Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Morganelli Discusses Infanticide on Nancy Grace Show

Northampton County DA John Morganelli was featured on HLN's Nancy Grace show last night to discuss the prosecution of a 27 year-old Allentown woman who gave birth inside a bar, went out for a smoke, and then returned for a Summer Slam pay Per View.

Unlike most District Attorneys, Morganelli is willing to get his hands dirty. He has personally and successfully prosecuted 21 first degree murder cases to verdict. He will be the chief prosecutor in this case. He has obtained death penalty verdicts in his last two cases.

He is being urged to run for Lt. Governor next year.


  1. "He is being urged to run for Lt. Governor next year."

    Sure he is, good one Bernie

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Appearing on that idiot's show indicates very poor judgement. John Morganelli = REJECTED AGAIN.

  4. I suspect that we will be seeing a lot more of Morganelli on TV in the next few months. Down here in FL there was a prosecutor from Tampa who was a frequent guest on Greta Van Susteren's show a few years back. She eventually ran for and was elected as Florida's Attorney General.

  5. Nancy Grace slandered George Zimmerman by using the term "fucking coon" on live TV.


    This is John Morganelli's choice of venue to launch another attempt to run for whatever office he's always running for? Those who know him know he has a bit of a problem with blacks, but sheesh! This is a little over the top, even for John.

  6. Nancy Grace was quoting a statement that was attributed to Zimmerman during his 911 call, and immediately stated that the call was soon revised to indicate he did not say it. She pointed out the comment would have made the Zimmerman case an open and shut case. I find nothing inappropriate or wrong in her reporting this discrepancy and the huge difference it made in the 911 call. It seems quite fair.

    You go from this Grace statement, which certainly does not help Zimmerman, to claim that nonguest Morganelli must be a bigot. That is nutz, the kinda' statement I would expect to heard from that Harrisburg lunatic Councilman whose City is collapsing all around him. He should concentrate on his own City finances instead of bankrupting the state.

  7. Bernie, Morganelli couldn't have picked a worse venue to appear. Nancy Grace is a loon.

    This won't help his cause, his best hope is it doesn't hurt it.

    The Banker

  8. Though the story of the murdered baby isn't funny, I did find it humorous whenever Grace had the image of the toilet superimposed over the image of the state of Pennsylvania appear on the screen.

    Kind of apropos that the word "Bethlehem" was accompanied with an arrow pointing directly inside the toilet (which happened to be where Bethlehem was located on the map).

    Somebody on her staff must be from Bethlehem.

  9. Fair question: if John fails again at statewide office, will he run a fifth time for something? How long will this go on? Is anyone "urging" John to stop embarrassing himself?

  10. Bottom feeding bloggers and bottom feeding cable scandal show hosts are bound to find John Morganelli on the bottom. Many are urging John to just go away.

  11. I would think, that a District Attorney could compromise a case by even being at the sight of an alleged crime , much less make statements to a national TV journalists that will change the dynamics of any local jury pool. This defendant is not guilty until she has been before a jury, and found so,right?

  12. Can the Lollipop Guild vote?

  13. BO - heard that at onetime Amanda Hein had pictures of her then boyfriend, Julian Stolz, on her Facebook page. Wouldn't that be a laugh riot!

  14. I saw them. She lived where he lives. He knew her. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Is that funny?


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