Local Government TV

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Should Lame Ducks Attend County Conference

CCAP is a statewide organization of Pennsylvania's 67 counties, a place where county officials can compare notes and take action against declining human services revenues and other absurdities. Their annual meeting this year will be in Erie, which is no Honolulu. The most exciting thing to do there is go to Toledo.

Executive John Stoffa and Council President John Cusick are going anyway. They're wonks. But amazingly, I've heard some quiet grumbles that it's a "junket" and taxpayers should not foot the bill for two lameducks.

I have a different view. While their terms of office expire at the end of the year, they will both learn things at this conference that might actually save the county taxpayers more money than is spent to send them there. Plus, I don't see any other Council members stepping forward.

Most of them have dentist appointments.

As a bottom-feeding blogger, I have a reputation to uphold. So I asked both Cusick and Stoffa to respond to this supposed taxpayer rip-off. Here's what they tell me.

John Cusick: I would first point out that I was elected to a 4-year term and intend to fully serve as I have for the last 7.5 years. I have no doubt there will be issues and concerns raised at the conference that will impact Northampton County as we head into the 2014 budget season. I am also a member of the CCAP Board of Directors and chair the Assessment and Taxation Committee which obligates me to appear and conduct that committee meeting. Additionally we were invited and are scheduled to present a breakout session at the conference on the success of the Citizen’s Academy class that was offered in Northampton County last year. Finally I personally have not ruled out running for or serving in county government in the future should the right opportunity present itself.

John Stoffa: "I serve on 3 statewide committees including (1) courts and corrections, (2) CCAP statewide priorities and (3) voting reform, which i suggested. On Wednesday, John and I are presenting a workshop on our Citizens Academy for all attendees statewide. Finally, I would like to applaud John Cusick for his dedication and full attendance at these conferences. He and I are the only ones from Northampton County who attend regularly. John could have become state president if he wanted and is well respected statewide. Attendance is invaluable. It is the only time I charge mileage and conference attendance costs to the taxpayers. I have absorbed thousands of dollars in mileage costs and fees over my 8 years and have never once used a county car on routine business. You should write about this as well."


  1. Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit!!!

    You really can't distinguish reality from your mancrushes.

  2. Ah yes, the famous this is all about me routine from Stoffa. Look how great I am by talking about Cusick and you are lucky to have me in the county. If you don't feel that way, you are the ass!. good old vintage Stoffa.

    You are out the door, just go away old man. No one cares nor can anyone verify what you have spent of your own money(all earned your entire life on the public tit).

    Just go away. I guess another conference for him to talk about hadrons and high heels is a small price to pay for him to just go away.

    Eight years of conferences and when the news asked him why Gracedale is over budget , he gave the now forever enshrined Stoffa response, "I have no idea how that happened".

    If that is a commercial for his committees and the CCAP conference Thank God no one goes.

  3. Gracedale will never break even and will cause taxes to rise, make no bones about it. Stoffa was right ,is right , and will be right.

  4. Stoffa is a self-aggrandizing ass, make no bones about it. He was an ass, is an ass, and will always be an ass.

    His lies and attempts to sabotage Gracedale will end in 2014, Thank God. Just like the voters ended the other liar Angle.

    Had Cusick not been such a compliant pawn with the other Tea party Republicans in the scheme, he would at this time running for re-election. He and the others know they would get crushed at the polls. Thank you Mr. Stoffa.

    Once Stoffa and his pawns are gone, we can finally piece together the Truth. Something he has never had a good relationship with.

  5. boondoggle - plain and simple

  6. erie's actually pretty far from toledo

  7. They should go on their own dime.
    Period. Why not show respect for the taxpayer.

  8. They are still in office so to speak. It is their obligation to attend.

  9. "Stoffa is a self-aggrandizing ass,"

    This from someone who won't sign his name.

  10. "You really can't distinguish reality from your mancrushes."

    You can day that about Stoffa, but not Cusick. I have taken him to task as often as I've agreed with him.

    But as far as i am concerned, Cusick and Stoffa ere elected to serve until the end of the year. The trip to Erie is no junket and will likely be of benefit to the county.

  11. You can really see the Gracedale goons at thier best just by thier comments above. I just can't wait until that place finally gets sold at the end of the 5 years. Talk about whats bleeding the taxpayers more than a small trip to a conference that will cost peanuts compared to whats spent there on the overpriced goons that work there.

  12. "Gracedale will never break even and will cause taxes to rise, make no bones about it. Stoffa was right ,is right , and will be right"

    And MIA McClure claims Stoffa has no credibility and is playing politics. rellay? It lost money last year, the year before and is losing money this year. This is the 3rd year in a row, with all kinds of concessions from the union. Where the hell are those revenues, McClure? I think it's time to say safely that you are simply full of shit and that Stoffa was and is right.

    Now do we sell? No. The voters said No. They said they were willing to fund it. The question in my mind is where is the red line.

  13. Here's what is sad. Mr. Stoffa easily could pay for this trip and not be subjected to anyone's negative feelings. Why wouldn't he?
    He is almost out of office and now he has a dark cloud over his service.

  14. Here's what is sad. Mr. Stoffa easily could pay for this trip and not be subjected to anyone's negative feelings. Why wouldn't he?
    He is almost out of office and now he has a dark cloud over his service.

  15. It's time for Casino Callahan to address how he's going to pay for the giant sucking hole that is Gracedale.

    But you won't press him on it, will you, Bernie? That would be an uncomfortable conversation and one you'll not expose prior to the election.

    John Stoffa was right all along. And now Callahan, enabled by you, will get a pass and we'll forget the admonishments of the Quiet Man.

    I wish you were as honest a broker as Stoffa. You've already gone native for the old style pay-to-play politics Stoffa rejected and abhorred. If his tawdry administration was properly investigated for some of the things posted on this blog prior to flip flop on him, Callahan would likely be under indictment. That's quite a contrast with John Stoffa. And one Charlie Dent clearly warned voters about just two years ago.

  16. So am I to understand that John Brown has endorsed selling Gracedale? Callahan spelled out his position on Gracedale pretty clearly. I did not have to press him. He made his announcement there. He pledged to keep it on the day he announced. That is his position. He spoke about it in numerous debates. he endorsed keeping Gracedale despite being attacked by the fake rev and other lunatics for not being pure enough.

    John Stoffa did abhor pay to play politics, and if he were running, I would vote for him.

    But between Brown and Callahan, Callahan is clearly more ready and capable.

  17. "He is almost out of office and now he has a dark cloud over his service."

    Maybe in your mind.

  18. Don't know much about Brown and don't like what I've read. I do like Charlie Dent and he was very clear about staying away from the ethical mess and dishonesty that characterizes John Callahan.

    It's hard to believe Brown is that bad. Dent has endorsed him and warned us to stay far away from Callahan. That's good enough for me right now.

  19. "John Stoffa did abhor pay to play politics, and if he were running, I would vote for him"

    Well at least he would get one vote. Make that two, he always votes for himself.


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