Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No Livestream For Gregory's Radio Show

Jim Gregory's radio guest today was Wicked Witch of West Easton Tricia Mezzacappa. She repeated most of the accusations that led to my libel judgment against her. Jim Gregory and WGPA were obviously aware what she would say. Gregory actually encouraged her and participated in defamation in a matter in which a libel judgment has already been entered. Judge Edward Smith has previously ruled that many of the statements attributed to Mezzacappa are libel per se. She repeated nearly all of them on Joe Timmer's radio station over the entire one-hour broadcast.

I was able to hear the broadcast in Nazareth. But for some strange reason, the livestream was not working, so I have no recording. But Timmer does. He records every broadcast.

I intend to ask my attorney to sue both Gregory and Timmer.

Gregory still has no sponsors, but claims to have enough to keep the show going for three more weeks.


  1. But he can plug his psychologist....court ordered psychologist?

  2. The live stream actually returned after about 5 minutes. People should watch it for the video included.

    Mazzacappa couldn't help grinning when Gregory said Mezz didn't own the West Easton Foot Print blog and she continued the lie. She must take everyone for fools.

    Loved it when Gregory said is he smarter than 98% of the world's population and will invite Judge Zito as a guest. Riiiiiiight, like Zito would be dumb enough to discuss Gregory's conviction and his decision.

    BTW, the video broadcast showed them giving themselves a "high 5" when the broadcast ended. Yeah, you both sure fooled all of us with your Mensa genius.

  3. The video high five was great...they both are truly legends in their own minds!!

  4. Well, there is NO doubt programs like today's need to be analyzed from a legally appropriate standard.

    That was crude in many ways. Legal, I don't know. Distasteful?
    Big time.

    I suppose, if WGPA can offer any legal defense it will be that Bernie is a public figure and subject to this kind of thing. Same could be said for for both Jim and Trish. No?

    That station uses a delay, has a "kill" switch, etc. For some reason, this kind of crude beat down doesn't justify using it.

    Actually, I believe WGPA has more culpability here than the show host. It can't use the insanity defense.

  5. She did make some pretty libelous accusations on air. Same stuff that she repeats on her blog. One question I would have asked of her is, if you kicked and hurt her pig by viciously attacking it, why did she go out to dinner with you, afterward? Any chick I've known would have had me leave if I abused something she says she loves so much.

  6. Gregory plugging potential sponsors was a really bad idea for those people. I know where I won't be getting my hair cut and if the psychologist is Gregory's, the guy should have told Gregory not to mention his services. It tells me he isn't good at his chosen profession.

  7. I think that WGPA and Jolly Joe would be subject to a defamation case if they allow such comments to be disseminated. BO probably would only have to have a lawyer send Joe an official notice that he will sue UNLESS this show is immediately taken off the air. Joe will take them off guaranteed. Get on it Bernie!!


    I know their "Enemies List" has a lot more people on it than the handful they trashed this morning.

    Who does Gregory support in the upcoming election?

    Oh, that's right, he can't remember who he supports... You support "Seth Vaugn," Jim. "Seth Vaugn." Try to remember next time, Mr. Mensa Genius.


  9. Maybe JIm's "Ladies of the Night" can sponsor him.....how much? $250!

  10. 10:00< Even public figures may sue for defamation if it is knowingly false. That is the case. Mezzacappa knows she is lying, as do Gregory and Timmer. Gregory has previously told me, in no uncertain terms, that Mezzacappa is insane, but will host her as a guest in an effort to destroy my credibility. i though Timmer had overcome his disdain for me, and was actually touched when he called me a few weeks ago. Apparently, he had another agenda, and is still miffed over his Angle experience, and is using Gregory and Mezzacappa to pursue a vendetta. These are not the usual accusation,s but outright claims of criminal behavior, and i intend to sue.

  11. I intend to ask my attorney to sue both Gregory and Timmer.

    Apparently, Timmer never did get over his anger at you from years ago. He took a huge gamble today in allowing Mezzacappa to speak. I wonder if he'll be so foolish in the future.

  12. Apparently, while I was typing, so were you.

  13. Orclownski hasn't won a case in ages, you're gonna get treated like a rented mule against a pro se defendant.

  14. I love the claim that i am being paid by Callahan. Asifde from being untrue, who is=n Callahan's camp would talk to her about anything? For that matter, who in Brown's camp would talk to her about anything? It is an obvious lie, made to discredit. That's political, and i can handle that kind of nonsense. What I can't tolerate, and won't tolerate, is being portrayed falsely as a violent and dangerous predator.

  15. 10:34, aka Mezzacappa, you have already lost the libel case I filed against you, but are apparently too stupid to know it, or think that lying about it will make it go away. When we soon file for a trial on the issue of damages, you will find out.

  16. Jim G, your show is building steam there is a buzz in the Valley Regarding your entrance into the AM airwaves. I was at Williams Family Diner around 9 am and the regulars at the counter were having a lengthy discussion on how much you improved in just one day.
    Some thoughts on potential future guests who can help you in your crusade against the author of this hate blog, Reverend Mario Martinez, Donald Del Masso, The Blog Mentor, Rolf Oeler, Lamont McClure, and Glenn Reibman.
    Don't focus exclusively on destroying O'Hare touch a bit on your Tae Kwon Do background, manscaping, tanning, and milf hunting. Jim you rock and I will be online every weekday to hear the mouth that roared!

  17. Timmer is the real culprit here, giving a show to a clown like Gregory. Hope you sue him to the point where he loses his pathetic little station.

  18. 10:59 nice try Gregory. The only "buzz" is the noise of flies circling around that pile of crap you call a show. Bring on that cast of losers to add to the filth you have already spewed on the valley. Just another day in court for you and another stay at the gray bar hotel.

  19. Jim,

    I'd like to hear more about the size of your package and how you are recorded having sex without your knowledge.

  20. Bernie,
    Not only are you the boy that was picked last you are also the boy who took his ball and ran home when he didn't get picked or had his own way. You have been slamming various people on your blog and they can sue you for libel and defamation as well. Grow up and be a man for once.
    You sound like a whiny bit*h

    1. Mezzacappa, falsely accusing someone of disgusting criminal behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. I will be seeking damages against you soon, and intend to sue both Gregory and Timmer for what can only be described as a malicious, hour-long, defamation.

  21. Mezzacappa 10:59 said "Some thoughts on potential future guests who can help you in your crusade against the author of this hate blog, Reverend Mario Martinez, Donald Del Masso, The Blog Mentor, Rolf Oeler, Lamont McClure, and Glenn Reibman."...Jim you rock and I will be online every weekday to hear the mouth that roared!

    That list of guest combined would be about as interesting as having a deaf mute on as a guest. How about changing the name to "mouth that spits leaving prison and makes listeners yawn"

  22. Bernie,

    This is a little off topic but relevant. Mezzacappa's recent filing of a PFA petition against you contained the false statement that the two of you had an intimate relationship. Making that false statement was the only way she could get her PFA case on the docket.

    The problem for her is that Judge Anthony Beltrami had already ruled that the two of your were not "family or household members." Go back and read Judge Beltrami's Opinion of March 6, 2013. Check out page 11 of the judge's opinion and footnote 10. This is the opinion in which he dismissed her request for a restraining order, etc.

    I think you have a great case against Mezzacappa for knowingly making a false statement in her PFA petition. Judge Beltrami clearly said Mezzacappa did not qualify for relief under the PFA statute.

    What about a private criminal complaint? The evidence is clear. She lied, abused the judicial process and wasted the valuable time of the Easton police chief and several others she chose to subpoena.

    1. There are actually numerous examples of knowing false statements. Although I consider it an affront to me,I am reluctant to ask a pro-speech DA to devote prosecutorial resources to her lies. When he believes they've reached the point where they hamper his office, he'll act on his own. In the meantime, I will seek justice thru the civil process. Thanks.

  23. Unlike Gregory who spent 20 minutes of his time discussing his ex and how he was wronged. By the way, Jim, Zito did not release you because he thought you were innocent. He thought you might have learned your lesson. You obviously haven't.

  24. In my humble opinion, you should get someone like Alex Rodriquez's attorney Joe Tacopina. That would stop this insanity and fast.

  25. I especially liked Mezzacappa stating you post all the comments on this blog. There's a kettle calling the pot black. With the exception of the recent inclusion of that nut with the Northampton County blog, the anonymous comments on her own blog are easily recognized as being from her, as are the numerous aliases she uses on LehighValleyLive.com.

  26. I only post under my own name, but have been accused of posting anonymously since i started blogging. These people accuse me of what they do.

  27. LMAO

    Is anyone surprised that BO states and acts like a sissy?

    If this was the 70s, this would have been taken care of already. But since we live in a litigious society now w laws to protect freeloaders and schemers we have this drama.

  28. Two sick nuts with a forum.

  29. Once again, I am FAR more disappointed with WGPA for providing such a forum.

    I mean, could the FCC possibly believe this type of airways prostitution represents "in the public interest?"

    Shame on Jolly Joe.

  30. 11:47, I don't know what world you come from, but I come from a world where laws exist so violence does not have to be the answer.

  31. Gregory definitely still has an unhealthy interest in his ex.

  32. By weeks end, JG will be a well oiled machine!!!
    Lol 8

  33. Bernie Give Timmer a fair warning, he is getting up there in year a libel suit at this point just puts stress on his ticker. We need him at musikfest and during the events at the grove, polka is a way of life for some!

  34. Jim, todays radio show was stupid and boring....not because you spoke about BO, but because that is the ONLY thing you really spoke about. Where are all the BIG SECRETS? Where is all the information the PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW? Topics today were to include the S.L.V. scandal, what happened to that? Im gonna stop listening if you cant even follow your own mensa schedule of topics.
    ~ The Dentist

  35. I bear no ill will for the man, but cannot allow him to permit people to use his radio station to falsely accuse me of criminal behavior. He has been warned.

  36. Imagine the horror of WGPA's core demographic listening group when they tuned in the pat 2 days. Older polka aficionados bombarded at 7am with vile and vulgar cackling from 2 mentally ill political hacks, an hour long character assassination with no useful or stimulating content.

    Don't see how this is going to carry on much longer without Jolly Joe getting a large number of complaints.

  37. Jolly Joe has been mesmerized by JG's Mensa intellect. His days as Polka King are over. He is now one of the Messiah's disciples. He is even considering changing the station's nickname from "Sunny 1100" to "CraZy 1100" to honor his new host. The "Beer Barrel Polka" and other faves will be replaced with "They're Coming to Take me Away", "The
    Illogical Song" and other craZy hits. Once Trash gets her own show there will be no stopping this radio juggernaut from taking over the LV airwaves! Listen or Beeeeeware....

  38. Bill White has a funny review of the Mensa train wreck show on his blog at the Morning call web site today.

  39. "Although I consider it an affront to me, I am reluctant to ask a pro-speech DA to devote prosecutorial resources to her lies."

    Knowingly making false statements to judicial authorities has nothing to do with being pro-free speech. It is a crime. Given that the liar in question is a menace, who openly totes a gun in her vehicle without a LTC, this would be a very good use of John's prosecutorial resources.

  40. The world is now a place for weirdos and chaotic personalities seem to have an edge. We have given them the reins.this is what it will look like and worse for some time. People will get sick of this and start demanding responsible behavior again. I hope...

  41. I have been a loyal and dedicated listner to WGPA because of the good music and local news. I won't be tuning in during the early hours. My kids eat breakfast with me. The talk was x rated and unfit for youngsters ears. When I see Jolly Joe I will tell him so. Good luck on your lawsuit. I hope you sue the pants of these crazies.

  42. Bill White has a funny review of the Mensa train wreck show on his blog at the Morning call web site today.

    Read it and found he hit the mark in describing the "show." I also noted the comments left by a few. One person who has a business show on that station identified himself and said Timmer needed to reconsider his decision to give Gregory air time.

    Timmer would be wise to take the advice of a business man who gives him both.

  43. Thank You, Mr. O'Hare, for allowing me to be a figment of your imagination. I look forward to figmenting with you, in the future.

    Question: Where can I get a Pooka, like Jim's?

  44. Come on guys, Jolly Joe is mesmerized by the Mediterranean manslab. The dark, petite features, the manscaping, the bleached anus. What is not to like?

    Then there is that guy Trish.

  45. 4:54, I just saw the comments on Bill' blog. I am heartened to see that good people who do not appear to be politcos can see through the nonsense and are disturbed by it. I am especially gratified to see that another radio host is offended by what Timmer is allowing.

  46. I, for one, and much more willing to pay to see this trainwreck than I am willing to pay for the morning call. This is great, kept me entertained all day..

  47. I feel sad that Jolly Joe Timmer has to whore out his radio station. Never listened to it and never will but I can't imagine the older people are going to stand for Jim Gregory's antics. My grandmother was quite appalled and had no idea what was going on so I had to explain the whole going off the rails thing to her.

  48. The show has people listening and stirred up. Lets face it, there has not been this much talk and plubicity for Sunny 1100 in years. Once JG gets it down he will be the new shock jock of the Lehigh Valley.

  49. Originally, Bernie McKulski was Jim's P.O.

    Currently, Jim Gregory's P.O. is Art Fry. What is Art Fry's Phone #?

  50. @6:53

    Now, that's funny!!! The only way he would be a shock jock is if they attached the electro-shock contacts to his temples before they started his therapy sessions.

  51. Clinton, I do not know Fry's phone #, and have never spoken to him.

  52. okay, fun is fun and I admit I love the adventures of "Dick and Calamity Jane." With that being said, it is high time to put this asshole back in jail. Either we have a PFA that is enforced or we don't. Yes, I believe that some are issued that probably shouldn't and there is some abuse of this part of the system. Can anybody believe for one moment that Gregory is not playing this for all that it's worth?? He is making a mockery of the system and laughing at it. Judge Zito, in a moment of weakness and no doubt at Asteak's prodding, saw fit to let this lunatic out. It is time to put HIM BACK!!! Questions need to be asked such as, who is paying for this fiasco? If this was done with PAC dollars, it is illegal. You might recall Jimbo...you said yourself that there was no Unity PAC and that your ex made it all up. You said it was legitimate and that you had a treasurer, and then conveniently changed your mind. What is it?? This shit has got to stop NOW!!!

  53. Someone please post Gregory's "sponsors." I want to know who to avoid. Like the plague.

  54. 7:48

    Concur wholeheartedly. This joker didn't have two dimes to rub together and had Mezzacrapper asking for donations for phone time when his ass was in the slammer. Now he has money for radio time. I have yet to hear a, "sponsored by" statement and today's show had him looking for sponsors. Friggin' thief must be using that PAC money he collected. If there was ever a need for the AG to look into a case of fraud and malfeasance, it's Gregory's funding for his clown show.

  55. The most important thing I heard was Trish admitting she has man hands! Bahaha!

  56. Jim is doing a public service by getting the truth our there.

  57. Here's a list of WGPA sponsors:

    Ahart’s Market: 410 Montclair Ave, Bethlehem, PA. 18018
    610-865-9334 (Cross Streets: Between PA-412 and Carlton Ave.)

    The Bethlehem Press: 308 E 3rd. St. Bethlehem , PA. 610-625-2121

    Bruno Scipioni’s Itialian Ristorante & Pizzeria: 4034 Easton Ave. Bethlehem , PA. 610-867-9040
    Bob’s Lehigh Valley American Bus Company Inc: 610-435-7165

    Deiter Bros. Fuel oil Co: 610-868-8566

    Hartzell’s Pharmacy Inc: 610-264-5471

    Karl Ehmer Meats: 610-432-9111

    The Meadows: Hellertown PA. 610-838-2190

    William J. Posavek Sr. Builder and Remodeler: 610-691-5743

    Queens Nutritional Products: 610-691-6644

    Reichel Funeral Home: 610-759-0160

    Royal Furniture of Emmaus: 610-965-4134

    The John Yurconic Insurance Agency: 610-614-1117

    RCN Cable TV: A special thank you to the Westgate Mall for all their cooperation with the live feeds throughout the years and in the future.

    For all your computer needs, count on Szaro Consulting! Their services include web hosting , web design, computer repair, training, networking & IT consulting.

  58. to 12:38...yeah, and I believe Jolly Joe is expected to do his regular gig at Russian Days, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Bridle Path Rd, the Friday evening following Labor Day. He brings in the crowds year after year. (Be a good idea to call before setting out, in case my info is not up to date.)


  59. Instead of posting here, call (Gregory) and call him on the accusations, it is a call in show.

    Most likely won't last too long but you can rebuttal- Yes/No?

    I'll be listening Wednesday morning you can believe that.


  60. If his mensaness turns the phones on.. Can't w zzz it!

  61. It's a call-in show? Who but the Mezz would want to talk to him? I thought it was some sort of Mensa-clown rodeo.

  62. This guy Gregory calls out people and judges them?

    Isn't this the guy who has had three failed marriages? Isn't this the guy that can't hold a job? Isn't this the guy that has a sister and mother that need the force of a PFA to protect themselves from him? Isn't this the guy that sat in jail?

    Who and why do people care about this smuck? Who listens to this idiot? He is not just a nobody but a loser in the game of life. His opinions of anyone should be judged against his own life and his reputation.

    The guy is a vile and evil clown. His attacks on Bernie and others is because his own pathetic life is so empty and lost. A guy who beats on women is the ultimate coward.

    He should be ashamed but his mental illness doesn't allow that.

  63. Expect his guest list will soon feature Marcel Marceau

  64. 8:22, thanks for posting the list of sponsors for the radio station. I for one will not be patronizing ANY of these sponsors as long as Gregory is doing a radio show on that station.

  65. You are spot on about the sponsors. I do business with a few of them and will call to tell them I will boycott them if they do not ask JJ to pull this clown from the airwaves.

  66. Are you aware that no one would be listening to this show if you would have simply ignored the show on your blog. You gave this asshole the publicity to garner multitudes of listeners. Your Blog is more poplular than Jolly Joes 7 o'clock air time. why did you do that. ignore the assholes.

  67. You don't ignore people who use the airwaves to defame you. You confront them.

  68. Goofy Greggo is not Elwood P. Dowd. Also, Mary Chase wants to be re-born to go back in time and not write her play.


  69. Punk!

    He is lucky they kept him in the protective unit and not general population.

  70. Highlight of show # 2:

    Nutzy was talking about loyalty and how "friends" tend to jump ship when times are tough.

    JG- "You really find out who your friends are when the ....crap...hits the fan. I know that my producer is hoping I won't say shit..."

    True story! He caught himself, then said it anyway.

    I give the show about one week before it is either yanked by JJT or before FCC yanks it for him.

    The show is on a delay broadcast, usually six seconds or so, which gives a producer the chance to hit the mute button. Apparently, this producer is a $3.25 JJT special hire.


  71. Bernie:

    Each and every call-in show is recorded by the station. It's a requirement.

    You may ask for the tape.


  72. Stop thrashing Bud. He was great today


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.