Local Government TV

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wind Gap Pilot Wants Matt Cartwright's Job

Hailing from the economically depressed Scranton area, Congressman Matt Cartwright has devoted his career to fighting for the working man. Certainly more liberal than predecessor Tim Holden, he calls himself a "Roosevelt Democrat." So it should come as no surprise that a more conservative candidate would want to replace the first-term Congressman.

That would be Matt Dietz, a commercial pilot from Wind Gap who started out as a baggage handler. Although his flyer contains little detail about Dietz' background, it makes pretty clear that he is pro-life. Does this mean he opposes the death penalty?

He also tells us he's pro Second Amendment. What the Hell does that mean? I don't see any movement out there to repeal the right to bear arms. Does he supports goofs like Gilberton's Mark Kessler or West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa? Does he advocate people packing inside government buildings? Does he support the right of the mentally ill to bear arms? Does he think the three people who were recently shot to death just a stone's throw from his home, during a meeting at Ross Township, had it coming?

Of all the issues facing this nation, I would think Diet's primary focus would be on improving our economy, not telling women what they can't do with their own bodies while simultaneously allowing men to walk around with bazookas.

He does have cute kids, and I look forward to confronting him on why he would place emphasis on abortion and gun nuts when we have so many real problems.


  1. Bernie,Please don't lump the 2nd Amendment with the unscrupulous. I would say that most firearms handles learned from their father and to intentionally mis-handle them would be like a Catholic church member throwing around a bible,this would show dis-respect , you don't see it happen. Got to go out .Be nice.

  2. He sounds like a real American.

  3. I wish I had the money to move into his district so I could vote for him

  4. What qualifications does he bring to the table. Seems like no local governmental experience to speak of. But at least he is trying, instead of just complaining about the state of our country. With that said, be seems way to conservative for me. Also, is he a tea party member? His flyer seems like he has all the making of a tea party extremist.

  5. Peter, Why is it even necessary to start talking about it unless he is playing to the nutz?

  6. Matt Cartwright has done nothing but increase the burden of this working person. And 800,000 mostly convenience abortions per year is very important to the non-ghoul voter. You ripped off clients over a few bottles of scotch. Your moral compass was tossed a long time ago. Your feigned outrage is humorous, though. Keep typing.

  7. He is right and we are wrong. We should make it next to impossible for women to have abortions so they can continue drowning them in toilet bowls. We should continue letting anyone have a firearm so nut jobs like mexxacappa can carry weapons. We need more elected officials like our present Governor who thinks it is right to rape the land and not tax those for polluting it like the shale industry. This asshole gets my vote.

  8. Home is where you hang your hat, BOH.

  9. Doesn't Pro-life mean the right to basic and affordable healthcare too?

    Does 2nd Amendment rights of unstable fanatics infringe upon another's life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

    Where does he stand on Unions? Are unions good for pilots and airline worker s but bad for others?

  10. Let's save kids from drowning in toilets by sucking their limbs from the womb and disposing them with hemorrhoids and incised warts - that is, except for the parts we perform grisly experiments upon. In a world of protected choice, the toilet death holds a bit dignity. At least the toilet baby gets a proper burial.

  11. "Matt Dietz on the issues" lists four bullet points on his approach to issues that will directly impact the economy, in much more detail than general statements of being "Pro Life" and "Pro 2nd Amendment".

    But you picked those two things to rail on. You see bazooka advocacy where a reasonable interpretation might be that he won't stand for knee jerk reactions to acute tradgedies.

    Looks like he's FOR protecting us against the incremental erosion of a Right the Founders saw fit to specifically delineate in the Constitution, 2nd in importance only to - and absolutely necessary for - the preservation of the freedoms they put at the top of the list. Concurrently, he is apparently AGAINST killing innocent babies for convenience, a right which did not exist until an activist SCOTUS made it up with some ouija board interpretation/bastardization of the due process clause in the 14th. To reach the semantically sensitive, however, Mr. Dietz may need to re-word it to "Pro Innocent Life", to differentiate innocent and defenseless babies from the garbage for whom capital punishment is just reward.


  12. Clem, In LARGE TYPE om his flyer, Matt makes claer that his two top priorities are pro-life and 2d Amendment. I think it is fair to point that out and ask if these are the two issues that bother us most.

  13. Dietz recognizes that these are two issues that bother many of us. He sees the moral imperative to protect innocent life and the 2nd Amendment, and does not see doing so as mutually exclusive of attending to the rest of the people's business. Unlike Obama, he appears willing to multi-task.

    Why, just today, it was reported that Obamraham Lincoln issued another usurpatious EO to limit the 2nd. I think that is 24 times so far, since Sandy Hook. Without resistance through election of people like Dietz, this will continue until such a "movement", as you suggest is currently not underway, would be moot.


  14. 6:49 -

    Tea Party Extremist?

    I love the way the left likes to attack and marginalize people.

    The people I've encountered in the Tea Party are rightly concerned about out-of-control government spending that is bankrupting our nation and enslaving our children and grandchildren into paying for our lack of self control. That's a concern of many common sense democrats, republicans and independents.

    It would seem to me that the real extremists are not the Tea Party or those who share their concerns. The Extremists would be those trying to mischaracterize the group to perpetuate the generational theft that we are witnessing and provide cover for the politicians behind it.

  15. Tea Party people I know are really not extreme ,they are partly on the right ,and show up and voice! They pay taxes, send their kids to college don't get arrested and don't cause any trouble as a group.They own nice properties and are responsible people.They pay for America, and other groups just may suck wind,and consume their "BENEFITS". I am not a member, I am making an observation of what I have seen.I think they are sticking up for their interest, and are sick of the PARASITICAL PEOPLE that just suck this county dry.

  16. By the way, Our President 1 year ago said something about crossing the line with chemical weapons, Well he is now full of hot air in Syria, again. AND my comment about ASK MR DENT ABOUT what happened in Libya, it's on they net, Today's cartoon say's it all. Because he was in a RE-Elected campaign he did not tell us what happened at the Consulates property.They got hung out to dry.

  17. Peter, I would tend to agree with you about most tea party types. Most of them are decent people.

  18. Matt is not a Tea Party member. Being pro baby differentiates him from Cartwright who has no respect for babies in the womb.

  19. I got it. Being a tea party member is no sin. I just question his emphasis on these two issues, which appeal to the hard right and no one else.

  20. 11:39 -

    Thanks for the fine example of tolerance for opposing viewpoints as practiced by the extreme left.

    Your hate-filled rant is packed with lies, and more and more people - of all parties - aren't falling for it any more.

    You are the extremist, not the good and decent people of the Tea Party.

  21. Tolerance for hatred is not tolerance at all. Baggers offer no solutions just complaints and whining. So far the tea party has exposed hatred for government when they do not get their way.

    Sad for the Republic, sad for the community.

    If the profile fits, too damn bad. You are angry people without any real understanding of social history in this country. Mainly angry people who feel justified in "their" pensions and "their" paid for healthcare but mad that others want the same.

    Come out from your gated communities and your exclusive golf clubs and live real life.

    The Constitution is a living document created to be amended by mortal men, not Gods. Are you aware the original constitution was the product of angry fights and tremendous compromise by people who were not Gods but people. Dispite their wisdom they allowed slavery, knowing that one day it would tear the nation apart. So let us keep a realistic perspective of life and history. We are a nation of laws created by imperfect beings , not the product of Gods.

    Grow up!

  22. Anon 11;39-Good morning. I could easily take what you said and substitute 'TEA BAG" or ,"HANNITY" for 50 YEARS AGO THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON,--------get it? How are most of them doing compared to yourself? I'm blue collar ,they do better than me. Maybe you and me should join up?

  23. 1:14 -

    You've made it perfectly clear who is filled with hate.

    Thank you.

  24. The Tea Party is the newest form of the Confederacy. The analogy is spot on. They will be defeated the same as Johnny Rebel. Might as well be waving the Stars and Bars and just come out of the closet once and for all. Abe Lincoln is turning over in his grave..

  25. The Tea Party is the newest group of whiney, I got mine screw you yuppies to come down the pike. They have grown out of the Fox buffet "news" era. Remind me of the old "know nothing" Party of the early 20th century.

    They have a touch of libertarianism but will boo Ron Paul on many real libertarian issues. They hate government unless it is helping them.

    They see themselves as victims and as holding up the entire system by themselves.

    They do resemble the new confederacy to a degree. They should read some excellent books on the inner workings of the confederacy one by Jefferson Davis the President of the CSA. He had to constantly fight with confederate states that just decided to stop contributing or leave the battle if they felt like it. Even he claimed you have to be willing to do "some" things you don't like.

    Many of the baggers get Disability, Social Security and even public pensions. However, they feel they are justified and those in the workforce today do not deserve any of the same benefits they are getting.

    Most are zealots who will bore the pants off you with out of context quotes from founding fathers. Reality is their biggest foe, so they create their own.

    When you challenge them they call you haters. Its a middle school girl thing.

  26. 12:45 -

    OMG! You prove the point that it is the Left that is filled with hate with every lie-filled post you write!

    The Tea Party couldn't afford to pay someone to document all the hate that you and your friends on the Left have, and yet here you are providing it for free with each post.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work.

  27. 2:08 -

    I know you can't help yourself.

    Please, write more.

  28. When it comes to the teabaggers, it almost writes itself. Scary people.

  29. The far right is as scary as the far left. Common sense rules the middle ground and that's where I will make my stand along with Monroe, Adams, and Tom Jefferson. The Grand Experiment continues..unabated and stands firm against tyranny from both of the radical ends of the political spectrum. Lincoln was a genius and a true American icon.

  30. Scary to think that Abe Lincoln and even Ronald Reagan would not pass the modern Tea Party litmus test.

  31. Great Point 3:45, as time goes on most voters are as disgusted with the tea party extremists as they are with the far left whackos.

    Best to keep them both away from responsible government.

  32. "Bagger" dweeb -

    One of Lincoln's best friends was Alexander Stephens. You think he didn't know his friend's heart? Who chooses, for a friend, someone whose character is as evil as the Lincoln cult's opinion of Stephens?
    (Oh, Lincoln didn't really like Stephens, he was just playing him, right?) Always an excuse for Lincoln, just like Obama. No matter their words and actions, always a justification from the crowd that refuses to accept the full truth about the Liberator.

    Lincoln was a railroad whore, a Constitution shredder, treaty breaker, political and spiritual chameleon. He approved Sherman's and Sheridan's rape and pillage of civilians, Pope's slaughter of the Indians and reinstated a General who had been removed for dispicable and heinous acts. This is the tip of the iceberg, cultists.

    Lincoln despised people like Lysander Spooner and Thaddeus Stevens. He and his supporters simply wanted the South to fill the trough at a rate of over 3 dollars to 1 vs the North, despite the South being only 30 or so percent of the population, to build their Hamiltonian "utopia". Read his first inaugural address, or the Emancipation itself, which did not, conveniently, free slaves in territory aligned with the North. Read something other than Doris Kearns Lewinsky.

    You will stand with Jefferson? In the middle? Really? Thanks for the chuckle. Jefferson would own the tea party if he were here today, genius. Jefferson knew the Lincolns (Hamiltons) were always there, ready to commandeer for their own ends, and that they would do anything to make it happen. And, eventually, they got their way. Today's bloated, massive, wasteful, overbearing, and oppressive central government monster can be traced directly to Lincoln.

    You are absolutely correct on one point. Lincoln would never, ever have been supported by the Tea Party. However, it would have been for those reasons above, not because you want to play the race card.

    If this country is going to continue to elect Lincolns, we are definitely gonna need guys like Dietz to keep them in check.


  33. Sorry Clem..the tea party ship has sailed. Nice try but nobody except those living in privilege bought their crap. They will be thrown out of the congress soon enough. Obstructionism is not a real platform unless you have legit solutions to what you want to stop. The tea party has no ideas of any worth to the majority of America. Stick a sock in it bub!

  34. The British referred to our patriots as "CONFEDERATES" in 1776. Don't for get history.

  35. I'm sure you could have done a better job than Abe did if you had been given the chance. Don't know what Lincoln bio books you are reading..were they printed by the KKK? I'll take Abe over your sorry butt any day, thank you.

  36. 6;16 ----- They will not be out of congress soon, the "entitlement group"will be out on the next cycle. We can not continue to pay non-productive accounts.Something will give and it will be the "takers".When this "food stamp President' is gone a storm of revocations will occur.

  37. Wishful thinking on your part Petey! Stomp your feet and yell a little louder..loser!

  38. Stomp my feet? Well is goes like this , I live in a entry level college hill house. I go to work and my wife too. We pay taxes and try to rear our TWO KIDS that I thought we could afford, not 5 . Next door a woman that does not work, and 14 years younger. has four kids no spouse and hardly ever even comes out of the house!Sometimes can't even get the garbage cans out on time. How does she do it ? For Christ sake the cable bills are even out of hand. Same type of house ,same neighborhood ,yet she does not have to work .The money has to come from the tax payers who have their own worry's. Is this right?

  39. Now your personal ! One more thing before I hit the sake , You call me a loser? Stand off from me at 400 yards and see , put your pathetic name on this web you coward, you can not hang ,except from a bridge!

  40. Boo Hoo Hoo. Cry me a river you overprivileged user of the system you complain others use. What an elitist creep you are. Power to the people.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm sure you could have done a better job than Abe did if you had been given the chance. Don't know what Lincoln bio books you are reading..were they printed by the KKK? I'll take Abe over your sorry butt any day, thank you.

    6:29 PM

    Godwin is applicable to the Nazi fallback. Not sure the equivalent for the simpleton who invokes KKK.

    You are unlearned and. obviously, unread beyond middle school text.

    Keep your eyes closed and tap your ruby slippers three times, LIV.



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