Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Superior Court Finds Criminal Harassment in Facebook Post

Thanks to a recent Superior Court ruling, West Easton troublemaker Tricia Mezzacappa and her Blog Mentor may soon find themselves charged with criminal harassment. In an August 3 ruling a three-judge panel affirmed a conviction based on a Defendant's Facebook posting that "[Victim] has herpes. Ew, that's gross. She should stop spreading her legs like her mother."  The victim in this case was a 15 year-old girl getting ready for her first day of school.

The comment was reported to police, who filed the charges. The Defendant admitted her actions were wrong, but not criminal. Judge Christine L. Donohue disagreed:

"[I]n light of the totality of the evidence, her misuse of the internet and social media was criminal. The evidence of record establishes that Cox posted a statement in dicating that the Victim suffered from a sexually transmitted disease on an online forum, and that this statement was viewed by multiple people. We conclude this is sufficient to support a finding that Cox communicated lewd sentiments about Victim to other people, and an inference that in so doing it was her intent to harass, annoy or alarm Victim."

Tricia Mezzacappa has repeatedly referred to Bethlehem Mayoral hopeful Jim Gregory's ex girlfriend and her mother with similarly disparaging language on Mezzacappa's blog and on the AM airwaves. I will not repeat the language used here. Her Blog Mentor has repeatedly made disgusting, and false, implications about a recently ordained Maronite Catholic priest on his blog.

Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli is a free speech purist, but has authorized criminal prosecutions against Mezzacappa for her venomous attacks against private people, those I call civilians. For example, he approved a complaint after repeatedly bashed and denounced a West Easton Borough Clerk. That poor lady ultimately resigned rather than face Mezzacappa rages. But Mezzacappa was convicted, and a judge told her he does not want to see her before him again.

Gregory's ex girlfriend and her mother are civilians, too. They've already been victimized by a woman beater. Now his wannabe girlfriend is trying to harass her to the point where she'll give up, and stop pursuing contempt charges.

In the meantime, Mezzacappa seeks a continuance of a criminal case pending against her "for medical reasons," but has the time on the day of her scheduled summary trial to be the guest host on Gregory's now mothballed radio show. She obviously has no respect for anyone, not even the Court.


  1. Didn't you accuse a prominent Bethlehem attorney and member of the Planning Commission of being a bigot?

  2. I accused a Bethlehem attorney and the Chair of the Planning Comm'n of being a bigot, and he is. Truth is a defense. Moreover, it is an opinion based on his own comments on this blog. What Mezzacappa did was utter a bunch of derogatory and defamatory lies, just as she did to a West Easton Borough Clerk. She did it in several blogs and on the airwaves. Her intent was to harass annoy and alarm. She does not want her to testify, just as she does not want me in the courtroom to witness what has transpired. Prosecution is appropriate, and the charges should be filed with the judge who says he does not want to see her again.

  3. You are judge and jury?

  4. Bernie, I haven't read anything about Mezzacappa's lawsuit against the Sheriff to get her concealed carry license back. I'm hoping she was denied. Do you know what's going on?

    1. I forgot to check, but think there was oral argument on that matter today. She had three cases on the argument list, where she is wasting judicial resources with her nonsense.

  5. BOH is busy now defending a religion founded by a convicted con man,polygamist,polyandrimist and pediphile.
    Damn spell check.

    1. No. I condemned a religious bigot. I also condemn Internet bullies like you and Mezzacappa, who try to terrorize others. Maybe you should.have thought before launching a cocious, false and harassing attack against a Maronite Catholic priest. Mezzacappa should have learned after her last conviction that harassment will not be tolerated. What the Superior Court found offensive is mild compared to Mezzacappa's repeated attacks, both on her blog and a radio show. She needs to face the consequences, just as you will, too.

  6. @12:42
    Bernie's writing to himself again.

  7. According to her, you are the one in the wrong and wasting the courts time.

  8. So she has claimed in six motions and 4 attempted criminal prosecutions. Who is wasting judicial resources?

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  11. BOH got his own little blood libel going on. Tell us about the grudge you got going and why you can't let go?
    Is this the AA way to handle things BOH?
    Is this what ya call a resentment old pal?

  12. "No,I condemned a religious bigot...bla...bla...bla..."
    How ya feel about religious leaders having relations with under age girls and married women?
    Oh wait, that's okay?

  13. What the Hell is going on?

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  15. What the hell is going on?

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  18. Who is the Blog Mentor?

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  20. Lots of damage can be (and has been) done by someone like the Blog Mentor. Here's a relatively intelligent, yet immature actor who finds strength in cowardly attacking, demeaning others under the cover of anonymity.

    Such people make ill use of the technology now before us. Their efforts have little positive purpose on society. Their anonymity doesn't last forever. The Blog Mentor is a perfect example. Many know who the villian really is in his case.

    I am pleased we are beginning to see the possibility of actual penalties for such distasteful behavior. Such strategy never wins, it just keeps the antagonist frustrated and tarnishes the meager amount of integrity these poor souls have left. To bolster their sad existence, people like the Blog Mentor flock together, desperately in search of acceptance.

  21. He is immature, but not that intelligent. He has set off a lot of the people in the blogosphere, including Mezzacappa, and then has sat back and watched as she self-destructs. Last night I looked at his blog for the first time in about three weeks. I won't be back. It was the same set of comments, rolled over and over. He offers nothing but hatred, and even lists his numerous enemies, a la Rcihard Nixon.

    He has made two big mistakes with his irrational hatred of a recently ordained Maronite Catholic priest.

    First, his repeated comments are more disgusting and hurtful, and just as lewd, as the one comment leveled at the victim in the Superior Court case. He has crossed the line, and I am urging this priest to take criminal action. I am asking his Church to get involved, too, in insuring that justice is done.

    Second, he has managed to alienate the most tight-knit community I know in Northampton County, one with a very long memory. That is actually a much bigger problem for him, though he is too stupid to realize it.

    People like the Blog mentor, Mezzacappa and the Fake Rev need to be held accountable for their disgusting behavior. A person should not be able to accuse another of pedophilia, pimping, or prostitution, without facing the consequences. When it is done to prevent someone from testifying, as Mezzacappa has done, criminal sanctions are highly appropriate.

  22. Bernie you as well attack people without knowing the full story! I can say this, YOU are less of the two evils when it comes to trashing people on a blog vs Trish!

  23. Attacking people without the full story, as you put it, would be wrong. I do not accept your criticism bc I try very hard to get the full story. But even when I am wrong, and sometimes I am, I do not engage in criminal harassment. I do intend very much to inform my readers about matters that they should know. It makes some of you uncomfortable. My targets are people who are seeking office, who hold office or who are active in local politics and who put themselves out there for public scrutiny. Compare that to Mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor targets: a Maronite Catholic priest; a d alarm.woman who dated a politico and who herself has shunned the limelight, her mother, an office clerk, a bus driver, These people have been accused of heinous offenses, falsely. They have been defamed. Their privacy has been destroyed. There has been an intent to harass, annoy and alarm. There have been deliberate falsehoods, repeated over and over in the hope that some people will believe it. There has been a concerted effort to keep a victim of abuse from testifying.

    It has damaged these people, too. I will not go into that bc it will just play into the sick satisfaction of these miscreants.

    They need to be held accountable.

    Not long ago, Ron Angle called a fellow political official a prostitute,drawing the wrath of many members of the community. It was political speech. His remark was intended to convey the impression that this person will vote which way the wind is blowing. That is protected political speech, though many may and did find it offensive.

    Mezzacappa has called Gregory's ex a prostitute as well, except she means she is a prostitute. She has repeated this over and over, describing sex acts in lurid detail, both on her blog and a radio program. She has done so for the express purpose of intimidating this woman into not testifying. It is defamatory per se, and it is also a crime.

    I have called Gregory a woman beater. He has two PFAs. He is a woman beater. I have called Mezzacappa mentally unhinged. Reading her rants and obvious lies make that abundantly clear.

  24. Bernie, you're not kidding about Easton's Lebanese community. One of the tightest knit groups anywhere. Great people who pay close attention to those who slander them. And those stuffed grape leaves...proof that God loves us.

  25. You do not let the full story out. You delete and censor most of the comments that give the "enire story", when it concerns Stoffa or other mancrushes.

    How about a post on how Stoffa, Jennings and Marcus feel that county law should not apply to them. How about telling all how two of Stoffa's top employees sit on the CACLV Board and one is the president of the Board. the same Board that approved the hiring of Ross Marcus, in violation of county law. How Jennings said he would find a way to "backdoor" county money, over $800,000, into the CACLV.

    How about some of that truth?

  26. The censored comments exposed LDS nonsense and crimes of Mormon founders.
    Bernie lacks honesty and plays all manner of games on his blog, but regulars already know this.

  27. bongggggg..cuckoo!

  28. Blog mentor's life is consumed with bitterness. Life is just too short. I know the past. I'd be hurting too. But it's time to move on. Life is for the living.

  29. Mezz is a fine candidate for the ducking stool, maybe in "Baked Ziti" will agree!

  30. She's not going to be happy to learn she lost another roind in my defamation case against her today. She had filed preliminary objections to my amended complaint , but not until AFTER judgment was entered against her. Now we can move ahead and assess damages.

  31. " 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 2709(a)(4), based upon her publication
    of lewd comments on Facebook. Since the evidence of the on-line activity
    was sufficient to support the conviction and the conviction was not against
    the weight of the evidence, we affirm."

    If the D.A. doesn't file charge's, then, someone file a private complaint, allegeing the reasoning & Precedent of the Superior Court.

    Or file a friend of the court brief.

  32. Judge Jack upper right,wonderful man ,has a nice mother too.He hardly aged in nearly 10 years.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Beware of _____________: A Slut Who Says She Needs Protection From Abuse That is 35 Miles Away
    Beware !!! To all married women in ____________ _______, there is a slut in town, who will willingly and knowingly engage in adult erotic entertainment with married men. Her name is ___________. She is a slut who likes to be used. She will grab your husband's attention, then wisk him away with sexual favors quite commonly seen on adult XXX media.

    She invisions herself as the modern day Debbie Does Dallas, except she is missing the big chest, and other accessories. She is built like a 12 year old, but that doesnt stop her. In a desperate attempt to market her pornagraphic skill set, she (according to _______) sent live sex videos to the xx of ___________ _______ in some ill-conceived effort to craft more doom.

    Her efforts failed, and failed hard. It appears that those tapes did contain erotic footage of her giving a blow job to a married man, but did not have the intended consequence of causing more problems for xxxxxxx.

    It is a sad day when an uneducated slut commits adultery for 2 years straight, then shows up in court seeking protection from they guy she blew, in exchange for free housing. More surprising, the adulteress slut long since moved away, and has not seen _______ since, except in court. Maybe thats why she keeps dragging him there. Seems she cant move on with her pathetic life.

    Even more surprising, the court system actually did protect this whore from a man she claims beat her silly...and now, she tunes in to his radio show, from remote __________, xx, where it is unlikely she can even hear the station. After stalking him, she returns to court to add more fuel to the fire, with her rabbid and equally vindictive sidekick, ______ ____, in tow.

    Those two would make the perfect couple, except _________ doesnt know his balls are the size of blueberries and his dick doesnt exist. Since ____ ________ has become quite the pro, doing the Big Gulp, it is doubtful that _____ would be able to keep her attention. However, it may be worth the try. Seems that they both have alot in common, ie, a continual need to assassinate the characters of those who have moved on, and a constant and perverted sense of entitlement to the same people who want nothing to do with them. The _____-__________ connection has become the new deal.

    And what a deal it has been. _______ has been harassing, stalking , and berating and abusing people, in person and online (unabated) for years on end, but is never dealt with properly, and is never thrown in jail, where he belongs. XXXXXXXX is following in his footsteps with an erie (and almost identical) free pass from the courts , to be free from consequence from her numerous misdeeds. It seems XXXXXXX and _____ both suffer from Histrionic personalities, (that is..always needing to be in the spotlight, no matter the cost) .

    Here we have a court system that failed to provide protection from _____, but hands out the most severe form of protection to an uneducated adulteress slut, whose ex happens to be running for _____ of XXXXXXX. It sure is strange that the least severe PFA case, gets the most attention, and the most time in jail. Not one visible mark of abuse on her 12 year old body, not one photo presented in court, and she gets a PFA.

    On the other hand, an aggravated rapist and animal abuser is allowed to re-offend by continuing to re-victimize his victim, despite 4 attempts to the contrary. Oh what a sick system we have. The parade of sluts will always garner the most protection. If you need protection in __________ ______, be a slut, and fornicate with married men. That will win you the medal of valor. Congratulation to ___ _________, the slut of the century, you have worked the system, and have shown everyone watching what a classless piece of trash you are, with no morals, and no integrity. BRAVO!

  35. Bernie, please get a hold of Spartan and arrange for an interview as he could possibly have deep insight into both the mind and colon of Mayoral hopeful James Gregory.

  36. Carmen will get you the JUSTICE YOU DESERVE!


    The Court will Grant him permission to Practice, in NORCO.

  37. Is the Blog Mentor trying to claim that the Catholic priest and the Mormon bigamist carry the same name? And because of this, the Blog Mentor wasn't defaming the Catholic priest, but instead defaming the Mormon criminal?

    What a bunch of hogwash!

  38. I love it when Bernie does the anon postings.

  39. When someone is lewd they deserve to be criminally prosecuted. But I find myself in a similar predicament. A doctor that committed and admitted to fraud continued to comit fraud. I created a review and posted it in multiple review sites. I also created a blog to tell his story. He had filed a private criminal complaint against me at the magistrate for harassment. I hope this story isn't one that will replay with me as my intent was to educate others and expose the misdeeds of this doctor.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.