Local Government TV

Thursday, August 29, 2013

WPFA Pulls Plug on Defamatory Radio Show

After seven days of defamation, invasion of privacy, criminal contempt of a Protection From Abuse Act Order (PFA), and witness intimidation of a PFA victim, Joe Timmer's WPFA has finally pulled the plug on Jim Gregory's radio show.

Yesterday's broadcast featured Tricia Mezzacappa, against whom a libel judgment was recently entered. I did not listen to the show. But readers tell me she took the opportunity to defame me on matters that have already been ruled as defamatory per se. Her treatment of Gregory's PFA victim was far worse and was an obvious attempt to scare her away and keep her from testifying against Gregory. She and Timmer's producer, Budd Williams, actually suggested that when a woman called the station to complain about the public disclosure of private information, she was stalking.

Mezzacappa has pursued this intimidation against a PFA victim on her blog, calling her vile names and discussing torture techniques.

This morning, board operator Budd Wlillams announced there would no show today or tomorrow. He offered no apology for the false information his station disseminated over seven hours. He expressed no regret for his own role in a seven-day libel lovefest. There was no retraction, no offer to make amends.

The person most culpable for this mess is station owner Joe Timmer. He should have pulled the plug the first day. Instead, his producer mocked a woman who complained about the invasion of her privacy. Twice. Timmer certainly should have been clued in once Gregory was arrested for his on air statements. Instead, he allowed someone on the air with two recent criminal convictions and a libel judgment. Did he think she was going to polka?  He's also archived some of Gregory's more offensive shows, including the one that got him arrested.

Update 5:15 PM: Sometime  this afternoon, WGPA deleted its archive of defamatory Gregory shows from the Internet. The station still needs to retract the defamation, make amends to the two women they hurt. Timmer should offer Gregory's remaining air time to Turning Point.


  1. Well it is about time this is put out of its misery. Now to arrest Mezz for witness intimidation and fcc violations.

    Please make it happen Mr. Morganelli before the weekend

  2. O'hater the WEFP is going to disgrace orclownski pro se beotch, bank on it!

  3. In that short period of time, Joe Timmer managed to portray himself as a prostitute and WGPA has a cheap imitation National Enquirer.

  4. The plug being pulled would explain MezzaKKKraZy going berserk and letting loose on her blog last night with her vile rant and comments she posted under multiple aliases. Undoubtedly she decided to go off on Gregory's ex when she was informed she would not be on the air this morning.

    I was so pleased that I didn't hear her nasty voice this morning and had hoped that the plug was pulled on her audio version of hate and lies.

    Karma is a bitch and Mess should feel the full wrath of its anger. I hope the DA does pursue intimidation and harassment charges against Mess. The DA should prosecute using his staff and resources. It's long overdue.

    Mr. Morganelli, make sure that every weapon she owns is accounted for and removed from her, as well!

  5. My understanding is the station archives all of the paid shows?

    I could be wrong, on the bright side that reality show is gone, turn the page I need a copy of today's National Enquirer.

  6. It Ain't dead yet...
    Also what are Mezz's FCC violations?

  7. All I can say to the loon and Gregakooky is,


  8. 146WGPA has NOT pulled the plug as of yet.... Tell me Bernie Boy..Is Rush Limbaugh Show a Defamatory Radio Show?

  9. If the Victim's file for a restraining order/P.F.A. & it is approved, then Tricia can Legally have her firearm's confiscated.

  10. Clinton,

    I don't believe Messycrapper meets the criteria for a PFA, but a restraining order is definitely justified. Will a restraining order get guns removed from the nut?


  12. The Judge makes those decision's.

  13. Who needs the FCC to intervene? You've done enough without the need for them to take action. "You're toast," as somebody used to say..

  14. The Judge makes those decision's.

    Shouldn't be difficult to convince a judge that she should not have access to them, considering her past history and most recent post referencing the types of punishment once meted out to those she feels is deserving of them.

  15. If Mezzacappa was charged with witness intimidation (a felony 3) and/or stalking (a misdemeanor 1), her guns could be taken as a condition of bail. The victim could get the ball rolling by filing a private criminal complaint. My guess is the DA would approve it. A person convicted of either witness intimidation or stalking would be banned from possessing firearms in PA.

  16. I tuned in to Crappy 1100 this morning arond 7:15 only to hear oldies music in AM. Not sure what is worse, the poor music quality or the tag team of Crazy Jim, Trashia and the Budd Brain. I could run a better radio station in my basement with Radio Shack equipment.

  17. You people think I'm toast. Tune in tomorrow when I broadcast from the Northampton County Prison. you think I'm toast. lol I will perform live tonight (they let me out for Karaoke Night and I'll be singing that ole Country tune "If I had wings like an angel, over these prison walls I would fly." Gotta get outta here soon cause in the morning we're having left over ziti and ravioli. Why would they be serving me ziti and ravioli. I'm getting a conjugal visit from my very dear friend. No it isn't bubba. They keep singing Folsom prison blues and some kind of gambling song "know when to hold em and know when to fold em." Why would they play that for me? Now they're playing "I'm in the jail house now." what the f---. shut up already. My friends here, the wife beaters, rapists and pedophiles tell me that Jolly Joe took my show off the air. All I have to say is "Jolly Joe, Take this job and shove it." "I ain't a working here no more." Oh, gotta go now, they changes the menu for me. Said I'm something special. Bubba told me they gonna serve me that "polish sausage in the can". I can't wait.

  18. I always take Anonymous statements with a grain of salt, pass me the shaker.

    This is bordering along the lines of ridiculous, childish and foolish.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Who needs the FCC to intervene? You've done enough without the need for them to take action. "You're toast," as somebody used to say..

    If WGPA is toast..and it is not...by your definition any radio station that has shows you disagree with are also toast and should be shut down..Well that ain't the way it works....WGPA runs a disclaimer before each talk show whether it is a local or a national show...Still no answer on my question...
    WGPA by running his show has NOT violated FCC rules or regulations.
    Just because you disagree with their programming dose not mean the station has violated FCC Rules..
    If there was a big violation the station would have been notified within 24 hours of the violation...
    The said violation would have to be investigated at that point and if found guilty there would be public notice..

  20. Anonymous said...
    You people think I'm toast. Tune in tomorrow when I broadcast from the Northampton County Prison. you think I'm toast. lol I will perform live tonight (they let me out for Karaoke Night and I'll be singing that ole Country tune "If I had wings like an angel, over these prison walls I would fly." Gotta get outta here soon cause in the morning we're having left over ziti and ravioli. Why would they be serving me ziti and ravioli. I'm getting a conjugal visit from my very dear friend. No it isn't bubba. They keep singing Folsom prison blues and some kind of gambling song "know when to hold em and know when to fold em." Why would they play that for me? Now they're playing "I'm in the jail house now." what the f---. shut up already. My friends here, the wife beaters, rapists and pedophiles tell me that Jolly Joe took my show off the air. All I have to say is "Jolly Joe, Take this job and shove it." "I ain't a working here no more." Oh, gotta go now, they changes the menu for me. Said I'm something special. Bubba told me they gonna serve me that "polish sausage in the can". I can't wait.

    Nice try Bernie...we all know that was not Jimbo!

  21. I tuned in to Crappy 1100 this morning arond 7:15 only to hear oldies music in AM. Not sure what is worse, the poor music quality or the tag team of Crazy Jim, Trashia and the Budd Brain.

    Why do you think the FM stations dropped oldies?
    No listeners...

  22. @ 10:48

    I was just curious if it was Messy, or you, Budducks, yelling about the comment made regarding FCC violations. In fact, the FCC is for the most part, a toothless tiger. Any violations that did occur, like you being so inept that you missed hitting the delay on words like, "shit," aren't worth their time.

    Though you want to make an issue of someones comment regarding FCC violations, the real issue is you being an active participant in the harassment of a woman under the protection of a PFA and WGPA (Timmer) knowingly allowing such harassment to continue. You, Timmer, and WGPA will eventually be remembered for nothing except this lowest form of accepting money from anyone in order to feed Timmer's greed.

  23. According to Messacappa, the program hasn't been pulled. It's simply on "hold" because Gregonuts is in jail. Somehow, I don't see Timmer holding a show for 6 months, unless he's stupid enough to believe that Gregonuts is going to be released tomorrow.

    Gregory made a fool out of Judge Zito by breaking the trust given him to obey the PFA Order. He won't make that mistake again.

  24. If I were a betting man, and I am, you've seen and heard the last of this debacle on WGPA.
    They say there is no such thing as bad press so I don't think they will make this mistake again.


  25. Anonymous said...
    @ 10:48

    I was just curious if it was Messy, or you, Budducks, yelling about the comment made regarding FCC violations. In fact, the FCC is for the most part, a toothless tiger. Any violations that did occur, like you being so inept that you missed hitting the delay on words like, "shit," aren't worth their time.

    Though you want to make an issue of someones comment regarding FCC violations, the real issue is you being an active participant in the harassment of a woman under the protection of a PFA and WGPA (Timmer) knowingly allowing such harassment to continue. You, Timmer, and WGPA will eventually be remembered for nothing except this lowest form of accepting money from anyone in order to feed Timmer's greed.

    I am neither Budducks, BTW his name is Budd (By calling him Budducks makes you a person who defames)nor am I the person you call Messy, her last name is Mezzacappa (Again you defame). I happen to have known Budd for over 20 years. Budd did not participate in what you call harassment of Gregory's ex.. budd hates women beaters and the like..I know this because of a fight with my first wife..she threw dishes at me and I got up and took a swing at her and Budd decked me and his GF wrestled down his wife... Budd was pissed at me for a month after that..I went to anger management and have never lifted a finger to a woman again..So quit your lies about Budd. As far as Timmer accepting money for his show...WGPA is a business and in businesses run on money. Budd is a producer and board OP .. nothing else.
    If you don't like what WGPA is playing, turn the dial to another station...Like DIY... DIY likes playing the Liberal bullshit you must love.. BTW....
    Mz Mezzacappa has not violated any FCC Rules neither has WGPA or Budd with the exception of shit..no fine..
    Bernie you are a nobody with a blog and Budd is a nobody with a FCC License. The big difference between you two are that Budd has a job and you don't.. Budd has a life you don't..all you do is write lies that fit your agenda in a Blog.
    Nuff Said.

    1. Calling someone Buddocks or Messy is not defamation. Falsely accusing someone of pedophilia, assault, prostitution and pimping is per se defamatory. Timmer allowed Gregory to continue making these accusations. He allowed Mezzacappa to make them after Gregory was jailed for his conduct on the air. Producer Budd Williams participated in the public disclosure of private information, and then engaged in defamation himself by suggesting that the ex-girlfriend's mother was stalking. Many of these defamatory broadcasts have been archived and can be viewed right now. There is a clear basis for holding Timmer and Williams responsible for invasion of privacy, false light and defamation. Of them all, Timmer is most culpable and needs a message that a civilized society will not allow him to use the airwaves to abuse women, as Gregory has done in person.


  26. I dedicate this song to my mediterranean manslabness...

    Ain't no sunshine when you're gone...

  27. @ 10:48

    Not sure what to make of that?
    Are you trying to help or hurt WGPA?
    Budd has an FCC license, interesting.

  28. So you know all about abusing women. Figures.

    So, Timmer is about greed and will accept money from anyone, no matter if they harass a woman under protection. Figures.

    You think I'm Bernie. Figures.

    BTW, everybody dials to another station.

    And you are right. You have said, "'nuff."

  29. Anonymous Listener said...
    @ 10:48

    Not sure what to make of that?
    Are you trying to help or hurt WGPA?
    Budd has an FCC license, interesting.

    Since 1976

  30. @ 10:48

    Not sure what to make of that?
    Are you trying to help or hurt WGPA?
    Budd has an FCC license, interesting.

    Since 1976

    Are you talking about a Broadcast License or a C.B. Radio License?

  31. Anonymous Listener said...
    @ 10:48

    Not sure what to make of that?
    Are you trying to help or hurt WGPA?
    Budd has an FCC license, interesting.

    Are you talking about a Broadcast License or a C.B. Radio License?


  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Yesterday, I was the 666th caller on the prize line and won a dvd of Jim's greatest karaoke hits, a bag of locally made pork rinds, and an autographed photo of Jolly Joe's green teeth. What's your favorite child rape supporting station? Sunny 1100, WGPA!

  34. Producer Budd Williams participated in the public disclosure of private information, and then engaged in defamation himself by suggesting that the ex-girlfriend's mother was stalking.

    That is total bullshit and you know it..There have been several persons who have reviewedchrms that days show and Budd stated that the way ex GF's mother called him and Timmer was like they were being stalked by her but they also knew she was not..she was upset by what Gregory said about the both of them..Budd also went on to say he could not do anything about it because all he was doing was running the board and Gregory paid for his time on air and it was his show. Bernie you defame people all the time on your blog and you have no room to be doing that either..
    you are such a loser

  35. Unlike the troll you are, I've read on more than one occasion Bernie, himself, stating that the punishment he received because of his past actions are what he deserved.

    It's highly doubtful that Mezzacappa or Gregory will ever admit that what they did and continue to do were wrong.

  36. We ALL know these things about OHare. He's an ass and always has been. But YOU (T Mezz or the blog mental), try to distract from your crimes. Crawl back under the rock in Jersey you slithered from. You are hateful and will pay for it, in this life and the next. (not a threat). Bernie writes a great blog. I don't always agree with his stance, but I read it for NEWS everyday. He is Media, even if the Villian tries to deny it.

    PS OOppsy get a life and tell Jim hi when you arrive at NCP

    Sign me as NOT BERNIE

  37. I dunno...I'm a woman, and I'm definitely not in favor of women being abused, but how about us all taking a position against anybody being abused? Enough already. There is a place, of course, for the law, for lawyers, and for courts and for judges, but, as Gerald Celente has observed, we are falling apart and our only hope is a spiritual renewal. I am not recruiting for religion, but I am proposing we all focus on re-acquiring the attributes of common decency old farts like me learned at home and in school five and six and seven decades ago.

  38. @ 12:26

    I believe that was copied from another blog. Messycrapper frequently uses it when all else fails.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Producer Budd Williams participated in the public disclosure of private information, and then engaged in defamation himself by suggesting that the ex-girlfriend's mother was stalking.

    You do public disclosure of private information all the time here too so you are no different than WGPA.
    BTW what private inf did Budd allege to have said?

  40. anywhere we can listen to mezzacapp's show?

  41. Definition of Witness Intimidation Expanded.

    Calvin Lynch was convicted of witness intimidation and sentenced to 6 to 12 years in prison. The outcome of his appeal was published on pennlive.com (The Harrisburg Patriot-News) on August 1, 2013. Here's a portion of the news report:

    "A majority of the state judges concluded that Lynch's begging, even though it didn't involve any overt threats, constituted witness intimidation under state law. The three dissenting judges claimed that interpretation unjustifiably expands the bounds of Pennsylvania's witness intimidation statute...

    After his arrest, Lynch called the woman and sent her letters from prison. He vowed to build a new, peaceful and loving life with her and their children if she refused to testify against him in the assault case...

    In appealing his witness intimidation conviction, Lynch, 35, argued that his pleading with his battered girlfriend didn't violate the law. He was begging and promising, not threatening, he claimed.

    Yet in the Superior Court's majority ruling, former President Judge Correale F. Stevens concluded that Lynch's actions constituted illegal tampering with the justice system. In essence, Lynch tried to emotionally bribe his victim, Stevens found...

    Stevens penned the opinion in the Lynch case shortly before being sworn in this week as the newest justice of the state Supreme Court."

    1. Clinton, this is a very recent decision and quite powerful. But I decided to let the police, sheriffs and DAs do their job and not inject myself. They can look at things objectively.

  42. "Yet in the Superior Court's majority ruling, former President Judge Correale F. Stevens concluded that Lynch's actions constituted illegal tampering with the justice system. In essence, Lynch tried to emotionally bribe his victim, Stevens found..."

    The same action's Jim Gregory instituted against his Victim?

  43. Giving this man a show to spew his hatred and nuttiness is ridiculous. I hope this ends this radio station.

  44. Mr. O'Hare

    You do delete anything that sounds logical, fortunately I took a screen shot before you deleted your faults here.
    One sided unless people disagree with you.

  45. "One sided unless people disagree with you. 3:34 PM"

    Except we, as consumer's of this Blog, all agree Bernie is correct in bringing these issue's to the Public's attention. Why else would we Participate?

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. @ 4:10 PM

    Creating your OWN blog, on Blogger, is quite easy. Then, you may say anything you want. Basically, it is His blog, & he is allowed to be subjective/objective as to it's content/comment's, as he pleases.

  48. @4:10

    He makes his policy towards comments quite clear. You can find it at the upper right portion of this page. Right above the box you used to submit your comment.

  49. "Except we, as consumer's of this Blog, all agree Bernie is correct in bringing these issue's to the Public's attention. Why else would we Participate?"

    what he said...

  50. 3:34, I deleted two comments that come from your Blog Mentor, whose entries are not permitted her, but have been posted literally hundreds of times at various places. They are also OT and have nothing to do with this story. Finally, you don't ID yourself, though we all know it is Tricia Mezzacappa.

  51. It is amazing, the amount of Validation that Jim & Tricia credit Bernie O'Hare, & his Blogging's, with bringing them to Justice, in front of a Judge.

    No personal acceptance of responsibility, whatsoever!

  52. Bernie,

    I can't find the archives on WGPA's website. When I click on the archives link, I can't find those archived Gregory shows. What am I doing wrong? Can you put a link to them on your blog? Thanks!

  53. 4:52, I had no intention of posting a link to shows that defame me and others. But I went to check and notice that, since my post originally published, WGPA has removed the archives. There really was no excuse for archiving that filth, and I am glad it is gone. It will reduce your damages. Now you need to apologize to the two women you hurt and make amends with them. You should probably also offer Gregory's remaining air time to Turning Point.

  54. Bernie,

    I assume you will be at the courthouse tomorrow when Gregory appears. A reader commented that they sent the prison administrator notice of Mezzacappa's blog about Gregory's ex. Being she acted as a co-host and then the host of his "show," do let us know if the Gregory-Mezzacappa connection is presented to Judge Zito. It isn't much of a stretch to make a case of her acting under his direction and repeating (albeit with more vulgarity) the same verbal harassment tactics Gregory used during his broadcasts.

  55. It seems they're gone for good.

    The station's schedule now has "Arrested" in the time block that JG's show was.

  56. Just "Arrested"? Should read, "Arrested Development".

  57. 5:12, I had a neutral friend read the post and, though she thought it was disgusting, she did not see intimidation. I do, but I don't trust myself to be objective. We shall see what happens tomorrow. I will be there.

  58. I felt the intimidation factor was more in the comments she posted, citing archaic penalties. Seemed to me it was done in a threatening manner, especially when one of her comments states, "...yes, we need to go back to ancient times of stoning whores and sluts in public."

    In any event, Gregory's ex should have no problem getting a restraining order on KraZy Trish.

  59. You people See the forment, Jim & Tricia create, yet, y'all are unable to grasp it's signifigance, as you are unfamiliar, with this behavior.

  60. Bernie, the PFA hearing is at 11 AM, correct? Do you know what courtroom?

  61. Hi Jon, It is at 11 AM, Courtroom 2, Judge Zito. I can't imagine it lasting very long, although Gregory will try to turn it into an ordeal.

  62. Who is going to represent Gregory? For his sake it better not be himself!

  63. Hard to say. He might represent himself.

  64. You Sir, are to be commended, for your Intestinal Fortitude, as well as Certitude, in Handling this matter, in a Legal, Lawfull way.

  65. All 3 of you are an embarrassment .

  66. "I had a neutral friend read the post and, though she thought it was disgusting, she did not see intimidation."

    I see criminal harassment as misdemeanor of the third degree.

  67. Using Online Media to Criminally Harass.

    From the Pennsylvania Record, on August 7, 2013:

    "A state appellate court panel has affirmed a ruling by a trial judge who decided criminal charges were appropriate in the case of a teenager who posted on a social media website lewd comments about another girl.

    Three judges with the Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed on Aug. 2 an earlier judgment by the Lebanon County Common Pleas Court in a case involving Lindsey Marie Cox, an 18-year-old who posted a comment to her Facebook page that said the other teen had the sexually transmitted disease genital herpes...

    The panel wrote that while Cox has expressed remorse for the “ill-conceived but intentionally harmful posting on Facebook, the jury assessed the evidence and found the publication on the internet was criminal harassment. There was no error in the trial court’s refusal to reverse the verdict.”

    The decision was written by Superior Court Judge Christine L. Donohue."

  68. bernie and rudas are pen pals

  69. @"the jury assessed the evidence and found the publication on the internet was criminal harassment"

    You don't scare Me!

  70. Get a life you bunch of muppets

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. Clinton, I cannot allow that comment.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. @"I dare you to keep this comment up. I don't care how many of his people see this. You are all no good. 10:21 PM"

    Your little games are Pathetic. Your Motive's are Transparent.

  75. Tomorrow the mouth that roars will be set free. He did not contact his ex and as such is innocent. Hopefully he will be back exposing corruption in local government. He is strong and his spirit is not broken.

    Some think he will shrink from this adversity but he will not. He has said he is not afraid to speak the truth to the powers that have tried to silence him.

    As he said before, the gloves come off after he is released tomorrow.

  76. " He is strong and his spirit is not broken"

    no, but i'll bet his sphincter is...

  77. he is not afraid to speak the truth

    When did that happen? I listened last week and didn't hear any truth. All I heard were love songs and two morons airing their personal grievances under the false veil of being a legitimate PAC.

  78. In reference to 11:31 p.m. The only truth that I see is that he has two PFA's against him; one from his own family. He has tried numerous times to harass and intimidate his ex which resulted in contempt of court charges. He had search warrants issued against him. He has been put in prison more than once. He has a parole officer. He doesn't seem to want to face reality. He abuses and bullies women. He certainly is not the winner he wants everyone to believe he is. Bottom line is he is a criminal doing time in prison. I hope the court keeps him in prison or send him to a mental health facility to get the help he clearly needs. I cannot imagine how his ex or her Mother feel after what they had to listen to on his radio show let alone what was posted on WEFP. They need to be protected from him.

  79. Witness intimidation, stalking and criminal harassment are in play against JG and TM. A lot will depend on how the victim and her mother elect to proceed. If it were my sister and mother, I would advise them to show no mercy.

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  82. What's the verdict on Gregarious?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.