Local Government TV

Thursday, August 01, 2013

LV Gun Nut Mezzacappa Is There For Chief Kessler

Gilberton was red neck capital of the world last night. Police Chief Mark Kessler was suspended for thirty days, ostensibly for misuse of borough property, i.e. machine guns. But the real reason is his nutty videos, in which a member of law enforcement betrays an incredible bias.

Of course, the gun nuts descended to support Kessler. Some of them, heavily armed, reportedly provided "security" by excluding members of the public.

Never let democracy interfere with the Second Amendment.

Ain't America grand?

They're protecting us from government tyranny, but from the pictures I've seen, they should be a little more worried about cholesterol.

In this security detail was none other than the Queen of Lehigh Valley Gun Nuts, Tricia Mezzacappa, sporting a black pistol.

Her License to Carry Firearms has been revoked, so unless she walked or hitched a ride from West Easton to Gilberton, she broke the law.



  1. Please tell me those aren't her real teeth. If she paid for those, she got robbed. Looks like Mr. Ed. But I am not sure which end.

  2. She is one hot woman and you boys are just jealous that she won't give you the time of day. Jim Gregory is farming that fine lady and O'Hare is out the door.


  3. Generalissimo Francisco FrancoAugust 1, 2013 at 6:35 AM

    You're obsession with this woman knows no bounds, maybe you should rename this blog Mezzacappa Today.

  4. She looks to be in her glory. Her gun displayed, part of a faux security force, and being among like-minded nuts. She should make that backwater her permanent residence. PERFECT!

  5. Wow. This person needs an exorcism!

  6. "ou're obsession with this woman knows no bounds"

    Blog Mentor, You are enabling this woman because it suits your own agenda of hatred. She, like you, is mentally ill. Once again, she obviously broke the law. Since she wants to hold every office under the sun, my readers have every right to know about her. Now you can return to foaming at the mouth and rolling around on the floor.

  7. @ 6:35

    Mezzacappa ran for a Northampton Council position and will likely run again. Currently, she is running for a council seat in her local community, a second time.

    The public should be aware of her ideology and the people she is willing to support, so that they have an understanding of what she represents and exactly what they might be voting for. Mezzacappa only attended this rally for Kessler as a means to find more individuals like herself.

    The question I asked days ago when I saw the video of full-auto weapons being used by a "private citizen" was answered. They were not his, but belonged to the local government and his taking them got him a slap on the wrist. The question remains about Mezzacappa... How is she transporting that gun of hers to gatherings, without a LTCF permit?

  8. She also ran to be delegate to the R convention and was seriously considering a run at the state house. She is clearly breaking the law. Sooner or later, she will be arrested.

  9. Carlos Danger (D-NY)August 1, 2013 at 7:55 AM

    Turkey neck. Adams Apple. Mom jeans. 80s eye shadow.

    Rocky Horror Picture Show called. They want their transvestite back.

  10. Must admit she is looking a little tranny in that picture.

  11. The Dude looks like a "lady"?

  12. Somebody should let Mezzalooney know that those gun toting, overweight, bearded bubbas she was prancing around yesterday don't have the same "equipment" as her Mediterranean man slab. Bubba, the needle-d**ked bug f**ker, has a big gun because he doesn't really have a big "gun". Get it, Mezzalooney? Oh, and he still lives at home with his twin brothers Darryl and Darryl in Ma's single wide trailer down in the holler near the taxic waste dump, so there just ain't enough space for sparkin'anyways, what with all the guns and ammo around.

  13. Hey Trish, why the long face?

  14. Hey 8:04, Don't forgit the peanut butter jars full of 'shine and the moon pies all over the floor in the trailer, too. Makes fur some slippin' and sliden' if Bubba and his bros be tryin' to do a hillbilly swinger party with Mezzalooney. Just sayin'

  15. Chief Kessler is a great American patriot.

  16. 12:04. I disagree. Chief Kessler is not a "great American patriot".
    He is a genitally challenged, intellectually deficient bully and an embarrassment. He flaunts his guns and acts tough but a real American patriot, somebody like a Seal Team Six member or an Army Ranger or Marine Recon operator, would never act out so stupidly in public.

  17. Edgar,

    Your continued obsession with my whereabouts, my life, my social contacts and my political beliefs goes way beyond First Amendment. In fact, your 200 plus psycho rants accusing me of multiple crimes, and the posting of my police reports, also goes beyond the first amendment.

    Plus your continued following of me in various public venues, combined with the rest of your twisted obsessive/compulsive actions for 2 years reeks of a sadistic stalker who wont ever stop.

    Hopefully, whatever Judge hears this case will know the difference, or better yet, will have the guts to enforce it. Cant wait to see if DA under subpeona cares to answer my questions under oath:

    Why have you categorically denied my harassment complaints.? Seems the harassment statutes are being applied in a highly discriminatory manner, and certainly seems to have a "color of law" flavor.


    The DA does as well, for allowing this clownsmanship to continue unabated

    1. The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you! I cast you out unclean spirit!

      There goes the pea soup.

  18. It seems mean to pick on her looks but the comments are oh so true. She makes fun of other women's looks so I guess she deserves this. Maybe there are no mirrors in her house.

  19. Hey Mezzacappa, If you don't want people to notice you then stop going to public events with your silly pea shooter strapped to you hip, get your picture taken and published in newspapers and then blog about it. Nobody really cares about you but then again maybe that is your real problem -- an insatiable need for attention.

  20. The messycrapper could sit on my face for an extended mustache ride with no mutual gratification required. All I would ask is that she paddle my ample buttocks thrice daily with a preserved beaver tail that I acquired on one of my hunting expeditions in the wilds of Saskatchewan.

  21. 2:56, aka Tricia Mezzacappa, I am glad to learn you have subpoenaed the DA. To be clear, every time you drive with your gun, you are breaking the law. Every time you make false reports to the police or the DA, you are breaking the law. I will ask the Court to explain it to you on Monday.

  22. "Your continued obsession with my whereabouts, my life, my social contacts and my political beliefs goes way beyond First Amendment."

    Mezzacappa has been running for various public offices for more than two years and is a public figure. Her reference to the First Amendment is laughable. Truth is an absolute defense. As WEFP likes to say, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!

  23. 1.) Why are Domestic Police Department's issued Non-Nato ammunition, foreign military weaponry, for civil action's? Reloading may be an issue if ammo isn't available.

    2.) What POSSIBLE use, does a Police Dept. have for a Machine Pistol, fetured in the video?

    3.) A 30 day suspension can turn into a permanent relief-of-duties. If Tricia is involved, the "Chief" is toast. LOL 8

  24. Edgar, this is why the legal profession had the pleasure of flushing you down the toilet and out of the profession. At least , in 1986, the system did work properly. You have no concept of the law, the firearms code, or the open carry laws.

    You have no grasp of any law, and hence, no license to practice the law. Instead of playing make believe DA, and make believe psychiatrist, you need to get a grip, and worry about your own male genitalia problems that I was unfortunate enough to witness, in person,, on 8/26/2011.

    You have been a rabid diseased dog ever since then, and still refuse to move on with your life. Thats what the PFA system is for. You are a dangerous violent predator who can and must be stopped.

  25. @ 6:04 "You are a dangerous violent predator who can and must be stopped."

    The same could be said about You....Shall we play a Game?

  26. "My insatiable need for attention"

    I have been shouted down by a corrupt, tyrannical little fidedom, named the Gross Cartel of West Easton. They have spent in excess of $60,000 to fight the release of public records, and have dragged their abuse of office through every court system in the PA judiciary. They have closed and locked the door to Borough Hall, and have violated the civil rights of every tax payer in West Easton. A class action lawsuit is looking palatable.

    They never learn, and are now committing felonies as we speak. Their helpers, the press, the sadist Bernie O'Hare , John Stoffa and the Office of the District Attorney will be exposed .

    The more I am shouted down, and deprived of my liberties, the louder I am and the harder I fight. Here's something to think about libtrards:


    If you cant take the fact that someone supports the 2a, then call up our founding fathers and tell them to re-write the document.

    Grow the fuck up and move on with your life. Its the fucktards who follow my every move, photograph my every whereabout, and stalk me in every public venue that need to change their habits , not me.

    If you think that I am going to crawl under a rock and hybrinate, you have another thing coming. All of your antics have backfired, and you're just pissed off little cry babies .

    Kelly Gross, Mayor Gross, Bernie O'Hare, John Stoffa and Rick Orloski will be thoroughly smoked through every legal venue until they are held accountable for their crimes

  27. The public owes Bernie O'Hare gratitude for letting us know what a hateful, conniving, lying, dangerous, harassing, disorderly, histrionic, psycho, teabagger you really are. You belong in Gilberton where people like you can actually get elected to the council, or possibly appointed as a deputy to the nutty Kessler.

  28. Sounds like Twicia is fwustwated.
    Po' baby. Maybe you should start lovin' your metal teddybear. Don't bother unloading it. It should be more exciting for you that way.

  29. Edgar,
    Can you send Orclownski my condolences for the upcoming asskicking he is about to receive from West Eastons preeminent pro se defendant? Maybe after he gets obliterated it court he hit a local watering hole and order a Molotov cocktail (1 1/2 oz Vodka, with a splash of Bacardi 151)

    1. Mezzacappa is taunting Atty Orloski here. His office was vandalized by someone throwing Molotov cocktails. Twice.

    2. Any suspects?

  30. Napalm, made with 110 Octane.

  31. A message from the coal region

    It seems that the gun hating crowd who serves to disarm its law abiding citizens, may want to look into the old folklore of Jack and the Beanstalk from the early 1700s.

    Fi Fie Fo Fum (no pun for fifedom)

    Eventually, the Giant is killed by his own actions, and his over the top sense of authoirty,

    and little jack lives happliy ever after.

  32. Lieutenant John KimbleAugust 1, 2013 at 8:04 PM

    Top two suspects are Colonel Mustard and Professor Plum.

  33. You'll have to ask So. Whitehall police.

  34. "If you cant take the fact that someone supports the 2a, then call up our founding fathers and tell them to re-write the document"

    It's not your extremist views that turns people off. It's the fact that you are a liar who tries to hurt other people. It's the fact that your histrionic personality disorder means you must be the center of attention. It's the fact that you are a pretty nasty person. It's the fact that you can't hold a job. It's the fact that you have a filthy mouth.

  35. Anyone calling liberals libtards has no respect of compassion for the developmentally disabled or human beings. Kessler and Mezzacappa have now used this term.

    I hope and pray that the masses have the intelligence and common sense that the majority of supporters of the 2nd amendment do not support nor condone their actions.

  36. Pack Heat everywhere

  37. "If you cant take the fact that someone supports the 2a, then call up our founding fathers and tell them to re-write the document."

    Trish, the Founding Fathers are all dead. It is the job of the U.S. Supreme Court to interpret the meaning of the Second Amendment. The court did that in the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller. You should read conservative Justice Scalia's majority opinion. It might give you some badly needed insight. Here's a quote from the court's official syllabus:

    "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings..."

    You are a pretender and an embarrassment to thoughtful supporters of the Second Amendment.

  38. Actually, she's an embarrassment to everyone.

  39. If trish would have fired Stoffa's love gun like he wanted, all this talk would have never surfaced. Props to trish.

  40. Bernie,

    What is Mezzacappa's comment @6:36 PM referring to? Does Rick Orloski have an upcoming court appearance in your libel action?

  41. you're completely wrong she was not part of Mark security... she was just one of many who showed up in support who was carrying a firearm please get your facts straight regardless if you like what Mark has done or has not done doesn't mean that you shouldn't take the time to cross check your references on who was doing his security.

  42. What's with the fascination of small dick comparison when it comes to people owning guns?

  43. "What is Mezzacappa's comment @6:36 PM referring to? Does Rick Orloski have an upcoming court appearance in your libel action?"

    She is referring to the nonsensical PFA she is trying to obtain against me, which is being heard in Court on Monday. She has already disparaged my libel attorney and has taunted him over the damage to his office caused by an arson.

    Nice person.

  44. Bernie, if you had any sense, you'd patch things up, deal with some of her lunacy (all women have 'em), and settle down with Tricia.

    While the picture posted isn't the most flattering, she IS hot.

  45. The Central ScrutinizerAugust 2, 2013 at 9:07 AM

    Mezzacappa, I don't know you but I love to read about your antics and your general insanity on this blog.

    If you want to walk around like a paranoid douchebag carrying a firearm like Yosemite Sam, you are going to get called out as a paranoid douchebag. There are plenty of supporters of the 2nd Amendment (me included) who feel the need to walk around the Lehigh Valley like it's Tombstone are justified in being unmercifully ridiculed.

    The only reason you are even talked about is because you humorously run for public office as if you think there is a majority of people who think like you. You are a fringe twit carefully molded by Fox News propaganda in continual denial that this country has rejected your hardcore conservative stances for 16 of the last 24 years. And I hesitate the call you a "conservative" given the way you consciously waste the public tax dollars and civil servant's valuable time with trivial lawsuits. You are no fiscal conservative. You are a small person lacking human decency.

  46. The Fake Blog MentorAugust 2, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    This stuff is Hilarious ! Better than any Soap Opera. The Bernie and Tricia clown show coming soon to an asylum near you.

  47. "The more I am shouted down, and deprived of my liberties, the louder I am and the harder I fight."

    I would really like to know what liberties Tricia Mezzacappa is being deprived of. If she feels aggrieved, she has access to the courts like anyone else. She has the ability to speak her mind and to run for public office like anyone else. She seems to ignore the fact that other people also have liberties - like the right not to be harassed or threatened by her and her firearms.

    Keep in mind she is the same Tricia Mezzacappa who recently exercised her precious liberties by defending a convicted child rapist. Go away, Tricia. You're ridiculous.

  48. Hey, child rapists have rights too!

  49. The blonde Shelly Marsh

  50. I always loved South Park. I sneak onto YouTube to watch.

  51. Without a LTCF she cannot legally transport except to certain venues. Ranges, gun shop etc. Just storing it with ammo separate for the purpose of open carry elsewhere would be illegal. I'm not sure if she could give possession to a LTCF holder in the car during the trip is legal.


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