Local Government TV

Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Full Time" Controller Sneaks Out of Budget Hearing

Northampton County's full time Controller, Steve Barron, got caught playing hooky late last week. He was sneaking off in the middle of the day to supplement his $65,000 salary by teaching at the Community College. When confronted about it, he resigned, and was at yesterday's budget hearing. He was even wearing a suit. But after pandering to the union, Barron quietly slipped away.

Budget hearing are where all the dollars and cents questions are asked and answered. It's the kind of meeting that the County's financial watchdog should attend. But Barron was there to pander to the union. After briefly stating he needs more money for his department, Barron went on to say that he has been "railroaded" by the Obamacare changes, adding that the "County withheld this important information."

Then, at 5:28 pm, he quietly left the meeting room, and could be seen in the hallway, gladhanding with County workers. The budget hearing was still going stong at 7 pm, when I left for Lehigh County.


  1. Jordan Issac from Palmer Twsp.October 10, 2013 at 12:16 AM

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  2. He is a victim of a smear campaign. The Stoffa brigade hates him and wants to take him out in the next election.

    This is all a game because Stoffa wants to help Ron Angle when he runs for Controller.

  3. I heard a pretty powerful Democrat is considering a run, not Angle. I'd like Ron to run, but he makes too much money, and doesn't even have to sneak off to the community college.

  4. There's a very powerful Democrat out there pondering a run, and if he does, nobody else will win.

  5. Please not old Sal Panto again. god save us!

  6. How much did you charge for this hatchet job?

  7. Would you rather I not point out that the full time Controller skipped out of the budget hearing so he could pander?

  8. The only two Dem's that are in play that would make O'Hares heart flutter would be two of his biggest bromances, Panto or Grucela.

  9. God Bless Steve Barron!

  10. stoffa blew this big time. hear his going away party is the day after he leaves.

  11. If Barron wants to assure his re-election he will audit the finances of the County and what they pay for medical benefits for their employees. He would show the County how wrong they are on their predictions and show the County how to save money and improve services for those the county employs. This is all within his baliwick as Controller and it would make him solid with unions and all their families. Here is an opportunity of a lifetime. This is a career changer for the guy if he is smart enough to grasp the situation. He could embarass Stoffa, appease thousands of employees and their families and friends, and solidify his position. Okay Barron. The ball is in your court. You can do all of this in a two week period. Get moving.

  12. Oh and by the way BArron, All you have to do is call the "County Actuary" and get his numbers. That is what the County did.

  13. Barron looked good on TV, helping the little people as usual.
    Stoffa looked his usual self, like a corpse warmed up for the occasion.
    You must be feeling good that the papers picked up your blog story - though obviously even the handful of people who read the MCall don't take Bill White seriously. I had to laugh when I heard he teaches a journalism course.
    By the way, is your job description now paparazzo?
    And by the way, how do you know what Barron was doing outside the meeting if you didn't leave it?
    You've achieved a Pyrrhic victory, only I don't think you realize it yet.

  14. I heard that no powerful Dem is after the plum position of county controller, with it's average remuneration and self-appointed watchdog.
    I heard that you're floating this.
    You'll say you don't do that sort of thing, and no-one will believe you.
    Who gave you this wonderful tip?

  15. 8:32, I did not achieve a victory or a loss. I told my readers what was going on and they received a victory when a cheating public official was forced to do his job. I saw him gladhanding bc I stepped out into the hallway on ,y way to use the facilities. And i did note his time of departure bc i was interested in seeing if our full time financial guy cared enough to be there for a discussion of finances. he does not. He wil never win office again, and has done it to himself. His negatives must be sky high.

  16. The worst thing you could do is get Steve barron to carry your banner for you. Use ken Kraft, McClure, anyone else.


  18. Is John Brown a teabagger like the Republican County Council candidates??

  19. Yes John Brown is a Tea-Bagger

  20. You have done it now Bernie, This man might have to go to work now ,How about Toni the Easton City Controller ,he could help us if he ran , Yes?

  21. Tea baggers will not win in this election!! Mark it down!

  22. Hello Bernie. I wanna make something clear to you and your readers. I did not write a response to your blog post about Mr. Barron's situation wit his second job. My last name was spelled wrong. It was not me at all. I respect Mr. Barron. For the record, it was not me.

  23. So someone may have impersonated you, Jordan. Do me a favor and send me an email back channel at BOHare5948@aol.com. If that person is not you, and you are you, I will delete the comment.

    I believe Barron is unworthy of anyone's respect, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

  24. I have spoken with Jordan and the comment is deleted.


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