Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


As I told you yesterday, Judge Paula Roscioli has issued five bench warrants for Bethlehem Mayoral candidate and political opportunist Jim Gregory. They are based on five contempt citations filed by his ex-girlfriend yesterday afternoon, claiming that he has violated a Protection From Abuse Act Order (PFA) under which he is barred from any contact, direct or indirect, with his ex-girlfriend..

As of 10 PM last night, Gregory remained at large, and was blaming me and everyone else for his latest predicament.
OHare or someone else has been posting as me as they have done on West Easton blog and forcing these complaints. I don't even see or call the girl or her friends, yet she continues to file contempt complaints. My assumption is that Mr Callahans campaign or my exes latest 'friend'. A BPD detective, is behind this harassment.

I warned you John[Morganelli], if you guys go negative or you use Lina to try to put me in jail, I would be Unrelenting. I'm not Willie. I will return fire and fight fire with much, much more fire. So be it!!!
Actually, the latest series of contempt charges have nothing to do with his Facebook rants or anonymous comments on a blog. They have everything to do with him and his own direct conduct.

While in jail, he smuggled out three letters to his ex through fellow inmates, asking her to do things like water his garden and telling her she can use his blue casino card. Once he was released, he began a pattern of calling her from his new cell phone. She accepted one call and hung up when she recognized his voice. She has received twenty more calls from that number. One of her friends called back, and Gregory answered.

Finally, there's his disgusting radio show. Instead of being the mouth that roars, my readers aptly observe that he's been the mouth that bores.  One way he has done that is by incessantly discussing his ex, his ex's mother, his PFA and the witnesses who testified against him. As nauseating as it was, he avoided speaking directly to his ex.

Until yesterday.

His ditched West Easton wingnut Tricia Mezzacappa as his co-host yesterday in favor of  his dog. But like Mezzacappa, the dog could be heard barking and panting throughout the show.

He begged for calls, but when he finally got one, from Tricia Mezzacappa no less, he refused to take it.

"I don't care about my call, I want to finish my article. Budd's [WGPA producer Budd Williams] screwing everything up here. He's got me all discombobulated. Please get out of here Budd, thank you [door slams]."

He instead chose to cry crocodile tears about veterans, though he himself never served a day in the military.

He also displayed his anti-Semitism, as he did on his very first show. He complained that Attorney Leighton Cohen won't contribute to his show, "but he's Jewish and we all understand what that's about." 

He slammed Judge Craig Dally for daring to sentence a convicted child rapist to 29-58 years in prison. And he referred to Judge Zito as "ziti" again, just as he and Mezzacappa were doing on her blog before he was jailed.

Then he finished the show off by defying the PFA Order and using the airwaves to speak directly to his ex. It was not me, not DA John Morganelli, not Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan. It was him speaking directly to his ex.
"I'm going to run right down my Facebook post that Harvey wanted me to use. The name of the song for Lina, Angelina, which Honey, I totally understand if you listen to it, you're right. I gave you everything you wanted except for my heart. I didn't do that. I apologize. You deserve that. If you come back, you'll get it. Aside from praising Bernie, I have to say, Lina, I need you back. I know Trish will kill me for that. I have three businesses now. We have an offer of an Allentown office, and I need you to help run that office. I will pay you. I need you to manage the office. Keep the PFA on me if you want. That was a joke from the first place. I'll have my accountant set you up. It's his office. You won't have to see me unless, of course, you go to WGPA on the Internet and stream me every morning from 7 to 8 o'clock. Yes, we have time for a commercial. You always said, Boo, that you had these office skills, and because you're so damn cute, you'll be our marketing director. Seriously. Lina [redacted], Marketing Director. Why do you think all the drug companies use hot girls to sell their products to doctors? Duh. Here Doc, try this Viagra sample and see me later so we know how it works. How about midnight, Doctor? Lina, not only are you cute, you're adorable. You have a great body, great heart, great soul. You'd be a great salesperson for us, and you also have office skills. You can help Unity PAC and your PAC, Unity 108, take off the ground and you won't have to see me. Go to Jimmy Ricci, my accountant, and he'll set you up in an office, and everything will be fine, wonderful."
That comment, all by itself, earned Gregory a contempt citation from Judge Roscioli. He can't blame it on anyone but himself.

In addition to the contempt citation, Mezzacappa must be livid. There she is, trashing people for him anonymously and getting up early to go on his disgusting show, and he offers to pay his ex to be his marketing Director when Mezzacappa is looking for a job. She has expunged all Gregory references on her blog. Poof! Even the piggy videos. I tried calling her, and all I heard was "Willlllburrrrrrrr!"

But the person who really needs to be held accountable is the one who made it all possible. Not-So-Jolly Joe Timmer.

Timmer knew Gregory had just been released from jail. He knew that Gregory would try to reach out to his ex. Not only did he allow this, but he had his producer spinning love songs for her. He knew Gregory would defame everyone and did not care. He allowed Gregory to invade the privacy of an innocent person, and when she called Timmer to complain, she was trashed on the air even more.

Timmer needs to get on the air at 7 AM today and apologize for the nonsense that he permitted. He needs to apologize to Judge Zito, Judge Dally, DA Morganelli, Mayor Callahan, Jerry Seyfried, Ron Heckman, Ken Kraft, Peg Ferraro and numerous others.

He also needs to apologize for Gregory's anti-Semitism, which was displayed both yesterday and last week.

And Budd Williams, Gregory's incompetent producer, should "man up" and apologize for his role in this sordid affair.


  1. Word on the street is Gregory is on a boat headed for Cuba. He will host a radio show with Fidel.

    His dark Mediterranean looks and lean and petite structure will serve him well in the Caribbean.

    I can hear it now, "Hola Senorita..." and it all goes down hill from there.

    Al kidding aside, if he is not in Cuba he should be in jail. He not only violated the PFA but he has violated the terms of his release as specified by the court. He has had his mercy, now it is time for punishment as it appeasers the only way to protect his victims.

    Can you imagine his victims worrying about bumping into this guy at Sands. I am sure the women are terrified.

    he may be unbalanced and in need of help but so do thousands of other guys in prison. Why should he get so many chances? He belongs there.

    If someone hauls his ass to the cops can they collect a bounty?

  2. From the cowards FB

    "My own issue aside, PFAs. Are a nightmare and I will address that on my show with a victim tomorrow. Please tune in at sunny 1100 @ 7-8. Am."

    Apparently, he won't be addressing that topic on radio tomorrow.

  3. He has a dilemma. If he hasn't been picked up since yesterday, he knows that the police will be waiting for him at the radio station. After swearing off WGPA, I'll be listening this morning.

  4. Hopefully, he is already in custody.

  5. So MezzaKKKoocoo hitched her wagon to another loser. Just another failed attempt at getting recognition.

    Not to worry. Mike Holmes is still around. She can team up with him.

  6. From Gregory's FB page:

    Jim Gregory
    7 hours ago near Bethlehem via mobile
    A week ago she said through the DA that I was abiding by the order. What happened since?
    My radio show chastising the DA and Mayor. Time for the AG

    What happened? You violated the PFA. The AG won't waste his time with you Greggy boy.

  7. Doesn't he realize how ridiculous he sounds when he blames the mayor, the district attorney, and a police officer for his warrants. Not only am I sure that none of them care what he says about them, he holds no credibility or importance in the community. He is now a criminal. He abuses women and then blames everyone else when he gets caught. He needs to wake up and face reality. His own family has a PFA against him. That's pretty bad when your own family needs protection from you. His ex, her Mother, the waitress at the Sands, and both his Sister and Mother don't deserve to be harassed and intimidated by him. He needs to leave these women alone and either be sent back to prison or to a treatment center and get the help he clearly needs. Also, I don't know how he thinks everyone is so stupid to believe he is not behind his own Face Book and blog postings. The radio station should hold some responsibility for allowing him to continuously violate a PFA on air. They had to see what he was doing. No more excuses.

  8. He's on the air. Wonder where the Sheriffs are.

  9. Is it too early to claim Negligence in his apprehension? Maybe he will be arrested when he leaves the Radio station. Someone should alert the authorities.

  10. He is going to Billy's diner after the show. It's not real hard finding this asswipe!

  11. Bernie:

    Since you're apparently paying off 3/4 of the Lehigh Valley in order to bother Jim Gregory and Tricia Mezzacappa, can you put me on the gravy train?

    Thanks ever so much.

  12. I am listening to his show and once again he is going on and on about his ex and her Mother. I hope the police are outside and ready to arrest him. This is insane!

  13. Instead of Gregory, Timmer should have been on the show, and he should have been apologizing to everyone.

  14. The Sheriffs should have walked in during the show..... I watched/listened for a whole hour for nothing.....another hour of my life I can't get back!

  15. Yesterday, on this blog, I expressed sorrow for this guy. After seeing/hearing him back on air, not so much.

    One would think, knowing since last night warrants were issued for him, he would take some pause, maybe send in a substitute host.

    Not this guy. He still thinks he can bully his way through. If he does land back in jail, he gets no sympathy from me.

    Sorry Jim, this post is NOT from

  16. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/37873551


    The Mouth That roared, just in case you missed it!

  17. Arresting this guy should have been the easiest thing in the world. Everyone knew he would be at the Radio Station. Once he's on the air, you deflate his ballon and haul his butt to jail. Does it take this long to issue a warrant? Does it take this long to wire a warrant to the Bethlehem Police Deppartment? This was an easy one and they could have looked like efficient law enforcement officials insteead they blew it. Gregory said he was going to the courthouse today to straighten something out. Time will tell if the mouse that roars will do time.

  18. he's back in jail.....

  19. Please elaborate. Thanks

  20. The last thing Billy needs is this creeps business. I am sure hos regulars probably begged him to keep him away. Either they had a constable there or Gregory actually got a lawyer and turned himself in.

  21. It's unclear at this point whether Gregory is actually in jail, but Judge Roscioli has reportedly set bail for the five counts at $12,500.


    On a side note, this whole thing is so batshit nuts, I have to wonder if he and the Mess will start calling this judge "Ravioli"...

  22. Bernie, your off the net,this means you up to something!

  23. Just trying to make a living, Peter

  24. To supplement what Tom Shortell at the ET has written, the jail has now confirmed that he is one of their guests.

  25. Wor5d on the street is one of his endorsed candidates may be putting up bail.

  26. Bernie, Shortell said as of 1:10, Gregory was not in prison. Has that changed?

  27. I love the "Word on the Street' guy, he cracks me up!

  28. Wor5d on the street is one of his endorsed candidates may be putting up bail.

    That would be an excellent way for that candidate to throw any chance of being elected into the sewer.

  29. Judge Ravioli once issued a PFA against a male Norco prison LT. on behalf of a lifelong male prison inmate on the grounds that this LT. had a previous love affair with the inmate and was harassing him while in jail. It was complete nonsense and indicates her incompetence. Then she had Judge Moran toss a PFA against one of her nephews and he beat the hell out of the girl one week later. This stuff is never brought to public attention, but Gregory is. Gregory is harmless compared to these two and gets persecuted. So much for the 1st Amendment.

  30. Gregory is being harassed more than the two black deputies in the Sheriff Department. Make Martin Luther King proud boys!

  31. "Judge Ravioli once issued a PFA against a male Norco prison LT. on behalf of a lifelong male prison inmate on the grounds that this LT. had a previous love affair with the inmate and was harassing him while in jail."

    Was the inmate's first name Mike?

  32. I see the Gregory forces are at work trashing the Judge. Yeah guys, that will work out real well.

    Is Gregory in jail or is it David Koresh?

    Gregory is no prophet, just a woman abusing fruitcake.

  33. "Bernie, Shortell said as of 1:10, Gregory was not in prison. Has that changed?"

    That''s what i said. As of the time of my earlier comment, he was in jail.

  34. "Gregory is being harassed more than the two black deputies in the Sheriff Department"

    Yeah, the poor guy should be allowed to thumb his nose at a PFA. They're only women.

  35. 4:40 is obviously Mezzacrappa. With her behind Gregory, he'll get another 6 months.

  36. Does the idiot posting remarks about Judge Roscioli believe that is going to help Gregory?

    Mensans, Mensans everywhere and not a brain that thinks.

  37. Let's see. Judge Zito has been called ziti by both Gregory and Mezzacappa, though neither could do it to his face. Judge Dally has been roughed upand called names for sending a convicted child rapist to jail. And now Judge Roscioli is being smeared. That's a great strategy to use when the judge is holding the keys to your freedom. But Mezzacappa doesn't care bc she's not the one in jail.

  38. I put on Gregory's program this morning in the car pool. I told my friends that they had to listen to a fool on radio. After a half hour, about the time Mezzacappa finally shut up and hung up, they told me they would chop me up and feed the pieces to stray dogs if I didn't change the station.

    I'm not sure they were joking.

    I thought it might be my own bias in believing those two are mental. It seems people who don't even know who they are can recognize they are sickos.

  39. "Judge Ravioli once issued a PFA against a male Norco prison LT. on behalf of a lifelong male prison inmate"

    So? PFAs apply to same sex relationships.

  40. The case hinged on the alledged Nature of the Relationship & the habit's of the Lt.'s dog. The Inmate lied. He gamed the system.

  41. Bernie, Gregory doesn't understand the legal process and does not care to. he lives in his own mensian kingdom

  42. I could have swore I saw Bud and Greggy's dog, Max blow past me in the Camaro on 22!

  43. ATT: Jolly Joe. You have morphed into a pathetic old dude who can no longer read a script, manage your station or make rational decisions. Its TIME to RETIRE.

  44. Title 23 Section 6114. Contempt for violation of order or agreement

    (a) General rule.--Where the police, sheriff or the plaintiff have filed charges of indirect criminal contempt against a defendant for violation of a protection order issued under this chapter, a foreign protection order or a court-approved consent agreement, the court may hold the defendant in indirect criminal contempt and punish the defendant in accordance with law.

    (a.1) Jurisdiction.--A court shall have jurisdiction over indirect criminal contempt charges for violation of a protection order issued pursuant to this chapter in the county where the violation occurred and in the county where the protection order was granted. A court shall have jurisdiction over indirect criminal contempt charges for violation of a foreign protection order in the county where the violation occurred.

    (b) Trial and punishment.--

    (1) A sentence for contempt under this chapter may include:

    (i)(A) a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 and imprisonment up to six months; or

    (B) a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 and supervised probation not to exceed six months; and

    (ii) an order for other relief set forth in this chapter.

    5x6=30 months, if run Consecutively

  45. Ain't no sunshine when he's gone

  46. Cannot believe it took only 2 hours & 31 minutes for my prediction that the Mess would call the judge "ravioli" to become reality...

    What a maroon!

  47. Bernie, is the radio station in Northampton County?

  48. JG's been re-incarcerated. TM's whiny post is one of resignation. Bernie, is there any satisfaction that justice finally seems to be prevailing?

  49. @"is there any satisfaction that justice finally seems to be prevailing? 6:38 PM"

    A non-violent ending to a potentially conflagurationatory situation.

    Next time, it will be worse. Jim will not stop. It is inherent, with Superior Intellectual Functioning, that Most people are unable, to grasp our reasoning.

  50. I'm still willing to buy the unused air time from Greggay at 10 cents on the dollar.

  51. As everybody in NCP is innocent, and Jim is in NCP. He's innocent! One doesn't need Ziti or Ravioli to know this.

  52. Clinton, as u are a convicted felon w a rap sheet 100 times longer than Greggy, please don't say "our reasoning"

  53. one down (JG),two to go(TM & JT) These people should be punished

  54. Can't wait till tomorrows show! Do you think Trish will be hosting a free Jim fundraiser. Sucks to be you Jim. Fri trial 11:00 Your toast

  55. @"please don't say "our reasoning"

    If you operate @ Jim's level of Intellectual Functioning....you Understand.

  56. I heard the Unions are going to bail Jim out and he is going to lead the labor day parade.

  57. If the New York Post would put out this nonsense, no one would challenge the owner of the paper, you would challenge the reporter, AKA: Jim Gregory.
    You guys and gals must be jealous of Timmer, why not, you have done nothing to compare to what he has done for Polkas and Radio.
    This is a bottom feeder blog________

    Get a life and tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel!

  58. Timmer has made contributions to local polka. he has done nothing for radio except make it worse. He destroyed the only decent talk show he ever had, and what he has now is pure malice.

  59. Let us be honest. Ron Angle may be smarter and more talented than Jim Gregory but he fostered hate on his show as well. He used the lame "Limbaugh" approach. He would goad a caller into saying THAT Africans should be paid to go back to Africa, OR Jews controlled the media, then he would "JUST"
    discuss his callers concerns.

    Same hate different packaging. Sorry Bernie, it may have had followers but it was for all the wrong reasons.

    1. The incident you are speaking of happened on WAEB, not WPFA. Angle lost his job there, and following a 500/ person Council meeting, was stripped of all committee posts and asked to resign. He was condemned by one and all, though only a handful heard what he actually said.

      Your rendition is accurate. His fault was in egging on a caller who said blacks should go back to Africa and another who insisted that Jews own the banks or the media or both. He acted stupidly, and what his callers said is not how he feels. But he gave his political enemies all the fuel they needed to go after him, even now.

      Angle was much better on WPFA, and could bring on a state rep one day and a Mayor the next. He is smart and got a lot of news out there about what was going on locally.

      The show ended bc some of Angle's sponsors were slow pays and Angle was willing to take on Timmer. It was a lively show and had ratings that might have topped WAEB at one point.

      If I thought for one second that Angle is bigoted, I would never have a thing to do with him. His enemies like to portray him that way bc they themselves are either afraid of him or are themselves bigoted against people who come from the sticks.

      Gregory has not egged anyone on. He himself has made anti-Semitic remarks twice. He's bashed the gay community, too. Where is the hue and outcry over that? Why does Tommer allow that bigot on the air?

  60. The show ended because Timmer owned the station, not Angle. Something Angle never could understand because of his own megalomania.


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