Birds of a feather ... |
I've been told that Northampton County Council candidate Hayden Phillips has no intention of answering my questionnaire. Since I've been highly critical of his candidacy, I can't say I blame him. He was at last night's Executive debate, sitting at the end of tea party row. It was full of the far, far, far right side of the GOP.
Unfortunately for Phillips, I have a radio interview he did with WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh.
In this interview, he tells Walsh he
opposes funding for open space. He thinks
County workers should pay more for their health care. He is
unwilling to take a "No Tax Hike" pledge.
why should he answer your questionnaire? Who died and made you king?
just another one of your hate blogs. You remind me of Gunther - always beating the horse to death. You are such a wicked and sad little man.
your use of the photo shows the deep hate in your heart and soul
Keep up the good work BOH.
everyone i've known who has been rewarded by the open space programs never had any intention of selling or subdividing their land. the notion that the program will keep those spaces open for the future, by deed restriction, is legally speculative. open space is a politically correct notion, unjustified by pennsylvania's 33 million acres of farmland.
Wow. Love this guy. Where's he been? He's right on every issue. He's got my vote.
If he was a drunken, lying wife strangler, you'd be writing his campaign pieces.
At least these tea party clowns have the good sense to oppose ridiculous legislation like "open space" initiatives.
The liberal concurs with Molovinsky!
"everyone i've known who has been rewarded by the open space programs never had any intention of selling or subdividing their land"
Well, you don't know many participants then. I opposed the referendum in NC bc it called for a bond we did not need and was susceptible to abuse. It is still susceptible, bt much less so. Also i love that it is pay as you go. UIt is a worthwhile program and has saved many working farms that woukd otherwise have been developed in NC. I see it every year.
"At least these tea party clowns have the good sense to oppose ridiculous legislation like "open space" initiatives."
Then you should by all means vote for him. Phillips is no friend to these programs. he says they stand in contradiction to everything he stands for. I believe he might be the only candidate who says that.
That is one issue and he can vote no if he wants to but his vote will be a singular one. Aside from that he is not wrong to think the county spends too much and needs to tighten its belt. This is local politics and mostly relates to what goes on in our county. It is about where our local taxes go. I'd rather this guy tha Tax and spend Hunter. Are you kidding me?????
For someone who attends as many meetings as he does, his thinking on open space appears to be skewed. moreover, his views are completely out of line with many people. But if that's the kind of guy you want, pull that lever. If you think we need more tea party thinking, this is the man for you. if you want to open carry everywhere you go, vote for this man. If you think the UN is sending black helicopters over Northampton County, vote Phillips. If you want a Republican who thinks Charlie Dent is too liberal, this is the man for you. If you believe in a lack of transparency, as this guy may bey refusing to share his answers with 5,000 daily readers, vote for him.
"open space is a politically correct notion, unjustified by pennsylvania's 33 million acres of farmland."
Actually, it's a bit more than "politically correct." Voters in both counties overwhelmingly supported paying for it in referenda. At that point, it is not just politically correct, but the will of the people. Unless you or Phillips want to secede and start a new nation called Molovinskia, the people have spoken.
I agree the program can be abused and am all for tightening upo the oversight to make that as unlikely as possible. I would also want people like you doing the oversight instead of the Conservancy or Wildlands. I think we have too many of the self-rightous and politically correct environmental fanatics on advisory boards, and we would do well to have a prick like you on it. Not me, I'd take too many bribes.
He is the only candidate that says that because "open space" is a quaint appeal to those in denial that we a rapidly expanding urban area. Even liberals like me support economic development in exchange for barren, unused land.
But I would never support this fool because of a single issue.
Those who like what he says should vote for him. It seems he does not want my readers to know what he thinks and only feels comfortable in tea party row and with Bibby Guntehr Walsh.
That's Bobby Gunther Walsh. I don't think Bobby invites anyone who actually disagrees with the tea party philosophy.
Boy 4:37 - who imbued you with the sour cream of human kindness?
I can kind of understand his unwillingness to respond to me, but it is not a sign of transparency.
See now that would be the talk show of the century.BGW and BO squared off on local politics. BGW doesn't have the balls and ya need a whole week with all the issues.
To those who understand Agenda 21 (and I'm sure I'll be accused here of not), yes, Phillips is more Birch-like fringe. I don't plan to vote for him. However, your average voter does not understand it, nor if they do, I don't think they'd take it as a viable threat and a reason not to vote for him if they otherwise agree with his other bullet-points. It serves as a code to tap into the hardest base of the R party, while I don't think necessarily losing votes. Yet, his main themes (albeit "platitudes" as BGW called them) of "fiscal responsibility", "Limited Government", and "individual rights" still resonate with Republican super voters. I've said for some time now, something in my gut tells me not to dismiss the potential of him getting on the Council despite his Agenda 21 paranoia. I have not seen any polls, but seeing his signs pop up (including peoples' yards in Republican areas, not just squatting in Right of Ways). He's been doing door to door, sometimes using a "local" person to introduce him, etc... without naming names, I think three candidates should win. I think slots 4 and 5 may be potentially close between a few candidates (both D and R) if we have our typical low Municipal election turnout. What's to turn out the COB vote? Mayor's race was decided in the primary. Might get an uptick in Beth. Twp with the Atiyeh slate running, but that might help Republican more than Dem. Rural areas north of 22 who don't see the need for more gov't. Hope he does not win, but wouldn't be surprised if he squeeks in.
stop reading LVR, go BGW
This is my preferred conservation mechanism for consideration. It's a good fit for us out here in LMT.
Create a market. We have the ingredients.
1. Consensus that open space and farmland preservation is important.
2. Strong market
3. potential receiving areas where growth is appropriate.
Anyone who embraces agenda 21 conspiracy theories should immediately be written off. You instantly destroy any credibility you may have.
Worse you actually hurt conservative causes by embracing a notion so wacky and so crazy.
By blurring the lines between wingnut and watchdog these folks hurt the conservative brand.
"By blurring the lines between wingnut and watchdog these folks hurt the conservative brand"....
that has been the net impact of the Tea Party nationally. The GOP welcomed them, probably thinking they'd be an energetic, but easily controllable, voting bloc like the Moral Majority/Christian Coaltion/Family Research Council "values voters" were. Backfired on them nationally with their image. But smaller fish bowls like County/local elections, or even gerrymandered House districts, too early to dismiss.
Again, I honestly do not think average Joe voter has any clue what Agenda 21 is, nor appreciate how nutty it is. Thus, its negative impact may be minimal if a voter still hears the buzz word mantra: "fiscal responsibility" "limited govt" "individual rights." If they survived the primary, Rs and R-leaning indies will still vote for them, and D's wouldn't have anyway, A21 or not. Voter turnout will be key I think as to who wins slots 4 and 5. Low turnout, he has a chance of slipping in. High turnout, he doesn't.
Lighthouse is dead on. R's are ignorant of the teabaggers at their peril. But, so are all of us. The internet is a warehouse of valuable information and disinformation. Talk radio too. We need to get back to the loyal opposition practiced and envisioned by the founding fathers whose names have been used by cherry pickers on the right for their ultimately destructive agenda for true democracy.
"The lighthouse" has made it clear he loves Hunter, Ferraro and Seyfried, all big tax and spenders.
Would be refreshing to have people that have more of a fiscally responsible background in local government.
Effing relax Progressive worry warts. Don't you remember your original narrative? The Tea Party is an astroturf mirage that really doesn't exist. That's what Harry and Nancy and Barry told us. What gives? Why the furrowed brows and sad faces? Barack is President. Callahan is about to Peter Principle into the Exec's seat. Health care is affordable and easily attainable for everybody. Gracedale has guarantees of safety despite two, three, four sets of books that show the place in the shitter. You guys have everything you want and you're still all cranky pants. I don't get it, ladies.
Anon 7:00
You teabaggrs keep swinging away and it is as funny now as it was five years ago.
Thou doth protest too much. Relax. Put on a comfortable maxipad with wings and watch a Say Yes To The Dress marathon while you endlessly reload the healthcare.gov website. Things will get better.
Swing low, sweet tea-a-baggers. coming for to swingin me hime
He is needed to balance out the liberal spending democrats. Why is he extreme but they are not? None of them are moderate. Except maybe Peg.
If I subsidize open space as a tax payer , do I get to run my ATV on it? ,hunt on it or have a picnic lunch on it? Not likely, He's got a point!Now I hate developers personally , because for the most part they are Whores! They leave the tax payers hold the bag for school districts, drag their feet on pavements and then stick the poor suckers that bought into their deals with fee's. I'm voting for this man and having my group do the same.
Peter, it does not become public land bc of the subsidy. You are correct on that point. It is still owned by the farming family.
"balance out the liberal spending democrats"
Who pray tell ate those Democrats, I don't know any that are running that fit that description. But don't let facts mess up your hate fueled delusions.
Don't hate anyone. Just be sensible enough to vote and then vote as a knowable voter on the issues. I think after what Mr. Phillips has been though in his life time ,he should render proper,appropriate and timely decisions with tact and as a representative of the tax payer. We all can't know what a U.S.Marine commissioned officer needed to know in our interest nationally before his retirement. I assure you all that read this, he had been vetted by several agencies of this government many times before he could get to get where he had been.Could other candidates withstand the same scrutiny?
Peter, he does not withstand my scrutiny. He is way too extreme.
No one gives a shit if he trained James Bond to swim. His military service is not necessarily any indication of good governance at the local level.
Have we descended to the Roman model of the military should run everything. Give it a rest, Vietnam guilt is getting old and he served as a career man, as did millions of others over the years. His decision.
No more bearing on his abilities to run a government than the guy who owned a pizza shop for forty years.
Phillips' comments make it clear he has a basic misunderstanding of local government and should take his tea party argument against Obama to the federal level were it has its own unique teabag place.
Are you kidding me? If he had trained James Bond to use a space station potty or drive a stick shift Honda, he would " be more" and have more character than what we have now for the most part!Your just mad because you may have flunked GYM CLASS or didn't graduate from swim class at summer camp.
I want to that a guy that ran a Pizza joint for forty years most likely has had cash undeclared at some point ! Whatya think? Put yourself in the eyes of a colonial patriot in the 1770's .and the Brits decide they what to hit you up foe taxes on your beer or whiskey or in this case tea. They figure they can beat you up for it, so what do so folks do ,they throw it into the Boston Harbor in direct defiance of the King as risk to their life's.What would have done .personally, hide , get out of town , or raise hell?
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