Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Dent, Cartwright on Looming Gov't Shutdown ... Again

Charlie Dent:

 LV Congressman Charlie Dent led yesterday, even siding with Democrats to vote No on yet another tea-party Continuing Resolution that funds the government, but delays the individual mandate on Obamacare. It passed 228-201 anyway, but was quickly rejected by the Senate. "Absurdity knows no bounds," noted Democratic Louise Slaughter on the House Floor, as the federal government marched inevitably to a shutdown that didn't have to be. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat, calls it a "trainwreck in slow motion." Matt Cartwright, the Lehigh Valley's other Congressman, explains how this shutdown will be felt.: “A shutdown could delay financial support for Pennsylvania’s small businesses. A shutdown could delay military pay and hurt military families in Pennsylvania. The Department of Defense estimates that during a shutdown nearly half of the civilian workforce would be sent home without pay, while the rest would continue to work for potentially delayed pay, impacting the 23,905 civilian workers in Pennsylvania. 30,757 service-members in Pennsylvania would remain on duty, but would see their pay delayed if the shutdown extends for more than 10 days unless legislation specifically addressing the delay is enacted. “A shutdown would put tens of thousands of federal employees in Pennsylvania out of work and, although checks for current Social Security benefits would still go out during a shutdown, applications for new benefits would be delayed and services for seniors could be significantly curtailed. “As a result of furloughs and service cuts during the last government shutdown, 112,000 claims for Social Security and disability benefits were not be taken, 212,000 applications for Social Security Numbers were not taken, and 800,000 callers were denied service on the Social Security Administration’s 1-800 number. “New veterans’ educational, compensation and pension benefits processing could also be delayed. During the 1995-96 shutdowns, more than 400,000 veterans saw their disability benefits and pension claims delayed, while educational benefits were delayed for 170,000 veterans. Pennsylvania has 953,644 veterans. “A government shutdown could force Head Start centers around the country to close. During FY 2012, an estimated 1,600 Head Start agencies served over 950,000 children, including 36,955 children in Pennsylvania. “It is a sad commentary on the state of the majority party in the House that its leaders are powerless to contain the most extreme voices demanding for a path we know will disrupt the economy, kill jobs, and stunt growth. I urge the Speaker to end this dangerous game and advance a Continuing Resolution capable of passing the Senate and being signed into law.” GOP Moving in Slow Motion: Dems Insist Bills Be read in English and Latin


  1. Occupy Other's StuffOctober 1, 2013 at 12:05 AM

    It's midnight and my Obamaphone still works! I'm off to buy crack with my food stamps.

  2. Non-essential employees are furloughed. The system works. Let's do this at the state and county levels. Half of those pieces of shit don't work either.

  3. Bachmann and some of the other teabaggers are tweeting they are "giddy" over the shutdown.

    Can we just give them their own country and then they can apply for federal aid, like they get now.

  4. Do you have a link to back that up? I cannot find it.

  5. There's nobody to spy on me today ... :(

  6. There's nobody to stop kids from praying or eating meat at school tomorrow :(

  7. Employees whose work is non-essential are going to be non-essential at home tomorrow :(

  8. Research on why lesbians are fat is suspended tomorrow. We were so close to a cure :(

  9. This is fun for the teabagger anarchists. I am sure the folks who go to the closed veteran offices and senior offices will enjoy your fun times.

    The teabaggers throw a hissy fit and the nation suffers.

    The Black Muslim Kenyan born scary black man routine didn't work, so this is all you have left.

    You are a sad group of pathetic people clinging to some idea of government that never existed. At the end of the day your greed and intolerance even shines through your hate and fear.

    You defile representative democracy.

  10. The spy drones are falling! The spy drones are falling!

  11. Poor Democrats. Their benevolent Big Government is shut down. No free stuff.


  12. oh well, life's a bitch and then you get Obama - you have reaped what you sowed

    no freebies today TS poor people

  13. Are welfare checks still going out today? I need crack and booze. I demand my freebies!

  14. I sit here reading these posts when I should be at work. Government shutdown keeps me home. Maybe I can appy for unemployment. There are some government works who actually work. For the record, I disagree with obamacare.
    When called back to work the backlog will be overwhelming. Both houses and the president could have prevented this months ago. Poor governing by both parties.

  15. I respect Dent's attempt to get moderate/commonsense R's to push through a compromise that would prevent this, however I can't help but think that he is going to end up with a nasty grassroots challenger. His comments on abortion, ACA and now the budget put him at odds with his party base. His district picked up some really conservative areas where his roots are not as deep. While I respect and appreciate his efforts, he might need to be looking over his shoulder watching for a primary challenge. We've seen R's knocked off in primaries for much much less.

  16. It is only about fairness when the left complains. Obama should happily be the first one to sign up for his healthcare plan. Then Michelle, the senate and congress should follow. When Obama, said you can keep your plan and your doctor I guess he was talking to them and not us. It was not too long ago most people were tea party types. The weirdos are now lose and are showing real hatred for their moms, dads and grandparents. We just need to show them for who they are. Yes I'll take the responsible woring self sufficient types over the haters, complainers and the takers. One in the same as we all see. They don't like it when we learn from them. There is a limit to how much we can put up with and we have reached it....

  17. The left forced Obamacare on the right and the American people. Now they wonder why we elected so many to congress? It is for them to do their job and not give this president everything he wants. Good for them. One of them actually said the right should be helping them with this. They are really ridiculous. Where were they when not one person on the right could have any input into this. Obama is a street fighter and we have never had so many terrorist attacks with Americans being killed. So many scandals where Americans were killed and he has 3 more years. Who is next I wonder? They are here and they mean business. Thank you Obama. Google terrorist maps. We are growing them instead of food. And why would the left side with a religious group who behead gays and Christians. A Christian can change but a gay cannot according to them. Talk about biting the hand who feeds you.

  18. I am a Republican and I have issues with Obamacare since I believe it should be a state to state decision ala Romneycare. It's not a federal responsibility to provide healthcare. It's a federal power grab I am uncomfortable with. However I disagree with shutting down the gov't. We lost an election that was essentially a referendum on the issue. This is still a democracy right?

    I don't believe in shutting down the gov't, I believe in WINNING ELECTIONS. The GOP is the minority party right now. We need to work on our arguments so we get the majority to see things our way, not shut down gov't in a tantrum then gloat about it.

  19. There are two types of D's. Those who believe it is their purpose to govern and redistribute, and those who believe they must be governed and redistributed to. You will never convince either of them that "our message" is the right way.

    Those who are being accused of "shutting down" the government are following their principles. Charlie Dent is following his survival instinct.


  20. Principles can also just be the voices in your head!

  21. Nancy Pelosi called unemployment "stimulus." By chopping 800,000 non-essential federal loafers, we've cut dead wood and stimulated the economy. Win-win. It's time to do this on a local level. After all, it's stimulus!

  22. Let's not piece together government as Cruz has suggested. The government should not pick winners and losers because of yet another attempt at brinkmanship. Congress is in contempt of themselves.

  23. Don't defund. Just insist in no exemptions or exclusions. Now that's fair......


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