Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Croslis Has No Involvement With Gregory PAC

On Monday morning, Bethlehem Mayoral wannabe Jesus Gregory told his radio audience that Matt Croslis was helping him form his Unity PAC, or whatever he's calling it. Since Croslis happens to be Lehigh County Executive, I questioned whether that was possible. As it turns out, it's not. Informed sources tell me Croslis actually declined to get involved with Gregory's machinations, and put it in writing. To Gregory. Twice.

Croslis must be a dirty, no-good liar, too.

Updated 9 am: I am still waiting for Gregory to expose Northampton County corruption. Today's show was focused on more technical problems, banging his head on a mike, babies like me and my "butt buddy" Bill White. He denied receiving any letters from Croslis. He dunned potential sponsors, including Abe Atiyeh. He complained that politicians are bought by businesses, but was reluctant to allow guest Mike Holmes discuss his problems with Deiter Brothers because they are a WGPA sponsor. I guess what he's saying is he'll sell out, too.


  1. He just made the Gregory enemy and coward lost.

    Congratulations Matt, welcome to the Human Race.

  2. The sad thing is, Gregory could care less about the court judgment or the PFA. He posted on his facebook, comments directly naming his ex-girlfriend and her mother. He just doesn't care.

    This young woman is a victim of domestic abuse. She is not a public figure and should not have to constantly have her name dragged through the mud and in Gregory's public rants.

    It is unfortunate her attorney is working on Gregory's divorce and not looking after his PFA client's safety.

    Gregory makes a mockery of the PFA, the court and our judicial system. All a joke to this Paris Hilton celebrity wannabe.
    Guy should be thrown in jail.

    His victim should ask the court to read his facebook, listen to his show and have him serve out his sentence.

    Zero remorse, zero accountability, zero respect for the law.

  3. If Croslis said that , he is a liar, unless he sent the letters to Gregory at the prison where Gregory's mail disappeared. Yes, Croslis is full of shit if he said that. He can call Gregory's show and say that and Gregory will respond to Matt's bullshit.

  4. If those who enforce PAC laws ever bother to look into Gregory's he will need a new jar of vaseline for his ass. It seems the only sponsor for his ass clown show is the PAC money he collected.

  5. Stop your lies Ohare. She's a victim of stupidity. She believed your lies and acted out at Gregory. Her criminal harassment was tossed Bynthe DA because it was a joke. She wasn't touched except for sex. That was great. Ask the Bethlehem PD and ADA Lewis. They saw them both naked. Lina was smiling then,

  6. He will destroy you on his show if you keep up your lies.
    Give up. Your ass is his. Stop the fake posts. Everyone knows you lie, lie, lie. If Trish wasn't deathly afraid of you, she'd respond in kind on her blog. You are a coward. You use your fake characters to attack Gregory and cry like a big baby , liable, liable, liable, when he attacks you. Shut up already you're cue of shit

  7. Oh, there we have it 6:36.

    "...unless he sent the letters to Gregory at the prison where Gregory's mail disappeared."

    Another conspiracy against him. They stole his letters in prison. I suppose that's better than Mezzacrazy's pig ate them.

  8. Should be another good laugh today. Video shows the Mezz with Gregory. He needs to call it The Jim and Trish Show.

  9. "Mensa" Gregory on his Facebook page today was asking people to tell him how to unfriend people he doesn't like because he can't figure out how to do it! Pretty basic stuff. Don't have to be a Mensa to do it. Maybe he took the 19th Century version of the Mensa test and needs to catch up?

  10. Is the dude with Mezzacappa the other nut with the "Northampton County is corrupt" website?

  11. In reference to 6:39 a.m. He violated a PFA, was charged with contempt of court, had his home searched because of possible illegal videotaping, questions about possible missing PAC money, etc. His own family had to get a PFA against him and he has very few friends left. This situation is all his fault and he needs to accept responsibility for his actions. I hope both his parole officer and the courts are watching him closely. If he is still harassing and intimidating the victim he needs to go back to prison and serve the remainder of his sentence. He should be ashamed of himself. No more excuses.

  12. Today was the last show I'm going to listen to. Surprisingly, I happen to agree with Gregory about current foreign wars being a waste of money, but I can't take any more of his, "I'm a Mensa," lovesick songs, and Mezzacappa talking about other blogs being vile when hers is so f'n sick.

    She claims others don't have "conflict management skills," when she is one of the worst offenders.

    That Mike Holmes guy is another piece of work. Visited his blog (I use that term loosely). He says if found guilty he will go on a hunger strike in prison, refuse to wear prison garb, refuse to take his medication, and will die if he has to. All in the hope of getting media attention. No wonder MezzaKKKappa brought him to Gregory. It takes somebody squirrely to find another nut.

    Gregory's show is already in the toilet. Somebody just needs to flush it.

  13. I hope Callahan takes him to the cleaners over his statements. Yeah, still waiting for the big secrets Mr. Mensa!! What a joke! "I used to use union printers but unions aren't good to me anymore." Maybe if you paid the printer and others instead of pissing money away at the Sands and on WGPA you wouldn't have that problem!! Thief!!!
    Love Earl

  14. I got off the phone with someone who tells me he's been borrowing money left and right.

  15. Anybody who lends this moron money is perhaps dumber than the Mensa. What a great way to piss your money away!!!

    Love Sis

  16. No wonder he spent 10 minutes begging for donations to his personal PAC. Any business dumb enough to sponsor him and what now seems to be his co-host, Mezzacappa, is going to lose business.

    BTW, I'll bet Dieter Brothers isn't thrilled with Gregory bringing on Holmes to have their names trashed.

  17. Dieter Bros. being a sponsor of WGPA.

  18. Dieter Bros. deserve whatever they get they deserve to be trashed the crooked S.O.B.'s They will screw You over in a flash their shit is twice the price of anyone elses and then when something goes wrong they blame the customer,,,the little weasel Jim Jr sits on his ass in the office and pretends to be a big shit well He is nothing more a jerkoff ridng daddy's coat tales....Not many friends left Jr. keep crewing everyone.........

  19. Thank you for your input Mr. Holmes

  20. What is Mike Holmes blog?

  21. I refer to him here:


  22. I cannot believe he has now involved an employee of WFMZ TV in his twisted little world of hate. On his show he claims this employee told Gregory everyone knows the mayor fools around on his wife. The Mayor has kids, what is Gregory's agenda. he is trying to destroy and hurt a family.

    The Mayor's wife should file a suit against Gregory.

    He also went on and on about how two people in some picture got prostitutes and basically boiled it down to him and Callahan.
    He also mentioned his ex again.

    Hasn't this guy jumped the legal shark by now?? Isn't he still on probation?

  23. Stay tuned. You might see something next week.

  24. The Three Stooges: Gregory (Moe), Mezzacappa (Curly) and Holmes (Larry). Is there a Shemp out there?

  25. How can this idiot keep asking for donations to hos PAC. Is it not registered? If not, I believe there must be something illegal about soliciting money for a PAC that doesn't even exist.

    What the Hell is going on?

  26. Is there a Shemp out there?

    If there is, one of those three will find them. Birds of a feather...

  27. This inaction by the authorities to take action on this whack job will deter people, in particular, females from taking action to protect themselves. Gregory claims, ad nauseam, that his ex had no marks and went home with him that night. Uhhh, she obviously knew how to use makeup and women who are in fear for their lives sometimes cling to the man in their lives. It happens ALL the time!! Many women get beaten up and never have the guts to leave that person because they mistakenly believe they deserve that treatment. Not saying that his ex felt that way or not but it does happen and you would think that a Mensa would recognize that. Then again, the idiot can't even navigate Facebook so not sure what else to expect, except more bullshit.

  28. 11:07 The truth is a defense, Callahan was banned from the Apollo for quite some time for being in the reastroom with a waitress..FACT! Callahan has been seen leaving several local eateries drunk..FACT!! Callahan covered up his brother in laws accident involving a police car on shimersville rd while with HIS girlfriend...FACT!!! Callahan was involved while under the influence in a minor crash on santee mill rd knocked the mirror off his vehicle theses are all facts.............

  29. Yes, ALL FACTS, except not published anywhere. Another Gregory conspiracy.....Poor Jimbo, the world is out to get you---stealing your mail at NCP. Making you spend all that PAC money at the Sands, cuz that girl there was different, she really liked you! Dumbass!
    Love Sis


  31. Hey Sis No conspirancy I know the owner of the towing company that was there and He still holds the pictures of the entire scene including the girl who was with Dino

  32. What the F is anon12:18 talking about? Who's on First? Damned if I know!

  33. 1241 yea u know exactly what i am talking about...run u coward cause i know who u are....

  34. Bernie, can and will you please decode the latest post?

  35. Haven't the foggiest, but I'm not a Mensa.

  36. we have a mensa who makea no sensa

  37. Callahan was pictured drinking and driving the public car. This tool is a joke and should be made an example. He deserves what he gets.

  38. This is all so funny. Gregory never said it was Callahan.
    Maybe Callahan should sue you idiots. Gregory said that lawyers were prostitutes. That means Clinton went to bed with himself. One down...then Gregory said, duh, that Channel 69 news knew who the other one was and that if folks want to know who, they should call 69 and tell them to
    Play the broadcast they buried. Gregory could have been talking about himself. Like all four in the picture, there isn't one who didn't have an affair. Even Jackie Ferris Wheel
    Said everyone knows Callahan has had many , many affairs. However Gregory never said that. Duh, duh, duh, you moron OHare

  39. You can't fix stupid. These 3 idiots (Grega-mezza-holmes) will all be in jail soon. And the streets will be safe again.


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