Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gregory Advocates For Another Sexual Predator

Yesterday, I told you that future radio star and Bethlehem Mayoral write-in candidate Jim Gregory was advocating for sexually violent predator Michael Piper, who was just sentenced to 29-58 years for repeatedly raping a girl for two years, starting when she was only 12.

"Now it's time to Stop being baby's and worry about our friend [convicted child rapist] Piper and others who are crying out. For your help and mine They need us"

Gregory submitted a letter to Judge Emil Giordano on behalf of another sexual predator, Stephen Soultanian. He fondled two teenage girls as they slept in separate rooms during a sleepover, and was actually caught in the act by the mother of the girl hosting the party. He claimed it was the cat.

In his missive to Judge Giordano, Gregory states this all is "the result of altercations between him and his ongoing [sic] girlfriend. I can relate."

"He's a great guy Emil, You'll love his Brooklyn accent. Honestly, the charges are overblown. I'd appreciate you consider this also when sentencing my friend 'Brooklyn'".

The Brooklyn accent was no help. Judge Giordano sent Soultanian to state prison for two years, two months to five years.

Now Gregory is walking around in a Batman suit for some reason.

And so the Gregory and Mezzacappa "Innocence Project" marches on.


  1. Must be off his meds already.

  2. This makes sense Bernie. Think about it. Gregory goes to jail as a woman beater. The only people that will associate with his type are other women beaters and pedophiles. Next to pedophiles, women beaters are the next level of scum in the can.

    Gregory was probably housed with them for his own protection as well as theirs.

    So much for his bloods connection. They would have torn him apart in general population.

  3. Apparently Mezzacrazy is going nuts on WEF. She has old posts of yours and none of here old posts. She seems to really be off the reservation again. Greggy is telling her not to fear your lawsuits.

    It would appear that the Gregory/Mezzacappa relationship is dangerous to both of them as well as the rest of us.

    Is there a mental health professional in the house? Or at least a PO officer?

  4. Giordano is nervously and quickly throwing as many people as possible into jail because retention time strikes this November.

    The more mass jailing he can do, the fewer "NO" votes will turn out on fat tuesday.

  5. Anon 1:18, you are an a-hole. Judge G. is a class act and a great judge. He will be overwhelmingly retained because of that.

    More of the Gregacappa bullshit character assassination. What you two mensa maroons don't get it that neither of your opinions hold any meaning to anyone. You are jokes and entertainment for entertainment sake.

    Clowns, pure and simple.

  6. are you serious about the batman thing? cause at this point, jim Gregory has become his own self parody...

  7. Judge Emil Giordano is a great judge and a greater person, as anyone who has ever been in front of him will tell you. His involvement in youth sports is very well known, and his work there has turned many people around. He is a rare breed, and we are lucky to have him.

  8. 6:26, The batman thing is a joke, but is own antics are so goofy that it fails.

  9. Jim Gregory submitted a character Letter to a Judge, based on a Personal Relationship, calling the Judge by his first name, "He's a great guy Emil", trying to minimize someone else's behaviour, while comparing it to his own.

    Jim & Stephen & Michael must share the same sexually predatory Pathology.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Judge's love it when whack-out never-was washed-up politicians call them by their first name.

    and I've used up my hyphen quota for the month

  11. It is inappropriate to refer to a judge in a familiar manner when he is acting in his judicial capacity.

  12. Why such the big deal? You advocate for that pedophile - the fake rev aLeX

  13. If you are referring to the recently ordained Father Alex Joseph, your comment is defamatory and you know it is a lie or you would identify yourself. Man, there are some sick people.

  14. Sick like a child predator?

  15. Identify yourself. You know the rules.

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  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. "Sick like a child predator?"

    ... if the shoes fits. It is Jim Gregory and Tricia Mezzacappa who wanted to form an Innocence Project to defend the likes of child rapists like Michael Piper and the above scumbag. It is Jim Gregory who claimed that a charges against a man who was caught molesting little girls in their sleep, were "overblowwn" and because of problems he was having with his own girlfriend. It is Jim Gregory who said, "I can relate."

  19. Jim Gregory = jerk off. Where is the PAC money you thief??? Come on Greggy, respond!!! You know you read EVERY comment here! Where is the money????

  20. I am sure the Lebanese community is just thrilled with Jim Gregory blasting one of their own. Nice work idiot!

  21. Also, his claim that he has started divorce proceedings against his wife, which he's been making for weeks, is untrue. There is no filing.

  22. Is a violation of PAC funds/reporting enforced at the Federal, state, or local level? I ask out of curiosity of why there appears to be no action that is forcing Gregory to provide disclosure.

  23. Don't we all have Gregory-fatigue by now? Bernie, just stop the Gregory-Mezzacrappa blog drama and they will fade into oblivion where they belong. You are providing the sustenance they need to feed their massive egos and childish need for attention. Cut that off and they are just two useless, hopeless souls with no future.

  24. Dude, I'll write about what I think is important, and you can read what you think is important. OK? In my vie, both need a very public spotlight. Both have political ambition. Both need to be watched. To me, it is a disservice NOT to draw attention to them. Also, my stats tell me my readers agree.

  25. 8:14

    The only jerk off is you Broubelow. Where are you all day during work hours with the county? Your bosses have no clue where you are and you constantly BS them that you are on union business. All employees know you are a blow hard and you were crushed at the Bechtel building. Maybe your bosses should check and see where you are. Where are the my tax dollars you are stealing?

  26. Gregory and Mezzacappa have quietly deleted the post in which Gregory calls for an investigation of the DA, and then loads up her blog with a number of offensive anonymous comments that violate the PFA.

  27. 8:59, State campaign finance laws are difficult to enforce. They can be enforced by DA or AG. Sometimes, it is civil. For example, Mezzacappa appears to have failed to file a finance report for her failed county council candidacy. She could be prosecuted criminally or a civil action could be filed against her to make her file a candidate's report and pay the penalty for a late filing.

  28. Guess TM is worried the DA might do something about that post, if she hasn't been contacted already to remove it.

    So now she's back to advocating that a 15 year old girl should have been shot by Allentown police, instead of being tased.

    The one thing that consistently astounds me is that woman can't seem find happiness in anything besides the misery of others. What a twisted piece of work...

  29. Thanks for the answer. The difficulty you mention is surprising. I would have thought that something so easily tracked would be low hanging fruit to law enforcement. But, who knows? Maybe somebody is investigating one or both of them regarding their failures to report. Time may tell.

  30. So now she's back to advocating that a 15 year old girl should have been shot by Allentown police, instead of being tased.

    It's like she is proud of her most ignorant and shocking blogs. She regurgitates her old rants so that nobody mistakes how crazy her thinking is. And this woman believes she has a chance at getting elected to represent us in some capacity (local, county, state)?
    Her doctor needs to adjust her meds.

  31. @ "Her doctor needs to adjust her meds."

    Her Dr. should perscribe an icepick lobotomy. It is a simple remedy to a complicated maladay.

  32. Heard Gregory's dog won the raffle for the Camaro!

  33. Lets all pray for Mr. Gregory and hope that his recovery goes smoothly. He has been through a traumatic experience.

  34. That's true. It could not have been easy for him to have to put up with Mezzacappa.

  35. That's true. It could not have been easy for him to have to put up with Mezzacappa.

  36. I want my Greggy fix.

    By the way in a poll in Bethlehem, he had very high name recognition. Be careful Bobby!

  37. All Greggy All the time

  38. By the way in a poll in Bethlehem, he had very high name recognition. Be careful Bobby!

    Might that poll be from the residents of NCP??? Gregory, where is the PAC money you thief!!!

  39. Screw the PAC money, I want my raffle money back as that was another scheme. His freakin dog won the camaro

  40. The raffle is Toast! Lol frickin lol!

  41. Can I get some left over ziti w that toast?


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