 at 6:49 PM

    Write in Mark Kessler for Schuylkill County Sheriff November 4th and end the tyranny that has become endemic to local politics.

  11. Anon 6:49 demonstrates why you do not want elected county sheriffs. Nuff said!

  12. "Don't think we're not keeping score brother?" - Obama to the American People

    "Get ready for hand to hand combat with your fellow Americans" - Obama

    "I want all Americans to get in each other's faces!" - Obama

    "You bring a knife to the fight pal, we'll bring a gun" - Obama

    "Republicans are our enemies" - Obama

    "Hit back twice as hard!" = Obama

    "Punish your enemies!" - Obama to latino immigrant groups

    Bernie and you call the tea party unreasonable, please. This man seethes with uncompromising hate.


  13. This is classic disinformation, which you accept blindly bc it helps you justify your hatred of a black man. I am not going to spend the entire evening debunking each of the quotes you provide, with no links. But let's like at the first.

    That is a statement that Obama made to a member of his own party in a private meeting of House Democrats. After voting against the stimulus, he wanted money for bridges in his district.

    The president was joking, and addressing a member of his own party.

    You're too lazy to actually look at the context in which each statement is made, but dishonest enough to spread disinformation bc it helped you feel good about your hatred.


  14. I thought the video was funny for a cheap laugh...just as I have had cheap laughs at the expense of liberal extremists in the past.

    Re Toomey, and Monkey Mama, I agree. I remember having a sign in my yard many moons ago for him. I still respect him as a man who is intelligent and fairly consistent about his beliefs. However, I could never vote for him anymore. In the big picture, he has helped create the Washington world we have today that has allowed the less intellectual Tea Nuts to thrive. From his days with Club for Growth targeting RINOs, he helped create the polarized political culture of the Washington elite, that doesn't really reflect the more centrist Main St. Joe Schmoe. Despite his conservative Ivory Tower reasons, as Monkey Momma worded it, "he voted to burn the house down."

  15. teabaggers are nothing but ignorant, self-deluded, mostly white, mostly male, or male-dominated female, old, scared racists. They can all take their dumb asses on their public Medicare funded Hoverounds and drive off into the sunset. The sooner the better. Clear enough?

  16. Let me get this right. A tea party person most likely has and does provide for themselves and their families. The have businesses, pretty good at the least educations. They think the man and the woman who created a child are the best chance that child has. So they marry and work at providing a good environment. They set good examples even though there are those who do fall short. They don't want government in charge nor do they need it. They bother those who want baby mamas, they bother those with their hands out due to laziness and or lack of any education or skill. They bother those with sexual identity disorders, the men are men and the woman like them that way. I can see why this bothers some. They don't do drugs with or without their children. they aren't wife swappers nor do they want a third person in their marriage. They don't force people into anything and they fight back when you get in their faces. Yea these are awful people. Compare the sites of the 99% gang and the tea party groups. Nuf said.......you can not shake their foundations and that bothers you too....too bad for you. Bet many from your past are closer to the tea party then the left wing nuts of today that even the sheepish moderates go along with. You have some hatred for some reason. Maybe your own family or parent fell short but that is no reason to be so bitter and wish so little on others. Because how you live is less and that is your choice. Victims everywhere.

  17. "This is classic disinformation, which you accept blindly bc it helps you justify your hatred of a black man"

    This comment alone is as patently false and pathetic. I expected better from you Bernie.

    The fact is the man spews hateful rhetoric fluently and you wish to demonize someone who calls it out as a racist.

    You lessen your credibility when you do that Bernie.


  18. AMEN 9:11

    Now let see what Bernie's coherent thoughts are to your comment.

    Your a racist....blah, blah, blah

  19. Bernie, Do you mean to say if James Gregory and Mayor Pawloski were Black it would be Racist to criticize them.Makes sense if you don't think about it.

  20. So what is everyone who has a family, works for a living and believes many of the things you mentioned but still thinks the teabaggers are nutty?

    Give it a rest. Bet your arm is tired from patting yourself on the back. By the way, thank you for voluntarily not accepting any governmental aid in any form.

    A Real American!!

  21. All things are cyclical. Over time, I believe America WILL become more conservative.

    As soon as everyone has had personal interaction with Obamacare the majority will finally recognize big government control of their lives isn't always best. They'll still hate to acknowledge that, however.

    Unfortunately, the Republican Party needs a thorough house cleaning of go along, to get along members of Congress who will yield to anything to preserve their own status. The cleansing is going to be a lengthy process, but like 2010, the flushing will continue in 2014.

    We truly are a single-party nation right now. One party promises lots of free stuff. The former opposing party too weak and comfy, not unified. The red flag they raise too pink to be seen.

    There is a rising tide of conservatism. Not so much here, but elsewhere in the country. Locally, it's too much fun to run down the other side, call them names, and accuse them of hatred.

    We will not survive as a nation unless more move beyond the superficial. Instant gratification is a brief euphoria.

    Fred Windish

  22. X,

    Let's see. You post complete disinformation, with no links to any of the quotes you attribute to Obama. You attempt to portray him dishonestly, as I demonstrated by looking at your first quote. You hate the guy, vilify him, and do so dishonestly. Is it so far fetched for me wonder whether some of that hatred has something to do with the color of Obama's skin?

    I'll concede that I could have that wrong. You could just be a moron, just like the morons who would post hateful things about Bush when he was President.

    So you are either a partisan moron or a bigot. Is that better?

  23. 9:11, your premise is actually false.i know for a fact that numerous local members of our tea party are on public assistance. I will not name them bc I have no desire to embarrass these people, but your portrayal is completely inaccurate. Sorry.

  24. Bernie
    Allow me some facts. America is going to have a health care program rammed down its throat. It is being tended by a multimillion dollar webpage that is rumored to be not only costly, but outdated. The debt ceiling is higher then it has ever been. We have a man in the White House who tells us that this is a great medical program but he and his family are not going to hop on the bandwagon. They will have their cadillac plan. Do a little thinking. Add up the numbers, federal debt, state/commonwealth debt, local government debt and within it the cost of Common Core. What we truly need is TERM LIMITS and more people like Senator Cruz. As far as I know the Senator was literally the only government offical to truly stand up on that day when the likes of Charlie Dent and others sat on their respective asses. I know you have some type of thing going with Dent but let me note that this man when asked to keep Terry Schiavo alive refused to make any moves and when asked in February 2013 when was he going to draw up impeachment artilces on Obama and Holder, he asked me did I want to embarass him. Did Charlie stand with Cruz. Did Charlie fight to lower the debt limit. Did Charlie speak out to stop the stuffing down our throats of a health care plan that will ruin the economic well being of this nation. Did Charlie put more people to work? Did the cost of fuel go down due to his efforts. Here is hoping that Charlie gets Tea Partied.

  25. 9:40PM
    Have you been to Tea Party? Do you know any one who is a Tea Party Member? I think not

  26. And the left wing are not nuts? And the other democrats who follow no matter what???? We will just see how bad it has to get before you wake up and realize the tea party who are moms dads and grandparents who all work and take care of their own are not nuts you just hate what you aren't. I get it. Eventually you will be in a position where the new laws and regulations infringe on you. See what you think of Obama and the left wing fringe group who can't even clean up behind themselves. Who squat, do drugs and rape. Yea they are better.....and my tax dollars pay for clean up and police...and I should prefer that????

  27. Chris,

    1) while you were sitting at home, railing about the Muslim menace, Charles Dent was fighting Obamacare. I know this bc I covered it heavily. He proposed numerous amendments, believed it should be rolled out piecemeal, opposed the mandatory nature. After it passed, he participated in numerous efforts to roll it back . And now you have gall to suggest he sat with his hands on his hands. You are dead wrong, and must be used to that by now .

    2) while you are waging a war on women, dent has consistently voted to minimize government spending.

    3) dent's sole flaw is treating babies like you as if they were adults. Go tea party him. I'd love it. It would complete the picture you've painted of your own irrelevance.

  28. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 19, 2013 at 12:03 PM

    Chris great posts, it's a lack of information and fear of those in a position of moral supremacy that keeps pagan liberal ideologues hammering away at the keyboard printing filth about "teabaggers" and other such homo erotic drivel.

    The 9-12 movement will continue to fight for Joe the plumber, Al the carpenter and anyone else fighting to stay inside the middle class! Bernie et all you are always welcome to join at the Charles Chrin Community Center and see what a grassroots movement can achieve.

  29. Bernie
    Gee where was all this coverage by you and the press. I saw none. Charlie is a lousy representative but you obvioulsy prefer to kiss his ass. If he says anything he is doing nothing but copying those who have gone before him hoping that the press will report that he spent 45 years in Congress. We should be thanking the Tea Party when you compare it to what the Republican Party did last month at their meeting. You did report on that.
    As to the Tea Party there are a lot of educated people in that organization and they pretty much do not bother others who have fallen to other ways. If I recall correctly you were at their meetings but you got yourself in some sort of dilemna that I cannot remember. Was it a trial or something like that. As to the matter of my irrelevance, I am way past that. But you are up to your eyeballs in your love affair with the man who is attempting to do nothing but destroy this nation.

  30. Bernie
    you might want to take another look at 7:36PM Let's say that the O man was doing what you say. But look at what he is saying. They are going to keep score, get ready for hand to hand combat with fellow American's, bring a knife and he will bring a gun. How the hell does any true American stay in the room and not get away from a man who wants a fight but will never, ever show up for it because he has no courage at all.

  31. Bernie
    Maybe you need to chat with Mychal Massi or Allen West. I can just imagine what Alan Keyes would say to the O man. How about Bill Cosby. And let us not forget about Jessie Jackson who walking through GeorgeTown one dark night a number of years ago told his audencies how happy he was to see a white man when he looked over his back.

  32. Chris, I can 't believe that someone who taught outlr children is so dense. Right after I point out the context on which Obama made that remark, which was as a joke addressed to a member of his own party, you go on to attribute the wrong motives. Incredible.

    Let me add that I was and remain opposed to Obsmacare. I have written at least thirty posts about it. I know Dent was strongly opposed bc I covered the issue. You are only interested in any of this now bc you are trying to get fellow tea party member Hayden Phillips elected. Once that race is over, you'll fade away again and try to sell homes to Democrats and Muslims.

  33. There is NO doubt the Republican Party is in shambles. In time, this can change.

    The GOP leadership is happy to go along to get along. It is being steamrolled by more aggressive and unified Democrats. Having a supportive media has helped the liberal cause. Very little is questioned and much going on in the nation is ignored.

    Locally, the Morning Call, Express Times and WFMZ-TV have reduced themselves to running liberal press releases. Unless one is willing to look outside the Lehigh Valley for coverage, much is missed.

    Obamacare will become the Achillie's heel of this administration. As more are personally affected by the changes it represents, many will realize big government control of their lives is sometimes not all about 'free' stuff.

    It will be difficult for some to admit the administration they voted for is not what it seems. It's easier to look the other way, call names, and depict others as some kind of hater.

    More useless Republicans will be replaced in 2014. Conservatism can save the country, unless we're already too far gone.

    With the kind of changes America is seeing, we'll need less Charlie Dents, not more.

    Fred Windish

  34. Here’s to putting your money where your mouth is. The national debt is now $17 trillion. That is $54,000 owed by every single American, including children.

    Ante up, send a check to the treasury department for your share, since you condone this, and all of the lunatics around that think Obama is doing such a great job.

    Oh, wait, you pay no taxes, and never did. Its halrious to see the left wing hypocrtites like you, who sop off the system, because they cant pay their own way in life.

    Just grab it from everyone else. Do us a favor, ask your neighbor to pay your $54,000 share of the debt, and see what he says. Then come back and keep joyously reporting how spending and debt and Obama Care is not a problem.

    You sick, insane lunatic. No wonder you have your hand out, looking for cash , every other day of the week. Hit a food bank you fat fuck

  35. I have deleted two anonymous comments that I believe we're posted by Trocia Mezzacapps. They bore here hate signature.

  36. Look at this issue this way, This government has a movement to redistribute funds from upper pay scales to even no pay scales.I can imagine that tea party folks can align as a subsection of the population, and in opposition to a existing socialist tide. Don't for get for a minute that not one slave may have ever been freed and no absents of a king or monarchy may have existed until the plows that overturn against the British were declared formally July 4th of 1776. Until then all societies of organized men in the world had tyrants in human history!It is a ongoing processes, don't take it personally.It is, and should be bigger than any of us . Otherwise, you or me might be a dictator .This is a selection "processor" of hierarchy and we are in this together.

  37. Amon;4;36 post is radical in my mind as posted. HOWEVER this person is apparently sick and tired of seeing fat girls with baby carriages allow to consume his tax dollar he works for day after day and he feels he gives it away to Obama phones and cheese doodles and other non-sense. As they make their way across traffic putting their own child at risk and always on the phone in the middle if the intersections while j-walking. The tax payers put the cross walks in and electronic "DON't CROSS" signs with red hands,they still don't care that at $45,000 per intersection, they avoid it and cross anyway!~This is one of the reasons why the person is enraged.

  38. Bernie,

    It would be appreciated if you would delete comments that use my name,or imply my name. I have my suspicions of who is using Matteo (Italian, for Matthew) Deeznuts and I hope that nobody would believe I think her blog is worth mentioning, or reading.


    1. Just deleted her latest attempt to tarnish your good name.

  39. When Mr. Miller speaks of Rep. Dent I have noticed that he frequently references Terri Schiavo. As its been almost a decade, if you asked most voters as they left the polls who she was, I would venture that most wouldn't be able to tell you. However, since Mr. Miller obviously uses it as code for being pro-life, I would counter that many extremist pro-lifers confuse "right to life" with an imposed artificial life. One can still be "pro-life" regarding abortion, and yet still respect that using technology to keep a person forciably and mechanically alive is just as usurping of God's domain as abortion is in taking life. Many life-affirming families have to make very personal and painful decisions regarding loved ones. Big Brother (I thought you Tea Partiers didn't like him) does not need to add to their sorrow by forcing them to artificially keep loved ones alive who would otherwise die a natural death...besides, since you oppose the very idea of the government helping anyone with their healthcare, who would pay to keep a person in a vegatative state "alive" for years?

    I don't agree with most of Dent's abortion views, but I did agree with his Schiavo vote.

    Besides, using singular red-meat "cultural war" issues is how politicians (Lib or Conserv) who don't want you to notice how their other views may not be in the voter's self interests scare people into voting for them. Looking at Dent with the bigger set of lenses, he voted correctly not to burn the house down and force a self-inflicted default. THAT, Mr. Miller, would have affected everyone--even you--negatively. But, instead you rail about a decade old case and would prefer a self-induced recession.

    Too bad half of Northampton County was gerrymandered out of Dent's district.

  40. Wow! The teabaggers are even more crazy than they were a year ago. Now that is Nutz

  41. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6GtsXv0VtY&feature=youtube_gdata_player

  42. Stop impersonating people, then attributing it to me. Incredibly , you never learn your lesson because DA Morganelli has exempted you from the laws everyone else must follow. Must be a sweet deal.

    Online impersonation is a crime. Stop being such as asshole, stirring up problems, criticizing candidates, judges, etc, then returning as yourself, and blaming me.
    Everyone already knows that you pen 99.9% of the comments here

    1. Subpoena google for bernies server logs with the dates and times of the posts. They will return the ISP and IP number associated with the post. You can use whois and type in the IP addresses to see who is behind the anonymous post.

  43. At first the teabaggers made some good points and the racist part of their message was chalked up to coincidence. However, as time as gone by it is clear the fiscal sense part of their message is less about fiscal sneeze and more about greed, hate and racism.

  44. @7:34 aka Messycrappa, your a disgrace to the 9-12 project and are soon to be excommunicated into obscurity. When you get 2 votes in the upcoming election it is only the start of your pain train because in December Orloski and O'Hare are gonna tag team the desiccated remnants of your assets leaving you and Earl in the custody of Safe Harbor.

    Maybe by then Greggy will be paroled and the three of you can rent my pop up camper in exchange for the rights to a reality show based on your sad existence.

  45. Tricia Mezzacappa, You lied when you told Judge Yetter you did not impersonate Mr. Dees. You have repeatedly impersonate numerous people, and when called on it, claim it is me. Everyone knows you for what you are. You have absolutely no remorse for your disgusting behavior, and now that a damages trial draws near, you still lack the impulse control to act responsibly. The best way to have you stop lying about others and slurring their good names is with a hefty award for punitive damages. When you no longer have a computer to launch your smears, perhaps you'll think twice.

  46. "Online impersonation is a crime. Stop being such as asshole, stirring up problems, criticizing candidates, judges, etc, then returning as yourself, and blaming me.
    Everyone already knows that you pen 99.9% of the comments here"

    I suggest you turn yourself in. You accuse me of doing what you and your blog mentor do every day.

    1. A subpoena to google for your server logs will clear this problem up in no time.

  47. "Chris, I can 't believe that someone who taught outlr children is so dense."

    Wow. Nice personal snipe coming from a failed drunken thief who doesn't possess a fraction of Chris Miller's decency. Losing an argument is no reason to get personal and those who crawl in glass gutters should not throw stones, Bernie.

  48. Slime ball,

    You first sue for defamation, but forgot to describe your “damages”.. (not surprising for a disbarred lawyer)...Smith tossed the matter into the can by overruling my POs and directing you to file an amended complaint , describing your “actual harm.” No one is lying except you. The truth hurts. Tough luck, thats life.

    You failed to do that, and simply re-submitted your original complaint with a new time date stamp, and a false cert of service claiming I was served, but I wasnt.

    After realizing that frivolous complaint contained no damages, and accepting as truth that your sole purpose was not even to collect damages, but rather to stalk by docket number, and attempt to shut out a blog you cant control, I stopped participating.

    Even Beltrami refused to grant summary judgement.

    You now schedule a “non-jury trial” for damages, but insist there will be a jury to award you “punitive damages “ (are you confused?) as you continue to live in your endless fantasy world of spewing hatred, lies, libel on a daily basis.

    Luckily, I have in my possession, that damaging transcript from 2009, where you spoke under oath, in front of a judge, stating that you earn no money from your blog. Remember that ? That was the hearing in which you accused B Villa of harassment...again running to the courts because there is a blog you cant control.

    Seems like a vindictive old drunk scorned and unwilling to accept the fact that you were dumped. Unable to move on with your life, you continue to pursue your hate agenda, dishing it out, and running to the courts when someone dishes it back.

    Take a lesson from past mistakes when your were pulverised by B Villa in court, and stopped from ever blogging about him again.

    Good luck with your punitive damages that you now announce via blog will be tried and heard before a jury. Not surprising though, I have not been notified of this new twist. BTW, cert of service is not a blog announcement.

    The discovery on the damages you now claim, but failed to assert in your complaint should be interesting to say the least. When you come up empty handed on those, we’ll see who gets the last laugh.

  49. Hillarious, dead on and the American public sees it.

  50. Mezz have you had the chance to visit Greggy in Graterford? Now that Spartan is gone he will need you more than ever!

  51. Tricia Mezzacappa of West Easton, Your statement is riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods, from beginning to end. As I told you from the onset, this is no game. You have been found liable for defamation. You continued the defamation after Judge Smith ruled it was per se defamatory. You continued after the judgment was entered. Now you will be called upon to pay. Comments like the ones you have posted will go a very long way to convincing a judge that you have no remorse and really need to be punished with severe damages. That is the only thing that will get your attention. I will refer this statement to Attorney Orloski, where we will enter it to show that you are still playing games and can't even tell the truth about the procedural history of your own case. We have saved and will introduce all the insults you hurled at individual judges, to demonstrate that you have no regard for authority and are unlikely to do the right thing unless sanctioned heavily. Once we have a damages award, we will execute.

  52. "A subpoena to google for your server logs will clear this problem up in no time."

    There is nothing to clear up. I sign my name to everything I post, here and everywhere else. I know that the real hateful stuff posted here comes from Mezzacappa, her Blog Mentor and a few others.

  53. Wrong again. Obviously, you didnt bother to read Smith’s decision. He never ruled that anything was libel per se. He ruled that the allegations, as written, indicate libel per se. Allegations are allegations. My affirmative defenses, ie the “Truth" were filed too late, and were never vetted by the court.

    Had I responded timely, a court would have had to decide who was telling the truth and who was the liar.The burden was on you, and you have no credibility at all. You are a documented liar (see disciplinary board decision from 1985). I see you were deranged enough to file this, so I guess you are deranged enough, and arrogant enough to think that people would actually find you credible.

    No one finds you credible. You have no damages. You have persistently damaged yourself every day of your life, to the point where you live in a box, and eat Easter dinner with Ron Angle.

    No damages, no money, and likely a stinging contempt of court order for filing a fraudulent complaint, verified by 2009 court transcript. You dont make a dime from your blog. Ruined reputations are not winners of blog awards, year in, year out. Keep living in your despicable fantasy world, because you have no other way to live.

  54. Tricia please do not give away our playbook for the upcoming legal massacre that will be talked about in law textbooks for centuries. Orloski will have to retire after he gets a metaphorical pummeling from West Easton's own Pro Se cougar extraordinaire.

    When this is all over me you and Earl will go to T.G.I.F's for cocktails and vegan B.L.T's.

  55. Tricia Mezzacappa,

    Judge Smith ruled that the statements attributed to you are defamatory per se. With a judgment against you on the issue of liability, that means the statements have been attributed to you. You don't get to claim it wasn't you any more. Your so called defenses are irrelevant. It is solely a question of how much you owe. We will see what the Court says about damages in December. Given your lack of remorse and continued abuse of the judicial system, I expect they will be substantial. Your comments here, demonstrating your complete lack of remorse, will be introduced. Your blog, which continues to publish defamatory contact after entry of judgment, will be introduced. You are not just defying me at this point, but the authority of the court. If you want to know what happens to people who defy the court, see your boyfriend, Jim Gregory.

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. A comment from Tricia Mezzacappa, attempting to litigate by blog and referring to a name not permitted here, has been deleted. She is about to have a very unmerry Christmas.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. Peter, I have to delete a portion of your comment bc it might be misconstrued.

  60. This is part of Peter's comment:

    Bernie , I said she is going to jail , didn't I? I can tell when someone is off the tracks and running between them. See what did she even have to to with your post? Benign , off the wall , grasping at a large straw from a milkshake she had consumed an hour earlier, [deleted].

  61. Well, the Tea Partiers are definitely unhinged if this comment area is any indication. Wow.

    And to the clowns, I make ten times more than you, pay ten times more taxes than you, I don't drive around in a 1999 Nissan with a Romney sticker. I voted for Barack Obama, twice.

  62. Write in Mark Kessler for Schuylkill County Sheriff November 4th and end the tyranny that has become endemic to local politics.

    I'd sonner write in a box of rocks. Same thing.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.